ì PAGE 2 HALSEY ENTERPRISE News Notes From All Over Oregon G le a n e d by th o W e s te r n N e w s p a p e r U n io n Jaasa A. Crabtree, acting poatmaster at Olrard, has received permanent appointment to the office. The annual conference of the Con gregatlonal church started lu Salem Tuesday to continue for three days. Malcom Hunter, city recorder of Newport, has been discharged on the ground that he la not an American citizen. An Oregon City ordinance forbids candldatea nailing campaign cards on telephone or telegraph poles within the city limits. Places where poultry is kept for aale in Eugene must he kept aanl *«ry. according to an ordinance pass­ ed by the city council. I » I II h t r It o a e b a tl ti ■I P P t< P tt O! P « tt P bi ta P< a« b* P> b< oc vi n tu aa co tl< t>o an (o ba th, ri tb toi thi * nil wo I ao< bel an th» pH lln •r •n 260. The Democratic N ational Commit­ hill, shot . n s wan— ... .................... state gam e com m ission n im tu » n I 1 a lighter touch to her state game commission, planted two hlll, shot and killed a bear that was spaech. tee, W ashington, D. C„ Is distribut­ L. R. Falk and family and roaming about In the woods near the truckloads of catfish, bass and crappy W. A. Allen had business The manual opens with biographies ing copies of the ManuaL Minnie Falk took dinner Sunday which called him to Albany In the Umatilla river near Hermiston. Lantls place. of John W. Davis and Charles W. at the home of Mrs. G. J. Rike. Monday. Pioneer Arch, erected on Service The fingerling trout raised this sea Bryan, which are written In human tariff costs more creak on John Day highway noar ion in the state hatchery at Bingham luterest style, with emphasis upon THAN INOOM I T A X IS Fossil, was dedicated In honor of the iprlngs were also distributed to the the points In the careers of both men vurlous streams In Umatalla county. most Inclined to Interest women. Of pioneers of Gilliam, W heeler and Investigation as to tho feasibility of Mr. Davis It Is said "that his record Burden Is Ten Times Greater, Grant counties. Struck by a south bound Bull Run the North l»'nlt Irrigation district In as a public servant shows him a Acoording To Fair Tariff H e re is th e P r o g r a m R e n d e r e d b y M rs H ik e ’s P u p ils tuterurban electric train, Uriah Taw- eastern Oregon will start October 7, supporter o f the matters that per­ L eague’s Ix p erts. tain to Democratic interests and a t th e R e c e n t R e c ita l ney, 83 years old, was killed on the according to announcement made by right of way of the Portland Electric the state engineer. The Investigation sym pathetic to the things for which New York.—Investigations made by Mr. will be conducted by W. W. McLaugh­ women stand In politics." Power company near Portland. £*•/«/< P aul L awson Bryan's statem ent, made In his ac­ the Fair Tariff League, a protectionist lin, rapresentlng the secretary of agrl- 1 he town of Sisters, half destroyed culture- w i Pn»Av. .< 1 organisation, serve to show that tariff Organ Siahands—Pearl, Grace end N ellie Falk ceptance speech, welcoming the par , elP ”rt a at a I I t,<', Patlon apeecn, of women la p olitic. par- 1. taxes paid by the people of five Slates by fire last week, will be rebuilt be­ n“ “ ? a ^ vaaea J o j a y SPAULDING -T e x a s . Kansas. Idaho, Washington fore the beginnlug of tho 1925 tourist Oiegon Agricultural college, and Rhea I quoted. w ‘? 8"r' The lrrlg‘ tlon A revl8w of the reapectlve attl- znd Oregon—are nearly four times the season. Modern buildings will replace Organ Solo—Grace Falk, with vocal part llatrlct has filed application for the tudez of the Democratic and Renub- »mount collected by the Federal Oov- the cheap structures destroyed. certification of bonds In the amount llcan parties toward women voters Is irnment on all incomes of »1,000 and A dam O eibbl The Lane county fair, held last of »800,000. given, and It Is claimed that as “first less In ths country as a whole. week, came out ahead financially, ac­ Organ Solo—Mamie Fsllsj The tariff oosts Texas »177,774,711; Oregon’s crack national guard rifle aid to the Innocent In politics, as cording to W. A. Ayres, secretary, who alder of women In their determ ina­ Kansas, »88.418,878; Idaho, »11,875 744- S t RKAROO estimated there would be a profit of te.un outshot the entire army and Washington. »52.348 100. and Oregon’. national guard in the Ualted States tion to stand for progressive meas­ »1000 or more above all expenses. Piano Solo—N ellie Falk. »30,113.100. The combined population Infantry match at Camp Perry. O.. and ures and candidates the Democratic 5f these 8tatas Is 10.27»,718. or leas All