K/baitif S )irectory— Continued ^ /^ b a n y J 0 ire c to ry FARM LOANS T h is is good advice: " I f you live in Albany, trade iu Albany ; if you live in some other town, trade in that town. " But in these automobile days many re* siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of their buying in the larger town Those who go to Alban, to transact business w ill find the firm's named below ready to fill their require uients w ith courtesy a n t fairness. A CC ESSO R I ES A N D T IR E S Anto Supplies J H. A llison 442 W est First St. A lbany Floral Co. Cut flowers and plants. Floral art for every and all occasions. Flo w er phone 458-J. A lb an y seta. Electric Store. Radio Blectric w iring. Delco l ight products 202 Second G lenn W illard W m . höflich A uto Electric Service— Recharg- ly saw the play Tuesday and Halsey Happenings , George Workinger and family and County Evantst Monday- Janies Rector went to Eu- gene Saturday. Short Stories from Sundry Mr and Mrs. Karl Bramwell Sources and children and Mrs. May Mil- Itr drove to Eugene Saturday. Knock the knockers. Miss Mary La Rue returned Boost with the boosters, from Albany Saturday. She is Lot the squealers squeal. still under the care of a chiro­ at lowest rate of interest. Mrs. Nancy Palmer it quite ill. podist. Real Estate Insurance Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Chance Little Paul Parker is on the lick j Prompt service. Courteous treatment. and daughters Bessie and Pau­ list. U n B a in , Room 5, First Savings Bank It sprinkled Saturday and every | line visited at ftie H. W. Chance builning, Albany home several days last week. day since. VV rile lor booklet describing OCT. 1, 1924 H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E PAGE our 20- TTua r ‘. R ura* Credit Amortized L oads ih e loan pays out in 20 payments, re tirin g the principal Cheap rates No del*y- B eam L and C o ., P 3 Lyon street, Albany, Ore. FARM LOANS > z HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AND SU RPLU S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited J Ted Portar speut the week end | Damage amounting to more than 16000 resulted from a fire at Oak in Corvallis. 00 _ _ < „ _____ SHOE SERVICE z Siioes that cost less per month of wear For Reading T H E K R Y P T O K PATRON reads able A & B batteries— W J L L A R D and looks afar with equal ease. storage battery. Fhone 23. 119 121 W Second st. H . D. P reston—J. C. Cochran He knows that K R Y P T O K ap­ pearance is a distinct advantage. D lu e Bird Restaurant, 309 Lyon I t is more noticeable than a becont- street. Eat here when in Albany. ug hat. Comfort and good looks Open from 6 to 2 and 5 to 8 combined iu K R Y P T O K glasses. M rs . B lount . B R U N S W IC K P H O N O G R A P H S at W O O D W O R T H ’S , Mrs. J. C- Porter came back ju d g e Percy K e lly of Albany w ill from Salem Friday. be the only candidate for Justice of Mrs. 0 - W . F n m has suffered I th* »‘ ate »upreme court to succeed from influenza the past two weeks. I ( he Justice John McCourt at the .. . ... „ Novem ber election. This was an Mr. and Mrs. Ld Zimmerman | nounced by the secretary of stale visited relatives at Jefferson Sun­ when the tim e fo r filin g for the day. Novem ber election expired. Mr. and Mrs. Fred 8preuger I spent Sunday at the J, C. Porter | home. Miss Anna SchaeJzle left for j Sacramento Monday with her father, There will be a missionary meet­ ing Friday at the home of Mrs. S. . S m ith . B U R K H A R T & LEE . vllle, about 12 miles south of Albany, Harry Potter spent two days at when a prune dry, r and 12 ton, of the state fair. I dr ie COPYRIOHT Z^TME O OIÜ03-M ERR IU . CQ (Continuad) the cut with on« Hand," mumbled Sels- sors. "And I ’m wakan." As lie spoke Pnenix Pure Paint and he began shooting the carily hack anil Dr. Hess P oui try and Stock T on ic forth until they scerae3K 'k l 'j'ifijklng could bring to light Oct. 12th, “Why 1 am ly extended a hand high above bln Knives '.