c ( °t<9 HALSEY ENTERPRISE •“K. Mrs. O. W. Frum and daugh­ T. J . Skirvin made a trip to te r Ruth drove to Albany Fri­ Eugene Friday. day. Short Stories from Sundry Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Carey Miss Cleona Smith, who i s 1 drove to Eugene Friday. Sources teaching a t Sweet Home, spent the week end with her father, Mrs. A. E. Foote and Ruby Miss Alberta Koontz came W. L. Smith. Schroll were in Albany, Wed­ home from Salem and spent the nesday and called a t the D. S. week end with home folks. Mrs. Gordon Munkers and McWilliams home. Mrs. F M. Grav’g birthday little son Donald spent T hurs­ Elliott McWilliams of Albany surprise is mentioned elsewhete. i day afternoon a t the home of and Frank had a birthday thi.- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. spends his spare time a fter school and Saturdays clerking Wfek. He is 76, and bangs heavy L. Straley. hexes around as if he didn’t know Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Penland, H. C. Davis and Mrs. Laubner accompanied G. W. Laubner on his trip to the Coos Bay country last week. They visited M arsh­ field and North Bend. at H am ilton’« store. Cascade» every even-numbers J year and to rang* to th« east io the year* between, io thia i t our (EnUrprlee Correapondenv*) Miss Elaine Woodworth, who bear yaar. teaches a t Brush Creek, spent The woolen mills are expected the week end in Brownsville. to run tomorrow aud soon to run Burl Callaway deportej la«t 24 hours a,day. week to attend the Behnke- Alford Arrows Walker business college in Portland. (enterprise rorreepoaAeace) The b ap tist Sunday school B. E. Cogswell of Portland ie plans a party in the church visiting his ranch (or awhile. basement for a week from F ri­ Mis« Thelma Ingram called on day night. Miss Lillie Rickard Sunday after­ P. Patton returned last Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cochran noon. week from a two-weeks hunt­ have moved to the Filkins ing and outing trip into Coos place, north of town, which is M:as V adur* Kiser spent the and Curry counties. week end with her friend, Mi«s rented by Charles Sterling. Ethel Greene, Harold Stevenson was over The ladies north of town met from Brownsville Thursday and Mr. and Mie. Fred Burkhart of with Mrs. Earl Harrison Wed­ wired H arry Bressler’s resi­ Salem spent several days at thsir nesday for a social afternoon. dence for electric lights. Luncheon was served a t five farm last weak. wntl paper«,, theratore the Church H arry Stew art and family of o’clock. Lee Ingram and family weie In this week’s installment of of Christ ladies will give their Mabel, Ore. is visiting H arry’s Sunday evening callers at the A E, “ Pay Gravel" our friend Scissors •lection.day dinner io the base­ J. C. Harrison and Rev. M. L. father, R. K. Stew art and sis­ Whitbeck home, takes all the wind ont of the In . ment of the church. ter, Mrs, E rnest Hover of Pine Woodworth attended the Bap­ dian medioiue man's sails. tist committee meeting in the Ellsworth Curtis aud family are The W. F. M. S. met a t the Grove. Baptist church a t Lebanon moiing to the place just vacated Frank G ray’s faithful old drav home of Mrs. Sidney Smith William Corcoran, Wayne Wednesday. by John Burnett. horse has gone lame with a stiff r l iday with 17 members pres­ Robertson, Delos Clark, Ken­ knee and is out at m-oit-e A n- ent. Airs. George S ta rr had the Rev. Robert Parker of Haleev Mrs. May Dickenson is very neth Cross and Carl Hill were lesson and Mrs. M. E. Gardner back in Halsey to spend the ill at the local hospital with an was u Sunday afternoon caller at abcess on the brain. She was the J. H. Rickard home. Albany’s Only had charge of the devotions. week end. Miss Hattie Dannen of Shedd operated on a t a hospital in Refreshm ents were served and EXCLUSIVE a social time spent a fte r the Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stevenson Portland, but unsuccessfully. visited her sister, Mrs. E. A. returned the first of the