Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, October 22, 1924, Image 1

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H a ls e y H a p p e n in g s
home from the funeral of u .
a n d C o u n t y E v a n ts
Short Stories from Sundry
Lake Creek Locals
W illia m Corcoran was a week­
end visitor w ith home folks.
Mrs. T. P. Patton and Mrs. A.
A. fussing , spent Tuesday in Cor-
Mr. and Mrs. W ill K ir k and
Emerson Cox went to Portland daughter Grace were shopping in
Albany Saturday.
W. A. A lien went to
A lbany
Albany bakery bread comes
Halsey hot every m orning.
M r. aod Mrs. A . E. Foote vis-
ited at the home of W illia m Me
A llis te r Monday evening.
A. A. Tossing brought up from
Albany sample ballots for the com­
■ D. L . S m ith and fa m ily , from ing election aud d istributed them
K iam atb Falls, have been visiting M mday.
at the E. S, Marsters home.
M rs. Douna Cross goes te Eu
J. W . Moore d id n ’ t q u it quite i gene every F rid a y to take advance
soon enough and paid a 125 fine music lessons from Prof, John
Stark Evans a t the state univer­
fo r hunting after sundown.
C. H. Koontz was a business
There was a box social at the
v isito r in A lb a n y, d rivin g heme a
Brandon schoolhouse F rid ay even­
new Studebaker Special sedan.
ing to raise money for basket ball
“ Picking up’ ’ the Sbenendoab fixtures. Wayne Veatch is teach­
at 9:15 Monday n ig h t, C. P. S taf­ ing there.
ford kept in touch w ith her for
The c ity council and the budget
about five minutes, or u n til the
big d irig ib le ''signed off’’ for th« committee w i t monduy u ig h i and
iiig b t. She fwas then about 210 completed the budget, which w ill
miles south of San Franci-oio. one probably be published next week
A. J. H d l has been busily en-
m ile off shore and 1000 feet in t l e
gaged at Shedd for several days
past, papering his residence aud
Mrs. Stafford and Mrs. M arks b uilding a garage iu readiness for
led the discussion at the Study a renter.
Club, at Mrs.
Lauboer’s last
Sunday n’ght at D etroit W . H .
week. The subject was “ Trees.”
A food sale aod bazaar is planned Harper got d ru nk and cut Robert
for Dec. 13 (lucky d ay).
Mrs. G u e riin in the ne k, dangerously,
M. H Shook aud Mrs Elsworth and wounded two other men so
Shedd of Shedd were proposed I qi - that they were taken to a hospital,'
H, K . Sirkavose, grand p a tri.
Mrs. C T . AHineham of Port­ arch, cauie here today to attend
land was here today on her way the jo in t meeting of Odd Fellows
which w ill be F rid ay evening. He
bad mistaken the date.
Bancroft Optical Co.
J13 West First street, Albany,Or.
(By Special Correspondent)
M rs, Burns aud Mrs. Nicewood
variety of perfpraianre sad excel­
lence by no other horse show In of this place.
Miss Sarah Williams has been
home oi she Oaeet show horses In
America were at the ISIS show aid visiting in Eugene.
they gars performances worthy ef
West Linn baa organized a eoin-
Rev. Mr. Tate of Peoria will
their reputation Tips year even mere
munity club.
elaborate preparations have been
Reedsport la asking bids for a city
made for the shod
buiue Wonderful ing a t LL o’clock.
•ewer syatem.
horses, both fbr ($>*■ and option, are
Mr. and Mrs. W alter Baum­
to be here, th e re will be shown all
The third annual potato show w ill
ths gaits, and all ik f feats possible g artner spent the week end at be bold In Weeton, Friday.
the M artin Cummings home.
within a horse shew arene.
To date 1108 care of peara have left
Rapidly Gy« show k>* come to the
Mrs. William Brock visited Medford for the eaatern markets.
frent sad today it ealoys ao aetontsh-
Ing reputation
Tbs blue rtbbiine it her daughter, Mi's. Carlos Kim­
The fall M e tin g of the Southern
grants for confonhatlbn and perform ball, in Oregon City last week. Oregon Presbytery was held at Jack­
ante are eagerjy sought by tbs best
Stalcup left Friday sonville.
drivers and owners of this country
Regiatratton ef voters la Mario«
It Is assured already that the show morning for Ashland. She has
visiting her daughters, county for the November election to­
this year will agrda’M te brillla»ce and been
I thrtltieg q w llt f a id via
taled 23.796.
lass all Rs pre
The County bridge crew is
The Pacific International Ltveitoch deceaacre
The annual convention of the Ore­
the bridge on the
Exposition te an educational Institu
The ipect^ple of industrial exhib­ building
gon State Undertakers* aasoclatton
Its exhibits are brought for its will be on« of surpassing beauty. m arket road, near Jay S uitar's
was held in Portland
the purpose ot teaching the public In a blase of light, every oojer of
place, th is week.
