FARM LOANS W rite tor booklet descnbiog our 20- year • Rural Credit Amortized Loans T h is is good advice; “ I f you live The loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ in Albany, trade iu Albany ; if you live tirin g the principal. Cheap rates. No in some other towu. trade in that town.' delay. B eam L a n d C o ., llut in these automobile days many re B 3 Lyon street. Albany, Ore. siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of their buying in the larger town. Those who go to Albany to transact business w ill find the firms named below ready to fill their require­ at lowest rate of interest ments w ith courtesy an I fairness. FARM LOANS Real Estate Prompt service. ACCESSORIES AND TIRES * * Insurance Courteous treatment. W m B a i n , Room 5, First Savings Bank bnilning. Albany Auto Supplies J. H. A l l is o n W est First St. 442 ^ Ib a n y Bakery, 424 West First S tre e t 4 one-pound loaves for 25e SHOE © SERVICE * A lb»ny Floral Co. Cut flowers and o plants. Floral art for every Shoes that cost less per month of wear and all occasions. For Reading Flow er phone 458-J. u to Electric Service— Kecharg- THE KRYPTOK PATRON read- able A & B batteries— W IL L A R D and looks afar with equal ease storage battery. Phone 23. 119-121 W. He knows that KRYPTOK ap­ Second st. II. D. Preston—J .C . Cocliran A pearance ia a distinct advantage lue Bird Restaurant, 309 Lyon It is more noticeable than a becom­ street. Eat here when in Albany. ing hat. Comfort and good looks Open from 6 to 2 and 5 to 8. combined in KRYPTOK glasses. M rs . h l o u n t . B B r u n s w ic k P H O N O G R A P H S at W O O D W O R T H ’S -*-* sole agents for Phenia Pure'Paint and Ur. Hess Poultry and Stock Tonic Piano-case organ, good as new Eatey organ, good as new Used Pianos. Meade & Albro, astburn Bros.— Two big grocery E stores, 212 W. First and 225 South Optometrists Main. Good merchandise at the right Manufacturing plant on prices. premises Albany, Oregon tp lile Cafeteria and confectionery A-4 Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ ings. Courteous, efficient serviee. W e make our own candies. W . S. D u n c a n . A Modern Barber Shop printed. * We m ail them right back to you. Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, O r­ egon. Laundrv sent Tuesdays Agency Hub Cleaning Work9 A B E 'S PLACE l’ORl) SALES AND SERV CE Tires and accessories Repairs Amor A. Tussing K ir k -P ollak M otor C o . irtmiller Furniture Co., fui.111- LAWYER AND NOTARY tnre, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. Funeral directors. 427-4JJ west First street, A lb an y , Oregon. H alsey , O regon P Magnus Johnson has taken the bull by the horns and offer­ ed the bill to amortize the stock of the reserve banks when olman & jackson the earnings has reached the Grocery— Bakery sum of 200 per cent, which has Everything in the line of eats Opposite Postoffice long since passed. The average annual earnings of the banks ub Candy C o ., F ir s t s tr e e t, next is in the neighborhood of 196 door to jila in Clothing Co. per cent. The bank act was Noon lunches. passed with the intent to give Home made candv and ice Cream, the government everything in ub Cleaning Works, Inc, excess of 6 per cent. The Cor. Secoond and Ferry- government has never received Master Dyers and Cleaners anything, neither does it own M a d e -T o -M e a s u re Clothes anything in the banks, the en­ MPERIAL CAFE. 209 'V. First tire stock and management be­ Harold G. M urphy Prop. ing in the hands of the member Phone 665 W g N g V S R CLOSB banks, while these are entirely dominated by the bank in New agneto electric co . Official Stromberg carburetor serv­ York as the bank of issue for ice station. Conservative prices. All them all. It is a funnel to draw work guaranteed 119-121 W . Second. the value in the things th a t the people produce into the specu­ ARiNELLO IPARLORS value th a t only finan­ (A beauty aid for every need) lative St. Francis Hotel ciers handle.—F. E. Coulter, Prop.. W lNNIFRRD RoSK. progressive candidate for the en and money are best when federal senate. ULLER GROCERY. 286 Lyon F (Successor to Steuberg Bros.) Groceries Fruits Produce Phone 2b3R H H H M M I busy. Make your dollars work in r savings department. A lbany S ta TR n r . Under government supervision. j^ jO O R E ’S MUHIC HOUSE 223 W . First st. R o s c o E " E v e ry th in g musical” ________________ __ A M ES H A R D W A R K, the W IN C H E S T E R S T O R E .322 W. First st. S. GILBER I & SON S • Builders’ and shelf hardware, gar­ den tools, crockery and glassware New Stock. New low prices QTIM SON TH E SHOE DOCTOK © Second street, opposite Ham ilton's store. “ Sodden Service.’ HE M ARGUERITE SHOPPE T Shampooing. Marcelling and Scalp Treatments Margaret Countryman, 110 Wes' Second st. Phone 22. It was reported at Salem that th< Dominion Lilian company of Guelph Canada, has proposed to parsons In tereated In flax development that it establish a lloaa m ill in the Saleir vicinity, install the uiaehlnery an< take 180.040 worth of preferred stock provided sufflolant encouragement was forthcom ing tram residents of fh< city. Shipment Into Oregon from the stnt« ot Texas of cattle, sheep, goats, swine dressed carcasses, hay. Straw and sim ilar produots and second-han« bags, la prohibited la a proclam atloi Issued by Governor Pierce Issuanci of the proclamation was msde n»ces sary. the axeeutiva said, because of tin outbreak of the toot and movth dis ease In Texas. Clark Smith has left the F. M. Maxwell place, on the r hemstitching and stamped Rrownsvilli? road, and rented .«ite H am ilton '*, 318 W. Second »•. H. C. Davis’ farm . Mr. Max­ • Ido Anderson A Sou, distrib­ well advertises his place for uera and dealers for Maxwell, Chai rent. E SPECIALTY SHOPPE b Essex. Hudson & llnpniobile cars, ivories. polies. 1st A BroedS'bin. FURNITURE AND FARM MACHINERY It. told « » I exchanged at all times B E N T. S U D T E L L 174-R, 123 N. Broadalbin s t, Albaay V i z i t th e I n t b k n a t io n a l S t o c x I village very early." ExPOSrnON.PoXTLAND.NoY I to 8 j "H a ’ll betray tix I'm sorry you told him what you did." “H e w ill not betray ua. He’ll return end say he's been back tn the hUla making new medicine, one that w ill break Jugs without touching them,** said Scissors. “I think we're fools not to make a breek tonight," mumbled Dtnsdale tuny, "They have a strong night guard. We’d be run down In no time. Shunca- luta has the right notldn—strike off from the southern end of the butte and make Owl river. W e must beve guns and food." Hinsdale's moral courage was slip­ ping f is t Physical courage he had In abundance. Risks that he could discern and grapple w ith, even with the odds big against him, alarmed him C O PYRIG HT f i y T H I 6 0 6 8 5 - M E R R IL L CQ Benefit by low week-end not. But he had no defense against fares now in effect, on bis Imagination. H e was entirely re­ (Continued) Knives Talking w ill wait here In the covered from the hardships of the sale Friday,Saturday and B l i n l l o h t xx - H I I a x , A n S * x ll T a o h i i n A a n l t o . v The efTect on the spectators wai sunlight while you tell Tashunca-ulteo Journey to the butte, but be w at find­ Sunday- return limit also tremendous. Crazy Horse in si that the white men are afraid of High ing It difficult to sleep nights. lence examined the broken Jug. I t wai W o lfs talk." following Tuesday. There was a new note In the morn­ all entirely beyond his comprehenslot Sorrel Horse sat with bowed head, ing's confusion To the excited bark­ and was as much of a m iracle as It 1 the macklnnw blanket covering all but O r i y-day fares, on sale ing of dogs was added the th rill calls the white man had precipitated th« his moccasins. F inally -he s a id : any day— return limit of children, telling their elders to “ Before any talk Is brought from southern h alf of the butte into tb< come out and behold a new mystery. 15 days, w ith stop-over fork of the Grand. High W o lf two ponies w ill he hidden The prisoners, ever rearing a dleat- at any point enroute. “We go to our lodge. Tashunca at the south end of the butte When trous turn In their affairs, cradled ultco," said Scissors, the first one t< j the white men go ft must not be to the flap and looked out. A man known The village w ill believe they M ake all your going break the silence. wearing on his head the skin of an are following the river to the west. Linking lilt arm through Dlnsdale’) away plans to take alk'e head with horns attached, and he wulkdd to the lodge, followed bj They must ride from the south end of an elk hide over his shoulders, was vantage of these low the butte and keep away from the the gaze of the entire village. O n « moving slowly between the lodges. round trip fares. they were screened from the view ol river. They must ride hard and fast H it hands and logs were painted tp the little hill where the Crdws were the Ogalala Dlnsdale exclaim ed: yellow and in each hand he carried a For full information about killed and reach the head of Owl river “It beat anything I ever saw. T a ll hoop covered w ith elk hide and dec­ these and other round trip above Slave butte. Those who give about lu c k ! I f thut girl hadn’t broket orated w ith bergamot, an herb much fares communicate with chase w ill turn back when they do not the Jog— ’ liked by elks. Ahead of this grotesque find a tra il along the Grand. Bhuncn- " I f ! M l" repeated Scissors Impa figure walked two girls carrying a lu ta ’s mt'dlclne w ill see the white men tlently. “I am wakan wttshasha. 