HALSEY ENTERPRISE HAI.FEV, L IN N COUNTY, O RE ON, NOV. IX Halsey Happenings and County Events ______ l ied every precinct in the coun­ ty. The county's delinquent tax I list is 178,189. S h o r t S to r ie s fro m S u n d r y Brownsville Briefs i9;4 Alford Arrows f ¡ ¡ ¡ X “ ’ X , 'S '* £ News Notes From All Over Oregon more, because of this breach, J. H. Rickard and family than you would have paid as in- , • spent Sund ty a t the E. M. Jenks come ta x e s ” said t le Albany Mlss B,e !le_ Bur3OJ h ^ ° a t Tangent. ‘ G le a n e d b y th e W e s te r n been working in McMinnville, _ ____________ . spent Monday and Tuesday s t 1 en n e ttä Staines spent , vd - WwdHIr« arnlue-rx-v N e w s p a p e r U n io n home, returning Tuesday after- da-v Wlth her friend, Dorio Thnt.eth tted illr9 A rnlve.lM Dykstra. t noon. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Ftecrkscn The port of Astoria budget for IS»» Mr. and Mis. E. D. Isom and were pleasantly surprised at ha« born tuM at »«*».644. Bruce Burson and Arvid Nel- son drove to Bend last week, re- ^*rs - b- b Isom went to Albany their country home last Sunday The Milverton oua club win hold its turning in tim® to vote. T.iey 1 on® day last week. by some of their neighbors and ancuei turkey ah act at Silverton Sue- reported snow in th at section of Lee Ingram and daughter t r i a d s in honor of their Jilth day. the country. Thelma visited at the Charles " a d d in g anniversary, foe guests jamas w. p.dier, for co years a - „ „ „ Clover home in Springfield Sun- coming with well-filled baskets, resident of Oregon. died at Ms home Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Harrison I da_ r bountiful dinner, served ca- near Jefferson. drove to Lebanon Sunday a fter­ j »r i .1- t - -i ** feteria style was enjoyed. There were (1 persons arrested In noon. They visited a t the T. Mr. and Mrs. Landis K illpott Those present were: Mrs. H. ¿.torts durin! October and fines coi- F. Fee home Mrs. Fee is a sis­ of H arnsburg visited a t the F reerksen, Mr. and Mrs. F rin k iect«d amounted to »1695. Chester Curtis home Sunday WorUinger and children Bobbie, Coo, coucty lht,e, e won tlrit ter-in-law to Mrs. Harrison. Doris. Mas and Howard, Mr. »econd honors at the Pacific Interna- Rev. M. S. Woodworth ex­ Henry Moran, an old resident and Mrs. H. Kock, Mr. and Mrs. | tamai stock Hhow in Portland, changed pulpits with Rev. Mr. re u n ia i. u »v o uuuay .« « « » , of B ro w i.s v.ll« , wee buried in » -« W . A. MulleA‘ Mr‘ *nd B The Con»r«tratlocal and Fr»»byter- Fellman last Sunday night. Rev. Mr. Fellman is continuing I. O. 0 . F, cemetery Sunday af- A ‘laham . , . » a • • • Ian churche» of Corvallis have decid­ ’to r" * “ V “ Mr? S 3 u™ . J. 5 . ed to make an effort toward federa­ < E n U rp rlM Curr«»pon4en<-») Over a million dollars of 1923 taxes have been collected. Source* Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Foote drove to Albany Saturday. Tim Bert Kline» ley» »re living Linn county spent $96,898 in Mies Spencer’s house. I on its m arket roads in 1891 to George .Maxwell and wife were Nov. 1. Alli.ioy visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Ghand- 0 . W ■ From took a truck load ler were Albany shoppers Sat­ of hogs to Sale*** Tuesday, urday. M r. and Mr?. E. B Penlnnd Mrs. A. E. Foote and Mis3 drove to the county «eat Monday Ruby Schroll were Albany visi­ tors Monday. L ittle Alice Curtia had her ton­ Judge Kelly was defeated for kii! removed at Eugene Satordav. i re-election. He didn’t advertise Lyun Norton is neriating A. j . in the Enterprise. H ill in remodeling his bouse at L. E. Engy and Floyd Nich­ Shedd. ols have accepted chairmanships Ward Rioe and Mias Rea Smith in the Red Cross drive. tion. 4 of Eugene were guesta of M r. and | Keith Hayes of Halsey visit- Gerdes, Mr. and Mrs. T. Hand- Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hill a t­ present week. The Pacific Telephone A Telegraph Mrs. J. (J. Cress Sunday. The Ash Swale hunt club has ed Cor, Isom Friday night and jey Mr cnd Mrs. F. J. Snreng- company hai started work at Oregon tended the stock show a t Port­ lal hunt. Sattuday xnd C'arl spent pr‘ ___________ an(j son Rvard, ■ Mr and Mrs. City on catln'.atea that will exceed Mrs. L. A. Thomas a id daugh­ land several days last week. been holding its annual . . . Satur- -- The members hunted three day night with him at his home. Hoffman, Mrs. J, C. Porter, |80 000. ter arrived yesterday to visit at Mr. and Mrs. D. S. McWil­ Lawrence W. Cecil’s. e days and turned in a large num- j -^rs g A. Starnes Mrs. A