A/Awwp O C T. 29. 1924 Continued family at their home near Lo­ Íree tory rane. Ida Mitzner was home over FA RM LOANS the week end. W rite lor booklet describing our 20- Mrs. C. P. Stafford was a Sa­ year Rural Credit Amortized Loans Tli» < o o l advice: “ I f you live Tue loan pays out in .’0 payments re­ lem visitor Thursday, returning in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live tiring the principal. Cheap rates. No in the evening. in » m e other town, trade in that town." del»y B e a m L a n d Co., But in these automobile days many re­ Milton Bond drove to Browns­ 133 I.yon street, Albany, Ore. siding elsewhere find i t advisable to do ville Monday to have some at least part of their buying in the broken spectacles repaired. larger town. Those who go to Albany to transact business w ill find the firms Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hill at­ FARM LOANS named below ready to fill their require­ tended the funeral of David ments w ith courtesy and fairness. at lowest rate of interest Pierce at Harrisburg Sunday. Real Estate Insurance F. H. Porter of Portland was Prompt service. Courteous treatment. A C C ESSO R IES AND TIRES on the sick list at the home of W m ' B a in , Room 5, First Savings Rank Auto Supplies his brother, Will Porter, at J. H. A l l is o n bnilning, Albany Shedd last week. 442 W est First St Mr. and Mrs. Karl Seefeld and family spent Sunday after­ A lb an y Bakery, 424 West First noon at the home of Mrs. Han­ 4 one-pound loaves nah Cummings. for 25« Mrs. T. I. Marks and Mrs. Inez Freeland were guests at A lb an y Floral Co. Cut flowers Shoes that cost less per month of wear the Ellsworth Shedd home near ■4W anci plants. Floral art for every Shedd Thursday evening. and a ll occasions. F lo w er phone 458-J. Mrs. J. C. Bramwell left Sat­ Modern urday for St. Helens, where she uto Elactric Service—Recharg­ spend a week with her Barber Shop will able A & B batteries—W IL L A R D daughter, Mrs. N. A. Tinik. Laundry sent Tuesdays storage battery. Phone 23. 119-121 W. Second sL H. D. Preston—J .C . Cochran Agency Hub Cleaning Works Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steven­ son drove over from Browns­ A B E S PLACE ville Sunday and visited at the lue Bird R estaurant, 309 Lyon Stevenson and Miller homes. street. Eat here when in Albany Open from 6 to 2 and 5 to 8. Miss Bertha Leitner, accom­ Mas. B l o u n t . Amor A. Tussi ng panied by her father and moth­ er, motored to Halsey Sunday LAWYER AND NOTARY and were guests at the Vannice r u n s w ic k home. P H O N O G R A P H S H alsey , O regon at Mrs. Esther Rike was over W O O D W O R T H ’S from Corvallis Sunday, a guest at the home of her daughter, ria v e n p o rt Music company offers DELBERT STARR Mrs. Charles Straley, and fami­ Piano-case organ, good as new Estey organ, good as new Funeral Director and Li­ ly- Used Pianos. censed Embalmer Ed Warmoth arrived Friday astbnrn Bros.—Two big grocery Efficient Service. Motor Hearse. for a visit with Grant Taylor stores, 212 W. F irs t and 225 South Lady Attendant. and other relatives and friends. Main. Good merchandise at the rig ht B r o w n s v ille ....-------------- ---------- Oregon He is employed as mail carrier prices. in Portland. lite Cafeteria and coufectionery G. R. Walker went to Reeds­ Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ ings. Courteous, efficient service. port Saturday to work a t the W- L- W R IG H T W e make our own candies. carpenter trade. He will stay W . S. D u n c a n . Mortician & Funeral Director with his daughter, Mrs. Bertha Halsey and Harrisburg Lpiltns developed a nd printed. Lee, who resides there. C a ll D. T a y l o r , Hslsey. or We m ail them rig h t 1 lack to you. W. L. W r i g h t , Harrisburg Mesdames Karl Bramwell, M. Woodworth D rug Com pa i ty, Albany. O r­ egon. M. Ward and May Miller and J. H. Porter drove to Albany on po RD SALES AND* SERVICE a shopping expedition Thurs­ Tires and access« rie» day. A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S N O T IC E Repairs K i k k -P o l l a k M o t o « C o . of Hearing of Final Account Mis. Florence Leeper and son Notice is hereby giveu that the final Iporttniller Furniture l i o ., furni- account Francis of Eugene were dinenr of A. G. Waggener as adminis- * ture, rugs, linoleum , stol e» ranges. tratsr ef the estate of John F. W aggen­ guests of the former’s mother, Funeral directors. 