Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, October 29, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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OCT. » , i«(4
«’ V
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we stand for a law that
kept 3000 families out of O regon?
Of course we wouldn’t! So it’s up to us to vote the
antagonistic Income Tax Law out of existence!
For it Has already lost for Oregon payrolls amount­
ing to more than six million dollars ($6,000,000)
a year! And six million dollars means at least
3000 families who are lost to Oregon’s popula­
tion in just one year under this dangerous law.
59 Industries lost to Oregon in
a single year— others threatened
1 hese figures sh o w th e a p p a llin g effect o f th is u n w ise t a x law
w hich a n ta g o n iz es in d u strie s on w h ich a larg e p a rt of our
g ro w th a n d p ro sp e rity d ep en d .
Recorded D am age D ue to State Incom e T ax
Oregon needs Jobs and Markets
The Income Tax kills both!
Vote 312X YES and kill the Income Tax!
If there are two things Oregon needs above all others it is ( I ) jobs for her
workers, and (2) markets for her products. Every new enterprise or in­
dustry brought into Oregon means more jobs. Jobs support population. Ev­
ery increase in population means a better market for farm and factory
T im b e r purchase« cancelled
p e n d e d ....................................................
<18 000,000
Construction of lum ber m ill», towna.
lugging camp» and logging railw ay*
abandoned or suspended..................
O ther industrial investments can­
celled or suspended..............................
O ne year’s operating payro ll on
forego'ng i t e m s ..................................
D irin ccrporation s, 84,606.000 capi-
ital. D a -rag e lisrted 1 /10 o n ly ..........
Actual removals from the state. In­
cluding lost of only one year’s pay­
ro ll .............................................................
Threatened rem ovals, including loss
of only one year's p a y ro ll....................
Case« as to which ¿«finite amounts
are n o t p v a ila b k . but which would
am ount to m any m illio n s ; damage
listed as .....................................................
investigation ;
w ould am ount to m any m illions;
damage listed as . . ................................
Cases in w hich reported rem oval
or investm ent elsewhere was stated
to have been canoed by the incom e
tax but w hich cannot be verified in
w ritin g ; damage listed as .................
T o t a l R e c o rd e d
Dam age . . . .
$ 4 1 ,2 5 2 ,3 5 0
T h e .« figure, certified eaneervotive end correct b n F R A N K E. A N D R E W S .
C H A R L E S I L S T E W A R T . B E N S E L L IN G , C H R IS 9 A . B E L L . J. K . G U A .
The customer who quits and says nothing—
The insidious thing about this law it that industries do not complain__they shnpJy
pack up and move to another state I They are like the customer who quits and s a y
nothing— you never know he is dissatisfied nor why — hence have no cK -v * to
make matters right with him. Many large concerns whA’ Uh Or stayed out of Ore­
gon on account of the income tax refused to allow us to use their names because
they did not want to be made to appear as tax dodgers— and yet they could not af­
ford to carry a tax burden in Oregon which they did not need to pay in California or
Washington I There is an old adage which says. "Business is sensitive. It goes only
v'here it is invited and stays only where it is well treated." W e cannot.afford to A N -
1 AGONIZE enterprises which other states are INVITING I
Yet the income tax law antagonizes industries end enterprises. Many au­
thentic cases are on file where industries MOVED OUT OF OREGON OR
DECIDED NOT TO COME TO OREGON bee ause of the income tax law.
Counting loss of capital invested, purchases and payroll, this loss is already
conservatively estimated at more than $40,000,000. The payroll loss alone
b already over $6,000,000 a year I
This insidious law m ust
is hurting Oregon!
had planned to establish our N orthw est
* * • Portland. W a chanced our |4a
« • l o c a t i n g la Beattie be ausa of the adverts
T U B B O Y L B -D A Y T O N
CO .
Los A ng Mss.
H o d ws know « the Oregon Incom e T a x Law would
P « «sd , wa ssrtaialy vould have bought tim ber in
W ssbtogton or B ritish C olum bia, rather than in O re-
C B M T B jA L C O A L 4 C O K E C O .. Kknaas C ity.
