HU PENDEXTEK_> COPYRIGHT 2 * THE BOBB5-MERRILL CQ i .(Continuad) to left and transversely, while the four center men should hurl straight ahead, each taking his turn. Thia would allow not more than three tar­ gets crossing Dlnsdale's field of vision at the same time. , The gathering on the slope became as quiet as a tableau. All eyes were focused on the motionless figure hold­ ing both arras balf-ratsed. the head query. hack as If making a sun dance vow to “Let the young man talk for himself Waknntanka. through the guns,” he suggested “Two “Be ready !” Scissors broke the si­ Knives Talking does not know how lence by yelping as a man on ench end fast and straight Toshunca-nltce can drew back his arm. shoot. He only knows about the white Then one after another the warriors man. After my white brother has hurled dish, mug, or plate, and Dlns- done his best then the mighty war dale worked both guns for a total of chief can show him how a man should seven shots and dropped his hands to shoot.” his side as the last dish scaled to the Crazy Horse walked away, his head ground. It did not seem possible to the spec­ bowed. Scissors entered the lodge and tators that he could have relensed told Dtnsdale "I think there's a chance for you to | that number of shots. They had ex­ show seme gun play. The chief is t pected to hear distinct detonations, curious to see what you can do. Too and instead It had been a blurred, crackling sound of very brief dura­ bad your nerves are shuken to pieces.” tion. There was something so casual "Shaken to pieces?” snarled Dlns- about the whole performance that dale. "It's this waiting for something none deemed It possible more than one to happen that's troubling me. My hit could have been scored, and that shooting nerves are always steady." would be by accident. It was all over "That's a good talk. I think you'll so soon there was only one feature have a chance very soon. The chief which was recalled—how a tin plate understands revolvers and rifles but had deviated from Its gliding flight by has never seen any fancy revolver Jumping convulsively. shooting.” "Drop your guns,” advised Scissors. Dlasdale paced about the lodge, his Dlnsdale did so; then the squaws body erect, his eyes glowing. To feel scuttled forward to bring back the the guns In his hands once more targets. Hands patted against Ups. would do him a world of good. Nor did Scissors err In estimating the ex­ Grunts and sharp yelps sounded. Crazy Horse leaned forward and looked at tent of the chief's curiosity. Crazy the prisoner with new respect. Six of Horse returned to his own lodge un­ the seven shots had registered. decided whether to have the young "Did well, son,” murmured Scissors. man give u exhibition or not. But "It's a joke,” replied Dlnsdale. "Not once he tell to contemplating the two more than three were In fair position Colts the i'dea fastened upon him. at the same time. I was a fool to miss He was tdwaya ready to learn better even the one shot. It was a plate, broadside to, and It shifted to edge- technique In the handling of llreanns. Dwelling ».part from the reservation» on Just as I flred. I'll stick to the bowl anil mugs next time. Ask the he had mlksed seeing soldiers iuid of­ chief If he wants me to hit the same ficers at target practice, and bis ac­ turget more than once, or a different quaintance'with the white man’s skill had been 1 argely limited to aklrralfkies target with each shot." Scissors put the question and Crazy and battles when Individual scores Horse courteously answered It was for could not lie followed. Within th irty minutes after Scissors the young man to decide. He said ft would be as wakan to hit one target bad spoken.1 to his companion Little twice as to hit two targets once. Scis­ Big Man called at the lodge and sul- Isnly announced the prisoners were to sors reminded the chief that Dlnsdale had five shots left. Then he warned follow him .1 Dlnsdale; On the slope leading to the river "Man on your right has a big bowl. and the pony herd were gathered the He'll throw across to your left. Pick men, wouien, children and most of the dogs. Afl were waiting with childish up your guns." "Let's hope he throws slow and eagernesii to witness the white man's high," mumbled Dlnsdale, bending