PAGB 4 HALSEY E N T E R P R IS E OCT. I, 11 HI JACKING THK PUBLIC blade* cut It out! H l* face waa tom ber a* be turned to Sorrel Horae and asked: An in d e p e n d e n t— N o t n e u t r a l —n e w s ­ "Is there more medicine T paper, published eveiy Wcdueadsy, can ba put into your kitcheu by ( Sorrel Horae, now desperate In his S f » '■ . H. W HEKI t H de».'r* to prove the superiority of hl* tb i inatallmeot ol one ol our magic, replied: "Let Shunca-luta and the white mail •ttb e rlp o. . 11.16 * ye ar In advanc«. he tied fast and placed In a lodge to­ A d v e rtiv io g , 2*c an m c b ; ou divcoun Best by Test gether. Wa will aee «ho*« medicine •or lim e or apace ; no charge fo r coni comes first to take off the rawhide. iroaitmn or c rangée Those warrior* who had come with 1* "Palofoi ParaGraph».“ te a II». Craxy Hors* were elated over this pro­ « • a d v e itie ng dlagulead aa n e w i See our new and complete line | posed test. But Little Big Man and bis braves were much concerned. They had said nothing to Crasy Horse or THE OLDEST WORSHIP the medicine man about Sclaaora' abll Ity to free his hands ffora bond* Hut Par- The price* are right The oldest worship of which as they remembered that the presence of Shuncaluta should render futile we have record is sun worship any such power they became more op­ The Pei-sian sun worship ol timistic. which our ancient literature It was Little Big Man who super- intended th* tying up of the two men. tells was a comparatively mod They were bound with many lengths ern development of the cult of rawhide. Craxy Horse himself In­ groaning was to be heard. This groan sleep*, then one shall ride to Slim Carved w ritings on stone, spected th* thongs to make sure they Ing kept up for a minute or two. and butte to tell me. T h * other will wait were right, and he directed that cer­ yet nothing decisive happened. Th* three sleeps more and If High Wolf which have been unearthed in tain knots In the cords of Sorrel Horse spell was shattered by » vole* behind does not come, ner any soldier* are America as well as in othei the seated warriors calling out: H«en to be watched, then he will ride be made more «ecure. 'His medicine has failed, they say. to my village. parts of the world, tell of the If a medicine was worthy of a man's -T h l* plac< t> lo , gOod for camp. devotion It needed no asalstanc* from They say It Is really very weak." worship of the orb of day as it DlDtdale stifled back a cheer. The Little Big Man hat been very brave mortal*. Scissors read the dismay In was practiced ages and ages Indians jerked their heads about as one In going to Mato Tlpl. New let the Hinsdale's fare and murmured: ago, unmeasured years before utting it in the other mid the price. "The more rope th* better. Four and were nonplused to behold the camp mere to Slim butte; for they Wonder if Attorney General the date popularly ascribed to ncouraging, by artificially rais- feet would ba harder to get out of white man standing on ths outer fringe say w * ahall have a big fight with Stone will drop these cases as soon than Adam. « M il. Stars before many sleeps. ng the price, the growing of a dozen." of the massed group. This stupor Three I t would seem th a t the first nore instead of less of a crop a * they ceare to be spectacular and Watch thee* two men. hut do not put With the last knot tied the two men gave way to a desire for action, and before they become effective, as worshipers ascribed to the sun of which there is an oversupply. were carried Into the prisoners' lodge with a yell several of the men leaped cord* on Two Knives Talking. He w ill and laid on robes with the renter pole to their feet and would have laid not run away and leave hl* friend; the attributes th a t later people 4. Reduction of freight rates. bis predecessor used to do. between them. Then they were left violent hand* on Sclaaora had not nor has hl* medicine the strength have credited to their successive Ih e railroads are not able now and the flap was drawn tightly and Craxy Horse loudly commanded: to take the rawhide off hla friend yet." deities. And why shouldn’t -o make 6 percent on the money pegged to the ground. The assemblage Do not touch the white man. He Dlnsdale waa much discouraged they? All the power they knew invested. Any possible reduc­ considered this the supreme test, and Is not running away. Open the lodge." when this we* repeated to him, but came from old Sol. W ithout tion of the freight rate an any each warrior waited In breathless ex­ Scissors advanced to the medicine Scissor* optimistically declared: sunshine neither plants nor ani­ arm product could make but a pectancy. Sorrel Horse was famous pole and seated himself bealde Dlne­ “Even If old High W olf la among mals would live. W ithout sun­ negligible decrease in the cost for being a defier of knot*. Some of dale. Little Big Man pulled up th* the hills, a* Craxy