» PAGE 4 HALSEY ENTERPRISE H A L 8 E Y E N T E R P R IS E j> In dependent— N ot n e u tra l— n e w s­ N«wi Notes paper, published eveiy Weduetday, Ur Was. H . W H E E l. E R >1-60 a year In advance. rrlD-.'o< A dvertising. 20c an in c h ; no diacoun for tim e or spats : no charge for com ooaitinn orciaugea. La “P ala-fo t Paragraphs," to a lin e • • a d v e itia in r dlagulaad aa news. NOV. 5, irz4 News Notes From All Over Oregon More egg production MZ pAsher’s Egg Producer ^ Gleaned For (Continued fro n, »ewe 11 John Wesley Goodman, 73, ratlv of Oregon, was burned to death whe bis residence in Coburg was destro) $ Use ed. A A fresh stuck of hJER SEE MILK FOOD ; C O M PO U N D Special price oo one-half ton and ton , lots . W • W An Increase Io gas rates, amounting to about 90 cents per month for eacl customer, Is asked by the Souther Oregon Oas company and will go inti amount desired effect tn Roseburg November IS ud W A S I T A P L A IN L IE ? ( T h e economical food for calves, pigs and poultry lees suspended by the commission. Alexanders, Inc., the oldest depart, Tbs opponents of the income tax meat store In Pendleton, one of th* published a list of letters purport­ landmarks of the city and of the east ing to describe investments lost to era part of the state as far as mer of w ithdraw n from Oregon on ac­ chandlslng history is concerned, wil count of the tax. The Enterprise suspend business, according to > statement by Carl Cooley, mana«*- nt the tim e intim ated the belief Damagea In the amount of >1584 th at m any o f them were insin­ were awarded Ruby Dodson against cere, though there was no oppor­ the city of Bend by a circuit court tu n ity to investigate them befote Jury after hearing the suit In which Mias Dodson alleged that she hud ' election. Here is one of them : been permanently Injured tn a fall On receipt of a draft of the state caused by a faulty sidewalk in Decern income tax law io our New Y o ik ber, 1822. > headquarters instructions were Tunnel work on the Eugene- sent to close the Pacific coast Klarnath Falls lire of the Southern | C A P IT A L AND SURPLU S branch at Portland February 1, Pacific will be well under way with­ 1924. L k w is -M kaks C o . in 30 days, according to John G. Mc- | Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited The Oregon M erchants' Maga- Fee of the firm of Henry & McFee, which has the contract for the buiUjZ xine, Oct. *28, said : lng of 17 tunnels In the Cascade mouq-' U .'L . Upson, form erly of G ra n ts : tains southeast of Eugene. Pass, developed a New York m ar­ The Southern Pacific company has ket for Oregon eggs, shipping them filed with the public service commie" there by the carload. Two years Economy, Beauty and slon a tariff authorizing reduced rates ago Upson induced a large Nen on canned fruits and vegetables in Quality Y ork firm , the Lewis-Mears coin- . carload lota between Sutherlin. Doug* can be put into your kitchen by £ p in y , to establish an egg buying las county, and CorvalllB. The rate office in Oregon. th e im -tallmeut of one of our £ under the new tariff Is 27 M cents for When the income tax bill was 100 pounds as against 3654 cents un­ passed the company informed der the present schedule. Beit bv Test • Upson that if it was sustained by ! vote of the people they would be | Members of the state emergency Compelled to close their Oregon board held a brief meeting In Salem and approved deficiency appropria­ office. See our new and complete ¡ine Q W hen the people sustained the tions aggregating >13,876.76. Of this : amount >10,385 was to care for claims law in November, 1923, instruc- ; resulting from the activities of the tions were scut to Upson to close ' state veterinarian anti state livestock the firm ’ s business in this state. Siaf" The prices are right "b*8 . j sanitary board In the campaign To a il of whica buncombe the against the foot and mouth disease. m anager of the Pacific Coast Thirty miles of ' The Dalles-Call- P oultry Producers’ association furnla highway tn WHsco county were ordered surfaced by the state high- replies : way commission at atmeetlng in Port- M r . Upson was bv no means land. When surfaoiij this will com the first to ship Oregon eggs to plete the highway tn the* county. The ship Gregon eggs to N ew Y o rk , section Is from Wlllto River to Cow the w riter and others here in Port­ canyon. The work i n s awarded to land having shipped lots of eggr Joslin & McAllister of Spokane for to New Y ork long before M r. Up- >138,400. Twenty bidders competed a 1PISK and T IR U S and 1PXHERT WORKMEN* eon was beard of iu the m arket­ for the award. ing of eggs. I t is generally In an effort to s«4:ure commodity gates