Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, October 29, 1924, Image 1

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H a ls e y H appenings
and C o u n ty Evants
Short Stories from Sundry
Sources •
F. W. Robinson of Junction
City was in Halsey Saturday.
D. S. McWilliams of Albany
had business in Halsey Satur­
Mrs. G. R. Walker spent
Thursday a t the home of Ralph
ply of apples
at a near-by or­
S. E. Bass and family were
visiting a t the home of Mrs.
S. C. Bass Saturday.
J. J. Corcoran put down a
new cement sidewalk for Mi's.
Gregg Carter last week.
Foote spent
Thursday at the home of her
son, A. E. Foote, and wife.
F. W. Sylvester is having a
new well driven on his ranch.
Slaten McGuire is doing the
j c
Edna Robinson came down
Junction City Saturday
so helped them celebrate. They
and spent the week-end with
returned Saturday.
her sister, Mrs. A. E. Foote.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hill and
Mrs. E. E. Gormley went to
Miss Willmina Corcoran wqre
Irving Friday evening to visit
in Albany Friday.
a t the George Alford home. Mr.
M. A. Ceruti was a visitor at Alford and daughter Rene are
the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. quite ill with grip.
Foote Wednesday.
J. S. McMahan returned Mon­
H arry Bressler and wife have day from Cascadia with his
completed the remodeling of cattle which had been on the
their new home and moved in forest range there during the
1 summer.
Bressler’» wedding
Finas amounting to $1115 were col­
lected by the Albany police court and
Justice court In two days as a result
of week-end arrests for illegal hunt­
ing, speeding and violations of the
liquor laws.
Residents of Scio at a special elec­
tion voted to sell the municipal elec­
tric power plant to the Mountain
States Power company for $42,50(1«,
The vote was 124 to 3.
Mr. and Mrs. George Tycer
down from Portland
Thursday for a visit with the
latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Bressler.
they came on Mr. and Mrs.
Bancroft Optical Co.
313 West First street, Albany.O r.
lam and her sister Pearl of th»
state normal school at Monmouth
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Dissinore
of Corvallis drove to Halsey
Saturday evening to get their
little daughter
Jean, who has
been staying with her grand­
parents, G. R. Walker and wife.
They were accompanied by
M »J Rena Walker, who is living
with them and working in the
Golden Pheasant grill.
(Continued on page 3)
1 T H E W O R L D 'S
Oscar Agee died Saturday,
aged 58.
Mrs. J. S. Davidson went to
This beautiful Shorthorn bull won 1 The hog show is one of great merit Portland Monday.
grand championship honors at the Pa
elflc International Livestock Kipoal
lion last fall. Frank Brown, of Carl­
ton, Ore., the first president of the
Exposition and one of Its board of
directors, stands behind the animal,
and his little grandchild occupies the
place of honor.
Beginning with Saturday. November
1, hundreds of animals, bred for sjrm
me try of outline and for the greatest
proportion of meat consistent with
constitution, will be on exhibit tor the
admiring public. There will be the
Shorthorns, in their red. white and
roan dress; the Hereford», massive
white faced animal» with wide spread­
ing horns; the Aberdeen-Angus, black
as night and without horns of any
kind. The Milking Shorthorns and
Red Polled cattle, the later solid red.
will also be shown.
Miss Nora Pehrsson, student
at Willamette University at Sa­
Mr. and Mi's. Fred Robins were home for the week end.
were in Brownsville Saturday
H. L. Straley and family,
and purchased their w inter sup- Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Chance and
P. A. Pehrsson and family
were in Albany Saturday.
'• •«RBF’ l f W
been working with the straw
baler north of town, was stay­
ing a t the Harrison place for a
few days, looking for work,
and Wednesday morning both
man and car were gone. It
seems the man pushed the car
to th e road so as not to waken
Harrison family, then
started a fte r he had got out in­
to the road. Mr. Harrison noti­
fied the sheriff and no doubt
will have his car back before
long. In the meantime th# H ar­
risons will walk.
and excellence, and Poland Chinas.
Tne Alexander family is at
Duroc Jerseys. Chester Whites. Berk
shires and Hampshire swine will come Hood River picking apples.
to contest for honors from many states.
D. Taylor and Paul Robert­
In the sheep department are a be
wlldering display ot breeds. The long, son went to Albany Monday.
medium and fine wool breeds wilt all
be represented. Angosa and milk ~ D r .a n d Mrs. T. I. Marks left
for Portland Sunday morning
goats will also be shown.