*» studies at 0- A C Every day we have calls for some head and plucked a deck of playing anything Bow el Horse sought to hide, not a Christian Scientist” Oct. T J O L M A N & JACKSON sort of spray which w ill keep flies Dad's and Mam's restaurant cards from the air. A sibilant hiss of and could eve»? foretell— as evidenced 19th, “Why I am not a Deno- approval Grocery— Bakery away from cattle. The following Is will he opened on eleotion day. rewarded bis glelgbt-of hand. by Ihe pH|>4r'«-Just whet the medicine E veryth in g in the line of eats suggested by the New Jersey experi­ The Ladies' Aid of the Church of m inationalist” Oct. 26th, “ Why Holding the cards face down for a man w ould a t t t W * ,o conceal. Sorrel Opposite Postoffice ment station: I Am a Christian O nly,’’ These moment he carelessly threw them on Horse felt his r e l a t i o n slipping. He Christ will serve dinner. T he common cattle fllea which gath­ the ground within reach of Scissors. ub Candy Co., First street, next stared off at the B"’* ^ lllllM. conjuring Herman and Dick Abraham and messages will be sane, scriptur­ Then, apparently without looking at help fro m M alo Tipi,’ Ihe G rizzly Bear er on the hacks of cows and annoy door to Blain C lothing Co. al, sound. They will be free them so that m ilk production Is de­ their wives, from near the county Noon lunches. the white man, requested: lodge, Wlmre Tunknn’«’ P»w*i' rtwelt- from ill will. They are intend­ Home-made candy and ice Cream. creased, can be elim inated by a home­ se t, spent Sunday with Henry “L e t Tw o Knives T alking pick out Hinsdale's spirits m o n \* ,><' Hl* *’*■ be­ ed to help us to be able to give one If bis medicine Is not ssleep." made spray m ixture that costs only Abraham near Halsey. held bis frlond's legerdet 5sln surpass­ T J u b Cleaning Works, Inc. a reason for the hope th at is 1 cent a day fo r each cow. Scissors selected a curd anil almost ing th a t of the red coi.'^*r’’r • l,n'* T* Cor. Secoond and Ferry G. W . Laubner took a trip to w ithin us. A spray m ixture recommended by Immediately Shunca luln brought the despite ‘his anxiety over t . s i t u s - Master Dyers and Cleaners J. K. B artlett, professor of dairy hus­ the Coos Bay country the latter tips of his Index Angers and his thumbs tlon he could not refrain fro 't »pecu­ M a d e -T o -M e a s u re Clothes bandry at the college of agriculture part of last week. together to form the shape of a dia­ lating on hla companion’s runnl ’’I- W . J. Ribelin mond and announced: "Squaw.” M P K R 1A L C A FE , 209 'V. First at New Brunswick, consists of the was in charge at the lumber yard. did not. believe that any one In following Ingredients: 4 H quarts of Harold G. M urphy Prop. Scissors held up the card so all wood City suspected the plctiue-w ' n * • P hone 665 Mr. and Mrs. Vere Higbee went coal ta r dip, 4% quarts fish oil, might sec It was the queen of dia­ adeptnese. And he wondered In h u'w U T A H ' MTVRM' WYAWt t W b nbvkr closr quarts of coaloll, 3 quarts of whale to Portland Friday. W hile there monds. Several other cards were TVS' B tG U.WAKAOX THOTft many other ways would Scissors prove oil, IV« quarts of oil of tar, 3 pounds they took a trip oyer the Columbia "read" In a like manner. Then the to be a surjirlse. A lX u B '■tWQCWj.ri & A U A U A agneto electric co of laundry soap. medicine men scooped them up and highway. They came home Sun­ Borrel Horse now proceeded with Official Strömberg carburetor serv­ P « E L 6 OW T U ’ O tD tM JA LK made a motion o f tossing them Into hie next trick. H e drew a short knife Dissolve the soap in w ater and add day. ice station. Conservative prices. A ll J E S T ( , L W t n o u o u c O F the other Ingredients. M ix the com­ the air, and they were gone and his and stabbed It Into the ground several work guaranteed 119-121 W . Second. H iS O V JU p h b l s A u ' (6 hand was empty. bination thoroughly and bring the Mr. and Mrs. P. H Freerksen, times to prove It was a genuine blade. T M A R 1 N E L L O PARLORS Q t D r i T A K K U W06AE "F o r an Indian he’e clever with whole up to 30 gallons by adding luke­ aovomjianied by Mrs. Dora Davis, Then throwing heck lilt head and open­ (A beauty aid for every need) cards," Scissors said In English for warm water. Mrs. Agnes Clark and Mra. H ing hla mouth he begun, apparently, t u a u A u t o '. St. Francis Hotel rilnadale's benefit. This spray w ill not inju re the eoats Freerksen, attended the state fair forcing the knife down Ids throat. V V N A H ’. W VAH» Prop., W. in n ifr b d R ose . D u rin g Ihe second h it gaze was off of the animals. I t Is well to spray 7 hursday. This In It m lf was sufficient to evoke Ihe medlclno man ihe cards dropped a low chorus o f applause, mixed with en and money are best when twice d a lly ; once In the morning a fte r before him as I f fallin g from the aky. grunts o f wonder. But the medicine milking, and again In the afternoon. P. J. True and hie mother, Mrs. busy. Make your dollars work in A m urm ur o f approval warned Scis­ man had yet to appear at hie magical T h irty gallons w ill spray 40 cows for J. E. True, and Charle our savings department. A lbany S tate Dudley sors he must he on his mettle. He B ank . Under government supervision. ten days at a cost o f 1 cent per cow visited Mrs. True in a Corvallis best Dropping on bla side be gro>n«