PAGE 6 HALSEY E N T E R P R IS E A A A w A ' IA ™ A “ w • w w A A w w : * J GLOBE 9 ALBANY SUNDAY - M ONDAY-TL'ESD.v V Oet s, 6, 7 - ; ZANE GRAY’S J 3 all-color i botoplay : The Wanderer I OCT. I, l«M n Propaganda From ¡Propaganda From Republican Headquarter! Democratic Headquarters _ - Suspensions Since January, 1924, Zxceed Number in Three Years of Wilson Administration. >r»ss In JSTyT 1J?< Showing that of i the bank failures recorded, 342 were ! n the States weet of tha Mississippi I îlv a r They included 247 Stats and 75 istlonal banka—the latter number ba­ ng greater than the total of all na tonal banks falling throughout tha en- Ire country In the seven years of the Wilson administrations from 1914 to 1920, Inclusive. This appalling record of distress In -he Western States shows a total of 66 ■allures In South Dakota alone during he first six months of 1924; 48 In Sorth Dakota; 40 In Montana. Of all he States west of the Mississippi, only Vevada was not In the casualty Hat. 4nd as this Is written, reports are •till coining In. one press dispatch •elating the closing of six banks In Wyoming within two days Business men who were promised 8ush times with a Republican victory n 1920 have had an awakening equally tad. for bad as Is the record of bank allures, it Is no more disastrous than hat of commercial (allures. w w ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ » ■ •» S S S I S g l l s I « TORRANCE Í Reconditioning Shop P arts fo r AH Cars : Willard Batteries J 212 East First st., Albany Washington. D C.— Bank (allures in w I the first six months o( 1914 ware nearly Rhone 379 three times as numerous as the bank • • (allures during the entire last three — 9— — 9 — — • featuring v years of the second Wilson admin • Jack K ath ryn S Istratlon, it Is revealed by statistics HALSEY RAILROAD TIME • H o lt W illiam s | rscently compiled by the R. G. Dun ‘ North goo,!, Mercantile Agency. The liabilities In- “ Made e n tire ly in natural colora *>. «2, 3:02 a. m. No. 17, 12:15 p. m. I volvad In the bank (allures between Republican Party Has Saved I January 1 and August 31, thia year, IS, 11:37 a. m. 33, 7;40 p. m. C o w in g soon -H, 4:25 p. m. 31, 11:20 p. m. Farmers Cannot Hope For Any The Hummlndbird { were more than sight times greater Big Sums to American Jo, 14, due Halsey at 5:02 p. m., stops than those Incident to all the (allures o let off passengers from south of Relief If LaFollette during tha thirty-six months of 1918 Taxpayers. Eugene. 20, both Inclusive. . Nos. 31 and 32 stop only if flagged. Is Elected. The story of commercial failures in Jos. 31, 32, 33 and 34 ran between Port- Portland, Or. — (Special.) — When the first eight months of the present a«d and Engene ouly. President Coolidge said In hla epeech - - ’asseugers (or south of Roseburg should year (January to August, Inclusive) Is of acceptance that finances of the 9 r ~ (Spe?,aH — Farmers ake No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer even more dismal. The total of these country have been managed by the ! P , NoJ 'thweet wh° expect La (Continued from o No. 15. (allures In these eight months was 13, Republican w ith a Follette 8 Plan of government owner Republican administration administration with a lialsey-Hrowntvilie stage meets trains burning of u half-bil'ion tons of 920 and tha liabilities 3396,427,178 The genius unmatched since the days of ship of railroads to give them lower ‘h, 17, 34, 14 and 33 in order named. number of these (allures In three- coal—which is three-fourths of Hamilton, he meant just what he said freight rales are doomed to bitter die fourths of a year was more than half and gave facta and figures to prove IL appointment, in the event he should the amount mined in this coun­ as great as the number reported In the SUNDAY MAIL HOURS 1. L. Patterson, chairman of the Re­ be elected and be in a position to try annually for al! purposes. three years from 1918 to 1920— during publican State Central committee, de­ make his plans effective. It was de The delivery window of the W ithout the building of a tha second Wilson administration. The clared In a statement given out here. dared at the Republican State Cen Halsey poetoffiee ie open Sundays tral committee headquarters here by When It came Into office, he eald single dam, the w ater now liabilities in the same sight months from 10:40 to 10:60 a. m. and 12:15 Chairman I. L. Patterson. »ere within two-flfths as much aa pouring down mountain sides those (or the three years of tha Wilson J. R. Mitchell, form er Presi­ the Republican party Inherited a leg lo 12:30 p. m. The (act Is, Senator Patterson said, acy of debt that stood at about 324 represents sufficient power to administration cited. Sunday mail goes out only on dent Trust Company Which 000,000,000, of which »7,000,000,000 the railroad unions are trying to hood tu rn nearly every wheel of in­ Story Of Olsaeter waa in short term obligations to meet wink the farmers in the Northwest the north-bound 11:37 train: Failed, Gets Important dustry, light and heat every The figures from the records of R which no provision had been made. states into belief that lower freight Mail goes south once a day. closing at American home, operate every G Dun's agency show the following Federal Post. Government bonds were far below par rates will come along with govern 11:05 a. iu. ; north twice, closing 11:25 and war taxes still plagued the people. inent ownership. It was said the con 1. m. and 5:30 p. in. M ail stage for locomotive and drive ocean lin­ with regard to bank failures: More than »11,000,000,000 were due trary would, in all probability, be the drownsville. Crawfordsville and Sweet Wilson Administration ers. Washington, D. C,— John R. M it­ case. Home leaves daily at 6:45 a. m. the United States from foreign coun­ Bank chell, of St. Paul, recently appointed J u s t w hat can be expected “The LaFollette platform says never tries. The whole people were suffer Failures Liabilities by Prealdent Coolidge to be Federal from this group of international 1918 a word about lower freight rates for ................. 20 » 5.121,887 Reserve Agent and chairman of the Ing from a tremendous deflation. farmers or anyone else, despite the financiers, m eeting a t London, 1919 ................ 50 16,620,862 board of directora of the Ninth Dis­ Money was scarce and Interest rates fact they are highly desirable,” said is best illustrated by what has 1920 An unprecedented financial ................. 110 60,708,300 tric t Federal Reserve Bank, Minne­ high. the state chairman. " If LaFollette or transpired in l-ecent years. Mer­ apolis, Is remembered by many hun problem was presented to the Incom­ his close advisers believed for a min ger a fter m erger has been Total 3 years... 189 3 72,161,049 I dreds of farmers in the Northwest ing administration. The sums to be ute government ownership would quietly effected until a t this ! as president of the Capital Trust dealt with were so huge that never before In world history were debts of bring about lower freight rates on tim e the control exercised by Harding Administration and Savings Bank, which failed on farm products, the promise would un­ such proportions to be paid. Bank the General Electric company May 4 last. The administration promptly pro­ questionably have been dangled as Failures Liabilities includes: The failure of this bank caused vided a budget system and put it into bait In the platform. 173,027,776 heavy losses to Its depositors and operation. This was the keystone in If one w ill "look Into the railroad Seven hundred and fifty 1921 ....................... 404 > » « ........................ 377 77,736,661 stockholders. A t the time Its doors the arch of Republican finances that question a little he w ill find that the lighting companies. 1923 ....................... s«) 194,790.000 were ordered dosed It had deposits of w as to bridge the chasm of debt. Tre­ chief obstacle In the way of lower One hundred and tw enty 1924 (1st 6 mo».). 428 163,228,720 »6,000,000. It« capital waa »800,000. mendous savings were effected by It. freight rates, which our farms need street railways cnrporations. The collapse of the Capital Trust con­ For the fiscal year ending June 30, very much, Is the high scale of pay One hundred and thirty-five Total 8% years. 1.669 1600,782,047 cern started “ rune" on other banka 1921, the expenditures of the govern­ that has been forced by the railroad gas corporations. unions. In 8t. Paul and for a time threatened ment were »5,688.000,000 and the sur Interlocks with tw enty-four "W e farmers have very little iu Commercial Failures the stability of the Capital National plus was 388,000,000. Contrasted with other corporations th a t operate (•stan d W ilton Administration) Bank, of which also M itchell was that was the year ending June 30, common with the railroad unions more than fifty public service Liabilities president. 1924, when expenditures were »3,497,- when It comes to working together Our Interests are not the same. What « » 1 8 ...................... 