A \ PAGE 2 HALSEY KNTEKPRISR Original Estimate & Accounting Sheet NOV. 12, l*¡4 '7 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 41 paid (or labor, cans and boxes. This original estim ate shows in parallel columns the unit costs of the 'I An independent—Not neutral newt- several services, m aterial and supplies for the three fiscal years next pre­ In an effort to check goiter among paper, published eveiy Weduesday, the children of the Lincoln school of ceding the current year, the detail expenditures for the last one of said Wm. II. W O M U J» Eugene the health clinic operated by three fiscal years and the budget allowances and expenditures for six the Lincoln Parent Teacher assoc ia- , months of the current year. (“ Six months of the current year” m eant six S p ecial price on o n e-h a if to n an d to o lots w — be. rip o.__ >163 ». year la advance. tlon has started a weekly distribution ■months of the last school year.) of Iodine tablets among the children A fresh stn c k of Advertising, 2‘>c an inch; no disconn EXPENDITURES lor time or >i a?e ; no charge (or com of the third grade and upwards. in b u lk en ab les us to poeitson or c ranges. Expenditures and budget al- Expenditures for threi Oregon pensions have been granted 1 aw “T ald -fo, Paragraphs." Io a lias. su p p ly you w ith an y years next preceding Ite m lowance for six months of follows: Willis Snook. P o r t l a n d . '^ Me aA verus.og disguised as s « » s am o u n t desired la st school yeai la st school year. l i t ; Carl Ritterspacher. Portland. I l l ; \ j i Edith M. GUI. Klamath Falls. 120 ; T h e econom ical food for calves, pigs a n d p o u ltry S C A R E !) V O TE R Sanny B. Vesey. Portland. I l l minors Coolidge w ould p ro b a b ly have of Frank E. Coqulllette, Independence. X 3 V ». L » bean elected i f th e re h a d Leeo no |20; Christopher C. Marsh, Myrtle o S ► I a ï s L a F o lle tte , for th e re p u b lic a n s Creek, |18. 0Í -l S. -e By a vote of 3111 to 1384 Klamath 5* are la rg e ly in th e m a jo rity in the •tí t • ■s ► u c “ ’ c o u n try an d th e y win unless th e y county voters approved a special |125,- 5 5 S JS „ .s 000 road bond issue for completion of C i ” I h a n d ic a p th em selv es in som e way. The DalleeCallfornia highway to the g ¡¡ 8 ( WSAllAM, u •-» X ° N B u t w ith o u t th e L a F o lle tte cam - Deschutes county line and also com­ I ■ X • T5 T paig u could not h av e got as larg e a pletion of the west shore highway ex­ « V C C M C C M ’ S « tS E - U) Jv Ï Ô vote as he did. M an y dem o crats tending about 90 miles around upper §3 8 3 3 - s 'C : 4 60 -C X s. * ~ ci 3 8 £ 3 X 3 were scared in to th e rep u b lican Klamath lake. d n «-i J U O « 2 Q <— t Following a violent storm last week, PERSONAL SERVICE: fold by th a t ca m p a ig n . a large buck deer sauntered Into the $1600.00 $1066.68 $1066.68 $1600.00 2. Principals In th is s ta te th e stuffed scare­ 1 city of Lakeview, wandered down 750.00 1125.00 Asst, principals ...... 1125.00 750.00 crow of c a p itu l frig h te n e d o u t of Main street past the courthouse, turn­ 750.00 Asst, principal ___ 1125.00 750.00 C A P IT A L A N D SU RPLU S O regon by th e incom e ta x scared ed into one of the principal business 900.00 600.00 3. Teachers, 1st,2d, 3d 900.00 600.00 900.00 enough c o u n try voters in t o v o t i r g thoroughfares and walked out of town 600.00 4th, 6th and 6th SOO.CO 600.00 through alleys and the back yards of Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited 900.00 600.00 7th and 8th 900.00 600.00 a g a in st th e ta x to en ab le P o rtla n d residents of the city. , 900.00 ta x d o d g ers to ‘‘p u t one over cd Edward Hoik. 48, was killed in­ 720.00 480.00 4. Jan ito rs ............ 720.00 480.00 AAAAASVSA AAAA AAAA * th e cow c o u n tie s ” an d defeat th e stantly and Joe Smltel seriously in­ ‘.VAAZV, 10.00 6.60 5. Clerk ................ 10.00 6.00 ta x . jured at Astoria, when a slingload of 6965.00 72 10 Total personal service 7280.00 4853.28 4853 28 7056.00 T he farm ers of to d a y a re m ore 1 lumber belt»« hoisted from the Ham­ MATERIAL AND SU PPL IE S: in te llig e n t an d b e tte r ed u c ated mond Lumber company schooner Trin- 50.00 1 F u rn itu re (desks, etc) 200.00 1/15.00 125.00 75.00 75.00 th a u were tho se of a g en e ratio n , Idad at the port dock broke from Ä 50.00 2 Supplies (chalk, etc) 100.00 “ Econom y, B eau ty an d . Its fastening and crashed down on a 50.00 ag o , b u t th e re is s till room for a d ­ 50.00 50.00 3 L ibrary books .......... 75.00 Q uality crew of longshoremen. 10.00 10.00 v an cem en t when such a city s lu ih 4 Flags .—.............. 10.00 can be p u t in to y o u r k itc h en by Complete returns from all precincts 25.00 25.00 5 Playground equipmt ..... 