PAU B * /mLor.» a-y i c,KrKidc vzv « , + £ .. t elected Fred Portmiller, treasur­ ed a W Ä n "e‘X - 1 A P P , e S ! A P P l e S ! er. J Halsey Happenings „X th e ----------- .. I ... n o te a t more apples? . - At . ed at TORRANCE ’ » G L O B E ALBANY < Forger H arbert js in the past week Halsey Garage the | the Wny ? (Continued from pa^e 1) Stratton fr u it fa rm , at Browns­ J. M. P h ilp o tt of H arrisburg, penitentiary. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stevenson ville , they are loading the th ird GARAGE Three day«, beginning SL'NDAV, • • «ace h member of the legislature, Wild geese are flying north­ and son of Beaverton, Mrs. car of apples and are crowded for October 26 212 hast First st., Albsny • died M onday m orning, aged 7t ward and flying high. Wise John Gormley and Air. and room. Sov, Spitz and Jonathans PMa-.i 3-) Mrs. Martin Cummings and ai 25c per box and higher accord­ birds 1 Dr. C. R. Templeton, brother o f Engine repairing and recoa The Shootiug of Mrs. W ill K iik , and Dr. C alvin S family spent Sunday at the ing to grade Take your boxes d itio n in g s specialty Former County Commission-) home of Mrs. Hannah Cum m ings. and get your w inter supply. W hite o f Portland were enjoying F irst' Dan McGrew tr D. H. Pierce died at his home the pheasant h u n tin g at the K ir k in Albany Wednesday, aged 72. nun8r8, home Wednesday. w ith -r, \n ■ . . n Frank Shelley of Roseburg O u j first lot of ever brought 10 A lb a n y a the .Mountain States Power came down Tuesday to visit his George F io le y of P ortland, came AN ALL-STAR CAST Makes ’ em fit * company is planning a cut of I sister, Mrs. W. W. Stuart at down to look after his ranch at _>••••••••••••••••••••••«J S tu a rt, at C raw fordsville and visited his about 6 per.cent on rates fo r: .¡„er> Mrg. ;W. ♦ * 1 daughter Ruth and sister, Mrs. service in this valley. Com ing H A LSEY RA ILRO A D T IM E W iu n. u x! I Albany Wednesday. He visited sold q u ic k ly and a second is here, Eliza Brandon, at Halsey Tues­ W. M. Moss, the old-time, „ J A C K IE C O O G A N Actiye, vigorous little beauties* North South day. roadbuilder and now a candidate' iri0^bcr sister, Mrs. A. C. Arm- Come in and see them. in No. 32, 3:02 a. ni. No. i t , 12:15 p. -n strong, and L. H. Armstrong *----- Miss Mearle Strnley, who is for county commissioner, w as! litrnnor onz' T " A 18, 11:37 a. in. 3J, 7;4o p “ Ixing Live th e Kicg teaching school between Halsey shaking hands in this vicinity M r. aud Mr». Dean 8. M cW d 34, 4:25 p .m . 31, 11:20 p.m. and B row nsville, has such a large Saturday. No. 14, due Halsey at 5:02 p. m., stops hams and son Elliott drove up to let off passengers from south of i».: d * . . ■ attendance th a t she has more from Albany Sunday and called Mrs. Eliza Brandon expects to „ „ _ u - . E. J. S. Beene and wife and lit­ Eugene. ■ »i j . i .i ■ x pupils than seats. Pour tiu iiil leave Monday to spend the w inte r , ,,, , „ . , * 1 tle son from Cottage Grove at the J. C. Standish and C. P Nos. 31 and 32 stop only if flagged. ... ■ . /. ii «• i i nave to be seated on benches, A l b a n y . O r e . STORE Nos. 31, 32, 33 anti 34 rnn between Port­ w ith ber brother, Alec F in le y, and spent the week end with Mr. Stafford homes. land and Bngene only. w ife at Los Angeles. | The Oregon undertakers Beene’s brother, W. H. Beene, II. L. Straley and family, J. Passengers for south of Roseburg should and faAiily. W. Hussey and family and Mr. take No. 17 to Eugene and there transier to No. 15. The sale of pianos and other and Mrs. Gordon Munkers and HENRY NOLAN f Halsey-Mrowniville stage meets trains son enjoyed an outing at Mc- musical instruments at the 18, 17, 34, 14 and 33 in order named. D EM . C A N D ID A T E FOR Davenport music house, Albany, Kercher’ s m ill Sunday. Mrs. George Starr spent at reduced prices continues, but SUNDAY M A IL HOURS County Clerk will end Nov. 1. It is still ad­ Thursday at the home of her The delivery window of the