and Skill. Q-azy Horse was seated apart from thf- assemblage and had the two seenring the guns. Despite his condemnation of the revolver!, on a robe before him. The spinning plates he could not resist chief asked: "Doef the young man wish to show centering one the instant It appeared overhead, the full surface showing the Ogislala how to shoot?” "Heps ready to show them." Scis­ and making an easy mark. He used sors answered. his left-hand gun on this, and within “How 4°es he want to shoot?" asked a second split a mug crossing to his the chief.' “He mutt shoot aw ay from right with the same gun. Then ap­ ua." . » peared the big bowl, thrown high and Scissors repeated this query, to Dlns- traveling In a broad arc from right dale. left. - ru Firing the last snot shot in In ms his ' - v__ _____ u . mon to ,eu in g me T® h 0 , . . . . . .„ a left-hand gun with much deliberation, .t.n d up the b®h'nd me and th ro w , gourds and dishes down the H, blending os one. slope and over my * head. Tha» will dropped the guns and waited. let me keep my back to U » people. Scissors repeated , the suggmtlon to "W ashto-helogrunted Crazy Horse, the chief. C rszyKoree reszllly agreed ’»ring me the guns Bring the bowls to It, and gave an ckder to the specta- aQ ’* 118 ' , ■ • Sclssore carried the revolver» to the The women ran J_,, back to tne loo«,* ioages robe and remarked: . _, „ j ni . t M “Tashunca-ultco now knows my to secure mugs, bowls and tin plates. ■ warriors with rifles were friend cobid have killed m.ny of Lit- A dozen tie Big Man's band had we been look­ drawn up behind Dlnsdale ready to shoot him down did he offer to face ing for a flght Instead of for this vil­ Crazy Horse mused over the state­ ment for some minutes. He said noth­ in * until they were close to the pris­ oners’ lodge. Then he spoke and Scis­ sors turned to listen. "Tashunca-ultco has the young man's guns. Do they really ssy he can fire them better than Tashunca-ultco?” Scissors smiled as If amused at the about before dropping the revolvers lage." to the ground. Scissors explained all | “He »as caught with ills guns in this, and Dlnsdt.le curtly answered: I his belt." spoke up Little Big Man. “Then let htm have the empty guns " I understand. But I wiant to look at the guns and see If they are all In his belt and let Little Big Man show Tashunca-ultco how he surprised right before I commence.” the white man.” challenged Scissors. Crazy Horse unloaded tlie weapons This appealed to Crazy Horse, who and took them to Dlnsdale k id watched him closely az he spun tin • cylinders nodded It should be done, the capture being acted In pantomime. Little Big and tested the trigger action. “I am ready to load," he told Scis­ Man. as master of ceremonies, arro­ gantly Insisted that Dinsdale should sors. • He faced down the slope an d reached stand with his back to the red men a hnnd behind him for the cartridges and should not attempt to draw a weapon until Little Big Man whistled. Crazy Horse banded these to Scissors and hurried back 'io his blank et. Scis­ Dlnsdale dutifully turned his back and sors fed them fato the outstretched Little Big Man and his braves began hand and Dlnsds le examined etich crit­ crawling forward Scissors bit his lips In anger at Lit­ ically before sV.pplng It l» t° ■ cb* 1“' tle Big Man's portrayal of the capture. ber At last V e was ready and with the got» s half-raised, bln head He was making the spectators betteva the white men knew nothing of the tilted back » o as to catch an eany Indian's appearance until the daeky sight of the targets as they flew over hands were all but on them. At lest his head. an the half-circle of braves were The men with the rifles crouched stretching out bauds to haul Pinedale __________. feet of him. while those within Ur-». eboesa tc fh ow the targets stood »otne te the ground Little Big Man whistle^ Ten men w^re and Dlnsdale leaped from them and away. fifteen gourds sod turned shout while bis feet were clear throw picked And tne the two gun" guns « n s •7 ‘ ‘ . , n»rsl dis- of the ground ground. Ann «shea Te prevent a too gene . , 1Dnl#< charge of r a -gets Crazy Horse o d red Versed that three men on each end ef we -------- there was aone sf - - tk * UBt should ptlirow turn., i n ”“ r^ * j n