N O V . 5, 1924 K t b a n y S)¿ ^/^bany.^7)irectory FAOK J H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E Continued Dlnsdale paused sad attempted to talk w ith him but the man seemed to have slipped mentally and was slow to re­ spond. On his way to (ha exit Dlns­ W rite tor booklet describing our 20 dale encountered Pyrites. Garrulous year Rural Credit Amortized Loans as ever and bubbling over with new T h is is good advice: " I f you live The loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ projects the prospector clung to him in Albany, trade iu Albany ; if you live tiring the principal. Cheap rates. No and begged him to make one more trip B e a m L a u d C o ., in some other town, trade in that town. " delay. 133 Lyon street, Albany, Ore. But in these automobile days many re­ Into the hills. siding elsewhere find it advisable to do ’1 know a valo-mlnc that'll be the at least part of their buying in the talk of the territory,'’ he mysteriously j larger town. Those who go to Albany whispered. to transact business w ill hod the firms “No use. Pyrites." laughed Dlnsdale. named below ready to fill their acquire­ T m poor medicine when It comes to | at lowest rate of interest. ments w ith courtesy an t fairness. hunting gold. There's only one pieua- Real Estate Insurance nnt thing I remember about our trip : Prompt service. Courteous treatment. Ihe pretty girl who dealt Twenty-one A C C E S S O R IE S AND T IR E S at Calvin's place. 4» Auto Supplies Wic B a i n , R oom s, F irst Savings Bank Pyrites was disconsolate over the builning, Albany J. H. A l l is o n refusal. 442 W est First St. The girl's up there." he Informed. “ She’s dealing at Keno F rank s. Joey COPYRIGHT Ay THE &OB95-MERRILL CO tried to get her. w ith Keno ready to A lb a n y Bukery, 424 West First “ street beginning to look ugly. “Trying te shoot, and then quit cold. The boys 4 one-pound loaves make sure I ’ve got my nerve? All I say that other petticoat of a K itty (Con tin ned) SHOE O for 25c > a tk Is to have my chance to get clear. heard about It and put her foot down. in Sun-sw ept iZ SERVICE x There's only one man I don’t want French Curly tried to play lu hev San Juan Joe studied the reckless game a fter she’d warned him off and studying my face— Jim Omaha." Shoes that cast less per month of wear face In silence for a full minute, then A lb an y Floral Co. Cut flowers San Juan Joe laughed In deep satis­ she shoved the muzzle of a forty- glided to the door and opened It quick­ 4 * and plants. Floral art for every four against his head and scared him faction. ly to make sure there wae no eaves­ and all occasions. "You’re my own kind.” he said. " I,'ll stiff. She's bringing lots of trade to G O T H E R E this season. dropper. Returning to the table, he Flow er phone 458-J. net us at tbs least sn even forty thou­ Keno's place. Accept the invitation of poured ont two drinks, and demanded: W hat became of Easy a fter I left sand apiece. I f any of our number the warm, sunny beaches, " I f you don’t care to sit In w ill you Durable Comfortable cashes In. hts share w ill be evenly dl Rapid City?" uto Electric Service— Recharg­ Popular the h e a lth fu l, o u td o o r promise never to tell what I ’m about vlded. ”1 remember him and some long And It ’s likely there w ill be able A & B batteries— W IL L A R D Equipped with short skull tem­ to tell yon?" recreation. more than two hundred thousand on haired fellers riding ont of town ker storage battery. Phone 23. 119-121 W. ples that tit snugly behind the “T h in k Td spoil good sport?" hotly the coach. Why. man I with your metal whooping, but I ’d had too many Second st. H . D. Preston—J.C . Cochran Low round trip excursion ears and adapt themselves to small asked Dlnsdale “I f I don’t sit In I ’ll to back me I can find games halter drinks to remember anything else. fares are now in effect never breathe It to a living soul." soace in the purse or pocket. even than the treasure-coach I I ’m Reckon they waa a bad lot. Reckon "That's good enough for me. This Is Four fine trains daily over lue Bird Restaurant, 309 Lyon through running • gambling place. you had the right aabe about him the game,” and he leaned across th< Keno Frank's been cutting Inte my Dlnsdale Shook him off and strolled the scenic SH A STA route. street. Eat here when in Albany. tabla and lowered his voice to a whis­ Open from 6 to 2 and 5 to 8. trade. I f It wasn’t fo r the big game down the street as fo r as the Grand per. “Several business men in this r d hove to clean him up— with cards Central hotel and waa the recipient Mas. B l o u n