lookouts on the Sluslaw national party Is far In advance of its Re­ won the United States Infantry match, DUb,tc.n tA a ENGKLMANN than twice the number of all the par- forest have been taken off by Ralph according to a telegraphic report re- I T h „ h i , P • .v •ona In the country paying on incomsa S. Shelley, Supervisor of the forest. F ian oS ixliaad s—Roberts Vannice, earl and N ellie Falk A ’’w hite” F'rl< ,d ‘er General (l0<,rge suffrage amendment U given U b r l e ’ Jf »5.000 or loss. The recent heavy rains extinguished The tariff coats ths people of these J A a " W A ia t/in g S S a v LYTTON COX h l , h t » r , onun,nd‘"g lh e Ore8°n- and the prominent part played by the all fires In the forest, It was said. Waho infantry troops, from Major F. Democratic party and President Wll- Ave States »23 10 per capita anoually. F. R. Peterson, of Portland, was West. In command of the Oregon son In obtaining the vote for women They pay In Income taxes an average C o y a itf » f ^ la n WALTER H o w g J0NE8 aleoted president of the National Asso 9f »2 14 per capita a year. In other riflemen at the national matches. The I •» outlined. elation of Retail Druggists at the clos­ victory carries with It one of the Musical Readings—Edna Vannice words, the tariff la a burden more than Discusses Chief Issues ing session of the organisation's 28th largest and hardest-foughtfor of the Ion times as great as their Federal In The major portion of the book Is XV/y £ S a i / a , LlLY 8 t BICKI.AND annual convention In Washington national trophies. devoted to setting forth the six chief come taxes. b. c. O igsn Fourhtnds—Pearl and Grace Falk Warning to hunters In Umatilla Issues In the campaign. In a form The time for filing arguments by county not to shoot Hungarian readily understood by women voters republican for da vu J h i S )n a m tr ba candidate« for the voters' pamphlet pheasants this year was made bv W I and "Dd quickly <,ulckly available •v ella b le for for women women I --------- Organ Solo—Nellie Falk X T * “ .V«Maf W a i f t G ounod f rintlng of then* pamphlets started two years the season hm h«. n m ° h ch l# *,ren a review of “ W o n d e r f u l MTa.n” » ¿ I im medlstely under direction of un the birds . ruU na^v t • » w * ? ' °'' ’C,nd“” ; «*• ' n - Piano Sole—Mamie Falk the state department. thé miha mmmi ». * I at w^lch It ia explained how H o n e s t D o ^ r. -Aes>syeg/«W T iu ia fa a a ' ~ M .a r tA M lltO The dl.tr, , , , » h commission, but the ruling the New —John W Davis. ----- high protective Forduey-McCum- r u r tiu e y -M C L u m - ------- York ~ m btib , Deno- 1>« qo The district around Lookout moun has b«*n nullified by decision of the 1 ‘ ------- Piano—Roberta and Edna Vannice ber Act Is a groat burden on the ira,,c Pr88|J«ntlnl candidate, wae de tain In the Umatilla national forest «Homey general that the commission Organ—Rdns Rike housekeeper and wife, as she expends icrlb8d bf * » Noyes, of Syracuse, which has been closed to deer hunters t’1“’ no rl« h‘ to m le when legislative the fam ily budget; Foreign R eis- *• wonderful man” ln the course •nd to all others for several weeks »»«ctment covers the case at Issue, tlon*, In which the attitude of the at * sP*8cb b8 dall»ered there recent *7ey ZH araaa H. W ak efield S mith on account of fire hasard, haa been rhe »»«»on In the eastern part of the Democratic party Is set forth In com- , r Mr' Noyes was formerly American Vocal Sole -Rdna Vannice Opened by the forest service. 't«te on Chinese pheasants will be parison with the Republican party's Rh,n8,8n ia g K m i LffVERINO speedy - --------a setter, - was w declared ths All all- ber *dect,on- «" — It » relates to m filling on airu IQ« ------- V...VO w ung tlon of the civil service scandals In a,kD know» hlg country. He •■><.» _a .a- raranrlas iea Ik . ____ Organ Sola—Pearl Falk, with Chorus ags field trial dog of ths Pacific coast T«c ,n c le « ln the state supreme court. the Republican Administration o f know« "««hlnglon. He knows as few a t tllA as. a. T h a n la ln fltt . I . S W a. at the close of the final event In the The plaintiffs 1a ths action, whose 1 »»«-»»24. utker men do the real condition of Iw Western international Field trials at Damn have not yet been divulged, A chapter In the book Is devoted l8rBati«»Ml affairs. He Is practical S T ra m p a t S a l t M. L o EB-E va .N* forth the . record of io the Eugene. Dint y Is owned by PhU 8 will contend that aU of the candidates to setting - --- ---------- avvzu Ol e ,Ba *?’ a ll,8-|<’”« habit of working Pieeo Sixbands— Robe,ta snd Edna Vannice, Mamie Falk (or the two vacancies in the court Democratic party on Child Labor ’,,