onlookers who did net concede & e ed to watch Sorrel Horse go through victory to the white man. hts morning custom of hanging his HU gun medicine Is very wakan ' medicine bag to the medicine pole out- called out Crazy Horse as he waved , side the entrance. the warriors back from eoattawtog "It Is time," mumbled Sorrel Horse their attack "Bring me the ( i n s | without looking at the white man. “The Taking them from Scissors he ponies are ready. Two Knives Talk- walked back to his lodge. I lng will pay for them now?” The prisoners returned to the lodge, “He comes to pay. But the medl- followed at a respectful distance by cine will not work until he has reachec the Indians and guarded by the aha- ■ the ponlea” etta, village police. Little Big Man Sorrel Horse led him Into the lodge was much chagrined. His compan­ and dropped the flap, and said: ions ware convinced his Ufe had been "The young white man w ill bo very at the mercy of the young white » s o | sick when you go back to him. H i rlor, and secretly he was sdattMag the . will be sick from eating too much meat fact himself. As they were passing ! Two Knives Talking «111 stay by hi a the lodge of Sorrel Horse the Ujedl- i to make him welL He cannot I chv * clne man stuck out his head and an­ his sick brother to watch Sbunea-luti nounced : I break Jugs on the open place outside "Shunca-luta bat been trying bis | the village. AU the Ogalala will want new medicine. He tried very hard. to see the new medicine. While they He told It to help the white men to watch, the white men will go amony shoot." the bluffs and follow the pony trnl "It made him miss a very easy shot,” south where they will find ponies hob Scissors hurled back at him. "It Is bled and feeding. Two guns are then a very weak medicine Just now. It and a bundle of dried meat Now mutt grow big before It can break wUl the white man pay?" Jugs.” And he potnted to an array of Jug! The medicine-man vanished. and severul kettles filled with water. When this exchange had Scissors picked up a Jug and found plained to Dinsdale he angrily It filled to within a few inches of th< Bounced him. mouth. He examined the stopper tt “The cheap bluffer 1 Trying to get make sure It would exclude all air an< credit on another man’s work. I'm the« handed It to 8orrel Horse and more scared of that snake than I am 1 told him to cork the Jug and break li of the chief." by striking the stopper with his fist "You needn't be scared of him at Sorrel Horse nervously followed la all. I've bought him, I tell yeu. He struotions and was much cast dowi must learn how to break Jugs and he w hen nothing happened. can only learn on our terms, and he " It Is because you have no medlcln« knows It.” of your own," explained Scissors “You must teach bin the trick be­ "Now I wUl give you a medicine." fore you get the ponies; after that And he removed the stopper and what Is there to stop htm from desert­ pointed It to tbe earth, the sky anc ing us?" asked Dtusdale. “I don't the four winds. Then with a mug hi trust him.” dipped wnter from a kettle and filled "Nor I, except In this one thing I the Jug to overflowing and gently In know how troubled he Is. After I've sorted the end of the stopper until II shown him the mysteries of hydraulic 1 stood upright pressure It will remain Just as much "Now strike," he commanded. a miracle to him ua It was when the Sorrel Horse obeyed, and this tlm» Jug broke In his hands. He w ill be­ (he hydrnulic pressure rewarded hb lieve it will refuse to work for him efforts and brought a glare of trluiupl If he plays us false. It's to bis In­ to his eyes. His chest expanded and terests for ns to get away. When he he softly boasted: tries the trick he doesn't want us •'They say he will have a new name around to say we told him bow to do They say he can break Jugs." It, and then proceed to prove It by Scissors eyed him suspiciously and showing others how to do It. You’re pulled forward another Jug, only halt feeling better, aren't you?" The last full, and releasing the stopper curtly as he noted the sparkle In Dlnsdale's directed: eyes and the uplifted chin. "Break that Jug.” "It was having the old guns In my Sorrel Horse confidently struck the hands again and being allowed to use stopper and the Jug remained