t . For full information town believe the hills are beginning tc or guns. But now I can see h alf a of many congratulations over h it communicate with play out except for those who locate million apiece before we finish." escape The hard feeling against hliu and develop quartz mines. They agree “Not so fast," quietly cautioned when he left town aeemed to have r u n s w ic k with me I t ’ll be easy to hold up one ol Dlnsdale. " I must have a stake. I'll vanished. As sn escaped prisoner P H O N O G R A P H S the treasure-coaches. P ro fit two hun­ -t go In on this. I ’l l do Inside work and from the Ogalala his advice was ea dred thousand and upward. T here I W O O D W O R T H ’S gerly sought by all who believed the take the big risk— but always provld Now you know I'm a bad-man." lng the other men are oil rig h t Who red menace was fast approaching a H is black eyes bored Into Hinsdale's are they?” avenport Music company offers climax. to observe how he received the star­ Piano-case organ, good as new H e learned that several men had c P. MOODY, sg’t. Phone 220 " ’Horseshoe’ Webb w ill work on the Estey organ, good as new tling confidence. Hinsdale’s face r e Inside w ith you.” been killed In the outlying gulches Used Pianos. malned expressionless. H e tasted his "Just how? W hat are we ,o do? during hla absence. T o all who talked drink and said: w ith him. Including Mayor Farnum and Explain.” curtly demanded Dlnsdale. astburo Bros.— l'wo big grocery " I f the ropes are rigged It ought to several of the city council, he repeat­ " H e ’s hired as one of the guurds Optometrists stores, 212 W. First and 225 South be simple and easy. I could get the yob’ll be hired as another. There will ed his belief that Crazy Horse and M ain. Good merchandise at the right and manufacturing opticians stuff alone. Getting away might be be ten other guards. W e’ve planned It American Horse would strike at Halsey Happenings etc. ____________ prices. 1 ALBANY harder.” so~you two, working w ith the three o f Crook's forces Instead of making for (Continued from page II "H arder than the Ogalala Job?" us, who w ill be In aipbush, can taka Ihe hills. And he added, as his belief, lit e Cafeteria and confectionery Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ queried San Juan, and he grinned cars of the ten guards aud not shed a that Crook would stand them off and P. M. Bond and tamily got ings. Courteous, efficient serviee. wickedly. at worst make a running tight of It home Friday from that eastern drop o f blood.” W e make our own candies. “This Isn’t any confessional," coldly "T h a t’s all r ig h t Now who are the and bring hla Soldiers down to Ihe W . S. D u n c a n . retorted Dlnsdale, his eyes h a lf clos­ hthers?” hills, where any disparity of numbers trip- Laundrv sent Tuesdays ing. "B ut every one knows, or ought Linn county has increased in would be equalized for the whites. "L make the third man. Bud Roach ilms developed and printed. Agency Hub Cleaning Works to, that It’s easier to hold up a stags from Crook City is the fourth. I can’t This talk made a deep Impression population 46 per cent in the last We m ail them right back to you. than a train. A stage Is hoy's play tell you who the fifth man Is. Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, O r­ especially as It did much to quiet the five years, the Portland chamber A B E 'S P L A C E I f I had m.v wad I'd gamble you I could "Then It's all off and I ’ll forget all egon. town’s fears. The situation waa rap of commerce reports. Only Curry, slip on a mask and hold up any stag* about I t Just as I promised." declared Idly approaching a pitch where the Lincoln, Josephine and Lane ex- ord sales and service on the line w ith two corncobs fo r guns Dlnsdale. entire gulch would be thrown tnto oeded that percentage. iMHUf Tires and accessorie« —passenger-coaches, of course." "You’ll know everything once we've panlo. A fte r leaving the hotel und Amor A. Tussing Repairs “I believe you," softly cried Sat got the stuff. Even Horseshoe Webb Harrison Cunningham, hrother while walking to Keno Frank's plnce K i r k -P o l l a k M otor Co. Juan. or Roach doesn’t know Number One, he was much startled to hove two of MnJ Geoige Taylor, died F ri­ L A W Y E R AND N O TA R Y "O f course you’ve got all the neces plump arms thrown around his neck day at ms home iu Htookton. Cal. ortmiller Furniture Co., furni­ the leader.” sary Information?" He hastily disengaged himself from Ilia "Don't like It. N ever did like going ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. father, J. C. Cunningham, H a l se y , O regon “A, B, C," assured the gambler It blind. When I tie up with a muu to Funeral directors. 