liu u FARM LOANS T h u is good advice: " if you live iu Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live in some other town, trade in that town." But in these automobile days many re­ siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of their buying in the larger town. Those who go to Albany to transact business will find the firms named below ready to fill their require­ ments with courtesy an , fairness. Write lor booklet describing our 20 year Rural Credit Amortised l.oans The loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ tiring the principal. Cheap rates. No delay. B eam L and C o ., H3 Lyon street, Albany, Ore. FARM LOANS at lowest rate of» interest. leal Estate Insurance Prompt service. Courteous treatment. ccessories and tires W m B ain , Room 5, First Savings Bank Auto Supplies builning, Albany A J. H. ALLISON 442 W est First St. A lb an y Buttery, 424 West First f* street “ 4 one-pound loaves for 23c • A lb an y Floral Co. A * ^SHO E < WO ■ Cut Bowers - i / SERVICE z Shoes that cost less per month of wear and plants. Floral art for every and all occasions. Flower phone 458-J. For Reading THE KRYPTOK PATRON reads uto Electric Service—Recharg­ and looks afar with equal ease. able A & B batteries—WILLARD He knows that KRYPTOK ap- storage battery. Phone 23. 119-121 \V. pearanoe is a distinct advantage Second st. \H D. Preston—J . C Cochran It is more noticeable than a becom­ ing hat. Comfort and good looks combined iu KRYPTOK glasses. lue Bird R estaurant, 30» Lyon street. Eat here when in Albany. OR PEOPLE that care about Open from 6 to 2 and 5 to 8. their personal appearance ; Mas. B lount . For people who prefer to look yoiwger, rather than older, spe­ R U N 9W 1C K cialists have found that KRXP- PHONOGRAPHS TOK9 meet an ever-growing need. at A B F W O O D W O R T H 'S Meade & Albro, avenport Music company offers D Piano-case organ, good as new Estey organ, good as new Used. Plan os. aslburn Bros.—Two big grocery E Optometrists M anufacturing plaut on premises Albany, Oregon stores, 212 W. First and 225 South Hain. Good merchandise at the right prices. Modern Barber Shop A lite Cafeteria and coufectionery Home,cooking. Pleasant surround- ngs. Courteous, efficient service. We make our own candies. W. S. D uncan . E ilms developed F and PO R D SALES AND SERVICE Tires and accessories Repairs K irk -P ollak M otor D o r tm ille r F u r n itu je C o ., fu tn i- U ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. runeral directors. 427-433 west First treet, Albany, Oregon. _____ ULLER GROCERY, 285 Lyon F (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) Groceries Ptuits Produce 'hone 263R _____ OLMAN & JACKSON Grocery—Bakery verything in the line of eats Opposite Postomce ub Candy Co., First street, next door to Blain Clothing Co. Noon lunches. Home-made candv and ice Cream. H ub Cleaning Works, Inc. Cor. Secootid and Ferry Master Dyers and Cleaners Made - T o - Measure Clothes [M PERIA L CAFE. 209 1 A B E S PLACE First Harold G. Murphy Prop. Phone 665 W b nkvkr closk AGNETO ELECTRIC CO. Official Strömberg carburetor serv- e station. Conservative prices. All ark guaranteed 119-121 W. Second. arinello parlors (A beauty aid for every need) Francis Hotel Republican Propaganda (Continued from page 2) dent Coolidge because of his failure to approve the bill to increase salaries of letter carriers and postal clerks, but, according to the Republican State Central committee headquarters here, this adverse comment comes from per­ sons not familiar with the facts. The committee points out that two measures for relief of the underpaid postal workers were considered, one that had the approval of the admin­ istration and was recommended by Postmaster General New. Mr. New, moreover. Is the only postmaster gen­ eral who has ever proposed higher pay for all postal workers. The administration measure carried an expenditure of $48,000,000 and -would have been signed by the presi­ dent had It passed But the postal em­ ployes