cousin, Mrs. F. W. Robins. vertised in the Enterprise. D e liv e re d HOT e v e ry m o r n in g a t H a ls e y a n d He believes io m aking a dollar H alsey postoffice is o{feu Sundajs M iss Mary Smith and her of tax money buy as much as a Hold a t th e Mrs. Ella McHargue of Jen- from 10:40 to 10:50 a. no. and 12:15 mother, Mr». Josie S m ith , and d o lla r of private money. I11 keep­ to 12:30 p. in. u,RS, L.odge’ after attendin«- the drove to Al­ ing w ith th is belief, he w ill, i f Sunday m ail goes out o nly on w . C. T. U. convention at Cor­ Mrs. L. A. Pray the north-bound 11:37 tra in : vallis and making a visit to her bany Thursday. elected, ask the next legislature to Helen Armstrong was home eon at Brownsville and other Mail goes south once a day. closing at friends, returned on Monday’s for the week end from school reduce the salary of the office from 11:05 a. in. j Borth twice, closing 11:25 8c a 1-lb. loaf. 2, 15c $2,000 per year to $1,600 per year, a. in. and 5:30 p. in. Mail stage lor at Eugene. train to her home. Brownsville, Crawfordsville and Sweet Miss Alberta Koontz spent which is approxim ately an nvernge Home leaves daily at 6:45 a. m. F r e s h a n d WARM d a ily a t Congressman Hawley, State of the salaries paid the various of­ senator, Sam Garland and Al­ the week end at home T angent L ebanon C ra b tre e The best Mrs. W . W . Stuart and chil­ ficers of L in n county. bany psople interested are lay­ Shedd The county judge, ootnmission- Paid-for Paragraphs bread Plainview ing plans for an organization dren of Albany spent the week Scio end with her sister, Mrs. A. C. (5c a lin e ) that will further the Santiam B row nsville ers, assessors and school superin­ F o ster made Jefferson returning home tendent, which are more im portant pass road on both sides of the Armstrong, For Sale— 10-weeke-old pigs, on Sunday evening Cascades. offices to the ts x payers and harder W in n ifo rd ranch. C. B. G ibson & Lawrence Wells was home to f ill w ith competent officers, thao S ons , H aleey, Route 2. Phons China pheasants are pretty numerous this year, and,, as for the week end from Eugene. the office of eounty clerk, are paid 10x7. usu-'il, many of them took to Clifford Ceary and wife spent the hills and woods when the the week end with home folks. from $1,200 to $1,800 per year. F or sale— Reds. Pullets. 2 pure- Is not that unjust and unbusiness­ roar of guns proclaimed the bred roosters, Russ, Halsey, Ore. Miss Lila Dudley drove to like? opening of the hunting season. Old papers fo r sale at 6c a bundle Tangent Saturday. $2,000 per year is more than is Most of the farmers prohibit 'ODTLANQ at the E nterprise office. Again a lo t of new», Blanding in hunting on their farms, but necessary to pay to get the same ^O R E G O N ? type, is left over because it was there are a few exceptions. class of service in the office as received too late for the 1 ages Alford Arrows I he cucumber pickle season printed first and there was too heretofore. O ur county assessor L IV E S T O C K C L A S S IC V / ended last week. The yield, on much of it fo r the Ism pages. aad recorder are both fu lly q u a li­ (E nterprlss Corrsspondsnee) account of the lack of rain, is and Amphitheatre, the Pacific Interoa- fied to f ill the office o f clerk, yet kioxMw a,,4 better than ever, featuring M r. and Mrs. E. D. Isom went considered about three-fourths stock under ono roof In Americo. they are candidates to succeed to A lb a n y Tuesday. Pine Grove Points . Sheep. Ooate. algo Poultry Show. Land of normal. Most of the growers «M test N I«ht Honte Show. themselves at salaries of <1,500 are renewing their contracts anc Jay Curtis of Lebanon spent and $1,600 per year. As fu rthe r the Albany plant will probably (Enterprise Correspondence) Sunday with his brother Ches­ be enlarged to handle the pro­ George Chandler and mother proof that $2,000 is an unnecessari ter. duce of increased acreage. From were Albany visitors Wednes­ ly large »alury for the taxpayers