Intact. them," he muttered. " If I couW only As the medicine man hung his head have them back and be mounted on In bitter disappointment Scissors told a good nag! I'd ride through this whole him : rat trap of a village. It'e the danger “I have token the medicine awny of being killed in a corner, with no from you so you will know It Is iny show of fighting back, that takes the medicine and will not work If I do not heart out of me.” “I'm wakan wltshasha. Everything get away from the village. Now I will will come out all right. Sorrel Horse give the medicine hack to you. Bring will fix It so we can steal away to the water and fill this broken Jug." As he spoke he fitted the two pieces ponies within two days. "Why does he wait and risk our together, the cleavage being clean, and being snagged by some word from held them In place while Sorrel llnrse with trembling hands lifted a kettle High Wolf?” Scissors sighed and shook his head. and poured In the wnter. When the “It's the Indian In him. He’s as Jug could hold no more Scissors re­ keen to hare us go as we are to go. vealed the climax of the medicine by But he can't change his nature. He's teaching the medicine man how to got some plan In his head and he’s work gently In Inserting the stopper working It out. His elk dream Is port deep enough to remain In place and of It. His being away In the hills yet to prevent any air pressure on Is a part of it. He must take so many the mouth; only he said nothing about steps In this particular dance even pressure, ns the Indian would not have understood. Sorrel Horse simply If It costs his own life. But remem­ understood the manipulation of the ber this; He has much influence with stopper whs the wnknn way of doing the braves and squaws. They fear It. Had he been told to plug the Jug him. He'll be one of the first to know while one hand was held high nhove If there Is a smoke-signal, or lisrd- his bead his faith would hnve been as rldlng messenger. In case of either great and the mystery no more pro­ he'll rush things. I believe that he will begin to pick up all tbs loosa found. “Now lift It by the handle,” »aid threads tomorrow. Then It's a hard Scissor* rids and the Lord help us I" The hand of Sorrel Horse shook con vulslvely and he could scarcely grip CHAPTER X I hts fingers about the handle. He was on the threshold of conquering the The Show-Down. On the second morning after Dlne- greatest mystery he had ever attempt­ dale's exhibition of markzmanahto ed. To have Tunkan break a Jug In hts hands had been astounding. But Scissors Jumped from his couch and to be permitted by the stone god to announced: break a Jug and then fill It with wnter "Something will happen today. I and then to break It a second time sur­ feel It. The waiting Is ended. I nm passed his wildest dreams of «Izard wakan wltshasha, and I know Die wait­ ing will be ended today. Get up and be ready for whatever happens We have much to do." Dlnsdale sprang to bis feet, crylngt "Show me something to do. It seems as If I had been in this cursed place a million years. What shall I dor "First, eat your breakfast The girl It bringing It now. I must see Sorrel Horse and finish our trad«»" "How do you happen te know so much about Injuns?” curiously asked Dlnsdale after the girl had placed the food on a robe and had departed. “Played with Sioux boys when I was a boy. After I became wukim I forgot lots of things, but what 1 learned about Indians seems to h a w remained with me Sometimes I find myself singing some of tbelr did songs, songs I hadn’t thought of for yenrr " They made abort work of the ratal, and Scissors »aid: "HU ok by the lodge, m finish my talk with Sorrel Horse very quick.” "Add you said there was work to do,” grumbled Dlnsdale. "Ve'vw spent our lest might here If we’re ever to see Deadwood City again,” assured Yclsaora. At these words Dlnsdale became nervously alert The Medicine-Man Stood Holding It, His 8mall Eyes Protruding. and eager. | The Inmates of the-vlllsge no longer svolded Scissors, or pretended not to white men. Tunkan will hear you. see h im ; but he knew there was only Break the Jug by taking out the ntop- one man In the village who did not P * ." Of course the Jug collapsed and tlie wish to see him writhing under the water escaped once the plug was re­ <'galals knives. He walked slroleew Scissors advised : ly among the lodges end approached moved "Have the little water-girl help yon the lodge yf Sorrel a oree la a casual bold the Jug when you fill IL Be sure manner. On reachiag it Scissor* call I OCT. 22. 