9,982 corporations. • 161.019.979 The Capital Trust A Saving, Bank 000,000 and the surplus exceeded »600,- we want from the railroads la lower 113.291.237 had operated for many years with a ooo.eoo. This was a cut In the annual Minor subsidaries th a t oper­ «»«» ..................... 6,461 freight rates. The unions are press «»-■O ..................... 8,881 395,121,805 la r g e portion of Its funds Invested in cost of government of »2,041,000.000. ate twelve railroads. The public debt has been cut to Ing constantly for higher wages, which first mortgages on agricultural lands. On the Ixmrd of directors of precludes lower rates Total 2 years.26,314 »571,433,021 Because o( the heavy decline In the about »21,250,000,000, a reduction ia th e General Electric company "The railroad unions are the ones The following are Dun's figures on value of these lands, following the three years of about »2,760,000,000, a re: co nmercial failures during three years ruinous decrease in the prices of which means a savlpg in Interest each who are getting the money from high H urrah for LaFollette and beer I er freight rates. The. average wages Dwight W. Morrow and E. R. of the Wilson administration and three agricultural products during the year of about »120,004,000. per hour of railroad employes Is now The short-tiffie obligations amount­ S.ettioius, who are Io furn part­ an 1 a half years of the Hardlng- Harding-Coolidge administration, it ing to »7,000,00(1.000 have beeg either 123 per cent higher than it was In ners of Morgan, Grenfell & Coolldge administration: was Impossible for the bank to make refunded or paid. Together with all 1916 before any rates were advanced. (Hardlng-Coelldgs Administration) collections of either principal or In ­ Company of London. this. Internal revenue taxes have been Here we see the chief reason why «921 ..................... 19,«62 The land controlled by the un- 3627.401,888 terest from many of Its borrowers. rates cannot go down. Steward Prosser, who is also I ’ M ...................... 12,676 reduced twice and many of them re­ dereigned is closed to hnnting. 631.894.251 “Total earnings of the railroads In President Mitchell himself attrib­ a director of Anthony Gibbs & 19M ......................18,720 pealed. During the present fiscal Stay off and avoid trouble. 680 631,000 uted the bank's failure to this ex­ year, there will be a saving of taxes 1923 were »2,666.000,000 more than in Company of New York, con­ 1*24 (1st 6 mot ) . 13.920 91,967,219 tensive holding of "frosen" assets. 1916. Wages paid the same year, ex­ 3. A. Andrew« G E. Munkers to the people of about »0.000.000 every trolled by Anthony Gibbs & clusive of to officials, amounted to J, P. Hunter K- C. W illia m ­ Opposed Present Reserve System day, compared with 1921. Sons of London who in turn Total 2% years. 78,968 32.178.247,212 son Mitchell's appointment by Presi­ Of the amount ot debts dus this »1.544,224,000 more than In 1916. Out J. L. Hayes Condition Worse In Weet control Chilean N itrates Pro­ dent Coolidge Is by many regarded country from foreign governments, 40 of every »1 In increased earnings C. E. Holland E. Rues That panicky condition« have been ducers association. as a reward for his effort« to organ­ per cent have been liquidated and from more traffic and higher rates, C, C. Purdy K. D. Turner Edward C. Grenfell of Lon­ particularly bad in the farm and stock ise farmers (or the Republican ticket. will provide funds tor the retirement the lines paid 68 cents out in higher P. R. Sullivan John Sleutel wages. raising State« of the West. for which don, a diiector of the Bank of the Republican leader« promised a In 1913, when the bill to create the of about »13,000,000.000 of the prin­ W N, Damon V, L . Davis "Increase in freight charges on Federal Reserve- System was pend­ cipal ot our national debt In <2 years. England, is a p artner of Mor­ G. F. Isom H. L . ■ Straley farm products that moved to market Panacea for all tils in the emergency ing, the Wilson administration (ought During the Republican four years gan, Grenfell & Company. E. E. Gourley between 1916 and 192» amounted to Kerl R. Stewart :sr,ff act, subsequently replaced by the tor the plan to establish twelve now ending, the government has taken In tu rn the General Electric Fo dney-McCutober law, one or the Earl Chase W R. McAllis­ notable step toward economy of ad­ about »330,000.000. Of that amount, company controls the (a) Elec­ »11 er of which has been In effect since regional banks instead of a central a ministration, the railroads at once handed over to Harry Park ter ns shown in another way. bank. Big financial Interests In New tric Bond & Share company, the spring of 1981, 1. Indicated by York urged