1 long-stemmed red sandstone pipe, dec­ making north to Fort Lincoln.” wish you would remember that. I an orated tn the wakan fnahlon. As the “Two rifles must be with the ponies different from other men. Many masked man advanced he went and a bundle of food," said Scissors. things I have forgotten, because « through certain grotesque maneuvers “For I f the white men are brought wakan man Is not supposed to re that caused Pinedale to open his eyes hack It would be very bad for Shunca- member rubbish. But the things 1 very wide. C- P. MOODY, s g ’t. Pbone 226 luta. H e could never pick up a Jug have learned from life come hack te "W hat the devil Is It, and what Is tt again without It breaking. As the me when the knowledge can help me trying to d o t' he whispered medicine grows stronger kettles would When a man can remember only th« "T he pipe's a medicine pipe. It break. H e could not drink or eat from helpful and forget the useless, tiler must be Bhunca-luta The head cover­ any dish, but would live Ilka a thing he Is wakun. ing end hoops tall the people he has on four legs." "By the end of a few sleeps Bhunca- dreamed of an elk and has visited an . “W hat I did on Crow creek wat "Tw o ponies w ith food and guhs will Elk lodge In his sleep, end Is now luta w ill break Juga." only slelght-of-hand. Fellows on th« be where It has been said," promised under the protection of their medicine i "Bhunca-luta has been making a stuge back In the States can beat in« the medicine man. He's trying to act Ilka an elk Seel } very stroog medicine," Scissors polite­ all hollow at It. Even If Shuncn-lutn "H ow soon?" T he people understand. None of the ly said knew this lust was some trick he'd "In a few sleeps. Before a man “H e has been hack In the hills where women stays on the windward side never tell his led friends. It's better comes from the« hills. Shunra Into and no one goes near him. They're ha made his heart humble hy giving fo r his reputation to have the Indian» must he cunning as the kit fox. He oinking themselves believe be Is an two o f his best ponies to T aku W akan. believe the gods heat him than that has things to do first." Then Taku W akun talked to him elk. Now what Is he up to?” I outfooled him.” He rose and le ft them, still wear­ Shunca-luta had turned between two W hile waiting fo r the village to re ing his blanket so that no man might lodges and was running rapidly. Ahead cover some of Its composure they re look on his face. As the prisoners of him was a wide m iry spot. A fter tnained In the entrnnee; and as they walked back to the village Scissors he bad passed this he turned and nod­ talked Scissors amused himself by explained the talk to his companion, ded his bead toward It. As be moved cutting out pictures of the yelping and said: on meu and women pressed on after curs und fat puppies. No one came "H e ’ll stick to his bargain, too. He'd him and began clapping their hands near them and the fam ily In th« rather have a hundred men escape than to their mouths to express amaze­ nearest lodge moved to a inure re­ to be laughed at as a man who has ment. Scissors lsft the lodge and hur­ mote shelter. lost his medicine. He'd rather have ried toward them, Dlnsdale remaining “Very soon this w ill be looked on as a thousand escape than to have every behind. As Scissors drew up the group a white medicine lodge," mused Scls dish he touches break In his hands. dissolved and moved sway from him. sorg a fte r he hod discovered the sur Stop worrying." When they came to H e examined the ground tn see what reptltlous w ithdraw al of their neigh Sorrel Horse's lodge he was standing they had been staring at. Smothering bora. In the entrance, his eyes glittering omi­ a smile he returned to Dlnsdale. IJInsdale discerned a great advantage nously. H e held up a Jug and wiped "W hat's the row?" asked Dlnsdale. In their desolation und whispered: his lips