25.00 fu n d as was used a g a in st th e in. show that Oeorge L. Baker was elect- th e in s ta llu ie u t of one of o u r 75.00 75.00 6 Ja n ito r’s supplies ........ 200.00 75.00 com e ta x can p u t such a scare in to od roayor of Portland on a plurality of 7 Fuel ................. 300.00 268.70 300.00 825.00 m a n y of th e m as was evidenced 18,813 votes; that John M. Mann had 25.00 25.00 8 Light ................. 25.00 12.50 been elected commissioner on his 63.- Best by T e s t ™ I 9 W ater Nov. 4. 22.60 22.50 .......... - ........... 22.50 22.60 516 drat chqlce votes, apd A. L. 20.00 20.00 10 Postage and stationery .......... 20.00 Barbur on a phiraJity of 12,653 on all 1136.50 677.50 677.50 727.60 There are Portland business three choices as the result of the Total mat. asd sup........... 957.50 623.70 See o u r new an d co m p lete iiu e ( tn»h who have the good of the city election last week. CONSTRUCTION: ................................ 170.00 226.00 general public at heart. And The board of direotorsJof the Ana there are many who love the river Irrlgatfqh projdet «it the north Total Construction 170.00 225.00 fanners as a hog loves corn— as > ot Bwnlpe9. lake request^ MAINTENANCE ANR REPA IRS: 8k»“ T h e prices are right a means of waxing fat. They Rhot Loper, state enfc fneer. to make £0.00 50.00 150.00 School bldgs & grounds 200.00 get a good slice out of the fann­ an igvcsUgstioo of fb« (Total Maintenance be possibility of 60.00 200.00 er’s $1 and the consumer’s $3 the dsvtdopment of the land in the 50.00 150.00 50.00 00.00 and repairs ................ for a given product. Out of dry h$d of SMver fake by a system INDEBTEDNESS: that slice they subscribed to of deep well» and e p e tric power to be 76.18 100.00 100.00 W arrant & int. thereon 3000.00 1045.00 fight the income tax—the only detaioped at the lfrigfetion dam. 100.00; 75.18 100.00 Total indebtedness ....... 100.00: tax some of them paid. ¡INSURANCE: Bid ward II. EtWiundson of ■Salem 30.00 50.00 50.00 60.00 School bldg, fur. & fix. has received highest hooors at the 30.00 30 00 30.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 Total insurance ............. Anarchists threaten a world­ Annapolis naval a^utem y, according to NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters, of School D istrict I MISCELLANEOUS: a letter received io Salem. He Is wide uprising if two Italians, 50.00 60.00 50.00 a »qn of Mrs. Alhm E. Edmundson. His ,X . 41 of LU » County, S tate of Oregon, th a t a W » 0 0 V W ^ n N Q «< Sundries 50.00 ...................... who baye been c c n v c e l of m u r­ L.,1 S t r i c t Win be held a t Schoolhopse, on the 1st day of December 1924 | 60.00 resent award mt ikes him a "flve- 5O.OO 50.00 50.00 Total miscellaneous .... d e r in Mueiacbtiri'eitr, are hanged. striper,” the highest honor that can 7-'!0 o’clock in the Evening, f o r'th e purpose of discussing the budget EMERGENCY: Americans need not fear it. The be bestowed upo$. a naval cadet, and hereinafter set out with the levying board, and to vote on the proposition ...... ....................... 100.00 reds stood up to l>e counted t a honor graet to only one than, ..................100.00 of levying a special district tax. . Total emergency Nov. 4 and they were in the The total amount of money needed by the said school district during Grand Total Sbtpmonia^of d.-i occoll from DOuglaa ............. 8737.50 5872.16 6055.78 7962.50 11331.60 9012.50 minority. rom 175 carloads in the fiscal year beginning o> June 16, 1924, and ending June 30, 1925, is I, B. M. Bond, do hereby certify th a t the above estim ate of expendi­ JH»€fcil fr. IS to T o 7 -i« J 1884, according to estim ated in th e following budget and includes the amounts to be received | tures for the year 1924-1925 was prepared by me and th a t the expenditures Foster Butner, fuanager of the Ump from the county school fund, state school fund, elem entary school fund, and budget allowance for six months of the cu rren t y«ar and the expendi­ The Portland livestock show .'Broccoli El .change. Mr. Butner tures for the three fiscal years next preceding th e cu rren t year as shown pet iul district tax, and all other moneys of the district: is the biggest in the world and qua oald. that th is ;year ah even greater above have been compiled from tho records in my charge and are true and was bigger this year than ever! acreage had bet in planted tx t that due Correct copies thereof. B. M. BOND, before, though the heaviest to the dry s q um er tho crop to be / D iitric t Clerk. wind and rain stonn in years ■ harvested th is winter probably would ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES continued throughout its eight be about theA i me as the 1924 crop. Total PERSONAL SERVICE No. Sal. a yr. days. $1600.00 There w tte , foqr fatalities in Ore­ $1600.00 2. Principals ...............................