The poultry department has been In­ for a few days.
creased in else and the exhibit! will
Barney M artin of Browns­
be mere numerous and of finer quality
with a number ot new breeds shown. ville was in Halsey Friday on
The commercial egg division will be his way to Portland.
of especial interest to poultry misers.
The Exposition is remarkable for
F. H. Porter of Portland is
Its variety of domesticated animals I here preparing his cattle for
shown. It is worth visiting for the | shipm ent to the livestock show
sake of seeing the progress made In * 1 at Portland.
the production ot these animals which '
I. E. G ardner and family
minister to man's wants and need*
B row nsville Briefs
owa M akes Big Strides
in C learing A nim al T. B.
spent Sunday with Mrs. Gard­
ner’s sister, Mrs. Bliss Byers,
and family a t Independence.
Blaine Isom, employed in the
Brownsville bakery, took the
Twenty-five counties In low«, depart­
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gamble Halsey stage Saturday for a
ment records show, »re engaged in tu­
visit to his home in Portland.
berculosis eradication under the area drove to Albany Thursday.
plan, and more cattle are tested In
Byron Stratton, son of the
C. H. Koontz and family
that state monthly than In any other drove to Salem Sunday in their Brownsville
state. Moreover, Winnebago county,
Iowa, which Is the first county to com­ new Studebaker sedan.
plete area work. Is now on the list of , Jim DeWolf let a barrel of m arried couple living on the J.
modified accredited counties. This
fall on his hand, T. Beene place.
designation means that bovine tuber­ 1 distillate
middle finger.
A fter tying Springfield twice,
culosis In the county has been re­
duced, by testing and the removal of
0 to 0 and 6 to 6. Brownsville
the reactors, to leas than one-half of
' duty for several days, the vic­ footballers were beaten on their
1 per cent.
own ground by Silverton. 28 to
A number of packers ife paying a tim of a severe cold and an a t­
16, Friday.
premium of 10 cents per hundred­ tack of asthm a.
weight for hogs originating In modi­
Mrs. W ill Daley of Wyoming,
The Carlson family spent the
fied accredited areas. The first car­
load of hogs In Iowa to receive the week a t Marshfield visiting Mr. a fter a visit a t the Newell F u rr
10-cent premium originated In Winne­ and Mrs. Will Sylvester. Mrs. home, left on Saturday’s stage
bago county and topped the market Sylvester was Olive Carlson. for home.
The Daleys are
In Chicago Monday, July 28. as well
us receiving the premium, which
J. C. Harrison, Reece Mallow
amounted to $17.67 for the shipment. and Bruce Burson bought the
J. H. Vannice and family
In paying the premium for the hogs field of corn sold by Mr. Les­
were Albany" callers Saturday,
the president of the packing company
which purchased them stated. "I want ter and are refilling their silos. expecting to drive home a new
to pay the premium on some more of
There has been no small Dodge touring car, but it was
them. They are worth more.”
amount of car accessory steal­ not ready for them.
Good pure-bred rams get the ing going on in the south of
J. O. Willoughby took Mrs.
growthy lamb» that sell on early mar­ Brownsville, the latest victim Willoughby and son Clyde and
ket at handsome profits.
being Mr. Wiemer.
daughter, Mrs. Putman, and
• a s
It Is excellent practice to put sway,
Cecil Harrison lost his Ford the la tte r’s daughter Marie to
under shelter, all farm machinery Im­ car.
A young fellow who Halsey Monday to take the
mediately after using It.
claimed he was an ex-sailor, train for Medford, where the
and was from Seattle, who had elder lady’s son is very ill.
(Enterprise Correspondence)
(C ontinued >
N ew s N otes F rom
A ll O v e r O re g o n
Gleaned by the W estern
Newspaper Union
The rail term ol the Oregon supreme
court for eastern Oregon opened at
Pendleton Monday.
Over 300 delegates registered at
the Oregon State Parent-Teacher con­
vention nt Corvallis.
The power line ol the Pacific Power
& Light company between Pendleton
and Pilot Rock has been completed.
The aseessed valuation of all prop­
erty in Marlon county for the year
1924 is $38,425,810. against $37.962.330
last year.