1924 PACE J HALSEY ENTER PR ISE ry Even Silting Bull, himself, could not do IL He lifted on the handle and the Jug rose front the ground and remained In­ tact. The medicine man stood bolding It, hit small eyes protruding, his breath coming in gasps and tbe sweet oozing from his copper forehead a t he felt tbe close presence of the gods Scissors explained tbe wakan way was always to place the Jug on a smooth, evel spot Under his directions the medicine man lowered the Jug to thh ground. Scissor* took his paper and scissor* and cut out two ponies, each having * whlto rider, and laid the pictures m the ground and solemnly directed: "Now If your heart 1* clean, now If you will do as you have said bv tbe it stands on a level place. I f a Jut breaks in more than two pieces do not try to fill It. Such a Jug Is weak and does not please Tunkan. Two Knives Talking goes te look after his slCk brother.” (To be continued) N ews Notes Men’s Cbriattsa association home. Secretary Hoover spent his boyhood days in Salem. Five robbers attempted to hold up the Oeorge W. Bates A Co. bank at Williams avenue and Kaott street la Portland, but were routed by Andy G. Larson, traffic policeman, after a gun battle In which a schoolgirl was wouadod by a stray shot. B. K. Lawson of Wedderburn was re-elected president of tbe Coos-Curvy- Del Norte reuatiee gopd roads aaao- clatien at the coavUntloa la Brook­ ings. Tbe association appointed com­ mittees to watch construction of the Roosevelt highway through Curry county. One fatality was due to an Indus­ trial accident In Oregon during tbe week ending October IS. according to a report prepared by tbe state In­ dustrial aorldent commission. The victim was John Brewster, wlachman, with headquarters at Bandon. A total of 60« accidents was reported. Charles 8. Rudeen, ez-commtaaloner (Continued from page 1) and chairman of the Multnomah coun­ Competitive civil service examina ty board, was freed of the charge of tlons will be held November 15 to accepting bribe money from Robert E. select postmasters tor Philomath and . KremorH through a verdict of acquittal Rainier. ordered by Circuit Judge Morrow at Voters' registration record* of pre­ Portland. The Judge said the state’s vious years In Clackamas county were evidence was too weak to Justify con­ smashed th l* year. The total reglstra ! tinuance of the trial. tlon la 17.489, In honor of Samuel K. Barlow, Ore­ The Eugene Fruit Growers' asso-1 gon pioneer who built the famous Bar- elation has shipped 314 tons. 15 car­ low road over the Cascade mountains loads, of canned string beans during Into western Oregon, a bronze tablet the past season. . I has been erected by the Son* and Rev. J. Bogstad was elected presi­ Daughter* of Oregon Pioneers on a dent of the Orsgon conference of th o ! large boulder Just eaet of Government Lutheran church at the circuit con camp and on tbe route of tbe old fereace held In Bend. road whtek has now been supplanted A summary of the Clatsop county by the new Mount Hood Loop high­ 1924 assessment roll shows valuations way. of «36,957,53?. This Is a drop of «796, Crews of the Oilpln Construction 000 from tbe 1923 roll. company are pourlDg concrete on the Pioneers and sobs and daughters of last three pier* of the Waukoma In­ pioneers of southern Oregon held their terstate bridge, which will span the 48th annual reunion In Jacksonville Columbia river between Hood River and White Salmon, Wash. The bridge with more than 300 present. Is completed from tbe Oregon shore Mrs. Nancy House Brown, who crossed the plains to Oregon In 1850. * distance of 2444 feet. Only 868 feel settling with her family at Sublimity, of steelwork remains to be placed. It is anticipated the structure will be died at Falls City, aged 80 years. completed early In December. The Sutamer Lake Irrigation dis A. J. Jaenloke of tho forest service trlct has Just sold another bond Issue is In southern Oregon to undertake of «100,000 to a San Francisco bond the third annual survey of the large house at 90 casts on the dollar. piue area In which pine beetle out­ Rodney Baird. 