and s a id : "T hat fellow Is very cunning There “W hy not try for It now? T hey’re "The medicine stops working ugalnst are tracks of an elk In the muddy still stupid over the trick. I f we Could Rhuncn luta. He drinks without the spot. They really believe he wore the reach the ponies we could ruce for lug breaking.” feat of an elk In passing over It. O f It” course be took some hoofs and msde “Fool 1” growled Scissors. "Because ’’I'm wakan witshasha. Sly medicine Tw o Knives Talking stopped the medi­ the tracks early this morning Now ha w ill tell me when to uct and when to cine from working until Shuncn-lutn runs and Jumps over the spot and be Idle," said Scissors. "Here comes could pay for It does he tlilak the they'll always belleva bis feet turned one now who must talk w ith us. He medicine grows weak? I w ill break to hoofs long enough for him to leave seeks us. It Is good. H e knows he this Jug— * the tracks ” must have uu understanding with us "P retty shallow," grumbled Hins­ W ith a low howl of fear Sorrel Horse if he would save himself from being thrust the Jug Inside the lodge and dale "How could he know some one known as a failu re." hadn't seen the tracks right a fte r he begged: T he figure approaching them had "W alt. Shunca-luta buys the medi­ made them?" the head muffled in a blanket, but cine. H e wanted to see how stroDg Is "It's all the same," said Scissors. Scissors Identified biro as Shunca-luta "Then they'd believe he had pasted the w hite man's heart." "1 Told You So. I Knew T h a t Devil Scissors turned to one side as If to W ith a menacing scowl 8clssors that way already and had left them. Would Ring In a Cold Oeek." pass without speaking, but halted passed on. telling Dlnsdale: A fte r we've oaten w e ll look him up." as a troubled voice s a id : " I ’ll stay here. Only tim e I want to through an elk dream. Tunksn's fly­ "Hove to watch him like a snake. "M y medicine tells me to talk with I might have known he would have see any of thfln Is whan I've got my ing rocks have told him be shall break the white men. Vuleas Shuncu-luta Jugs" risked one more Jug. But he'll be guns w ith me." can learn the Jug magic ha w ill he a good now.” The young girl who had broken the Bclssors turned sway, pleased to ghost and wander alone." know Sorrel Horse h id burned his As the two strolled about the village Jug brought their breakfast, her bright "Shunca-luta should talk to Tunkati the grown-ups pretended not to sense • yes fairly shining w ith excitement. bridges behind him end must uow com­ and pulnt the rocks green and red,” their presence. T he children kept at 2“ fich of her former fear had vanished, plete his bargain for the white man's advised Scissors. a distance and yet were always in and when Bclssors questioned her she magic. Crasy Horse followed behind "H e has long talked to the sacred sight. Scissors cut out some pictures readily told h im : Scissors and s a id : "Bhunca-luta cornea back from the stones. They tell him to talk to the of dogs, ponies and elk and dropped “T h e young men do not come w ith a Ha sacri­ Jug hreaker. I w ill give many ponies them on the ground talk from High Wolf. Has Two These pictures bills with an elk dream. to get the medicine of the Jug.” Knlvee seen them In his dreamsT' were picked up a fte r the white men ficed two o f his pontes Now he dr<*smt Scissors laughed at him. "Has Tnshunca-nltco asked his med­ had moved on. Tow ard sunset they of sn elk and the elks give him a “Two Knives T alkin g can give you saw several lodges having some of the very strong medicine He says he will icine man about the scouts?" the medicine that breaks Jugs, but pictures pinned on the outshle. The hiake the jug-breaking medicine after "8hunra-lnta has been dreaming of many ponies w ill not buy It." elks. He must paint his lodge before inmates had decided the white man a , a few sleeps " Bhe ran away to observe more won­ he enn look In a drtani for my young “Let the white man tell the price for paper magic would bring good lu c k ; ders, and a fte r Bclssors had trans­ men." the medicine.” nor did Sorrel Horse object to them. Sclsaora produced h it paper and “T w o Knlvee Tnlklng hns seen Io ■ Crazy Horse left the village early lated her speech Dlnsdale growled and dream two men riding north from the scissors and cut out a Jug. Next he In the morning, and the girl bringing com plained: " I told you so. I knew that devil Short Medicine Foie hills as If look­ cut two bowed figures mounted