to F rank W illia m s of Monroe v i - 8 to 12 tons to the acre was the day. pay for this office, you are cited to ited at the Bryan Perry home Sat- yield. Miss Edna Montgomery is the fact th a t some 8 years ago the u day. The Murphy seed store, Al­ visiting her niece, Mrs. Frank present clerk took a reduction of J. H. Rickard and family at­ bany, has received its second Gibson. $500 per year rather th a n change tended church at McFarland consignment of goldfish from Sunday. Mrs A. L. Kinghten and Mrs. to private lines of work. Chicago. The fish arrived in No private in d iv id u a l or com­ D H . Pierce was buried in the perfect condition and the; wires Inez Smith were Albany visitors pany would th in k o f paying 25 per I . o . O. F. cemetery at Alford to which return tags had been Saturday. attached indicated that the E. Hover and M. E. Miller of cent more sularv than necessary to Snnday afternoon. containers had made 22 pre­ Harrisburg were hunting in secure competent help. R e c o r d e d D a m a g e D u e t o S ta te Esther and Henrietta Starnes vious trips carrying fish from this vicinity Thursday. I f you rea lly believe in economy spent Sunday with their friend, In c o m e T a x the hatchery to dealers. The program at the school- and endorse his program , a vote Marjorie Walker. 8 Tim ber purchases cancele 1 or suspended $18,000,000 Dean Tussing, son of Mr. house Friday evening was much for H enry Nolan w ill help you Mr. and Mrs. John Rolfe 11 Construction of lum ber m il'., towns, logging ! and Mrs. A. A. Tussing of this enjoyed by the large crowd save dollars in tax money. (Paid spent Sunday at the Louie Wal- carapi and logging railways, abandoned or city, although he has no sense present. lett home at Wells. A dv) -» suspended 7,875.000 ¡ of hearing, graduated from O. B lu e r Sett'« of Eugene »pent Lee IngTam and family visit­ 33 Other ind ustria l investments canceled or sus­ • A. C. in ’21 and is now holding a few days visiting his mother ed at the Wallace Hawk home in pended a responsible position as pattern and daughters and hunting 4.578,000 Springfield Sunday. One year's operating pav roll on foregoing items maker with the Westinghouse pheasants last week. 8 Disincorporations, $1,606 00<» capital. 5,680,000 Lon Chamlee and family of Electric company and com­ lifte d 1-10 o nly Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Stewart, 460,600 Eugene were week-end guests mands a high salary. In a let­ 10 A ctual removals from the s lu t , in c lu d in g lo:s Mr. and Mrs. Beil Haynes and at the E. D. Isom home. ter to H. F. Brandon, professor o f o n ly one year’s pay r dl 2,110,250 of industrial arts of O. A. C., A. V\. G. McNeil and family at­ I t Threatened removals, inclu ding loss of o n ly one Miss Hattie Dannen of Shedd A. Tussing credits the education tended the funeral of D. H. called on her sister, Mrs. E. A. year's pay roll 2,218,500 Pierce at Harrisburg Sunday his son received at that insti­ 81 I as lo which definite amounts are not avail, Starnes, Sunday afternoon. tution as being responsible for afternoon. able, but which would amount to,' E. A. Starnes and family his holding his present highly A number of Pine Grove peo­ m illio n s; damage lilte d as 0 spent Friday evening at the desirable position. 34 Cases s till under investigation; would amount ple were awakened by the noise Ralph Dannen home, near to many m illio n s; damage listed as 0 Dr. Clark of Harrisburg was of the Shenandoah, when it Shedd. 