stood out for their own bill, appropriating $68.000.000 and, unllks the other, providing no means of meet ing this added expenditure. It was that bill the president vetoed. Ms reason being that the measure did not provide for the proposed expendi­ ture and he was compelled to give it his disapproval His action, viewed in connection with the administration biil for the relief of postal employes, did not show him out of sympathy with the needs of the postoffioe work­ ers. IV S liu w a lltv v a iu v u i i , V government ; m . on the £ ' H \,MÄ i e r place’ Ciown a* the old Keebler place blasting powder being distribut heated on the Santiam road ed to Oregon ranchers at cost, ¿ ur miles north of Lebanon. will be held Oct. 23 at 1:30 p. L aundrv se n t T uesdays \g e n c y H ub C leaning W orks printed. We mail them right back to you. Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, Or :gon. L can. refused to enact such a measure until his term had almost ended, in an effort to discredit him? Mr. Wil­ son vetoed the measure Concrete passed, on the ground that Its provi­ sions affecting the Comptroller Gen eral Invaded the prerogatives of the President. That he was right the Re­ publicans them selves admitted a year later. "Again, there Is the triumph of a tax reduction, with Mr. Coolidge urg­ ing It. But Mr. Wilson when the war was over went to Congress to propose a tax-reduction bill. Bdating that bill was meat rer a Republican Congress. It fitted In with the accepted Repub­ lican tactics of making the Wilson Administration as unpopular as pos­ sible. "Moreover, when a tax reduction bill was ultimately passed It w»» a Democratic measure that won votes enough to break a deadlock. Mr. Coolidge had put him self behind a plan that favored 6,000 people who pay taxes on Incomes of 170,000 or more at the expense of the 6.000.000 people who do not. Had he stayed there, and a compromise not been effected on a Democratic bill, the country would have no reduction in taxation now. “Finally, among the major Repub lican achievements in economy, there is the President's claim that the Gov­ ernment has ‘liquidated’ the country's foreign loans Mr Davis has pointed out that this does not mean all it says Liquidation is not quite the right word when nothing haB happened but the execution of a new set of loans. "Three old friends are missing when Republican leaders talk of economy and point with pride. There is Chas R. Forbes, who wasted $225,000,000 in the Veterans' Bureau. There Is Al­ bert B. Fall, who cost the Nation 200,- 000,000 barrels of its navy's oil supply. And there Is the highest and most pro­ hibitive tariff in the country’s history adding to prices at every turn. "A good deal of the economy in the record of the Harding-Coolidge Ad ministration suggests a poliqy of penny wise, pound foolish." tol,” surplus 1 ’jr honest ? JOHN T h e ch a rm o f C a lifo rn ia ’s gol­ den « u w h in e tx-c.nnea increas­ ingly a llu rin g at th h season. P lan to jo in the thouaanda w h o m ig rate each y e ar to C aO for- nla’ s w o n d ro o s playgrounds. E n jo y th e h e a lth fu l o u td o o r I» « and pleasures th ro u g h the w in ­ te r m onths. T a k e advantage o f S ou thern Pacific Lew fates and c o m f o r ta b le , c o n v e n ie n t s e r­ vice. G o via th e scenic Shasta roueai its m o u n tain s, valleys a n d r iv ­ ers cheae w ill come interest th ro u g h o u t. For t4 e “ C«i»/®rw«a’ « a d /a ff todrowd I ' •RooHef C- P. MOODY, ag’t. Southern Pacific HONEST GOVERNMENT D0Y BY DAY WITH DAVIS I they would be on the books to vote [ for John W. Davis and Charles W. ! Bryan on November 4. They were Miss Elisa Alter, 96. and Miss Lucille • Two sisters, one 96 and one 84, Alter, 84. They have never voted be­ walked eight blocks to the polling place nearest their home In St Louis. fore, because only lately have all of Missouri, on registration day, so that the men members In their family died. SISTERS, 96 AND 84, TO VOTE FO R DAVIS Phong 226 » _____ _ mental crops of flax next sea­ son. Mrs. M. M. Ward and her daughter, Mrs. Hettie Saylor, j were guests of Mrs. David Fro- man in Albany Tuesday. HERE IS C. W . BR YA N’S EXAMPLE OF D A V IS’ J. w DAVIS OFTEN FAVORITE PUDDING Mrs. L. V. Chance, accompan- MAKE8 POINTS QUICK “ COME BACK’’ I ied by Mrs. Wilbanks, drove to WITH STORIES Mrs. Charles W. Bryan, wife of the Albany the last of the week and John W. Davis’ speed on the come Governor of Nebraska, the Democratic back Is Interestingly demonstrated In ' called on th eir parents. Early this spring John W Davis vice-presidential nominee, is noted In her 8tate as a good housekeeper. In answer to a request, she has given the Governor's favorite dessert, a “cottage pudding" with “dip." "It is the des­ sert that he always has capacity* ror,” she writes. The recipe follows: Two cups flour, 1 cup sugar, 2 tablespoonfuls of but­ ter. 2 eggs, 1 cup milk and 3 even tea- spoonfuls of baking powder. Bake In a medium hot oven and serve hot with liquid sauce. The recelpe for the sauce is 1 cupful sugar, 1 tablespoon­ ful flour, *4 nutmeg grated and a pinch of salt. Mix with a little cold water. Pour over it a pint of boiling water and let it boll a few minutes. Add a teaspoonful of butter Just before tak- ing up Flavor with lemon or with a teaspoon of currant Jelly.________ a skit printed by Theodore A Huntley In his "Life of Davis” (Duffield ft Co., N. Y ), which Is Just off the press The story follows: "When the so-called Five Per Cent cases were before the United States Supreme Court Darts appeared for tbs government on a certain Tuesday. On the following Monday the court Issued an order for a rehearing John J Fitzgerald, of New York, counsel for the defense, gathered several other lawyers around him and called Davis over. " ‘Here he Is.’ Fitzgerald bantered. 'Has to argue the case again. Can't make the court understand what he ’ is talking about.’ ‘•'Nothing of the sort,’ Davis re­ ' torted, 'I got an encore.’ was at lunch In a New York club when he was approached by "Dick Hodg­ kin. one of the enthusiastic organlzars of the "Davis for President" Club of Washington. D. C. Mr. Davlb intro duced Hodgkin to the friends with whom he was lunching, and Hodgkin said: ''I've Just organized a club in Waeh lngton that ts going to make Mr Davis President.” Mr. Davis laughed and said: “I feel for you the same sentiments expressed by the Western tourist wlic watched a drunken cowboy lasso the smokestack of a fast-moving locomo live The tourist remarked dryly, *1 admire your nerve but think you havs rotten pidgment. Linn county’s issessed value is $706,650 more than last year, public utilities excepted. ■ G G. Belts of Rowland claim to he the pioneer HhroiiMiire thee p breeder in Oregon. He has 25fJ regiztered and twice as many gra ta TE lican State Central committee. There havoc with the nut crop as nev­ ank Under government supervision. Is > provision in the election laws that will permit this practice, so that none er before. The game com­ need lose his vote November 4. OORE’S MUSIC HOUSE mission is likely to recommend Because of the livestock show at th at protection be withdraw n "Everything musical” Portland closing just before election day, It la thought a number of persons irom the silver grays, as they 23 W. First st. may not teturn bom» in time to vote "FOSCOE AMES HARDW ARE, and the way this can be accomplished R. H. Cornelius and daughter are as had as the others. Traveling S. P. Agent Jen ­ l V the The colored stickers urging Alma visited in Halsey Sunday. Is pointed out. kins was in town Friday WINCHESTER STORE Anyone who expects to be at a dis voters to vote which appear on P. H. Freerksen attended the 22 W. First sL tance from homo on election day the Enterprise this week can be creamery meeting a t Albany Mr. and Mrs. Basey, from should provide himself with a certlfl s T gilbkri & SON 1 had in such quantities as you Thursday. cate of registration that he may ob­ Salem, were week-end guests at - Builders' and shelf hardware, gar can use, free of charge, by ap­ tain from his county olerh. By pre the J. C. P orter home. n tool«, crockery and glassware H arry and Ted Porter and plying to the M anufacturer* tenting this oevtlOcate, he wtll be en ew Stock. New low prices their m other were Albany shop­ nod •••ocigtion, 50» Mr;. Anna Dewey returned titled to vote In any county of the 3TIMSON T H E SHOE DOCTOR state for state and national tickets. Oregon building, Portland. pers Friday. (Crowded out last week sud print-, home to Albany Friday, after * Second street, opposite Hamilton's Io case the absent voter has not visiting ed here without o hattge.) her brot.ier, S. K. During the hunting season a Mrs. Bill Abraham spent obtained a certificate, it wtll be re "Sudden Service." Morse, ?t Holley. Mrs. William White went t o ! Wednesday afternoon with Mr«. few hunters get shot by mis­ quired that he swear ta bis vqte This take for deer, thus getting an Frank Workinger. x Eugene Friday. HE M ARGUERITE SHOPPE can be doge in Multnomah -bunty by insight into the “sport ^£2*^ Shampooing, Marcelling and Scalp sta freeholder«, but In other parts of B. H. Hadley, who resided in A m or Tussing Mrs. Frances E. Gray has the state, two freeholiers may mahe the deer’s standpoint. The reatments. Margaret Countryman, sold her farm of 179 acres, near Halsey long ago, and has of late shooter in every such case is 16 Wes' Second st. Phone 22. aUldaWt U|en and money are best when Halsey Happenings and County Evants Short Stories from Sundry Sources r A. Tulsa, to Henry Seefeld. G. W .' made his home in Los Angeles, a criminal. He violates the law Laflar of Salem, whose name arrived here a few days ago which requires him before H alsey , O reook is fam iliar to readers of our from a visit with a son at Ore­ shooting to be certain th a t his advertising columns, brought gon City. A fter a short stay targ e t is a male deer. with F. M. Gray, who had been S ta te m e n t o f th e o w n e rs h ip m a n ­ buyer and seller together. his neighbor before either of ag em en t. e t c , o f th e H a le e y E n te r ­ At Albany Wednesday night them came to Halsey, he went prise, p u b lis h e d a t H a le e y . Oregon. * « re q u ire d b y th e a c t o f congreee of a dance was closed and its to Springfield, where he has A u g 24. 1»1$: m anager arrested for optrating another son. He says he has T rextinent .b oth Ha'eey Oregon. Oct. 1 192« without a license. Three of the had enough • of the "glorious local xnd internal, and h*» been »ucce»* O w ner, e d ito r and m an a g er. W m H were arrested for climate” of California. lul In the treatment of Catarrh for ovei W h ee ler of H ale ey. L ta n county, musicians jum ping fxiard bills. The four Oregon. . .. u xtY taa«. Sold by all d w « £ u . B o n d h o ld e rs m o rtg a g ee s and o tn - A number of farm ers near do not form a very prepossess­ F. I. CHENEY «a CO., Toledo, Ohio »r se cu rity h o lders, none Albany expect to grow ex p eri-> Wm H. W IIKJUER. BdlU’-. | ing combination. lawyer and NOTARY HE SPECIALTY SHOPPE Coolidge on Teuetlen. for hemstitching and stamped goods, It Is impossible to escape the coo jpposite Hamilton », 318 W. Second a.. elusion that high taxes mahe big* il/a ld o Anderson A Son. dietrib- prices So loo« as the cost of gorera ™ utors and dealers for Maxwell, C hil­ meat Is hlah, the oent of living will lers. Essex. Hudson & Hupmohsle airs be high This te usually a source ol *“ * alw sys • ,cces»ories. » pwliea 1st A Broadalbin. m ieun*rntaadtpg source of dlscaotnnt. The duty that gorernaaeat now owes to the people It Jew to reduee th e* burdens by paying of) md i sed t ie ohlMationa that = * » • ,rom « • Might, sold aad exchanged at all times v«r nnfhar than Imposing nddttioual burdeds for the W P o « °< r furniture ANI) FARM MACHINERY i jMts Ha*lM «el otif war hone 76-R. 12J *• Broadalbin s t , Albany I to pay., 1 « $ .» .. W . gs. fl»n B E N T. S U D T E L L 5"“- H a ll’ s C a ta rrh Medicine