427-433 west First ihe convulsive embrace and laughing also of Stockton but well known "There w ill be five o f us, and you’re tc do risky work I w ant to know his face, street, Albany, O r e g o n ^ ___________ __ ly rehnked: •round Halsey, died last vear. be one of the two to w ork on the In his h e a rt I w ant to know him down Why. Lottie C a rl! Right on the U L L E R G R O C ER Y, 286 Lyon side. Does that scare you?” The storm damaged the Harris­ to the ground,” firm ly demurred Dlns­ public street, too! W hat would the D ELBER T STA R R (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) “I don’t scare," growled Dlnsdale burg bridge contractors $10,000 by dale. Widow Colt say?" Groceries Fruits Produce "But you know me. I f I vouch for " I don’t cere I" she cried. “I ’m washing out false work in the uneral Director and Li know definitely when the coach la to Phone 2b 3 R _______ ______________ ___ the chief that ought to be good enough Some of the politloiaua mighty tickled to see you. Every one channel. s ta r t W e ll hope It ’ll be f a t " censed Embalmer O LM A N & JACKSON •‘They may hokd It back t ill the sol­ fo r you. Webb and Roach know me. said you wae killed. Besides, she’s were damaged yesterday by the Grocery— Bakery Efficient Service. Motor Hear»». diers come.” I ’m Number Two In the partnership. I Mother Celt now. Aren’t you coming washing out of their false woik in E verything in the line of eats Ladv A ttendant " I f they could be suro the soldiers give them their orders. But they're to the house?' flood of votes. Opposite Postoffice B row n sville..---------- ------------------Oregon w ill get here alwad of the reds. As Ignorant dogs. They might talk too •I can't now, Lottie.” Those who read and enjoyed the much when drunk. Say they did and 'But 1 w ant you to," she persisted. It Is, Patrick i t Saulsbury »re th re a t­ ub Candy Co., First street, next "Mother Golt won’t even like your story ‘ A Man for the Ag»« ” In ening to pull off their stages unless I got Into a pickle. T he chief, nn door to Blain Clothing Co. the Enterprise a year or two ago speaking to me like this. I don’t b Noon lunches. they can have an escort o f troops. known, Is le ft free to get me clear. ought to see "Abraham Lincoln ” Home-made candy and ice Cream. I f It looks like the Indians w ill bo You’re different, of course. I f you’d lleve she knows you're ont.” W . L- W R IG H T Monday or Tuesday, "She doesn't. But when I heard you Sunday, buzzing around this gnlch U ie y ll start come from Rapid City when sent for, ub Cleaning Works, Inc. Mortician & Funeral Director the trtaaure-coach at ones. Depends the chief would have been willing, were back I Just had to look for you at the Glob« theater, Albany. Cor. 8ecoond and Ferry But I reckon you ain’t very glad to see Loyal Americans , never tire J of Halsey and Harrisburg on what they think the chmnees are. perhaps, fo r you to know him before Master Dyers and Cleaners we work I t B u t It's too late now. T h a t’s w hat T m going to find ont." Call D. T a y l o r , Halsey, or me. hearing of Linooln, M a d e -T o -M e a s u re Clothes A fte r we’ve corraled the gold you'll W. L. W r ig h t . Harrisburg He 'n rts d to his desk and from Proper food and clothing had done There has not been a revolution behind a draw dr pulled o«t a largo know him and like him. much for L ottie Carl, but seventeen M E E R I AL C A FE , 209 'V. First "Dlnsdale. th a t’s the way the game Thurs­ bag o f dust and tossed It on tbs table, was very youthful to Dlnsdale. And in the Methodist church. Harold G. M urphy Prop, lays and you’ll have to take It or leave yet he knew two or three short year» day evsoing is prayer-meeting a Phone 665 saying: W k n r v e r close A D M IN IS T R A T O R ’S N O T IC E as of old. A printer’« might find him acting the seeker, und night, "Spending money. S o rry It lsn t I t I ’m sorry, but I can’t tell you any he wondered what aha would think of error made the Enterprise notice greenbacks. I ’ll O. K . yotf a t the more. I f It was for me to decide I ’d of Hearing of Final Account agneto electric co put all the cards down face up. T he Notice is hereby giveu that the fina tables so you can play on L O. U.'s I f read “ Tuesday’’ three weeks ago him than. Official Stromberg carburetor serv­ W e’ll settle a fte r chief w ill t>* »hare and w ill hold »ha I ’m more glad to gee you than you and last week. Don’t believe it, ice Station. Conservative prices All account of A. G. W atrgener as adniinis you w ant action. ribbons. You’ll meet him Immediately can Imagine. L ottie Carl," he gravely dividing the gold.” , work guaranteed. 