PAGE 4 HALSEY ENTERPRISE HALSEY ENTERPRISE An in d ép en d a n t—N ot n eu tra l— n e w s ­ paper, published eveiy Weduesday. My w'm. H. «ÏIEE1KR Bn*»«. -In o. A u v er im n g . >1 S? a year In advanca. 2uc an in ch , no aiu-jun (or lime or space ; no charge for com position or changes. "Pald-foi Paragraphs." tc a Has. » • advertising disguised a t s e r a OCT. 29, For More egg production*^ daily capacity to be installed at Bay Horse mine. Dundee—New walnut pack- [ ing plant opens for business. The Dalles— King’s Food'Pro- ducts Company f ictory starts on dehydrated apples, to han­ dle between 4,000 and 5,000 tons before closing in February. A storia— City Ludget « Use Fisher’s i JERSEE MILK Special prioe on one-halt ton and ton lots A fresh aluok of for 1925 calls for increase of $126.371 I over 1924. Brownsville—Woolen mills, We hope no farm er will fall ! shut down since July, reopen , with 40 hands. for the bunk th at ia being ped­ The Dalles—Nearly $400,000 dled by the knockers who are building perm its issued for fighting the income tax. first seven months 1924. Carlton—A. H. Laughlin re­ Oregon is prospering today as never before. New indus­ ports 85 acres of prune trees tries have been springing up all yielding 100 tons dried prunes, over the state during the term for which he is offered 6* 2 • th a t the law has been operative cents per pound, or $13,000. Medford—A. S. Ash starts and old enterprises have been increasing their capacity. The $250,000 cold storage plant. Medford—50 residences to be state, too, has been filling up with settlers. The Portland built a t once; financing $312,- cham ber of commerce says th at j 000 hotel now under way. Myrtle Point—Commercial 500 families arrived and located trout hatchery to be opened on in the state last month. Cherry creek. Tha Portland Jonrnal pays : “The increase of construction Attorney B. S. M artin of Sa­ in th e m ajor cities of the state for September was 24 per cent. lem was in town Friday, shak- I ing hands with old acquain- Toe increase in W ashington i tances. Mr. M artin was a Hal- was only 7 per cent. For Cali­ seyite once upon a time and af- fornia it was only 4 per cent. I terwards for many years was a The comparisons are with Sep­ practicing attorney located at tem ber of last year. Brownsville. He is a candidate “In spite of this marvelous for the circuit judgeship made growth in Oregon, a faction in vacant by the death of George meroe is broadoasting a sta te ­ I H. Bingham, which death oc- the atate income tax ‘ 'urred too late 'to have ■"’ i $ SUSTAIN INCOME TAX m ent th a t Egg Producers I R S ® $ « « 9 » e p u b l ic a n ij ^ iahty » ut to FOOD “ COMPOUND am ount desired T he economical food for calves, pigs and poultry O. W . FR.U M A N O IQ A T E S Grant never Said s Much, but he H A 1 .S E Y S T A T E B A N K Halsey, Oregon : C A P IT A L AND SURPLU S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 Commercial and Savings accounts So&cited Stuck to His Job § « 9 « Economy, B-eauty and Quality BRIDGES: BEACH Coolidge the Best by T est RANGES 9 tax . A ad they [send their argu­ through the income tax. ments to those whom they want Once in a while the Portland to convert. To do this they ad­ body quits knocking long enough to let a little tru th es­ vertise in papers w bi:b, like the E nterprise, uphold the tax. We cape. Thus it says: “Oregon gained 24 per cent accept this business not only far in new building construction the money but for fair play. Read during 1924, compared with a ; both sides. Then vote Vote with four per cent gain in California your eyes open. Vote. i Sec our new a n d com plete line i * » » <• « . ( can be p u t into your kitchen by | th e installm ent of one of onr | © the Portland Chamber of Com­ names of can d ’dtaes for the posi­ 5 merce is broadcasting a pro­ tion printed on the ballots. gram th at the state income tax I They m ust be w ritten in. is building up California and 6 W ashington a t the expense of 8. H. Goin and A. K . McMa­ < Oregon. How about it? Cali­ han are candidates for re-election, fornia’s increase, 4 per cent; W ashington’s 7 per cent; Ore­ I and they deserve it ou tiie record gon’s 24 per cent. The figures hey made in the last legislature. are from building records re­ 1 hey have tho advantage of expe- 9 ported by S. W. Strauss & Co., , ilence—of knowing the ropes and 9 recognized authorities on the ; being already in the game. In 9 subject.’” this they have a less sleep clim b $ The preposterous statem ent 1 before them th a n Mr. Nolan, who • is made th a t because of the in­ come tax this state has lost i confronts a county clerk not only $41,252,350 of investment th at in the office but popular, in such would have come here. A week offices partisan politics count for « ago the figures given was $30,- I hut little. 