Horxe seems to ex­ the warriors knew the white man had pegs and threw hack the flap. Sorrel shine the w aters would not rise of m arketing. The great dif­ pect, the ride 1* more than a hundred slipped his wrist thongs, but conditions Ilorse was flat on his back in hl* en the (sun-given) wings of the ference between the price to the miles from here. They’ll go through were no longer the same. original position, and thoroughly help­ flylug unless something happens to wind, to come down again upon onsumer pays goes principally Not only had much more cord been less. It was most auiaxlng. Scissor* them, but we haven't been skinned yet. the dry land and clothe it with into the hands of middlemen, used, but the tying of the knots had took advantage of the moment to whla- So long a* we can hope, we're all most of whom are m aking big been under the supervision of the red per: I rlfh t. I'm wakan. I ’m wakan wttaha- It ia no wonder that Phuebu. ncomes. man’s Invisible helpers. Tunkan had "Alraost beat me. Nip and tuck. It sha. Don't look downhearted. Look sent hl* subordinates to protect his Crasy Horse hadn’t made them tighten was worshiped as the lite-givi These and a few other nos- Jolly. That's better. You’re a friend child. True, the w hit* man had made up some of h it knot* he would have 1 of High Wolf, remember. He’ll vouch for such he was, as fa r as could rums are offered by all parties stone offerings to Tunkan. but the red for you. You're Juat hungry for him lor the cure of public ills. be learned by observing life, children were ever first In tb* heart to show up.” And now comes the char?«, whether animal or vegetable. of the stone god. Dlnsdale was taken back Into the Wbeu uian first began to llii proved by court records, that Almost as soon as the flap had been lodge and tied to th * center pole. secured there came the sound of voices artificial power to supplement this same Dawes loaned Lori- Sclaaora wa* left free but under sharp from the lodge, and neither white nor or succeed his own, the water ner $1,500,000 overnight, which espionage. Either Craxy Horae had red man was speaking. There was uo fear of hla trying to escape so long wheel came into use, and the 'Oithled the Utter to fool the only one explanation— help for the aa his friend wa* a prisoner, or else sun furnished the power by oank examiners and swindle red man had arrived from Mato Tlpl. he wished to tempt him to flight, and lifting moisture from lake and 1000 depositors. One voice was high and squeaky and C op yrigh t by Th« B o b b a -M a rrlll Co. thereby prove alt his words were so ocean and pouring it out upon had been beard before when Sorrel many lies. Scissors refrained from the high land. Horse wa* in a trance In search of en­ THE INCOME TAX even moving about the camp, and from (Continued from- page 3) When steam power was lightenment. One voice rumbled and his position In the opening ef the was quite terrifying tu those grouped brought into use the steam was lodge kept hts companion Informed of The Portland Chamber of say more of hi* magic the white man outside the lodge. The last would be produced by consumption ol commerce, presumably compos­ all that wa* going on outalds. held up a small square of paper la bis a very mighty spirit. Th* side of the Two ambitions young buck* were fuel which, w hether coal oi ed of men fortunate enough or left hand. Thou he waved hla scissors lodge next to the halt-circle became soon speeding north In search of High wood, or, later, petroleum and able enough to have incomes above lit* head, while the nimble Ha­ agitated. The covering of hide shook Wolf, who waa believed to be some­ gasoline, had lieen produced in urge enough to be taxable, op­ gers of the left hand folded the paper and bulged outward and then sucked where In the neighborhood ef the past ages by the sun's action. poses the tax. But the com­ •ereral times. Tbeu advancing tba pa­ In. The voice* Increased in volume Short Medicine Pole hilts. A few hoar* When we use electric power, mittee of the chamber, after per toward Crazy Horae ha dalhtUy and gave the Impression the white after their departure word waa given now so common, the electricity investigation, opines th a t it is snipped off a protruding, corner. Open­ man's medicine was making a strong to strike the lodges and pack them on is employed simply to transm it only a m atter of a short time ing the paper he revealed that the fight. Then the flap was shaken vi­ travols poles. Dlnsdale'* shelter was one movement of the blade* cut out olently ; and the spectators drew In power produced' by steam or n fore the increasing burden ol th* last to he taken down. He wa* a perfect stiir of live point*. Until their heels, ready to Jump up and run by water, products of the sun. public expenditure will force mounted on hla own horse with hlfl the simple trick waa explained It must If the battle was transferred to the In the final analysis, it is the .