Plans are In progress for sd elab­
orate reunion ot veterans of the 18th
Railway Engineers to be held In Port­
land Armistice night. November 11.
The potato was king at the third
fair that Umatilla county has had this
year when the annual Umatilla county
Potato show was held Friday at
Novmber 20, 21 and 22 have been
set as the dates for the Marlon-Polk
county corn show. The show will ba
staged under the direction ot the
Salem chamber of commerce.
Oregon had 120 automobile fatali­
ties In 1923 as against 113 In 1922. 103
In 1921 and 87 in 1920. Portland had
39 fatalities In 1923 as compared with
40 tn 1922, 38 In 1921 and 34 In 1920.
Dedication of the final link of the
Old Oregon Trail In Union county
took place Immediately west ot La
Urande, following an outdoor chamber
of commerce luncheon at Oangloff
A per capita payment of $100 to
be paid to the Indians on the Klamath
reservation In Oregon was authorised
by Secretary of the Interior Work.
The total amount to ba distributed 1»
i 'BO ways and means committee of
the Salem city council slashed $1$,-
000 from the proposed budget of mu­
nicipal expenditures For the year 1916.
This action was necessary, Il waa said,
to keep within the 8 per cent limita­
tion law.
Saturday the 14th annual Paonic
International Livestock exposition will
open at Portland, housed In the new
$350.000 pavilion Which was built on
the record-breakfhg schedule of 55
working days, upon the nshea of the
original pavilion.
Poisoned bran scattered In the pa»
lures of Tule lake to kill grasshoppers
was responsible for killing 22 head
of grown cattle for the Rock Creek
Ranch company, It la reported. The
bran was saturated with a solution ol
arsenic and the responsibility for the
death of the »lock haa been proven
by analysis of the stomach content»
The Tule lake country Is a winter
feeding ground for thousands of
Klamath and Lake count/ rattle.
E. Church
Robert Parker pastor.
Sunday school, Iff.
Preaching, 11.,
Junior League, 3,
Intermediate League, 6:80.
Epworth league, 0:80
Preaching, 7:30.
Prayer-meeting Tuesday, 7:30.
[F YOU are thinking of buying a
I piano to add cheer to the long
■“■winter evenings do not miss our
Remodeling Sale
We have the very latest Pianos
made bv the Baldwin Manufacturing Co.
Theso pianoo will be sold at the
Solid C om fort
on E v e ry Job!
ever known in this city
Church of Christ
HAT'S COMFLEX! The Shoe that haa
brought foot comfort to thousands who
never experienced it before—thousands
w ho thought a work shoe to be sturdy had
to have a sole as stiff as a plank) Comflex is
the shoe that—
N eeds No Breaking-In!
Let us show you this famous COMFLEX Shoe.
Try on a pair— you’ll think you've got your slip­
pers o n ! But there's real stuff in the Comflex
Shoe—a sole that's fem pered as well as tanned
—tempered totouq>en,bya six months’process,
which divas it a flexibility undreamed-of before.
good goods
L»n Chamlee Minister.
Look fc r ltw tamos«
W « r « n b < r< « r o t i-
m arko n «haeoleN ®
other aboa haa lh a
C o m fln a o l« . Com­
f1. ■ «hoc« are mod«
of all aolld Ita lb e r .
N o wood or «ub «ll-
tu te a are » le d —In
Ih « beota, «oleo. lo ­
se)«« and cenatara.
At the morning service Sun­
day the m inister asked for $25
to finish paying the outstand­
ing bills. It was pledged w ith­
in a few minutes. This makes a
total of $141 pledged and paid
within the past few weeks. The
bills will be burned next Sunday
The sermons for next Sun­
day are:
Faith or by Works,*' and “God’s
Unanswered Questions.”
The C. E. society announces
a social and business meeting
a t, the Well s residence Tuesday
evening/ Nov.* 4.
HIS PIANO SALE positively Closes Nov 1, so if you want a high-
grade standard piano of the best quality now is the time. Don’t
put it off- W e can make term s to please everyone. ‘ These pianos
must he sold this month.
W« are selling pianos every day
Every price slashed
Piano» frotr $ l2 5 n p
Every piano a bargain
All niualcal good» going nheap
This sale is the talk ol the county
Re oneol those to save money
Store open every evening until 9
D a v e n p o rt M u sic H o u se •
4 0 9 W E ST FIRST ST .