be oil HALSEY ENTERPRISE HALSEY, LINX COVNTY. ORE. OX, XOV. 5, 1924 been appointed appraisers of the Winniford estate. H a l s e y H a p p e n in g s a n d C o u n t y E v e n ts " ~ CALVIN COOLIDGE Mail to Brownsville dispatched at 6:20 and 11:45 a. m. Short Stories from Sundry Sources A lberta Koontz week end a t home. spent P. H. Freerksen and wife were at Albany Saturday. W. J. Carty returned to Eugene after a visit with hii sun the today, Earl. Mrs. Erm a Shotwell has tak­ L in n couuty has paid the latt h a lf o f its tax money for the year en the place of Superintendent, to the Standard Beaver girls to the state. The editor know« by exptrieuee i Mrs. C. P. Stafford and Mrs. that O. R. Bond baa some very fine C. E. Walton were Salem call­ table grapes. Mrs. L. E. W alton ers Thursday. xbo demonstrated the product of Mrs. T. I. Marks, accompanied her lu x u ria n t vine« to the editorial by Mrs. J. W. Drinkard drove home. to Albany Friday. Kenneth Vannice, freshman at Willamette University, was home for the week end. II. A. Renninger and family, who now reside in Albany, call­ ed a t their farm Sunday. De Los Clark, Carl Hill, Will Corcoran, Wayne Robertson and Kenneth Cross were home from O. A. C. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. McWil­ liams and son Elliott of Albany were dinner guests a t the C. P. Stafford home Sunday. * Eagy home Saturday night and N e w s N o te s H o m I Sunday. A ll O v e r O re g o n if E. E. Hover was at A lbany' Tuesday. | Mrs. CtiaiVs Nichols is on Gleaned by the W estern . the sick list i Newspaper Union ? Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sylvester were in Eugene Friday. Salem « city budget, as approved by / Mr. and Mrs. Leo Camp are tho ccuncll, provides 1219,500 for next .visiting at t i e Will Mcl ba. a basketball season, m et and and Girls' dub congress In Chicago, T ie t it l'd p u tty is «till third— Friday. Mr. Templeton. J. H. Mrs. J. C. P o rter fend W. A. I.. L. M c M ilttn , in terim ap- elected their manuger. It is November 28 to December 8. Vannice and W. A. Carey have Muller the consolation prize. t t i ; luucbso. ! poi tee, is th e new c llc litl ju d ge, high wil Jonathan apples, sent from Hood Club members present were: The elephant i( « till bigger than succeeding the late George O. hoped th a t Halsey make even a Iretter showing, if River to England by Dan W'ullle ft P. H. Freerksen and wife, W. tbs jack»«». j B in g h a m . A lb an y'! possible, than th at of last year Co., have returned growers a n et of a | A. Muller and wife and son Mil- In w ild and wooly Illin o is » few only The income tex p-obably ¡a ana The prdgram rendered by Mr. little over »2 a box, according to Wal­ I ferd, Hans Koch and wife, men were kille d in tk c lio ti rune. , t» iu -d , as cow country reporta wdl Rudeen Friday afternoon was ter R Wool pert, soles manager. Frank W orkinger and wife, W. EXCLUSIVE G. Abraham and wife, Henry well attended by the students Judge Lawrence T. Harris of Bn- Ilaleey elected the f.iru v r o f­ overcome the c ity allowing. ■ Abraham and wife and Fred ficer« and for councilmeu K oon tz, Gomper? »nd the haer-guzthng of both the gram m ar and high gene has been Invited to be the first, OPTICAL PARLORS I Sprenger and wife. A t mid- H ill. T aylor and Gan»le. 1 wing of union labor, w ith a ll l.a school. A number of town pet» w eaker at a series of Amevlcanlxatloo pie were also present to enjoy m eetings planned by the women w ' night Mrs. Abraham served a For the tw o vacancies on the Follrtte*» other support tn ro w n in , I lunch assisted by her daughter, Oregon supreme bench Belt? and i "d o n 't am ount to a bi 1 of beaus." the entertainm ent. A few were club at Corvallis November 17. E V E R Y T H IN G O P T IC A L fortunate in having lucky tick­ , Mrs. Kenneth Robson. Mrs. II. Lloyd Lyons. 80. was killed Instant- ets which enabled them to sit in ly at Walton, 80 miles west of Cugen* Bancroft Optical Co. Koch and Mrs. Frank Working- B ro w n s v ille B riefs P in e G r o v e P o in ts a chair supposedly made by the on the Coos bay line of the Souther» 313 West First street, Albany.Or. I *r. father of Abraham Lincolx and Pacific when a donkey engine In slid­ (Continued on nage 3) used by th a t famous personage ing down a mountain passed over him. t E n te rp ris e C orrespondence) (E n ts rp rla e C orreipo nd ence) himself. John L. Etheridge, former head off Albert M ti er ba* been w orking FO O D S Morris Brothers, Incorporated, defunct. Dr. Fellman expects to con­ CANNED for t rai li Uib«e “Justification by national forest waa 1187. Tom and J. A. Yokum and th a t Mr. Becker has lost some Faith and Baptism for the Re­ The »team schooner Acme, loaded with 100 ton« of ste e t went »shore Mr. and Mrs. Davis of Riddle, heifers which were in the river mission of Sins.” on the beach near Whitby run, four bottom pasture. At the evening service. 4H Mrs. Pearl M errith of Albany miles berth of Bandon. Her crew was and Mrs. Emory M arsters of beautiful views of the Life of The Pine Grove school gave C hrist will Ire shown. These rescued, but the vessel, valued at »78,- Myrtle Creek are a t the bedside 900, waa declared a total wreck. of their sister, Miss May Yokum a hallowc’cn program Friday are from the m asterpieci paint­ evening, a fter which the club ings of the world. We expect a Two feet of snow blocked The Miss Yokum is a sister of Mrs. had a session and County large audience to see these Dalles California highway »0 miles Fred Harrison. north of Klamath Falls at the Fort Judge Payne and Assessor Gid­ splendid pictures. Klamath hill, for a short tlras last dings each made short talks. A G. C. Rn»h ba« gone to Reno to W ard Rice, a vocal soloist large crowd was present iu spite from Eugune, will render special week, but tarsr-r satotnoMlea broke visit a d a u g h ttr. through the drifts and th* road was of the storm y weather. selections a t both services. He opened to Bend. _ , Ralph Lawrence went hunt­ ing with Silas W hite one day last week and killed a bear. He is working for Mr. W hite, cut­ ting wood. Miss May Yokum was lying very low Saturday. She was operated on in Portland not long ago. unsuccessfully, for tum or on the brain. She is a t the local tospital. The creeks and brarchcs nre overflowing, the Calapooia and S antiun are roaring pretty loudly. This storm is about a month ahead of the usual time. Tuesday m gbt w»a well r i joyed school, 10 Preaching. 11. Junior League, 3, In te rn v d ia t« League, 6.60. E pw orth league, 15:60 Preschfng. 7:30. H i i i k I nv M ä C. R. Evin» went lo Po B in d today to tbc fair. t »« I- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gams!«? needs no introduction to Halsey and Leila visited a t th e ’L .’ E. ' pooplt. V Jou'L utl JU {>«kV 2) • \ I