12, son of Mr. and breaks occurred In renent years. Tbe Mrs. Baird of Halfway, died from con­ three-year fight undertaken by the cussion of the braju after being struck government and timber owners to ex­ on the head by a batted baseball. terminate the beetle In about 1,000,000 A new concrete log dump, to coat acros of yellow pine la rapidly ending. several hundred dollars, will be con It waa stated. The sum of «200,000 structed at the sawmill in Springfield has been spent In eradloatlon. of the Booth-Kelly Lumber company. A total of 07.641 persons enjoyed Tbe water bond election to raise *25,000 for Installation of a water system in Garibaldi carried with but one dissenting vote out of a total of 92. At a recent meeting of the Lake County Woolgrowers* association wages of sheepherders In Lake coud ty were reduced from «100 to «75 per month. The public service commission has entered upon a series of hearings to the end of adopting a uniform sys tem of accounting for all automobile stage lines operating In Oregon. recreational privileges la the Wluslaw national forest during the laat sum­ mer season, according to an estimate la a report glvun out at tho Eugene office of the forest. Tbe estimated number of person* who registered at hotels la the various forest districts on recreation Is 2U0, campers number­ ed 7141, hikers 600 and transient motorists 59,8u0. according to the r*- port. DELBERT STARR fu n e ra l D irector and censed Em balm er L i­ Governor Pierce granted conditional pardons to Philip Forrester and Pas Efficient Service. Motor Hearts. quelto Lombardo, prisoners la thy Ladv Attendant. Oregon state penitentiary, to that they Brownsville___ ___ __________ Oregon may be deported by lmmlgratloa of fictals. Byron Robertson, who escaped from the state penitentiary flax fields at W L. W R IG H T Salem July 14. has been apprehended ' Mortician & Funeral Director et Washington, D. C., and will be llaltey and Harrisburg returned to Salem to serve out his Call D T a ylo r . Halsey, or W. L. W atotiT. Harrisburg unexplred term. Oregon postmasters Dave been ap pointed as follows: Mrs. Delight E Beckman. Holdman, Um atilla county; Martin Bauerflend. Morgan, Morrow county; Mrs Emma F. Denham. Promise, Wallowa county. W e b,v*a Sawmill „tne. south of Brownsville, in good road. Will Htw out vour order for 91 5 A0 High school pupil* In Deschutes a thousand. Delivered $18. rounty will cast a practice vote at Shannon A Martin, K, 2, Hnleey. the general election November 4 as (he result of an arrangement made by J. H. Haner, county clerk to furnish the student* with ballot*. Two million Chinook salmon egg* have been delivered to the fish hatch ery at Enterprise, In Wallowa county, by Frank Mlnney, In charge of the hatchery on the McKenzie river. The eggs will be hatched at Enterprise. James M. Snider. 35, a trapper and packer residing near Peel, was shot and Instantly killed by hl* stepson. Fred Parazoo, 23. who said, followlnv his surrender to the county officers, that the shot was fired In self-defense. The new connecting link between the east, and west side Pacific high way* by way of Albany and Corvallis was formally opened Friday Some 300 automobiles gathered at Albany and made up a caravan over tbe new pavement. Herbert Hoover, secretary of com­ merce, telegraphed from Washington to Asletn «100 to be used la con skuuljoa S i the proposed new Young BARBER SHOP Firsl-class Work J. W STEFnSNSON A D M IN IS T R A T O R ’S NO TIC E of Hearing ol Pinal Account Notice is hereby giveu that the final account of A. O. Wsirgener as sdmtnis- trater ci tlie e»t»te of John F. Waggen- er. deceased, has teen filed in the Coun­ ty Court of Linn County. State of Ore gon. ami that the 10th day ol Novero. ter, 1124, at the hour of 10 o'clock a- III., has leen duly appointed by said Court for the hearing of objections to said final account and the settlement (hereof, at which time any person inter i-sted in said estate may appear and file objections thereto in writing and con test the same. Dated and first published Oct. 8. 1924. A. G. W aoc . in k b . Administrate» of the Estate. AMOR A. rcssiwo, A tt’y for Adin r.