week Little hope is held for her re­ Starnes, on« day last week. meeting. from a three-weeks visit with covery. The Greene family went to H a r­ Mrs. Frank Gray had a birth­ their son Glenn and family a t OPTICAL PARLOR risburg to eee "The Covered Wag­ day last Thursday and was Beaverton. Mr«. J. Hull« and Mr«. Ilutili on" Monday night of last week. O U R N E W P R IC E LIST: surprised when several of her Mrs. Alonzo Leach of Craw­ Mrs. David Foote and daugh­ went to Albany Saturday. relatives dropped in, but when Double Vision Lenses Mrs. Grace Goodall came from fordsville was buried iu the Alford they continued to arrive she ters, Mrs. A. E. and A. W. cemetery last Sunday afternoon. tumbled to the fact th a t they Foote and Miss Ruby Schroll Eugene Saturday. U ltex, $18.50; Kryptok, $17:50. Peerless, $16.50; Brights, $15;50. Mr. and Mre. Charles Tandy had come to help celebrate and drove to Brownsville Thursday Manuel Enoe, Portuguese, ba« Cemented Segments. $14.50. aud ton Elmer of Harrisburg vis­ brought lunch. A very pleas­ and spent the afternoon. become a United States citizen, ited at the Chester Curtis home ant day was spent, Mrs. Gray Mrs. P. J. True was brought Single or Distant Vision Lenses Mrs. Joseph Rosclow of Spokane Sunday. entertaining the guests in the home from Corvallis Thursday went home Saturday, after a »¡hit 6 D Curve Torre, $13.50 ; Mencius, M r. and Mrs. C- E- Mercer and afternoon by exhibiting ten and has been staying a t the with Mr«. Robert Sayre. $12.50. Mias Minnie Sawyer of Eugene nice quilts of her own making. home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. lJi D Curve Periscopic, $12;50; Thursday at Albany occurred were Sunday evening callers at Mrs. Gray doesn’t mind telling True since. Her condition re­ Plats’ $10.50. the marriage of Andrew Kirk and the home of Mrs. D. 1. Isom. her age either. She is 76 years mains about the same. Fitted in Zrlo, gold-filled or rimless frames. Ilia Dinwiddie, a former teacher young. Those present were, M r. «nd Mia. A. E. W hltleck, For heeavy Z ilo frames add $1 to $2. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bateman here. — Times. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Bond and E. Miss L illie Rickard, Miss Thelma Deduct $2 for second-grade lens. E. Gormley, Mrs. J. T. McNeil, and Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards W. D . Oliver hot and killed fugratnand Miaa Henrietta Statues Reading glasses. $¿.50 to Ho. over from Brownsville coyote that was after calves on the saw "Tira Covered Wagon" at Clarice Gormley, Elta Morgan, were B a n c r o f t O p t ic a l C o . Ruth and Ralph McNeil and Mr. Thursday and called a t the H. M«ck Sawyer place a couple of Harrisburg l ose, lay night ot last week. and Mrs. Howard of Sodaville. W. Chance home. Mr. Chance weeks ago. 313 West First street, Albany, Ore. is a brother of the ladies. Mr». E. McLeod of Olympia The J. T. Curry sale was well Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Burtt n of Ask about Punktal, the perfect lens. Charles Straley drove to Cor­ went home Saturdry, after a Portland attended Wednesday. The Cur viaited Mrs. Burton's vallis Thursday evening and month at ibe home of her «on. rid e r, Mrs. D. I. Isom, Sur.diy, brought back his mother-in- Delbert Sloan, at Crawfoideville. Mr. Burton went to Albany in mo law, Mrs. E sther Rike, for a iL L L ù -' C. R. Brown of Corvallis c rue evening but Mrs. Burtou remained visit with her son Harvey and for a longer vis t. ov the state $294,02$ 6$. ae cording Io a report Issued by Sam A Koaer, secretary of state. auto in ebarge ot a lady chauffeur their daughter Ethel was united iu clad in pants and sweater and the marriage to Beryi Kiser of Row­ panied by Mrs. Rike’s sister, meeting was cordial. land. Tha young couple will Miss Nellie Berryhill, arrived make their home near Rowland. Mrs. Silas White killed a bear with a «ingle shot through tthe heart Saturday morning. She and ilr. White were huuting, ami