000,000. By election day the Opponents of the income tax figures given by these knockers are shrewd. Tbev have achieved and tax shirkers may include all of Oregon and part of Cali­ incomes, and from these they con­ fo rnia and W ashington as lost to us tribute to the fund to fight the 9 SO DOES HEATERS 8WÈT T he p r im H IL L < Performances Are Better Than Promises— Don't Trade Realities for Uncertainty. Our country is in safe hands today—why chance? Condi­ tions are sound and wages higher than they have ever been. Why not let well enough alone ? Excessive tax burdens have been lifted by Coolidge and his party. More than 4,000,000 heads of families were helped by the 25 per cent cut in income taxes. Nuisance taxes were removed. There is no longer a tax on automobiles costing less than $ 1000, nor on theater tickets costing less than 50 cents. / “I WANT THE PEOPLE TO WORK / / LESC, for • ViALSEY GARAGE, a . E. FOOTE • e r A T?ISK 4 and qplRES and TpXPERT WORKMEN • GATES lU B E S Efficient ¡Equipment, • • I # • A UTO accessories • 2\UTO Repairing promptly done I j ¿T H A L S E Y , 'Oregon • THE GOVERNMENT AND MORE rO R are right • T H E M S E L V E S ”— C O O L ID G E ___________ - and a seven per cent gain in The Enterprise still regrets W ashington since the first °f the year and hundreds more are ; th at the United States played on th eir way. Real estate ! slacker and deserted the cause tran sfers are breaking any re­ 1 of the league of nations. It cords since long before the w a r ; J does not believe, with Mr. Coo­ Oregon is now going ahead lidge, Jhat the naval teaty, or more rapidly than in many any other likely event outside years past.” the league, is likely to maintain And then it remembers the world peace. Therefore, while income taxes its members ‘ admiring Mr. Coolidge as an have had to pay and goes back ' honest and courageous man, to the howling of calamity. and believing he will get the Among the signs of progress 1 most votes Nov. 4, it prefers noted within seven days and re­ Davis, a friend of the league. corded by Hofer & Sons’ Indus­ trial Review, were: If the oleomargarine interests Medford—Amount of new i are perm itted to continue to de­ building indicates best peiiod base the quality of what is sold in city’s growth. for butter and to lower the price W heeler—Extensive program of dairy products it will be be­ of new building now in pro­ cause farm ers neglect their gress. New hotel opened. duty to vote. The bill does not Oregon leads Pacific states in prevent anybody from using percentage of building gain foi the cheaper breadspread but it a» September, 1924, over Septem­ forbids its masquerading as 9 ber, 1923. Oregon gain for | butter, which is isn’t. 9 five principal cities is 24 per One reason the neuropathic 9 c e n t; nine W ashington cities # gained 7 per cent, and California I bill ought to pass is th a t the or­ » ganized medicos oppose it. They 9 cities gained 4 per cent. Molalla—Commercial Club approve of $259 or $500-a-day 9 takes up job of contracting “expert” testim ony by mem­ 9 acreage for pickle plant. About bers of their orgatu/jstjon which 9 is making our court triaU a 150 acres required. Dee— Oregon Lumber com­ farce in which moneybags win, 9 pany sta rts new dam for log right or wrong. pond and for additional power. If farm ers stay a t home next Installation will cost $50,000. Cottage Grove—Spurgeon Tuesday and the oleomargarine and Harbick completing sawmill and income tax bills are defeat­ near Goshen, with three years ed it will be only one more case where the farm er will not be tim ber cutting in sight. helped because he does not help Eugene—Two story concrete 6tore building to be built at himself. Rain or shine, vote, é cost of $80,000. A list of w hat it is claimed that Klamath Falls—Building per­ m its totaling $110,565 issued Oregon missed on account of the income tax Indicatea th at w ithout first week in October. th at law O regon'«09 wou'<1 hive Eugene—Building record for 1924 already reaches $2,517,080. ¡had no need of heaven. They would have been better off here. H untington—Mill of 150 tons . \ » The administration passed three revenue acts slashing taxes. The latest one alone saved the people more than $400,- 000,000 a year, or almost >4 for every man, woman and child in America. .. — . . The people are being saved $6,000,000 daily in taxes as compared with 1021. 'Ihe cost of government has been cut that much. The national debt has been reduced $2,750,000,000 in three years. Waste of public money has been stopped and billions saved to the people. There is a treasury surplus that will justify another cut in income taxes. PROSPERITY IS SWEEPING OVER THE COUNTRY WITH A RISING TIDE ARROW GARAGE, Ga nsle Bros. U. S.