119-121 W . Second. tra te ro f the estate of John F Waggen John 8'andish has changed lo­ er, deceased, has been hied in the Coun­ "Jnst a word m o ra Bandy Allen? a fte r we've got the stuff. told her. "But I ’m broke, and I haven’t Dlnsdale swallowed his drink and ty Court of Linn County. State of Ore cations again and is running an arinello parlors The man I killed. VJ s j ha one of the a right to use any girl. So you run pnrsed his lips thoughtfully. F in ally (A beauty aid for every need) gon. and that the 10th day of Novem intartype machine on the Scobie along hom bar, 1924, at Ihe hour of 10 o'clock « gang?" he slapped his hand recklessly on the S t Francis Hotel San Jnan laughed! In deep anrnse- He has been " I have m oney! Lota of It,” she (Mont ) Sentinel. 1 1 1 , has been duly appointed by said Prop.. W in n if r r p R ose . table and decided. Court for the hearing of objections to ment. eagerly Interrupted. “A ll that money appointed district manager of the ’A ll rig h t I drop. TO «" «» MUxL never tru st a loeso-tongued they gave me when you brought me Associated Advertising Artists sod en and money are best when said final account and the settlement dog We'd like t h a t H e stuck up snms» 1 banking on you. I ’m broke and haven t to this pl»ce. Come to the house— ’’ has uuder his jurisdiction over busy. Make your dollars work in thereof, at which tim e any person inter ested in said estate may appear and file stages, I reckon, h a t Me worked alona l any choice. B ot It s the last lm I Bless yonr h e a rt! I can't rob chll our savings departm ent A l b a n y S t a TK 100 studios, which are putting out ... — • • A l.____iA l •» I ■rork mlth objections thereto in w riting and con­ without knowing every man B a n k . Under government supervision. or w ith the Rapid C ity o u tfit dren. As ta coming to the house. Mrs an Immense amount of holiday \ h o ’a sitting in. Safest way la to go test the same. , " I knew he wasn’t) getting his dust Colt must have a better opinio» of uie Dated and first published O ct 8, 1924. work. O O R E ’S M USIC HOUSE by working. I tried to get sway from it alone." A. G. W a g g k n e r . 11 ra t" *O»od H cried the gambler. T i l the poor fool. But ltf was him or roe.” Mrs. T Norris ol Sweet Home Administrator of the Estate "Bdt you’ve changed already You're E veryth in g musical ” A M O R A. T U S S IN O , A tt’y for Adm ’r. “French Curly and Big George riled circulate around and make everything behaving better. Oh, I ’m finding fa u lt last Friday came near being rea4y. B r tomorrow night I ought to 223 W . F irs t i t ______ _____________ him up by telling hl m yo»i bad bluffed I didn't mean you had to change." -calped whan her hair waa caught caused him to fear she was sorrowing, him In the Bed Rock. H e thought he "You're a good girl, L ottie Carl, and in a pump engine and wound oscoe ames hardware and somehow the zest of picking up you're going to make a mighty flue must get you to g e t haek his repnta- the around a abaft. H«r hand caught Cutting Soy Beans for the town life was lost as be resumed W IN C H E S T E R S T O R E Hon. You did a good turn for the woman. Do as your new mother «ays in the machine and stoppod it 322 W. F irs t s t _______ Hay With Common Mower town. I t was a rt ilstake fo r roe to his w alk to F ra n k ’s place, Now you must trot along. after a fiye-mch wound bad bean T here was no mistaking the In-i send you away. Instead of being Bred H e r haste In turning from blm Soy beans for hay may he cut any S. G IL B E R I & SON torn in the scalping process. It crease In play »» «>e hall Men were up over It the people knew a fte r a few • Builders’ and shelf hardware, gar­ time a fte r the pads are formed and continually pasalng In and out and. on fr.a nand holding (be caras gave a con­ is not always lucky to get one'« hours that you w ert-n’t to blame. W hy, before many of the leaves begin to vulsive Jerk. Then she waa Intent on den tool», crockery and glassware. entering, Dlnsdale found the floor band esughi in machinery, but it fall. Too early cutting lowers the some even talked o f putting yon Iri au New Stock. New low prices her work, her bead slightly bowed, her around the tables uncomfortably was this time. She Would have marshal. W ild W 1 1 was picked for yield and late cutting reduces the qual­ crowded. But the largest gathering soft voice calling the game. T IM S O N T H E SHOE DOCTOR ity of the hay. They