ones’ Clark, Mrs. Dors Mrs. Laura D. Harlow, wife of Lou liams are the possessors of a ber of rodents. They expect to ftnd (]eUg ther K athryn were af- Davis, Misses Meta, Emma am A. Harlow of Troutdale, was elected Mr. a n ! Mr». W illia m Been new Dodge car, purchased Sat­ hunt about three days in about ternoon callere a t tlhe Jake Dah- Susie Gerdes. Florence, Goorg- mayor of that city as a result of the. and son Alleu and Mr. aud Mrs urday. a month from this time, then npn home near ghedd> Thu|S. Mae, Neomn and Hnze recent election. G. W . Laubner went to see the As soon as the Portland live- tu rn in th eir score, choose sides , , . . . Handley and Messers Harry (day "Abtshatu Lincoln” at A l­ The poatotflce of Tumalo, Deschutes , stock show ended the thirteen- and the loosing side furnish t h e , ' ' Porter, Arnold, Perry and Rob county, has hsen discontinued and bany Monday night. Mr.ET n d r , Mm.rrT E : Mercer ^ H andler and Mr. and Mrs mall to the district served by It w ill j day’s storm was succeeded by oyster supper, The Pine Grove Community i sunshine— and frost. be sent to Bend. and A. F. Robnett and family club entertainm ent announced K. Boyd went to Portland Mon- of Eugene visited Mrs. D. I. Six tj»e-above guests i ne American Medical association Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bierly for Nov. 14, has been post­ have a ten-pound boy, born F ri­ day. I Isom Saturday night and Sun- Present a t the wedding th lrtj has placed Oregon Agricultural col­ poned to the 21st because the day, November the 7th. a t the „ i Ha-- years ago. lege no Its approved list of Institu­ Roy Kixer arrived f orn S a lem « « /- , Mr. and Mrs. P. H Freerkser tions offering standard pre-medic«! form er date clashed w ith a Hal­ hospital in Brownsville. Tuesday. | Alice Curtis had her tonsils were presented with a com Instruction. sey school party. “ Two Dannen boys received Mra J E T rbet went to K i- removed at a Eugene hospital mUnity gift consisting of man?; Powdery mildew, a new disease of' John (“Red”) Standish has prizes for calves a t the P ort­ aene today | Saturday. Mrs. Charles Tandy pieces of beiutiful pearl handler red clover, has made Its appearance In added a new one to his many land stock show f.nd their fa­ • ‘ • stayed with her grandchildren, silverware, the presentation Benton county. It first appeared la experiences. While working at th er got second grand champion Henry Moran. 71. « pionetr o the Curti3 children, while their , speech being made by Mrs. Dora .losepblue county, where nearly a hun­ the Intertype machine a t Sco- prize for a bull. 1862, died Thursday. parents were in Eugene with , Davis of Shedd in a very pleas- dred fields have been ruined. bie, Mont., an explosion threw j ing m anner Mrs. Freerkser Alice Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ped Templeton Mrs Roy Wright and daughter neports of a rlcb gold strike come melted metal from a stereotype- also received a rtearl neck Inc0 from Salmon ersek. In Baker county. motored to Portland Saturday left today fur San Franciaco. machine. He w is knocked un­ from her husband. A man numed Dickinson exhibited la S. J. Tonkin and Ralph Law- Tlwy Pul 0(13 CVBf conscious and remained in th a t and from there w ent by rail to The afternoon was spent ir Baker last week samples of the ore E astern W ashington to visit renc. v t.n ttn E u g in . lu e .d a y . | Democrat) condition three hours. Besides ». c •'I 1 a!k«. music »ml *i ruing that will assay ISO00 to the ton. he was burned about the face friends a t different points. Mie»»» Flow-me end < E> • ma Mildred Leach and Outside of Multnomah coun- j A successor to John 8. Coke, United The W. F. M. S. will meet Sm ith were m arned Wednes- and left arm and was taken to measure to rept;al Ore. Gerdes rendered several plane 8tatee district attorney, wlt't head­ a hospital. But, as usual, he is with Mrs. M. E. G ardner this » Tgon’s income tax lost. In Mbit- selections. Violin M ectionr quarters In Portland, probably wUl reported as coining ‘around Al­ coming Friday: The meeting day- Mr». M E Ri b iett went «» nomah county it won with a with piano atitompaimenfs weri not be appolived until aftor J a n u a rr was postponed a week on ac­ right, ready for the next ex­ SugeiKi. yesterday to v.»it her sufficient margin to offset its dso given by Georgia, Miic suniciem. m aigin vo e.......' v . r, an 1, according to Senator McNary. count of the bad weather. perience. defeat in the upstate districts. Florence Handley and Robert Roy Sandstrom. 