the central bank and re­ In 1921, the last' pre-budget year, of thotr employes »191.400,000. or more G. J Powell G. W Starr which corporation, through in­ r r saury figirr»« mtMlehatf Is the lentlessly opposed the regional system the cost of government collected la than half. The railroads were able to S. E. Cole Clark Smith terlocking directors, is repre­ national, state and municipal taxes, retain none of these higher rates for J. P Weber Cal Wooley Thsy were accused of attempting to l„ ,, _ . ----------- - ------ Ut a tte m p tin g to debt payments, federal expendi­ the companies, for net operating In­ E. S. Marsien sented upon the boards of (b) J. R Moe in th e Congressional Record 1 Ihov one bank in New Tork because after tures were 59 per cent of the total come has never been so high since Ed Farrier IO n/tttlA —__ Union Carbide company, (c) ol W. M. Sawyer 1916 as In that year. March 12, Congressman they could more easily control one and those ot the states, cities and J. O. Mu ken Fred McHargue Union Carbide & Carbon com­ r ims J. G a rre tt has inserted a than twelve. "Higher costs of operation cut down towns 41 per cent. John M artin J. H. Farrell Mltehell was active In the fight pany, (d) Memphis Power & diagiam which traces the ac­ But in 1923 the federal government the net, with Increased expenses In Mrs. Clara Swearingen for the central bank and against the Light company, (e) Alabama tivities of th e Union Carbide took only 28 per cent ot the taxes and all lines and more taxes. Wages and Power company, (f) Tennessee company. Associated Power regional bank, notwithstanding that 72 per cent were spent by the states, taxes take two-thlrds of the railway Electric Power company, and so companies. E. II. Hooker. W. the bankers ol Minnesota had In­ cities and towns. These bodies were | Income. "Another reason why rates cannot dorsed the regional plan. He was forth. VV. A tterbury and J. G. W hite In Washington frequently during the showing increasing expenditures, al­ come down Is that the 26 months of though the federal government has The Alabama Power company step by step to the basic control government operation Increased ex­ autumn of 1913 when the opposition set an example of economy. is controlled by Alabama Trac­ ol the Bank of England and to the bill was Wrongest. A month Per capita expenses of the govern­ penses of the railroads from »8.106.621 tion Light & Power company. Sperling & Company, bankers after President Harding took office ment In the fiscal year of 1910 were a day to »14,310,449. or »8,203,928 a Limited, of Montreal, of which of London. Mitchell was appointed a member of but »7.74. In the peak year of 1919, \ of which of the American offer will ' , ' • ^ ^ • u T U T ^ , nuch ot that were effected would never have In operating expenses that occurred Motor Heart«. ( Efficient Service. Hugh L. Cooper, of the Amen- quickly show foreign entangle- i ,h* uhor" o,‘ in live etock which oc been realised. It brought order where under government control. “When the farmers understand the Ladv Attendant can Uyanamid company is vice- m ents of a W ry significant or- 2 "? on ,he bl*1‘*r «• due to a confusion had been before. It pro­ vided (or the balancing of revenues reason (or high freight ratos and real Brownsville.................................... Oregon president. tier. deflci«nt d k t and expenditures and lighted the way txe that railroad labor takes more than half ot rate increases (or Itself, out of the financial swamps. they cannot make common cause with the rail unions and expeot to get any­ w . L. W R IG H T Late blight of potato m may be thing In the way of lower rates Un tartly In reaching, but It la 4 sick ia questionably. If the policy of govern Mortician A Funeral Director I finishing the crop. Halsey and Harrisburg meat control, under which expenses Cali D. T a ylo r , Halsey, or were vastly Increased, were restored, The United States ueee 040,000,(XX) as LaFollette proposes, rates would W, L. W r ig h t , Harrisburg pounds of wool a year The per capita go higher.” consumption te about six pounds of the Wasteland • J : : ••••••••••••••••••••••••e » Power • I I Defunct Bank’s Head Made Reserve Agent &5S Trespass Notiee BARBER SHOP First-class Work HALSEY GARAGE, A. E. FOO1E F 'M E ^ rt wokkmen ’ XPERT W ORKME Efficient Equipment U T O accessories I --------- LL T O R e p a irin g p r o m p tly d on e A H A L S E Y . Orrcrnn F. M. GRAY, DRAYM AN All work done promptly and reason­ ably, Phone No. 269 HALSEY Cream and Produce Station Cash paid for Cream, Poultry, Eggg, Veal & Hides, m . H- S H O O K Í