Deposits In the three banka of Tbe
something of the work done toward the rainbow will be blended te eiprqss
perfecting animal life for the benefit and emphaelpe the quality of the
A number of people from a Dalles now total «3.634.407.3«. a* gain
of mankind.
fruits and vegetable, the wares, of distance are here hunting this of «600,000 since June 30.
But If, while learning this leaaon. 1 every kind, te be exhibited. The best
During the past month 9000 head of
L lo yd
fa m ily
one may have a good time, it ts so muetc obtainable wlU be supplied week.
much the better. There is one unique every afternoon and evening
The have friends from P ortland. J. sheep and 1300 head of cattle were*
part of the Exposition which delights Manufacturers' sad Eaud Products N. Evans' company are from shipped from the yards of Prairie Clty-
and charms the public more than any Show and Grain and Hav Show under M arshfield.
There were 96 fires this season In
other, and that is tbs horse show.
i the management of C. ft Minten, the
the Santiam national forest. The pre
It used to be the Night Horse Show, Hairy Products Show In ekaige of L
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lowry and vlous high record waa «3 for a tingle
but so popular did It prove and se B. Zleiner and other features deserve daughters expect to leave soon
great were the crowds that came to more than bare mention bm space
L L. Teung. Portland contractor,
see It 'hat matinees were added In forbids
the afternoons of the last three days ' The Pacific International Livestock Lowry has employment in the has received the contract to construct
Last year It was asserted by visitors Exposition affords every man. womun paper mills.
the Wesley hospital, which will rlas
who attended the great horse shows and child both education and enjoy
In Marshfield during the next few
of America every year, that the Pa ment
It Is held at North Portland
at her brother Chester Curti s’* months.
ctflc International was surpassed In November 1 to g Inclusive.
For the t i n t time In the history of
home several days this week.
Her niece, who has been ill in Astoria, Improvement bonds of that
her brother-in-law was report­
city were sold at a premium, a lot of
B r o w n s v ille B rie fs
a Eugene hospital, is a t home «22,000 bringing 100.8, plus accrued
ed very ill.
Gleaned by the W estern
Newspaper Union
(E n te rp rise C orrespondence)
H. H. Stanard went to Albany
Reece Mallow and Bruce Bur­
Roy W e 'If, wbo has been mak­ son are departing this week for
The Ash Swale m arket road
ing b i- home at Independence for the tim ber country on a deer is finished.
- me time past, v i’ ited at the home hunt.
J. F. Venner and wife made
of hia parents, W. L. Welle and
Howard Haverland has killed a trip to A lbany Saturday.
vife , the first of the week.
his two deer this season; also
Joseph Hume was in Haieey
W ill Robe and his m other, Mrs. a bobcat.
Howard is only yesterday,
looking after the com-
E H. Robe, spent several days
16 years old.
at the home of AC. S. Marsters last
week, she to visit, wh'le be sue-
Rev. B. F. Fellman starts
c edid in bagging several China special meetings at the Baptist
next Sunday. There
(Continued on page" 6)
T H E W O R L D 'S
will be some good singing.
Miss Ray is clerking in the
Dunlap Drug store. She has
been studying pharmacy at O.
A. C. for the last two years.
Ben Ryan of Roseburg was
up Wednesday, enjoying the
first day of the pheasant shoot­
ing. He visited with his broth­
er-in-law, J. C. Harrison.
Miss Woodworth opened her
school again Monday morning,
a fter it had been closed for the
past ten days on account of
dip hthe ria .
H AT’S COMFLEX! The Shoo that has
brought foot comfort to thousands who
never experienced it before— thousands
w ho thought a work shoe to be sturdy had
to have a sole as stiff as a plank I Comflex is
the shoe that—
N eeds No Breaking-In!
Look fcr the feme«»
Let us show you this famous COMFLEX Shoe.
Try on a pair— you’ll think you’ve got your slip­
pers on I But there’s real stuff in the Comflex
Shoe— a sole that’s tempered as well as tanned
—temper 3d to toughen, bya six month«’process,
which gives it a flexibility undream edof before.
N ' t
new cases have
W r y e n b e rg tra d e ­
m ark on t he eole No
e th e r ehoe h a t tbo
Corefleseole. Corn-
flea ehoes ere m ade
of a ll eolid leath er.
N o wood or evb atl-
totee are need—to
th e heele. eolee, tn-
•©!«• aod ceoatcra.
J 9
Mize Beulali H am ilton went 'o
Albany teeterday.