O wners of V e rn onia, O r«., development.
W s had planned on erecting a saw m ill r t a coat of
• ff
ly | l 00,808
four miles
of ioggit
__ r a a t o ia t s _______
__ _ and
_ «f
logging raiL
raed. T hia would lacrease our locging
logging facilities
faci li dee which
to an e x p ir d itu r t of about t 8188,000
8.000 I addi-
Glendale, Oregon.
• •
O a vw stot ad a draft of the stats income tax la w at
N s « Y o rk headquarters. Instru ctions ware sent to
Coast branch at Portland, Feb ru ary
L E W I 1 M E A R S C O .. N ew Y o rk .
M W o would not consider any further expansion so
■■Sf so share la a state income tax in Oregon.
B A B N B B - L t M D B L K Y M P O . C O .. Portland, Oro.
W e had completed plans and specifications for a
aaB d lag to be «sad aa a warehouse and offices for a
U rg e corporation w ith headquarters in C alifo rn ia, but
thee» pUwe f«0 through whan they learned of the etate
•"««»aa tea ■Manure. W ill do nothing further In thia
asattor sntfl the income tax measure a sett led.
£ H O L M A N T R A N S F E R C O .. Pu itlan d, O regon.
W W re v is e <mr a par at tone In O regon and possibly
* 8 to V a n ««ever, W ashington.
C O A B T C U L V t R T 4 P L U M E C O .. Portland, O ra.
Read these extracts from letters. The originals
and hundreds more like them are on file. Then
go to the polls November 4th and rid Oregon
of this objectionable law which is keeping
millions of dollars and thousands of people
away from our state.
W h en the State of O regon passed the state income
tax law , then we believed It best to re-incorporate the
com pany in C alifo rn ia, which was done.
B E N S O N L U M B E R C O .. San D iego. CaL
• • • we cannot perm it ourselves to be burdened
w ith any taxes that our com petitors, the m ajo rity of
whom are in W a th in g to n , do not have to pay. For
that reason we figure that If the income tax is to
be perm anent, we, in self preservation, m ust w ith ­
draw our headquarters to another state.
M 4 M W O O D W O R K I N G C O ., P o rtlan d , Oregon.
Com ing from W isconsin, where we have had a state
inrom c tax for several years, we are fam iliar w ith that
deterrent to bus.nets development, and we, ourselves,
as w ell aa m any others whom we know, left W isconsin
f i r the same r«.anon for which we hesitate to go into
business in Oregon.
W M . M . B R A Y , Secy.-Trea.«., Oshkosh Land
ft T im b er Co., Oshkoah, W ia .; Pres. Klam -
a’ h Logging Co., K lam ath Falls, O re .; Pres.
Sprague R ire r Co. Chiloquin, O re .; T h ird
largest owners in Klam eth County.
W e had acquired property fo r the erection of a
warehouse when we learned of this law.
I have heretofore advieed on sim ilar requests th at we
cannot m aintain our business in O regon if the staiute
ia upheld.
Youngstow n, O hio, W . P. G uth rie. V . P.
W ill lim it expansion to moet absolute necessities to
coinp.ete present functicns, a reduction of 65% in
program . O n account of the severity and injustice of
the O regon inccm c tax law we have decided to cut
down our proposed building and equipm ent project
from <3 5,000 to <12,000, and had we realised that this
tax would become effective, we w ould not have
budgeted any additional im provem ent at
W E S T E R N L U M B E R M F O . C O .. San Prandscw.
Unless the law is repealed we are aeriouvly con­
sidering incorporatin g our Seattle house separately and
diverting also to them all O regon business th at it is
possible for them to handle.
C L Y D E E Q U I P M E N T C O .. Portland. Oregon.
O u r com pany , W ill not exp,n<f ia P
i r t t a M „ aa
aa th e rt 1, a 5Z,
r a t . In c o m , T ___
an ____
Law .
r e u o n our head o S ic . waa n o t located I
on t n ii eccoutm
' \
Portland. ( » I | i a
• • • had w s not already opened o u r _________
and eetablishsd ourselves, we certainly would not
it now , and fu rth e rm o re, we have been
ad v isab ility of discontinuing our branch share.
