a t (y ïy t ,/ HALSEY ENTERPRISE HAL8EY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, Oct. 15, 1924 ____ H a lse y H appenings and C o u n ty Evants Short Stories from Sun dry Sources Mrs. A. E. noon. Foote , Sun lay|aft r- HALSEY RAILROAD TIME Bigger and Better Phan Ever Mrs. J S. Thomas and childrtn of H arrisburg were callers at the A. E. Foote home Sunday. Gleaned by the W estern Newspaper Union W illia m Robertson, Delos Clark and Kenneth Cros° took in the I football game at C orvallis Satur- D. S. McWilliams was in our ¡day. c ity yesterday. Halsey may have a beauty shop, M is* Nora Pebrgsou pent the as well as other cities that have week end w ith home folks. more need of one. See advertise­ ment. M r. and Mrs. J. I I . Vannic* The whole country hereabout* spent Monday at the P. A. Pehrs ha- blossomed out w ith “ No hnnt- son home. in g’ ’ signg. M r*. W ill Robertson visiied h»r M r*. F. W. Robinson and daugh­ sister, Mrs. J H. G riffith , at the ter Mabel drove down from June- conuty seat Saturday. t'o n C itv for a visit at the A- E M rs. Emma Sylvester is spend­ Foote home Monday. ing a week at the M. H- Shock W. W . M arvin and Amos W ell* home w ith her grsndaughter of Salem, are spending today at Eunice. the home o f th e ir uncle, W. L The m issionary society o i tl e Wells, and enjoying the pheasant C hristian churoh w ill meet October hunting. 22, instead of the regular tim e, it M r*. Donna Cross is teaching - a being the 50th anniversary of the larged«»« in music th i* w inter. society. She has 43 pupils and more in view. Rev. M r. Carey from Falls C ity She teaches in Shedd and H a rris ­ v i-ite d w ith his cousins, M r. and burg as well a* Halsey. Albany’s Only ' EXCLUSIVE OPTICAL PARLOR OUR NEW P R IC E LIST Double Vision Lensss Ultex, $18.50; Kryptok, $17:50. Peerless, $16.50; Brights, $15;50. Cemented Segments. $14.50. Single or Distant Vision Lenses 6 D Carve Tone, $13.50 ; Mencius, $12.50. lJi I) Carve Periscopic, $12;50; Flats' $10.50. Pitted in Zilo, gold-filled or rimless frames. For heeavy Zilo frames add $1 to $2. Deduct $2 for second-grade lens. Reading glasses. $2.50 to $10. Bancroft Optical Co. 313 West First street, Albany, Ore. Ask about f’unktal, the perfect lens. M r. and Mrs. Staab and M r. j and Mrs. Thomas Sw ift o f Oregon , C ity visited at the Frank G»nsle I home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Staab are Mrs. Gansle’s parents. The little daughter of Chester J C urtis, who has he.en quite i l l in a I Eugene hospital, is home. Her mother is w ith her and her baby sister Louise is visieing her aunt, Mrs. Bert C lark. Hugh Brandon, in companv w ith M r. L i ’ l y , a frie n d , arrived yesterday from P ortland, for a v is it w ith his mother, Mrs. Kliza Brandon, and to enjoy a little pheasant bunting. Last Sunday was ra lly day at the F irst C hristian C hurch, Eu­ gene. There were 2308 present Some crowd! Halsey has 102 regis'ered male r Dubliean voters and 71 female D mocratic, 76 male and 44 female T otal, 414 belonging to thote parties. (Continued on page 3) T H E W O R L D 'S MOST COMFORTABLE WORK SHOE SUNDAY MAIL HOURS The delivery window of the Halsey poetoffice is open Sunday* front 10:40 to 10:50 a. m. and 12:15 to 12:30 p. nt. Sunday m all goes out o nly on Above are pictured the new build girls' clubs wilt have a department ex- the north-bound 11:37 tra in : inga, August 23rd. juat one month clustvely for their exhibits, Mail goes south onee a day. closing at after the tire. When people heard Magnificent animals from all over that the Pacific International Live- the United States will show what 11:05 a. m. ; north twice, closing 11:25 a. m. and 5:30 p. in. Mail stage for stock Exposition at Portland had been breeding and scientific care can do destroyed, it was like a blow in the with the race of dairy cows. World Brownsville, Crawfordsville and Sweet face. But the indomitable spirits who record animals of various breeds are Home leaves daily at 6:45 a. in. formed it first, who labored for its promised and the dairy department establishment and continuance were will be a union of beauty and utility j . not daunted. not to be surpassed anywhere ia the j “ 31(1-101 rarsyaprlS Within a few days, work had been world. The breeders of cattle vie (5c a lin e ) begun on a new heme, “bigger and with each other for numbers and ex­ better than ever,” and now it is near cellence, and there is always a sports­ Encampment Attent'on ing completion. The contractors have manlike struggle in the show ring be- premlsed to have it done and ready tween breeders for the coveted blue A jo in t meeting o f Halsey, lia r - for occupancy by October 25th. and ribbons. risburg, B row nsville and A lp in e Chllected within the walls of the the great Exposition will open its encampments w ill he held at H a l­ doors to the public on the morning of immense Exposition building are not November 1st with a larger and more only the finest dairy cattle to be sey Oct. 24, 1924. A ll camp beautiful show than ever In its his­ found anywhere in the world, but members are invite d. J W. M oork , Scribe. hundreds of other animuls, repre­ tory. The new structure Is modeled in senting the time, labor and thought general after the old one, for the ar aud work of centuries to bring them For ren t— M y farm , near H a l­ rangement and plan of the former to as near perfection as the ingenuity sey. See K a rl Bram well or w rite of man can compass. Nor is this all. one was hard to beat. The stadium F. M- M axw ell, D ra in . has been enlarged, however, and forty The products of the soil iu their glory feet have been added to its length, of color and fragrance, the accomplish For Sale— 8 Pig*, eight weeks and the seating capacity has been monts of the boys and girls in useful K enneth M in e r . endeavor and other things worthy of old. Increased to 7000. The horse department has been en study and enjoyment will be found Apples—Gather them yoursel f larged and improved, as has the poul at the Pacific International Livestock try department, while the hoys’ and Exposition, November 1 to 8 Inclusive at 50 cent* per bushel, or 75 cents at my apple house. $1 00 deliv ered. Jonathans, Spitzenberg- City Candidates M. E. Church and Baldwins. C has . B urgess . The mas* nom inating meeting Robert Parker pastor. H arrisburg. named as candidate* (or c ity offices: Sunday school, 10. For m ayor, Bert S. C la rk ; recorder, Preaching, 11. For Sale— 10-weeka old pigs, on E. F. Croas; treasurer, D T a v lo r; W 'n n ifo rd ranch. C B. G ibson & Junior League, 3, m arshal, J. W. Rector and W. H. Interm ediate League, 6:80. S ons . H alsey, Route 2. Phone *1 Beene. E pw orth league, 6:80 10x7. For councilm an for four years, Preaching, 7:30. Prayer-meeting Tuesday, 7:30. three to be elect ,d; W. F. W hite, For sale— Reds. Pullets. 2 pure­ Frank Gansle, P. J. Forster, D. H. bred rooateis, Ruse, Halsey, Ore. S turtevant, D. l'a y lo r, A. J. H ill. Church of Christ Councilman for two years, C. H. Old papers lor sale at 5c a bundle Koontz. at the Enterprise office. Find out which of these take the E n te rp rite They are the wise City Council one*. Vote fo r them. The council met Monday night tn d appointed a budget committee, H erbert, paroled after confessiog to oonsult w ith the council at It* the forgery of A . C. A rm stro n g ’« next meeting, as follows: D. H. name to checks ninounling to $63 S turtevant, J. C. Standish, A J. on the Halsey bank, violated his H ill, C. P. Moody, A rth u r Wesley, parole aod left the co un try. He T P. Patton. oonfesses a forgery in Coos county Jim M cW illiam s and Mr«- A. A. Our d is tric t attorney asks th a t be T usring were appointed judge* Lon Chamiee M inister. be made to eerve out hie two year and J. C. W alton. Mrs. E d ith Robni'tt and C P. Moody clerk* L ast Sunday was the best sentence. rally day we have had, in many E. E. Stanard and wife visit­ respects. The attendance was Mrs. H. P. Willis went to Al­ 83, the program was excellent ed Albany Saturday. bany Monday. and the “decorations” were gor­ geous and were given to the i preacher a fte r the morning ser­ vice. Everything fa rm e rs' r*iae th a t ia good to «at was in ­ cluded. The preacher had his j car bulging out and running over when he went home. Next Sunday a t 10 a. m. the Bible school meets. There is a class for you. The sermons for next Sunday are: “Galatians, chapter 1” and “Why I am Not a Denomina­ tional ist.” Our orchestra will i»e on the job next Sunday evening. ____ Plenty of good music. Solid C om fort on E very Job! Lawrence W ell* began h i* preachi ng career laat Sunday at Lanceater, Strangs aa i t may seem, th a t ¡* where C lifford Carey, another Halsey boy, began preach­ ing. We can only ho| e th»t Law ­ rence a R.icces* w ill he as good a* C lifford'«. HAT'S COMFLEXI The Shoe that haa brought foot comfort to thousand« who never experienced it before thousands w ho thought a work shoe to be sturdy had to have a sole as stiff as a plankl Comflex is the shoe that— T Del >* We*!ey of Tacoiua ha* been v is itii g h i* grandfather, Delos W’aaley of Second street, and hi» uncle A rth u r. Needs No B reaking-In! Let us show you this famous COMFLEX Shoe. Try on a pair— you'll think you've got your slip­ pers on 1 But there's