bis lack of live hounds treed Bruin dears are more numerous in the apple orchards hack of Browns­ ville than for many years. They Damage estimated at $1600 was dost by a fire whjch started in the repati shop ot the Kaleva Auto company la Astoria. Timber land tn Lane county will be aaeested this year 6 per cent high­ er than last year, acoordlng to actlea of the county board ot equalisation. J. H. Rike and family, aceom. Thursday from Orlando, Fla., and were guests at the Charles Straley home, Mr. Rike and Mrs. Straley being brother and sister. Mr. Rike resided on a farm near Halsey for several years and will probably again locate in the valley. Gleaned by the W estern Newspaper Union Cash prises atg regatla* $1200 will be awarded at the Hermiston Dairy and Hog show this year, to be bald Wednesday and Thursday. The receipts at the Eugene poet- offtce for September this year show a gain of 16 per cent over the car- responding period last year. CAMFLEX M O S T C O M F O R T A B L E W O R K SHOE A ll Over Oregon The Astoria chapter of the Daugb •era of (he American Reveluttea Mon day unveiled a bronse tablet, set la s granite marker, commemorative at tbs first set I lament of Astoria. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Will« and (con and Mrs. Louie Wallet and chil­ dren ot Wells and G *il Prythar and Miss Etta Godwin and George Godwin and family of Buena V lit? were Sunday visitors at the Johu Rolfe home. Work will be started ea a new high tension traneralsslon line from the Kugene power plant nn the McKentl* river, two miles west of W altervllle to the subetatlon In Eugene. (Continued on page 3) M. E. Church Robert Parker paetor. Sunday school, 10. Preaching, 11. Intermediate League, 7. Epworth league, 7. Preaching, 8. Prayer-meeting Tuesday, 8 Church of Christ I F YOU are thinking of buying a piano to add cheer to the long I f i l l * winter evenings do not miss Remodeling Sale room .\ve jiave C'l ^ 5 1 f* l* ltl 11 IV V We aro going to rem< del the D a v e n p o r t Music house and we m ust have very ]ate8t up-to-date Pianos made by the Buldwin Manufacturing company, which have no superior. These pianos will be Hold at the Solid Comfort on Every Job! BIGGEST BARGAINS ever known in this city HAT’S COMFLEXI The Shoe that has brought foot comfort to thousand« who never experienced it before— thousands w ho thought a work shoe to be sturdy had to have a sole as stiff as a plank! Comflex is the shoe that— T Lon Cbumlea Minister. N eeds No Breaking-In! Let us show you this famous COMFLEX Shoe. Try on a pair— you'll think you’ve got your slip­ pers on I But there’s real stuff in the Comflex Shoe— a sole that 's tem pered as well as tanned —tempered to toughen, by a six months'process, which givea it a flexibility undreamed-of before. J^OONTZg GWD GOODS Look M rth e fa m o o « W e r» n b e rf m ark on theeole. M s other shoe ha« th e Cereflevoole. Com« fle n h o e a are m ade c l a ll solid lea th e r. N o wood or aw bet I - lu te a are weed—tn th e heels, aolea, Io - Next Sunday is rally day. Mr. Robertson announces a very in­ teresting program of songs, in­ strum ental music and speeches. It will be centered around Col­ umbus. The ladies will have the church decorated tn beautiful colon-. At 11 a. m. the pastor will speak on “Sail On," the watch­ word of Columbus. The church aims for the year will lie placed before the congregation. At 7 :30 the pastor will speak on “Why I am not a Christian Scientist.” HIS PIANO SALE won’t last much longer, so if you want a high- grade standard piano of the heat quality now is the time. Don't put it off. W’e can make term s to please everyone. These pianos m ust be sold thi« month. T Wa are selling pianos «very day Every price slashed Pianoa frotr $ 1 2 5 Every piano a bargain “ p AH musical goods going cheap This sals is the talk ot the county Be one of this« to save mouey Store open every evening until ft • D a v e n p o rt s M u sic H o u se • 4 0 9 W E S T F IR S T S T , A L B A N Y