427-423 t vest First er. deceased, has been filed in the Ootin- Mrs. Albert Miller, Sunday. The streeL Albany, Oregon. j ty Court of Linn County, State of Ore­ Karl Bramwell family were al­ gon, and that the 10th day of Novern. ULLER GROCERY. Lyon her, so guests. Mr. Bramwell is a 1924, at the hour of 10 o'clock a (Successor to Stenberg BrorA ) in., has been duly appointed by said brother of Mrs. Leeper. Groceries Fru its ProiVuce Court for the hearing of objections to Phone 263 R \ Glenn Frum, former resident said final account and the settlement thereof, at which tim e any person in te r­ of Halsey, who has been attend­ olman X <»«e act of congress of nesday. M a d e -T o -M e a s u re Clothes Aug. 24. 1912: \ Mrs. S. J. Smith was a guest Halsey. Cfregon, Oct. 1, 1924. M PERIAL CAFE. 209 ’V. Fins t O w ner, ed itor an d m an ager, W m H. of the club at the home of Mrs. , Harold G. M urphy Prop. ■ 1 W h eeler of H a lte r . Btnn cou n ty, Phone 665 , D. S. McWilliams in Albany O regon. . .. W k n e v e r c lo s e Bondholders, mortgagees *n d o th ­ Thursday afternoon. She was e r security holders, none agneto electric co .- accompanied to Albany by , Mrs. W m . H . W B B W W , E d ito - Official Stroraberg carburetor se va- F. G. Hadley. ice station. Conservative prices. AMI work guaranteed. 119-121 W . Seconal. Dr. and Mrs. T. I. Marks had W ell, ts r’t toe' for dinner guests Sunday jUieir "M ARINELLO PARLORS So,« e m otcH s-j seem io feel that If 4” (A beauty aid for «every need) a pedestrian Is not locking in six d i­ son Roland and two of his fra­ St. Francis Hotel friends from Corvallis re c tio n * at one instant, he Is g u ilty of ternity Prop.. W i n n i x r k d R o sr. and Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Stafford neglige! bee.— v.’ahish ’» imee-Star. of this city. en and money are best when- busy. Mske your dollars w ork in Hugh Brandon came up Tues­ our savings department. A l b a n s - S t a t e , alsey Happenings day evening from his home in B a n k . Under government Supervision. Portland for a visit with his ana C o u n ty Evants mother, j^JO O R E ’S MUSIC, HOUSE Mrs. Eliza Brandon, and incidentally to take a shot ''E v e r y th in g musical 223 W . F irst s t / Short Sto ries from Sundry at a pheasant. oscoe ames hardw are , ¿Sources Dr. E. W. Barnum of Mt. tine Angel was in town Sunday W IN C H E S T E R S T O R E morning making ready his den­ 322 W. F irst s t (Left over from last week) tal outfit which has been in the S. G IL B E R i * SON L. E. Wai'ton was in town Halsey hotel since he moved • Builders' and shelf hardware, gar­ from Harrisburg, for shipment Sunday. den tools, crockery and glassware to a purchaser in Portland. He New Stock. New low prices. W. J . C arty wta down from then went to Harrisburg for a 0 TIM SON T HI f s H 0 K DOCTO R Eugene several day«. short visit with L. W. Shisler Second s tre e t o pposite H am ilton 's A. E. Foote was on the sick and wife. store. 'Sudden Service ” list the last of the week. Ellsworth Shedd of Shedd T H E MARÔU;tRÎTE"5HÔPi’B has been requested by the of­ Misses Beulah Miller and An­ Shampooing. M s rc e lP u |- gad Scalp ficials of the International Live na Drinkard were shopping m Treatments. M a rg v - -ym sn. Stock show at Portland to have Albany Thursday afternoon. 110 W es' Second st- _____ a display of apples on exhibit, Miss Cleona Smith was home it being declared that he has V r -C U L T Y S H o r r ^ , from her school in Sweet Home beeil showing some of the finest apples that have ever been for the week end. shown at the county and state Mrs. M. H. Shook and Mrs. afaldo” Anderson Son. distni fairs. Eliza Brandon were in Albany ’ ’ utora sod dealers for Mas well Cha. mers. Essex Hudson f t H u p m ^ J e «■«- Friday. Accessories. • pnbes. 