■very state to resort to income remain a big mystery to the wonder­ open. hand* still fastened behind him. Scis­ sun th a t lights our parlors and taxation. Oregon may handi­ ing spectators, and a mystery Is always sors was commanded to rid * at the Those outside were at the peak of front of th* band with Craxy Horae on shops and th a t drives the ma­ cap itself slightly a t the outset wnkan, therefore a medicine. their excitement and were having diffi­ one aide and L ittle Big Man on th* chinery in our factories. Especially did It appeal to Crsxy culty In controlling themselves a* they by a personal income tax but it other. Sorrel Horae loitered behind to Prof. Horner of O. A. C., in will not lie long, in the opinion Horse, Inasmuch aa the star reminded waited for the climax, when the voices have a private conference with hla his "Short History of Oregon," of the Committee, before Wash­ him of (Jenera) Crook, or Three Star*. suddenly ceased. The agitation of the Big Man Pulled Up the medicine. £ says “We know th at people who ington and California are com- And how could one stroke of th* two lodge covering ceased. Only a deep Little and * .. .1' c Threw Baok th * Flap. (To be continued) worshipped the sun lived here. P> lied by modern tax burdens to won. Once I ^aa loot* I fixed him They left many carvings anti resort to the same expedient. up stronger then ever. T h it ’a what rude paintings as religious sym­ is a progressive state took me so tong." bols, indicating th at the sun and Oregon is prospering as never be­ "80 long! It s o all over In no worshipers were very numerous, fore. We have an income tax. time. Why didn’t some ona a** you A ll farmers specialising'In potatnaifl and th at they probably lived come out!" muttered Dlnsdal*. opponents w ant us to re­ are advised by O. R. Blaby, until re­ here for a very long period. These Grown*, bridge work and fillings. It will W ith a chuckle Sclaaora explained: peal it and wait until the other cently of the Mtenehota College of Ag­ These paintings are very old. states have one, when we can pay you to get my prices on your dental work. " I shook the flap and got every one riculture, and A. O. Tolass. ln'charge to watching It. Then I slipped out th* The basaltic rock in some places come in at the tail of the pro­ Cusick bank building, Albany of potato seed certification ia Minne­ hark aide and ran around behind the has crumbled, leaving the un­ gress program. W hy? sota. to use bordeaux. mixture far lodges." disturbed section of the picture spraying purpose*. • Such spraying wtu So a few Oregon hogs can Sorrel Hors* was released. His face distinct. The a rt of making continue for a few more years be commercially profitable., they say. was deadly with hate as he got on hl* and Insure against' iste ^dtght Ad- this paint belonged to the sun feet. He would not divulge that cer­ rant ages of the nse'of this mixture far worshiper and it disappeared to escape taxation while making tain extra and very stubborn knot« fortunes off those who pay. with him." found in his thongs had been tied by spraying potato** are thus summarised by them: » ' 7 " We are offered in this valley, SAlaaora. He preferred to explain Prevent* late blight of potatoes. LaFollette's friends say it is that the white man's medicine had if our people will advance the to Reduce* losses from other leaf dtp. h*en allowed to appear the stronger millions of dollars needed, the not fair to accuse him of favor­ t o ease*, and repels certain Insect* because th* red medicine wa* die privilege of supplying our needs ing liter, because he promises t o Tend* to prodaca more vigorous tu­ pleased at the Indian’s soft treatment in the way of pure water, gixxl to enforce the law. LaEoUette ber». aa shows by their performances of the white man. voted against the Volstead law to light and abundant power by "Why should Tunkan help the red In rartona parts of th * state. drawing from the sun’s ever- and is supported by Gompers t o Increase* yields under farm condi­ niun against the white when the white renewed supply of water in and the lieer-guzzling wing of man ts taken by the hand and called tion* in various parts of th* state. Messrs. Blaby sad Telaaa have col­ Kola?" he sullenly asked. Clear Lake region. In the union labor, which raised the l»eer, no laborated la preparing Bulletin l t t of This defense was perfectly logical series of articles beginning on i •ry in „ New n York: . ., “No .... , to 1 work. But they still work In the inlnd* of the majority of the the agricultural experiment station of page 1 anil ending on page (> arc enough to draw waxes. We t o red men. and more than one hnnd the state university. They discus* the sounded warnings from several want the law enfotced by its t o closed on a skinning knife In a lust to experiment* made with bordeaux mix­ make a fitting sacrifice to the stone ture spray* on potatoea at University sources against pitfalls into friends, not by its enemies. god. But Crasy Hors* never lost farm for Id years, finding that the which other power systems sight of the main point. He spoke up average Increase In yield from spray­ have fallen. Government W'e haven't lieen told th at ing. in the absence of late blight, has sharply, saying: ownership, on the one hand, Coolidge boiled his his grand­ been more than SO huahala an acre for "These men tpssk with a straight means the placing of a danger­ m other and fed her to the chick­ tongue, and their medicine will help late varieties and shout Yt bushels for ous power in the hands of poli ens, nor that Davis has a habit us—or else they are liars end their early varietlea. Good raaolte are nlao ticians. On the other hand the of stealing his neighbor’s chil medicine will grow very weak. W * reported from th * tubntatlona. particu­ Home-made Laud of monopoly wait* ready to I Mnd eating them raw, but must And out If the young man t* a larly from Crookston. friend of High Wolf, our brother of bordeaux mixture is the heat applica­ there is still a month of the aeite the proposed system , as ir the Cheyenne. I f he Is then Two tion for large acreage*, nt least. Th« campaign to come and we have ha* seised »0 many others. If Knives Talking has talked with a coot of making and applying In ” • hopes. straight tongue and hl* medicine will paratlvaly small. HALSEY ENTERPRISE Jife- Economy, Beauty ana Quality pettifoggery. The United State* government But when he runs for office hat brought auit aguinei all tlia he repeats the taffy th at Davis and even Coolidge, as well as wholesale grocer* of Portland for LaFollette, have been offering combining to hold up the price of the farm er about curing his ills food-tuff*, charging that the com­ by legislation. None of these bination fixes price* below which men, if he gets the place he articles shall not he aotd and boy­ aspires to, will have a hand in cott* anyone selling lower. fram ing laws, but they promise, Do you wonder that the farm- ju st the same. And what do e .’s 91 worth of potatoes coat the they promise? 1. More tinkering with the consumer 13? tariff. Such tinkering has been Do you wonder at the general promised and performed con­ high cost of living? tinuously for sixty years, but Do you wonder that tba Port­ .nighty little good has it done land chamber of commerce want* or can it do for the farmer. 2. A commission to investi­ the income-tax law repealed? That gate m arketing. Simply a few law exact* from the grocer* a more office holders for the small per cent of wbat they make ■ aim er to help pay for. And off the consumer at trust-fixed he commission, like so many prices, ithers, woula never get any­ They teil the farmer that prices where. are governed by the law oi supply 3. Stabilization of prices by government buying. Taking and demand, and then they com­ noney out of one pocket and bine to coi.trol the supply and BRIDGE&BEACH : HEATERS ; H IL L & -1 to Yield of Potatoes F IT ” For (« r u in S a c k s and T w i n e see s O. w . I R V M New $ and best grade of Sacks Second on hand siz Y xlz w I Market prices paid-for any kind of G R A IN A N D H A Y $ would lie hannless as doves in I the promised development we Gaston B. Means is not the reed to be wise as serpents. 1 only liar in the public printq. The IDOLS EVER CRUMBLE knocker* who say the in . ’ come tax is driving or keeping capital and industry out of Ore­ How the idols do fall! In a gon and Wisconsin belongs to political campaign all the faults the same class. a candidate possesses, and a great many th at he does not, David Foote followed his are certain to rise up against son's example and got kicked by him. Here is Charles G. Dawes, a horse Thursday. He had ju st held to be uocorrupted and iu- passed between two of three animals to feed them when he corruptible And incapable of | got a severe kick on one thigh. A m e ric a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. I lav is worth ju st a9 much in storage as you might got for it in case of tire. T h j American Eagle Fire Insurance company, will pay you 85% of the cash value in easel of loss by fire. C. P. STAFFORD, Agent help ns against Three Star* and hit soldiers "Let Little Rig Man pick out two young brave* who want new asms*, and tell them to rid* swiftly to the Short Medlctne Pole hills and look for High W olf I f High W olf Is not at the hills the two men will wait three w .h .v .n The four essential* of a bumper crop are good teed, rich toll, eelentlfle tillage, and favorable weather. All of these— even th * latter-—era morn or lea* under the control of the farm­ er, for by filling hta soil with humus, be can lessen the damage by tee much or too little rain. Sawmill 4*, mile, HalFs C a ta rrh eonth ol Brownsville, in good ron