- .......1 2260.00 gon due to 'jZ i lua announcement of Captain A. K 9. W ater Hood River this year has the dle- 957.50 Total — .... - .................. tlnction of being the first couqf,y in R 'A q d u ft. state game warden. He Oregon to send its election Returns suld » (»•« hunting wpuld be good lor MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS: .200.00 G row n», b rid g e w, rk a n d fillings. I t wtl to the secretary of state at S«J am th ) D((Xt two months on the bluffs School buildings and grounds ...................................................... pay you to get m y p rices ou y o ur d e n ta l « orkl (he Columbia river and In the sag' S’ VIe Total ................................—.............- —.................. A bond issue of $600,000 »or the lleMls. Speriate«» are warhod C u sick b a n k b u ild in g , A lb a n y it «tie« wheat ooraplotion of the F iak er/jo tty and territory tUocg the Cr>l«m61a INDEBTEDNESS: 100.00 Baker-Cornucopia roads , which was that . 2. W arrant and interest thtreon ,......- ..................... 100.00 a abitane* bCvft quarter ot a submitted to the voters qf. Baker coun rlvor Total ---- ------------ - ......... - — ---------------- nd ob caoh aido ta a game to Ah ty received on unofficial returns 3064 mile INSURANCE: votes In favor and y 05 against the refuge- Building, furniture and fixtures .......................................... 50.00 proposal. Henry Cabot Lodge died Sat- Total .........................................................- ............................. Ths state tax on gasoline and dis- ui day, aged 74. The outstand­ MISCELLANEOUS: tltlats snlos for ,ptember. 1M4. ag ing feat of his long congression­ 50.00 Sundries '10.00 pregatsd $217,17$ »«, aecordlng to a al caret r was that of keeping Total ....... statem ent p r « p / . eC#T y o u m ig h t g e t fo r it in c a s e o f fire. T h ) its Montana has amended The stale land board has no legal ESTIMATED RECEIPTS authority 'to loan irreduattte school constitution to provide l o r an l A n i p r i c a n E a g le F ir e In su ra n c e co m p an y funds ci the sta |e on a water dftoh. inheritance tax. From county achool fund during the coming school year 1364.89 Iwill p a y y o u 35% o f t h e c a s h v a lu e in ca> • hacordlyg to a legal op In ton handed (Use amount of county school fund received last year as basis in HALSEY o f lo s s b y tire . down oy (be auornsy-gscersl The making this estim ate). opinion wen requested $>y so lrrlga From state school fund during the coming achool y e a r ---- 262.58 Hop district In eastern Oregon. (Use amount of state school fund received la st year as basis in Thirty assessors of the <8 In the making this estim ate). Ca*h paid for state attended the anstdil convention From Elementary school fund during coming school year 988.14 of the Oregon County A ssessors' ssao- C re a m , P o u ltry . E g g s, Veal Estim ated amount to be received from all other sources during elation in Portland la st week, beard & H ides. the coming school year ................. ........ ...... ..—.......1895.60 M. H- S H O O K addresses, re-elected th<»lr old oftlsSrs Total estim ated leceipts, not including proposed ta x ---------------4501.21 and selected Dallas a» th e meeting recapitulation place for the neat coavwntloo. Total estim ated expenses fo r the year ........ ........ ...........8737.50 The Cottage O rova camaery d ie 4501 21 Total estimatiid receipts not including propos»a tax nity comintinicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Artuy at the trthuted more than 61 <000 during tha 4236.29 Balance, amount to be raised by district tax ..... White Shield Horae, 563 Mayfair aveaue, Portland, Oregon. 1»$4 season, largely I a the peektgg of Dated thia 6th day of November. 1924. products that other, rise w m ld have All a ’ork don« peoroi tly> nd roasM* ” ■' D. Taylof, A ttest: B. M. Bond, _ I. bees a waste. The amount patd for Chairman Board of Directors. D istrict G erk . ably. Phone No- -64 produoe was $6,564 7 ¿ o a d $7115 $» was For More egg production | Use Fisher’s Egg Producer $ HALSEY ENTERPRISE U, | /Jv '— .....— JE.R.SFF M IL K F O O D COMPOUND O. W . F R I M ** à t .8 HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon $35,000 ••• ««•«••••••*•••••••••••• 5 BR1DGE&BEACH» RANGES ! HEATERS H IL L NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING) Estimated Expenditures • ••••••••••••< •* • • • • • • • • • • • *, ARROW GARAGE, Gamie Bros. 2 e J >ee Dr. C. FICQ, Dentist “ PLATES T H A T F I T ” A m e ric a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. Cream and Produce Station F. M . G R A Y , C. P. STAFFORD, Agent A n y G irl in Trouble D R A Y M A N V