ubes Efficient Equipment agreed that the reason that I.ewis- rates for binder twine from Portland Mears went out of the egg business Into the distributive territory of the UTO accessories here was their failure to get eggs Portland Cordage company, complaint ■•UTO Repairing prom ptly done from Oregon producers, W hile bas been filed with thia Interstate com this company was in busiuess here merce commission lay the Portland the association shipped twenty-five Traffic & Transportation association cars of eggs east for every one the It la maintained that tike lack of such • mipany shipped. The same com­ rates places Portland! at a dlsadvan pany shipped a great many more tags as compared w'gh eastern com •gga east sroin Seattle than fiom potltors tn eastern O fegon, Idaho and Portland. There was no income Montana. t ix law passed there. W hy did In case Governor Plercei approves they close up tliero at the shdic an option requested by B. C. Miles, a time as here? As far as the O re­ gon producers being cut off from Salem capitalist, oiiverlnft the pur the New Y o rk m arket Is concerned, chase from the staf e of 45 tons of U. S. (V C. T. C. Tires New. low-priced Gill Oregon producers are shipping flax fiber between 4|uly 1 aud Decern Batteries for More service ber 31, 1825, and ^180 tons’ of flax mors eggs to New York than eyei fiber to be dallvemd* during l'826, Mr. Ford, and before. Miles and his aaascMtes have propos Star, other The Associated Press issued be­ ed to erect a yiodera flax sp.'qnlng Chevrolet small cars mill near SalesG. It Is said that the A uto accessories fore the election a review of the plant would lM6,- MORE SERVICE FOR LESS MONEY situation in the several states, in 000, of which/ amount more than >'?>.- which it erroneously said : “ In 000 already X.aa been subscribed. V erm ont the republican nom ina­ Four met» were drowned near Pow tion for governor, United States era, In the southern district of Coos senator and congressman always county, y ,ie n a logging train went down on. a bridge on tho railroad on has been equivalent to election.” Salmon 'creek, and abother man was In 1974 this w riter did his humble crushed to death under a ten-ton “ PLATES TH AT F IT ” part" in defeating Luke I*. Poland, bouldty which fell from cliffs as he Gtowns, bridge work and fillings. It wil All tbs republican nominee to eur- was r massing in Camas Valley pay you to get my prices ou your dental work were tho result of the recent severe Seed himself as congti-ssnian from stor m which swept Coos county. The Cusick bank building, A lb a n y the stoond Verm ont district, aud -d In the logging accident are: th a t was not the first tim e th at a 9 ‘ larles Lumbert. englaeor, of Pow botlter from a republics n notuina ' rs; Floyd Rice, fireman, of Powers: Archie Boone, conductor; W. C Wood- tioa in that state was elected. ring. mechanic. Professor Elwood Mead, rocenlly'ap- Insure New Seeding of polnted cotatnlasloaer for reclamation the interior department, has of­ Alfalfa by Using Care of ficially proclaimed the lower Klamnth The first winter Is the testlnr, time (or a new seeding of alfalfa. Whether lake drainage district reclamation pro­ the stand comae through successfully ject a failure, and informed Game depends largely on how well lx was es­ Warden Burgh,luff and W. L. Finley Hay is worth just as much in storage as tablished In the fall. The greater the of the Netlooel Association cf Audu growth, the leas likely wilt the stand bon Societies that dikes would be you might get for it in case of fire. Th i suffer from winter killing. opened end the water turned back In­ The experience# of -oany farmers to the lake. Lower Klamath lake was company, have demonstrated that add phos­ at one time* the principal breeding value in case| phate oi a hlgb-anatyals fUrtEtxer ap­ ground for migratory birds on th» Pa­ plication at seeding time Is good in­ cific coeat and one of the mont Im­ of loss by fire. surance for the new seeding. Alfalfa portant bird roarrvatlous in tho coun la very responsive te phosphorus far- tlllesrs. Most soils are deficient In try. phosphorus Ferttllicr enables the young alfalfa plants to obtain an early Mrs. F lo ra Wood e f Tangent vigorous growth. Fertiliser, however, had four goiters removed bv a does not make up for poor seed, lack of surgeon in P o rtla n d recently. preps ratine of the seed bed. nr lack of HALSEY line. IJmlog Is often necessary for bent reeults with fertiliser Wherever liming Is needed, phosphorus Is quite likely te he needed also. The application of 2ftl to SIX' pounds Cash paid lor of fertiliser per acre before ee?41ng. i First-class W o r k '1 ? ! " " ; Pou'lr t thoroughly mixed la