A. J. Finley ol Crawfordsville
went to Portland yesterday.
W. F. Sargent and F. T iffa n y
arrived from Portland Tuesday.
J. L. Brwtnan, nwn«r ol th»
Brow nsville woolen m ills, went
home Tuesday. F o rty hands are
a t work at the m ill and prepara­
tions are under way for the em­
ploym ent of more.
Mrs. Fred Burke left S atur­
day for Hanford, Cal., where
A bond lasae (or «126.000 w ill ap­
pear on the ballot In Klamath county
November 4. The money le wanted
for work en The Dalles-CalUornla
Mrs. M artin Cummings was
hostess to the L. C. and B. Club
Thursday afternnou, which pa«»ed
in vis itin g aud planning a bol-
visiting and planning a hal­
A. J. Johnaea, prominent pioneer
lo we’en party to be given at the of Lane county and aarly day mer­
Those chant of Eugene and CresweU. died
present were Mesdames Hollo­ at his heme at. Creswell on his 10th
Coats, Cook, George, birthday.
Owen, Williams, Brock, Simons,
Deaths exceeded births la Pendleton
R. E. W erner and Mrs. H attie Evans, Palmer, Suitar, R. Cbok, during September, according to the
M a li ck of C raw fordsville were Bass and Ardr.y. Mrs. Ardry report of the city health officer. Dur
assisted the hostess in serving. ing the month there were 16 births
married at A lb an y Monday.
and 2« deaths.
Mr. and Mis. Earl Stanard,
8. Taylor, Jones, 61, district sgent
A rthur Powell, Joseph Hume,
E. Firchau of the Albany
Jake Ackerman and Carl Swank bakery, in his new quarters at for .a life Insurance company, was
were Albany business visitors 424 West F irst street, has the killed accidentally at his home In
finest and most commodious Salem when a shotgun which he waa
cleaning was discharged.
F. S. Gutzman got home bakery quarters in the county,
J. F. Campbell, since 1922 district
Thursday from a visit to C a li­ as liefits the establishment th a t ranger at Oakridge, in the Cascade
fornia, where Mrs. Gutzman is
national foreet, has been transferred
residing w ith a daughter be­ electrical apparatus throughout to Tacoma aa aaslstant supervisor of
cause she finds the climate bet­
the Rainiak national foreat.
of the best wheat bread made
ter for her infirmity.
The appointment bureau of the
for 25c. He will run a daily wag­ school of education of the University
on to Halsey and Mrs. Reynolds
Timber sales in the Santiam at the Good E ats restaurant will of Oregon placed a total of 127 teach­
national forest netted $10,375 sell one-pound loaves, fresh ers to positions In Oregon, Washing­
to the government the past every day, for 8 cents each or ton. Idaho aad California last year,
according te figures given out by the
year. Of this Oregon gets 25 per
two for 15c.
She teaches
Brush Creek.
The Schildmeier girls h a v e !
got nicely located in the Tycer j _
store with
their i
“Beatty parlor” and are rec” iv- J
ing the patronage of the hom e-; J
ly (?) ladies of the town, also I 9
some of the nicer looking ones. I 9
It has been a number of years J
since the country has been so 9
devestatfd by rats as it is at | #
the present. One man north of #
town told th e w riter th a t he did | Q
not intend harvesting his apple l £
crop liecause of the rats t a k i n ;r ! J
the apples a fte r they were in ! J
Quite a number of sfieep havp
been killed by coyotes around J
town recently. M r. Wnnddv lout 1 7,'
forty fine animals. The farm- ®
era have clubbed together and •
made a purse for those killing W
coyoes. Joe Harrison killed one •
on his place th a t had been run £
in there by dogs.
Solid C om fort
on E ve ry Job!
News Notes From
AH Over Oreg on
F YOU are thinking of buying a ZA
piano to add cheer to the long 1 1 1 1 1 *
winter evenings do not miss
C n n u iR n n
C J*1T 1
Remodeling Sale-Last call!
We have the very latest up-to-date Pianos
made by the Baldwin Manufacturing company, which have no superior.
These pianos will be sold at the
ever known in thia city
HIS PIANO SALE positively Closes Nov 1, so if you want a high-
grade standard piano of the best quality now is the time. Don’t
put it off. We can make term s to please overyone. These pianos
m ust be sold this month.
We are eelling piano« every day
Every price »lathed
Piano« fro tr $ 1 2
Every piano a
A ll musical good» going cheap
T h u sale ie tbe ta lk of tbe county
Be one of those to eave money
Store open every evening u n til 9
• D a v e n p o rt M u sic H o u se •
4 0 9 W E S T F IR S T S T . A L B A N Y