13-year-old eon o f la lighter. Three cars of the north­ W herefore the repeal of the in- .-»“d Mrs. Tom Jlandjcy. Mr. and Mrs Axel 8andstrotn, of Ban County Clerk Russell adver­ The settlem ent of the estate Shasta limited were tised in the E nterprise and c ir- bound , D o m ftica tin g W ild T u rkty don. was killed Instantly when he throw n from the track by a of Mis Belts is being contested come tax will become law. came In contact with an electric wire by John and Charles Belts. I The repeal of the income tax. Turkey» »re But naturally all)', ami It broken rail Friday night, and . l . I was brought about by a small la thought that It »hould not he <11(11 which was hanging from a pole. the train was delayed four Albauv's W. W. Brumely was the group of p ortiund income tfax- cult to propagate them under condi­ The city of Klamath Falls author­ only hours. i.ame given by a fellow w.»o payers who employed organiza- tion» of »rmt-dociaaflcatlon— protect­ ised a 15(1,000 bond Issue for the bond­ newspapers, advertise- ing them _______ and helping out th»lr food ing of a public library and public of Mrs. Wheel­ passed bad checks last week and EXCLUSIVE e r’s The popularity with iiwdr women's rest room by a vote of 1021. ipply, wbii» while lntirfering In brother, the murdered got away in time to escape ar- rn€I1t 3i speakers and all Lie im- mpply. to l i l t at the ejection last week. herty rest. pedimenta for putting over a liberty a» little a * re»»tbie. sheriff of Delta county, Col., H r. and M r,. Dean Tycer be- modern "drive" in t h d r ftjh t - The readlne»« "! " " . ' “ d X « ”, OPTICAL PARLORS Albert W lito» was killed Instantly was attested by the fact, re­ J , lllB, B„lBw|ti„,„n |o keep good 31730 45 In caab and t«0£0 la bonds I’eacbe» S s n d e ra jr, llichard A. Stnder- argum ents you used fllxwt Church of Christ Maine Corn Total reseureee of the Oregon bsak» Pineapples and Mr». Tear! Berkman a-v hi» million dollars’ in outside st the does of buetses» on October 10 Ripe Olivet Raisina chihlren. Hia funeral was ye»ter- c 1*,;^ kept out b.v the Lon Chanties Minister. were »340.743,4511», ss sgslnst 3311,- Tender Pia» 901,71» >7 ne June 30. sccordln» te e '•■ y ,l 10 . . a t « x in one vear, vou’ll have to Pimiei f>» F ISH A N D S H E L L F IS H □ Anu r,”\ i;.,n“ i'’ “ T p ? i bring in forty million dollars’ statement laeued st Salem by Frank Pumpkin» Bramwell, t u t s superlatesdent of a s t - a "¡s Sauerkraut Codfiah banks. r i l : . “ " ’. ' j T«” d‘ i ‘ ° 'd' m iic Ri ? / a n d b rim «bout ,n 8pinach Herring Celonel J. J Uarteugfc. 7» year old Funeral at . Tuesday, of boundless prosperity, Lana county Juvenile officer. w»e ser­ Salmon Toroatoea iously injured when a ftouthern Pa­ wherein Oregon outstrips Csli* Clara» Catsup cific freight engine strack his auto Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Stafford form a and Washington logeth- Shrimps Spice» aohlfn at the Hpore's erotaln» on the were dinner guests Sunday er f or you'll be coming to the Mohawk branch 10 miles northeast of evening of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. people of Oregon—who make ( B u y P r e f e r r e d S to c k g o o d s b y t h e tlo z e n a n d Bugewo Drinkard, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. your wealthy Portland men po: -, g e t 10 ^ e r c e n t in fre e g o o d s th is w eek J L. Schnavely sod N E Benyon. I-aubner and Dr. and Mrs. T .. 8ib'.c—and asking for our sup-j of, p,rtur»< wnr, eeglpatF and fireman oa a ‘ eteam I. Marks, the occassion being port in other things one of th e s e , *„ J n d irn ea igfl ahe< their thirteen th wedding an- W » « i U I » v vr tnorr F u i i k shovel belongtas to ’ » • 3 D O LLAR SPE C IA L rouipt-Ay, are though to have been D OLLAR SP E C IA L i “Well, well!” answered the niversary. 23-bar B ask et Soap killed whet) tbe shovel wee earned 16 cans P. S . S nacks . Portland business leader. “C h eer. • M n . H. r . E n»lbh «nd two up. The punpl" »«!„ < '« ' >• , , T,b„ ' " ,m? ; 7 ¿ ‘„ 8 ” ' ' £ acreM the road and 50 feet of level grouud. down an emhenktaest of T( : u __ _i ___ .a Tnnuduv ixr«.»n „n r>oii tfMTwttier. M o r n in g . » t , . i n it. i« io children returned Tuesday We’ll all pull together c . ’ a w ii» n ,.. L»w?” G G»!»ti»ns from Eugene, after a few days’ “ No. Not in ten years. V » . . < - n . 3 1 9 ; Krening, teat, »afl plunged Into the Bull Run <- tl m iau Attend ibr visit with the children's grand- have shown your h»nd- 11 ’ M . (Con'inusd -m pafe J) GOOD GOODS q |h e t, Mrs. F. H. English. | take ten years to hej-l th a t Mujrw nr K 00NTZQ 4