with the soil. Is All work done promptly and veasou- one of the beet Investments that can : O. W . F R U M j I • H A LSEY STA TE BA N K Halsey, Oregon $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 J BRI D G E & B E A C H * RANGES * J H IL L &(§. • HEATERS 3 H A LSEY GARAGE, A. E. FO O T E ' r ± HALSEY, Oregon A R R O W GARAGE, Gansle Bros No more cost Skilled Auto repairing Dr. C. FICQ, Dentist A m e r ic a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. ¡American Eagle Pii» Insiiranœ Iwill pay you 86% of the cash C. P. STAFFORD, A gent Cream and Proaucs Station BARBER SH O P te made to Insure success with alfalfa I f J. W. STE PHENSON. M. GRAY. D RAYM AN | ’ ” ' M y ’" -rlO O K ablv. Phone No. 269 by the W estern Newspaper Uniop (Left over last week) cam in the amdunt of approximate­ ly >4500 has been turned over by the and research of Its problems, both present and future, declared E T. Allen, toreet economist of the Western Forestry and Conservation associa­ tion. before the more than 400 ragte tered members of the Pacific loggin> congress In session In Portland. Construction of the state trout hatchery near Canyon City will bs completed this week, M L. Ryckman, hatchery superintendent, has announo ed. The hatchery wil be put In oper- ation next spring. The cost of its construction was >11.000 and it will serve a country Into which It had been practically Impossible to taks trout try, because the fish car could not be run over the narrow-gauge rail­ way which penetrates the district. The supreme court dismissed an ap peal in the case of the estate ol Xarlfa Fating, deceased, the Children's home and the Security Savings a Trust company, administrator, appel lants, against Thomas N. Strong and others, appealed from Multnomab county, where the case w n befors Judge Tazwell. The appeal was Iron an order of the court settling a final account of Thomas N. Strong and C Lewis Mead, as executors under the alleged will of Xarifa Faling, execn ted in 1916, and allowing attornej fees of >50,000, Camping In the natlenal forests will be restricted to certain areas, accord lng to a plan being worked out bj the forest service, which to some ex tent will be carried out In 1925. Camp lng grounds will be established al given points and persons desiring ti spend their summer outings In th< forests will be asked tq pitch theh tents there. This step will be takei to prevent forest fires and to obvlat« the necessity of closing the foresta oi portions of them to campers durloi the dry season of the year, as wai done this year. Happy Canyon association as rental made by the night show of the Round up In 1924. The Porter-Carstens Logging com­ pany, a corporation, has sold to the Union Lumber company its railroad line located on the north fork of the Clackamas river. The consideration was >131,000. Dr. George E. Dlx of Marshfield has announced the construction of a modern hotel In that city. The build­ ing will be full fireproof, six stories, with 150 guest rooms and Is expect­ ed to cost >400,000. The purchase of a part of a farm of 670 acres near Rieth by the state for the use of the eastern Oregon state hospital has been completed, ac­ cording to Dr. W. D. McNary, super­ intendent of the hospital. The public service commission will turn back to the state at the end of the present biennium approximately >16,000 of Its appropriation, according to a letter prepared by H. H. Corey, chairman of the commission. Ole Nelson, ex-pollceman of Port­ land, who recently won a suit for >6000 back pay from the city, was killed Instantly when his automobile overturned on the highway six miles east of Clatskanie, near Beaver Falls Mrs. Belle Ooldtrlp, 40, who plead ed guilty to burning the >30,000 Bum­ mer home of Mr. De Varney of Port­ land and taking valuables from the place, was sentenced at Marshfield to six years In the penitentiary for grand Secure Herd Bull When larceny and arson. Demand Has Slackened Twelve skeletons, believed to have been the remains of a giant race nt Most farmers who buy herd sires Indians who formerly roamed through wait until they need one and then rush the Klamath country, were discovered out and get the first one they can lay by roadbullders on the big marsh, a bands on. And In this case, following portion of the Klamath Indian reserva­ the crowd Is the worst possible pro­ cedure. The successful breeder select* tion, north of Kirk. his herd sire when the demand Is light­ The supporters of the >280,000 bond est, and gets a better bull at a lower Issue election of August 29. In Coos price, says Professor H. A. Hooper of county, were defeated In the circuit the state college of agriculture at court In their suit to