T H E B . R S T U R T E V A N T C O .. Ban
—— -
M r. H e rb e rt A rm stro n g , W estern M anager to r ths
M enasha .V oxtonw ere com pany, started that they « e r e
figuring on m oving ths W e s t*™ W o o d e n w v a f — t
psny i r o n Tacnm a to Coos B ay, and had a lre a d y pur­
chased site on our «m tarfront. L a te r stetod tfcsy
w ould not do anything at all tow ard a changa until
they had seen the effect of the Oregon State Incnana
T a s L aw .
H . G . K E R N , R e s id e n t. P irat N a tio n al :
N o rth
O u r o rig in al plans of operations in Oregon
for an annual prodw tidst of 200 m illion fast of lum ­
ber. whereas our present plans call for only
that am ount. Furth« rtngre, ws had planned on con­
structing and operad vg a U rg e Door and Bath Factory
in connection w ith « ur lum bering plant, but wwh dase
threatening legislaras n (here ia no encouragem ent tor
ua to invest the neo» eaary capital for carrying ant aur
origin al pjans.
W a hape th a t th n m a jo rity of the people ia Oregon
w ill u ltim a te ly chan .« their present a ttitu d e Sew« 8 »
capital and in d u s try . to the end that it w ill be a wsL
I f • vesT/ ••« tio o of the state.
M O U N T K N l d f T I M B E R C O .. L . O r m f e . O a
• • • « a cot irnno plated
listed p u ttin g in an electric seaal
furnace, but w ill i» t do thia until the law has bean
bend ir o n w orbb .
This 1 tax 7 T'i luw has
• • i i * K
fo r,O re"on more than 40 million dollars ju«Æ for the purpose of
soaking our enterprises 2 or 3 millions a year. Is that good business
or gixxl sense. I he situation is critical, it must he met by intelligent voting. If we want Oregon to grow we must vote to
IaftCtotsd bv C C Chapman, E d itor. Oregon Voter, 2î:< W orcester
la « , Portland, O to f r a —-IN C O M E T A X B B P F .'U -Purpos*
peal ebap 1er <78 o f the Oeaerat Laws of
n « f 19* i, kn
th e lurem
luen me T a t A rt
Vote Y E H or
B illd
To re
* n aa
Vote 312 X Yes
■ M a l e , u r c y o u r b a llo t
i . m a r k , . ! t h is w a v
Portland C h .-.h « « r f P o m m e r » Com m ittee lor repeal ot Lacome T a »
C h .ir m a « -» ..d e n .» <42 E » ,i 1 tifi S t r » t , N o rth . P o rtland. q rt ( oa
part of what your cooperation be suffering and death. We your means allow, by early | $705.971.12. Repairs to these
with that of
thousands of have absolutely nothing in sight mail, it will mean that another, mads hare already amounted to land Jo urani.
Portland. Oct. 21, 1924.
others meant in the near east with which to care for these child will have a fighting chance $698,004.70.
They represent
To Friends of Little Children:
California is exterminating
children. Our whole resources I for life.
Sixteen thousand children
$ 1.399,975.82 for 31.3 miles of the deer in certain section« be­
J. J. Handsaker.
Outside the orphanages in are taxed to care for those in­
Mved from blindness, homes or
Northwest Regional Director. ' pavement. The drainage was cause they have foot and mouth
employment found for more the great refugee camps in side, our accounts are over­
poor, the top was too thin, the disease.
than fourteen thousand, en­ (Greece are thirty-five thousand drawn and only sacrificial giv­
road was too narrow, the mix
couragement given to multi­ children who must have aid for ing can save these children.
Between 1917 and 1919 the wasn’t what it should be. or
9ubaerib« for Iba Kotarprl««,
If you will send a gift, gene­ state, among other things, pav­
tudes of exiles to begin life all
some other cause necessitated: k«pp|it paid for ia sdpsnoo aad
over again—thia is only a small ter, or the inevitable result will j rous as your heart prompts and ed five roads.
The ce/ st was 1 the hasty replacement—Port-1 bo happy.
he Perishing