PACK 4 HALSEY ENTERPRISE HALSXY ENTERPRISE _ _ *-> — OCT. 22, 1*3« Pantages th eatre in Portland contracted with F a tty Arbuckle to appear there, but such a pro­ test arose th a t the company will pay his salary but keep him off the stage. It is not because lie killed a woman th a t he is oi> jected to, but because of the 0 vileness of his private life, • which was revealed at the trial. We don’t want th a t kind of cat­ « tle shown on the stage to chil- THAT AWFUL INCOME TAX Iren as heros. 0 An Indépendant—Nut neutral—newe- paper, published eveiy Wedueaday, »? Wm. H. WHtKI.EIt ■ I -■! ■■—. - ----—————— > iU .r D o, | | f: a year In edvano*. A u v e r litia g ,2>l.: an inch ; no die^uun for time or spa:e : no. charge for cour ■oaition orc.iauges. foi Pararrapba." fc a Uaa. *e ««venial** ear it car. instead of on those who must The frightened men readily be sold out by the sheriff t< drove him to the police station meet its demands. in Medford. Hudson asked $25 for the dead turkey and his trouble in bringing them to ju s­ FIG LEA F COSTUMES tice. The young men sold their car Adam and Eve were garbed in a single fig leaf.—Lebanon for $60, gave Hudson $25 and left town on the next train. Express. Where do you get th a t stuff? It would have been difficult for The A ugust reports of gaso­ the two of them to wear a single line and distillate sales filed leaf. Furtherm ore, the only rec with Saiu A. Kozer, tecretary ord we have says “They sewed ( «tuts, «bow that during that fig leaves together and made month taxes am ounting to themselves aprons.” $298,038.53 were rem itted by ?* One English edition, many years ago, had it: "made them- the variout motor vehicle, fuel dealers on 9,674,111 gallons of *«lv«« breeche«," and wan popu gasoline, and 312,607 gallons of larly known as “the breeches distillate. As compared with Bible.” the returns for the month of The canners who supply so August. 1923, distillate sales much editorial m atter to news­ declined about 45 per cent papers all over the country while gasoline sales have in­ m ight learn something by read­ creased approximately 11 per ing the Bible. cent. Perhaps this idea of a single l lig leaf arose from a habit art- • I^iFollette's m anagers report ists have had of reproducing th a t the campaign is going fa- Adam and Eve with a single vorably and th a t the election of leaf each. And perhaps fashion- their candidate is assured, able ballroom and watering Davis m anagers report th at the plaoa feainiae coitum « did. campaign is going favorably and ---- ------------- th at the election of their candi- Opponents of the act forbid- date is nssured. Coolidge man- ding the mixing of dairy pro- agcrs report th at th e campaign ducts with grease and oil and ifl going favorably ami that the selling the m ixture to replace election of their candidate is as- ¡ L b u tter frankly admit in their sured. W hat is it that makes | advertising th a t they have them all so certain of different made the dairym an’s product results? Anyway, they «11 • cheaper, and th a t the retention ought to lie feeling happy now. nf the law will raise the price. a They say “Don’t raise the price I’P Oct. the Coolidge of butter. Cut it down by vot- campaign had cost $1.317.314, Ing “yes" on the repeal bill* Nov. the La Follette campaign 4. The wise farm er will vote $165,062 and the democrats to ratain it. probably somewhat more than ----- the last-named sum, the exact Jefferson Meyers and Milton figures not having been footed Aliller were Linn county boys. up. 0 » a © © 0 0 0 9 Cream, Poultry, Eggs, Veal & Hides. M. H- S H J 3 K All work done promptly and reason­ ably. Phone No. 269 HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon • Il C A P IT A L AND $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 SU RPLU S Com m ercial and Savings accounts Solicited Economy, Beauty and Quality - j T can be put into your kitchen by £ tb e installment ot one of our £ B R 1D G E& B EA C H ; Best by Test • RANGES See our new and complete line Every indication shows overwhelming sentiment for Cool­ idge. The Literary Digest straw vote, both in this state and the nation, shows him at this writing leading his nearest op­ ponent by more than two to one. HEATERS S 0 • The prices are right "tesB In urging votes for Coolidge, we ask Oregon citizens to elect to the congress men who will aid the President in carry­ ing out his policies, men who acknowledge party responsibility, men who will keep faith with the people in carrying out the platform pledges. H IL L &