learn the legal­ Ithaca. Forehanded men neither patch their ity of the issue. The bond election was held illegal by Judge John C. roofs when It Is raining nor buy herd bulls when everyone else la doing the Kendall at Marshfield. same thing. If a man needs a lira Surveys for the proposed Bear creek next spring, right now Is an excellent storage basin for the Portland water time to start looking for him, says system, located six miles above the Professor Hopper. The eternal law of Bull Run headworks, are being made supply and demand works as well In by a crew under the supervision of regard to bulla as It does with any other commodity, he says, and the time* Ben S. Morrow, assistant chief engi­ to catch bears Is when they -are out}; neer of the water bureau. not when everyone elee Is bear-hunt- Merle I. Minear, who slew his sister lng. "So." says Professor Hooper, “If ■ with an ax and then attempted sui­ cide in Portland by cutting his own herd of cattle Is worth having, IF* throat, Is on the way to recovery. A worth a little time and trouble spent In looking up Its most Important single charge of first degree murder was fil­ unit, and the man who Is wise gets hie ed against the man as soon as it ap­ herd sire all lined np while the other peared certain that he would recover. fellow lx putting It off till he Isn't so The Eugene city council has voted busy." to repeal the old ordinance which Save toll and time by using yooi allows anyone to operate a motor bus bead. line on the streets by simply making e e e an application and paying a small It pays to fatten up your poultry for license fee, and announced that a new a week or ten days before shlp|pli< to ordinance regulating such lines would market e e e be passed and the license fee placed as high as possible within reason. When buying seed don't let two or Under the provisions of a temporary three cents difference In prices blind you Into sacrificing quality for quae- Injunction granted by the state su­ tlty. preme court, C. A. Murphy, acting e e e chief of police of the city of Astoria The silo preserves the whole crow and the Astoria city council, are pre­ stalks, leaves and grain, whether corn., vented from closing the soft drink es­ kafir or sorghum, so that there W tablishments operated by A. T. Fuller scarcely any loss. and Martin Costslla pending determin­ ation of their appeal to the circuit N otice o r C it y T axpa yer s ' M k « t - court. IK6 —Notice is hereby given tb7 ,t oa Monday evening, November 10th/ 1924, A recommendation that the Inter­ at the hour of 7 o'clock p. m ./ ¡n the state commerce commission require council chamber, will be held a • meeting the building of an extensioh of rail­ of the taxpayers of the c * y pf Halsey road from Bend to Lakeview, Includ­ for the purpose of a.»- ...pting thj budget I for th e year as prepari :d by the ing a connection with the Natron budget conyp’’ - . cutoff and from Harriman to a connec­ tion with the Natron cutoff was made 3i, 1«24, to Decem ber 31, lvzz , in a tentative report to the commis­ .Ktiimated Expense* sion by C. I. Kephart, commission. Conncilmen-------------- i amlner. -■*" Marshal, salary, lab., etc.--2. M 12 Ot ' Mayor--------------- Oregon pensions have b' 12. Ol Health o ffic er............. as follows: Cathari" -een granted 50.00 Recoider------- ------ Wasco, » 0 ; Paro” -*e D. Johnson, Street lighting......... 612 OO 20 OO >12; Sarah t ' . R- Lyons, Algoma. E lection s.. . . ------— - William F .. Davis, Eugene, >30; >1000 00 I 51 000 Levi P j . Keller, Roseburg. >15; $ 200.00 Wo- . Oilman, Echo, >60; Clarence Street intersections . (.tim ber--------------------- — 360.00 ’ udard. Portland, >15; W’llllam S. Street w ork.............. — 738 40 85.00 riyner. Eugene, >24; Gustave A. Ols- Maint, city property. . . son, North Portland, >12; Fred Reed. Miscel. and labor.......... 136 60 Portland. >16. >1520 00 »1520 For two dollars a year the state > 2520 fish commission has obtained from J. Estimated Receipts L. Kendall of Pittsburgh and the Cali­ 20.00 fornia-Oregon Power company a 10- License f e e s ------- 500 year lease on a small tra :t of land Roail t a x . . ............... 520 lying along the banks of th*v VtatKIUB Recapitulation river, near the R. A. Booth bri'dge at >25?« Winchester, where It Is pl»nn<*l 1® Estimated expenses............... 520 Estimated receipts................. locate the largest fish hautiery' ®0 the Pacific coast. Amount to be raised by tax >200« With more than 8,000.000 acres Byerderof th.BCm.ndlCLAi(K M>yof cutover timber land now on the ham. V A I. HliX. Chair®** of Parirtr coast logging companies, th« I E. r L ao», Recorder Industry; If beginning exh»a»yve study | J