21 ( eses in which reported rem .val nr investm ent passed over here about 2:15 a. • — _ ____________ called to the C. S. Morse home, elsewhere wee stated to have been caused D. S. Avery and a party of scuth east of town, Friday, m. Saturday. They report it a by the income tax, Imt which cannot be t~_ friends came up from Portland Mr. Morse lieing on the sick wonderful sight, well worth the verified in w ritin g ; damage listed as Q cold feet they got while viewing list. — for a pheasant hunt at the A. it. E. Whitbeck farm Sunday. T otal recorded damage j5 2 350 Word has been received of the 11 e b“ 'e examined *he signed statements ami exhibits upon Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mercer death of William Taylor, elder High School Notes 1 a/.' Via o2tg° ,0g U k u l* ‘ ' 0" '• »” ” «•» »"'1 find that the total of Eugene and J. F. Isom and brother of George, Douglas and 01 »»1,Z.)2.35O is a conservative estimate of damage property nt- Mr. Hayes of Oakridge visited Grant Taylor of this city. The trib n ta b lo to the state income tax as n determ ining factor in in ­ (S cloo l Reporter. Mrs. D. J. Isom Saturday night deceased had lieen in poor fluencing dacieion against Oregon investment in the cases lis t' d and Sunday. health for some time and his The Frosh have been rather w* hnd that many additional amounts could have been death occurred Wednesday ____ slow in selecting officers. How- included ju stifia b le to the to ta l, so that, m aking every a llo w ­ R. M. RUSSELL OR PE O P LE th a t care about . night of last week. He had liv-I ever, they have profited by this ance for possible overstatements in in d iv id u a l items listed the .' I'd in Spokane for many years.! delinquency, as they have be- th e ir personal appearance ; actual loss of investm ent a ttr.b,.ta ble to the state income tax is County Clerk 1 but resided at Harrisburg when more acquainted with For people who prefer to look m a te ria lly in axeess of <40.000,000 • a boy- | those most suitable to hold of- ¿HANK K. A nprbws , President Portland Chamber of yonnger, rather than older, spe- Com mere«, Rev. Robert Parker and a wres’ election results are: ciahats have found th a t K R X P - Candidate for t UARt.xa H S t iw a u t , V. P. Northwestern N atl. Bank : Part of the masculine members C a d v i®01:: TO K8 meet an ever-growing need. K i n H b i . i . ino , m erchant and p h ila n th r o p ist. ¡of th, M. E. congregation have N°r i 9?,d rcn’ P’esident; Maj- re-election C h r is » A. B b l l , Attorn«» and member of board of j been hauling gravel around the W<5a ,^ r - vice-president ; (R e p u b lic a n n o m in e e ) directors of Portlet d Chamber of Commerce. ! church so that cars mav be , °y Saf,€y’ secretary and J. K . G i l l , pioneer aud merchant. 1 parked during the rainy months treasurer. I f elected I w ill give the citizens The popular sport of Chinese without danger of sticking in ........... .................... .. pheasant hunting claims i t s , of Lin n county and other patrons the mud. Repeal the Stale Income Tax share of devotees from the high of the office the benefit of m v ex- M r. and Mrs. &»org« Eveleth school, as well as from other perienee and tra in in g and and daughter arrived Friday sources. Most of the enthus- continue to operate the office in Vote 312 Y Yes lrom Montana and were guests iasts among the boys were try- the same efficient and courteous More than 1,500 co ntribu to rs to expense of g ettin g facia before i1.’, George St trr home, ing their luck and their abilities manner th a t I have in the past. I hey were motoring through early Wednesday morning, voters; signers end contributors live in a ll parts nf Oregon tb s aHverti.em ent issue! by C. C Chapmen. E d ito r of Oregon to ( alifomia. The seniors have spent much "E ffic ie n c y , E c o n o m y and •ta r, in itia to r of repeal measure; residence, 16V Lowns.lale St . Meade & Aibro, Mr. and Mrs. Thad Young of i tin,e discussing a play to be giv- .Coi!r,e*)' ” bas 1 sen and w ill con- •ri. t Portland, Oregon. Portland were guests of Mr. en by them soon, ^AeScrop i f i tinU* l° * mv O ptom etrists and Mrs. James Drinkard Tues­ decided to give M a utlfa ctu rin g p la n t od premia (Paid Adv.) day and Wednesday, and enjoy- Paper.” ■ . . . P a i d A dv. •••••••••••••••(••••• Valve Grinding Macn ne f g o l d f is h !?. : ■••••••••••a•••••••••••••• SEE Albany B f f l 1PGOOD L^EATS Restaurant Nov. 1- 8 G t OVC A l t n A ll D ry a t tu Albany, Oregon »— r