may be cut with that Job, hut M cC r.ll stopped him * been more lucky if she had worn Dlnsdale proceeded to the Bed Bock was around the T w enty one game, a l­ ■If W ild B ill v as marshal nosr I Second street, opposite Hamilton's an ordinary mower, allowed to w ilt for her hair bobbed. to secure a room. The Illiterate land­ though before the coming of the pretty a day In the swath, and the curing wouldn’t want uny of this tre a s u re **0T* ’ “ Snddtn Service " lord gave him a boisterous welcome Mra. W illiam Wheeler received French girl it bad not been popular completed In the windrows, advises H. game. And If. J im Omaha blows la. enough to be Included among Keno and eulogised him for resisting the a t­ word last week of the tragic death tn d I know It , you needn’t bother V® R. Sumner, agronomy specialist, Kan­ tractions of the Grand Central, and rp H E M A R G U E R IT E SHOPPE F ra n k ’s offerings Favorite with t-n- of her youngost brtner, W illi« A. hunt fo r me. M l he gone for good." promised some moat unusual "flour Shampooing. Marcelling and Scalp sas State Agricultural college. derfeet In the early ’fifties It Lad gone ■Bump I OrnzCia la overrated. H a ll- Davis, sheriff of Delta connty, Harvesting the seed crop should Treatments Margaret Countryman, doin'»" and "chicken f liln ’s" for sup­ Into the discard before ’seventy six Col., who was shot down in cold start when half or three-fourths of the read man. No good up here on thia 1,0 W es' Second i t Fhone 22. per. Scissors, too, was there, and Now It was a magnet and miner» blood by a man he had just ar­ leaves have fallen and most of the kind of work. T h a t word I got must and townspeople were packed several driving sn active trade In paper souve­ pods have changed color. This rule have been a false Ocall." nirs. The men ware very partial to rested under a warrant for larceny. T H E S P E C IA L T Y 8HO PPE deep about the table, and It was only T hey ported, D'.nsdale going Into When Davis was four days old hia will vary somewhat w ith the season, for hemstitching and stamped goods bv persistent effort that IHnsdsle the profile of Crazy Horae. Dlnsdale Opposite Hamilton's. 318 W. Second st. variety and harvester used. I f the the tent. Scissor» was glvlsg much of looked over a man's shoulder and waa mother died and Mrs. Wheeler, could work cloae enough to look dowa crop 1» allowed to get over ripe much his attention to the big owL Sitting amazed at the striking resemblance then 17, took the mother's place on the attractive dealer French Curly, id d o A o d e r s o n A Bon. d is tr ib ­ loss w ill result from shattering, he Bull, and to r th e time being was quite H ” waa a man barred from placing a he'-, stood close turned out by a few snipe of the scis­ in caring for him, utors and dealers for M axwell, Chal­ Indifferent to a ll offers fo r gteturee. of ahjlily and of exemplary char- to her left, bl« cavernous eyes never sor«. mers. Essen. Hudson ic Hupmobile c a py» rt The beans may be harvested w ith H e endeavored to ret rent and go to soler and had the reai ect of a ceasing their steady acruMny. W ith Accessories, a pnlie» 1st A Broadalbin. either a grain or corn binder or a hla days numbered by the ravages of hla room, but Hclaaora saw him and large circle of acquaintances, ile mower w ith aide delivery attachm ent consumption, he stood by her aide, a estight his arm and proudly info rm ed would have been 57 year« old thia Core In handling 1» necessary to pre­ rsaunt mt, both d'eath’s head. A widow and seven ahi- ht™ I’ ve leen telling them about you." month. vent »battering. The crop should he In sweeping her gaze about to de­ shocked, capped, »»1 allowed to stand local and ic.temaL and ha» been success­ dreu aurvive. Ijought sold a*d egrhanged st all time» tent professionals, the girl’s glsnca Then in s s ir ■•'<*« L,Vou £ "V h? « v for at least two weeks before thresh­ ful In the treatment o f Catarrh foe over place w»« '" A M r East« hv the way (Continued on page 4) found n Dlnsdale. and there L x ty ye a r» Sold by a ll druggist»- rounn m » » - . —— ------- was — a qu • ing. Stacking soy beans la a g’-od tvo o un uea an page ♦ , ben sudtell F. I. CH EN EY &. C O » Toledo, Ohio^ fiMil Interest la the dark eyea, sn prucUce. aays the ogTonondat FARM LOANS FARM LOANS HUGH PENDEXTEK_> away This is P L A Y -T IM E < O CALIFORNIA The “ Bob-Fit’ A B Southern Pacific B D Meade & Albro, E E A Modern Barber Shop F F F F H H I . M M M M , R S 1 1 W New Ei FURNITURE and FARM MACHINERY H a ir « C a ta rrh Medicine T t . Phene 76-R. 1J3 N, Broadalbin i t , Albany / »