1st ft Broadalbin David Foote and son have had to a Combined n * w furniture and their new barn wired for elec- M S G lC M e Trentmerit.both FARM MACHINERY t ric lights. local and Internal, and baa been success­ ful in the treatment of Catarrh for o v a bought sold sftd exchanged st ell times Bassett returned forty Te«"- Sold by all dnjggtsrs- i a visit with her F. I . C H E N E Y f t C O -, T oledo , O hio BEN T. SUDTELL H alsey b m e r p r is e FA C E 5 Official Democratic Propaganda n A B B E E A F H H H I M M R S T" A H a ll’s C a ta rrh Phone 76-R, 123 N . Broadalbin e t , Albaa y R. M. RUSSELL County Clerk Candidate for re-election T H A T T H E P A R E N T S OF JO H N W. D A V I8 F IR S T Y E A R S OF T H E IR M A R R IE D L IF E . Senator Owen Charges Defla­ tion of Farm Prices and (Republican norninoe) Values Due to Re­ If elected I will give tbecitiiens publicans. of Linn county and other patrons of the office the benefit of niv ex­ perience and training and will BIG INTERESTS GET TIP continue to operate the office in Thousands of Agricultural Pro­ the same efficient and oourteoua ducers and Small Business manner th at I have iu the past. ''E fficiency, E c o n o m y and Courteay ” has been and will con­ tinue to be my slogan. Men Ruined Since 1920, and Depression Not Yet Halted. L IV E D D U R IN G TH< Few days ago. , "U nder the system of p rlce-flxlnrj fostered by the Fordney M cfu m b er* tariff.” says the Journal, "the average! Farmer hat no chance to save money I long For the ta riff enters Into nearly everything he does not produce on his own land; and as farm prices g oj up other prices keep a leap ahead.” The editorial then declares that! labor, too. la told that the ta riff ban naintalned good wages and upheld the tandard of living ,” and then pointe -at that “all the tim e large employera • ere bringing thousands of foreigners uto thia country." Paid Adv. To the Voters of Linn County : Anyone who Is elected to an of­ fice in this county must receive a large republican vote, but county and state offices should be consid­ ered as business enterprises, to be removed from partisan politics and run as economically as any pri­ vate business. Nearly all cities have ceased to have republican and democratic tickets in their municipal elections. In askeng your support for the office of county clerk I ask you to be guided by your sound business judgment. The question of qualifications need not enter in, because I freely acknowledge my worthy opponent as having been n satisfactory offi­ cial during the many years of b it incumbency, and he has freely and publicly expressed bis belief that I would do just as well If elected. Everyone is advocating economy, but few are showing us just where and how a saving can be made If given the opportunity I pledge my­ self to save the public at least $700 per year without lowering the effi­ ciency of any office. If elected I will ask the legisla­ ture to lower the* salary of the office of county clerk from $2000 to 1000 per year, which sura will insure competent service in the office. I wish to correct a mistake th at 1 made in a written state­ m ent a week ago. The cut in the salary of the office a few years ago should have read “ $200 per year,” instead of “ $500.” I believe th at business judgment dictates th at the office of recorder should be merged with that of clerk, as is done in all but six other counties in the state. A deputy clerk will do the same work for $1200 per year that n recorder does for $1-500. Net saving, $300 per year. If an annual saving by a cler­ ical official of nearly one-ha,f the salary he xpects to receive appeals to your idea of good business 1 will greatly appreciate your sup­ port- Respectfully yours, H enry N olan (Paid adv. __ • 4 3 Years Washington. D. C.— Frequent men tlon ot the "deflation” of agricultural prices and values has been made by speakers and newspapera alnce the present presidential campaign began several weeks ago and la likely to be heard even more often before Novein ber 4. ¡Senator Robert L. Owen's speech on this subject In the Senate Is gaining wide circulation because of his charge— never denied by the Re publican Senators who heard him In the Senate or by any other Republl can— that certain big Individuals and Interests had a “tip" In advance that the "squeeze" was Impending, while farmers and others were unaware of the plan for stopping credits and de­ pressing values. Senator Owen declared that the Re publican Congress and then the Harding adm inistration were responsi­ ble