real stuff in the Comflex Shoe— a sole that's te m p e re d as well as tanned —tem peredtotoughen.bya six months process, which gives it a flexibility undreamed-of before. V OONTZft X I . r good n n n goods r .n n iN Look f o r th * fa m m a W e re n b « r( tr*4 « - m arko n thcoote.H o o thar ahoa haa t h * C o m fleaaolr. C o o - A ciaboaa ara m ade ot a ll aolld la a th a r. N o wood or aubatl- tota a are used—to th e heal*, aolas. lo - aolaa and counter». A new cement crosswalk con­ nect« the Standirb and Maxwell cement sidewalk»- South of the poetoffice a new cement crosswalk cooo< ois two board walka. A lot of new« and focial gossip, »tanoing in type, woe crowded over when the big ad of the Blain C lo th in g company waa received at the laat m inute. Neverthelset, it waa welcome, N ew s N o tes F rom A ll O v e r O re g o n North South No. 32, 3:02 a. m. No. 17, 12:15 p. in. IS, 11:37 a. in. 33, 7;4O p. m 34, 4:25 p. in. 31, 11:20 p. m. No. 14. due Halsey at 5:02 p. in., stops to let off passengers from south of Eugene. Nos. 31 and 32 atop only if flagged. Nos. 31. 32, 33 and 34 rnn between Port laud and Engene only. Because of tltnes, Harry Strickland, Passengers for south of Roseburg shouh' take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfei SO, killed himself at hts home near to No. 15. Murahfield by firing a bullet through jtHalsey-Hrownsville stage meets trains hts heart. A widow aud several grown 18, 17, 34, 14 aud 33 in order named. I F YOU are thinking of buying a piano to add cheer to the long winter evenings do not miss I lllT * « a Remodeling Sale children survive. Snow, the first of the teaidn, fell In Bend last week. Heavy snow fell In the mid-Oregon Cascades and It la feared by autolsts that the McKeusle pass road la blocked. Marlon county haa filed with the public service comnitsogl^MpplIcatton for permtaelon to cstaCnsD a grad« crossing over the tracks of the Stiver Falls railroad near Silverton. A Record for September shipments of fruits wn* made at Hood River this year. Up to October 1, 329 carleada of pears and apples had left that city for the eastern markets. Bus lines that will furnish all the facilities of a street railway will toon be In operation at Klamath Falls. A 10 cent fare will be charged and a 20 minute schedule maintained- Although the season Is not yet clea- ed, the Myrtle Creek eannlng faetory so far has paid out $9000 for labor and $20,000 to the farmers of that vicinity for fruit and vegetables. George Rodgers, ex-presldent of th« First National bank at Salem, who was fatally Injured In an airplane ac­ cident two weeks ago, left an estate valued at approximately $100,000, The Jackson county board of equali­ zation laat week recommended that a cut be made In tillable farm tand val­ uation of 25 per cent and 39.5 per cent cut on the valuation of stock cattle. The Gladstone city council has call­ ed a special election for January 27, when the matter of the Issuance of $27,000 In municipal bonds for a pre­ posed water district will be derided. The Oregon spring wheht crop ta es­ timated at 2,418,000 bushels, against 3,982,000 bushels last yetr, according to the October 1 crop report, tasaed by F. L. Kent of the department of agri­ culture. Oregon's population, outside of Port­ land, was Increased by more than 800 families during Heptember, according to a survey conducted in 38 major dis­ tricts of the state by the state chamber of commerce. Increased fire haxard on marsh hay lands of Lake county has brought about the posting of all such lands against hunting and the establishment of fire patrols by owners of large ranch properties. Voters of Marlon county, at the No vember election, will have an oppor­ tunity to approve or reject a measure providing for a tax levy of $2600 an­ nually to carry on the work of the health association. C 'l * Tl K J M /V i We are going to reincdel the D a v e n p o r t Music house a n t i we m ust have room.\ve have the very latest up-to-date Pianos made by the Baldwin Manufacturing company, which have no superior. These pianos will be sold at the BIGGEST BARGAINS ever known in this city HIS PIANO SALE won't last much longer, so if you want a high- grade standard piano of the best quality now is the time. Don’t put it off. W e can make term s to please everyone. These pianos m ust be sold this month. T We ara selling piano« «very day Every price slashed Piano« from “P Every piano a bargain $125 A ll muaical goods going cheap Thia sale ia the ta lk ol the county Be one o l those to save money Store open evory evening u n til 9 D a v e n p o rt’s M u sic H o u se • 409 W E S T F IR S T S T . A L B A N Y