on gal­ their food told the prisoners he had ing for a soldier m o k e . The dream loping pontes, each figure wearlpg a gone west w ith a picked body of men. would ring In s cold deck." Bclssors smllad contentedly and said : men had no heads. Two Knives T a lk ­ hat to show It was a white man He Scissors Interpreted this Journey to "You're forgetting the two ponies lie's ing coaid not see If they were old or dropp id them dn the ground b«*fore mean the w ar chief was worried over shcrlflced.' He's smart. He's working young." Sorrel Horse. A lean hand darted the failure of his messengers to return llb C m up by degrees to believe he can “They are ghosts. They have baen through the blanket and snatched up from the Short Medicine Pole hilts. killed," muttered Crazy Horae. the paper pictures. The chief returned at sunset, bis , break Jugs. H e'll h a w them at the The mounts of Ids men l* o p * r pitch Just shoot the time we light "Tw o Knlvee Talking believes the "W hen w ill the wblta man sell?” pony fagged dream meins they do not know Just whispered the medicine man. were also played out, showing they "k t They'll never suspect him of hsv- where to look for a sm oke" “I t must be before any rider comes had traveled furiously. He did nut lOg anything to do with our going Ils come to see his prisoners: nor would I *° " 2 .2 ? ” "They would never leave th« hills from the Short Medicine Pole hills." to look for soldiers If High W olf and “ Sbunck-luta knows the young white the guards outside the lodge give rn y w ill he missing except the two he his Oheyennes were In the bllla." man is not Hleh W o lfs friend. He Inform ation. The last thing Scissors ’«nertfleed' several sleepe before we got awey. He's clever He's setting Hclssots Shrugged bta shoulders and knows Two Knives Talking Is afral l did -before the sun vanished was to his stage for s big effect. I must ge rep lied : of the talk High W olf w ill send. M stand outside the lodge and a t-re around and see him.” “W hat Is It to the white men whore he tells what he knows lu Tashunca- toward the west and northw est Ho He succeeded In seeing Sorrel Horse they ride? They are fed each day and ultco’s ear the Ogalala w ill make two waited and watched as long as It would but was unable to speak with him have a good lodge to sleep In." new medicine shirts out o f white he possible to behold a signal smoke privately. W arriors and women were Crazy Horae glared w rathfu lly at s k in ” against the sky. W ith a deep breath | «landing thick shout the medicine "T , at Is true," agreed Scissors " It of re lie f he rejoined Hinsdale and re- the bark of Scissors’ head, and w arned: Is tru e we want to ride from here. Crazy Horse strode m arkedt It Is true Tashunca ultco w ill have us “I f no talk comes from High W o lf •T h ey can t get a smoke tonight." | ’ h r" ° « h ” >e r o u p snd a fter darting skinned If you can make him believe "But a messenger o n r id . In any . ' « * * » « >orrel t0 Bc‘ *- at th * end of three sleep*, end If the truth. Go and tell him now. Then Bbunca-lutaa new medicine says tha moment," eras the moody reply. "And ................. break pick up a Jug and have It break In Ms coming w ill be the signal for cut- „ white men are liars they w ill eat no 8h " T * " : ? * your hands. Go away from your peo­ ting our throats.” more Ogalala meat and berries.'* ,u » * . th°.Ot " ’ ochln* th* ra "Hhuncn lu ta ’s medicine w ill never ple and have men of other villages T a i wakan witshasha. Nothing has i Mk«^ ®c,* or’ drive you back from their lodge, call­ happened yet Wonder where S h o v e - , Cjasy Horae did not answer but tell the Ogalala to skin the whits men," calmly replied Bclssors. "The w hits ing you the ‘Jug-breaker,’ the medhlne la ta h a . been today Haven't seen " S°2 1 ,I “ ° X map whom T unkaa forgot T *f hide nor hair of him. and h i. lodge la . * * * “ “ « " * » « 1 1 / 1*6- men went to Mato Ttoi to find a w all (Continued ' on pass SJ ciosfifi tliht. He must bsvq left the | — •» r andiht to HU PENDEXTEK^ Portland and return ad­ P a c ific rjaven,K iri Music company offers ami PAGE J H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E Southern p U R K H A R T & LEE E 'liuis developed O C T . 13, 1924 A/Awwp ¡birtetorq—Continued ^ ^ b a n y J ^ X e c to r y H a ll’ s C a ta rrh Medicine Treatment, both local and internal, and has been success­ ful la the treatment of Catarrh foe ovei fo rt, yeerx Sold by all druggists. F. J. CHENEY &. C O - Toledo, O hk