for the "deflation” which has ruined thousands of farm ers and small business men since 1920. Sen ator Owen said In part: “That Republican oonrentlon (1920) declared In favor of a policy of defla tlon. • • • In his (Candidate H ard ing ’s) acceptance speech he de­ clared In favor of a policy of deflation The tim e for action had come. • • • All of the arrangeemnta for bringing on the panic had been made The Farm Loan banka were closed; the W ar Finance Corporation was closed, and the Republican Congress had fastened on the Federal Reserve bank Ing system that cruel and crim inal progressive Interest rate amendment, under which the panic of 1920 and 1921 was brought about and under which a hank In Alabama was charged 8TV4 per cent. They never disclosed to the public th e ir purpose to pro­ duce a panic u ntil it was too late for tbs farmers, merchants and bankers of the 8outh and West, and honest business men of the country general ly. to fake the steps necessary to pro- ■ect their Interests • • • Farmers Taken Unawares "T h in k of the banking system of the Nation— the currency and credit facilities of a hundred millions of people— being manipulated In the In ­ terest of a favored few to the em barrassment and hurt and In ju ry of a hundred millions of people! "One day I was speaking In the Senate on this phase of the deflation panic, and when I finished a Republi­ can Senator from the West, himself a m illionaire, came to ma and said: "You are right about them sending word to certain people that the panic was coming They sent me word several days before It rame and aug vested that I do the thing neressary lo protect myself and prevent losses.' He told me that the panic cost him thousands of dollars. "The laboring men end the wage esrnera were not notified. The doc­ tors. lawyers, preachers, and teachers were never told that business disaster was drawing near, that a financial panic was on Its way to destroy pros­ perity and devour the eubatance of the people W hy were the big finan­ cial highbrows singled out end noti­ fied In advance of the panic and the masses of the people left without warning to the furies of a storm that left wreck and ru in and death In Its wake? • • •" That’s the time we have nerved TARIFF HURTS FARMERS| the farmers of the northwest in Republican Law Fosters Prles-Flxlng selling their hogs, veal, poultrv And Raises Living Cotta. fruits, etc. Write us for marketing Informa- mstioa. PAGE & SON, Portland, Oregon, Mllwaube«, W l a —Republican par- I'sane who point to the tariff as a won to farm ers and a bleating to labor are read a good lecture In an •dltortal In the M ilw aukee Journal a JO H N D A V I8 . G R A N D F A T H E R OF JO HN W. D A V IS , A N D F O U N D E R ; OF T H E D A V I8 L IN E IN W E S T V IR G IN IA . MRS. JO HN J. D A V IS . M O T H E R OF JO H N W D A V IS . S H E W A S FOR Y E A R S A L E A D E R IN T H E RE L IG IO U S AND IN T E L L E C T U A L L IF E OF C LA R K S B U R G . J O H N W D A V IS S T R O N G L Y R E 6 E M B L E S H IS M O T H E R . N o t ic k og C it y T a x p a v k b s ' M k k t - ttse — Notice ia hereby given that on Monday evening. November 10th, 1924. at the hour ot 7 o'clock p. i l l . , in the council chamber, w ill be held a meeting ot the taxpayers of the city of Hslsey for the purpoae ot adopting the budget for th e year 1925, as prepared by the budget committee. I- st I ma ted eapenditures for veer De­ cember 31. 1924, to December 31, 1923 ; (Ken mated Expenses Conncilmen 3 72.00 Marshal, salary, lab., etc.222.tiO Mayor ............... 12.00 Health o ffic e r______ 12.00 R ecoid er...... .......... 50.00 Street lighting 612 00 R leetfen «..___________ 20.00 Street intersection! I.nniber . _______ . . . Street work . . . . . . . . . . . M aint, city p ro p e rty ... Miecel. and labo r----- - 31000 00 200.00 360.00 73H 40 A4,00 136 60 $1000 »1320 Oo 31520 3 2520 Estimated Receipts License f e e t ................... Roed tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 00 400 520 Rerapitnlation Estimated expenses . . . . . . . . . . . Estimated receipts____ . . . . . . . . 32370 »20 Amount to be raised by tax 32000 By nnler of the council B k r t S. C l a b k . M ayer A J. lltL t., Chairman E. P Caoss, Recorder 1 \ \