PACE 4 HALSEY E N T E R P R IS E SEPT, 24, 11 H igh School Notei Newt Notw (Contiausd from page 1) Alford Arrows TORRANCE (School Reporter. The next annual Oregon conference Chester C urtis and family G L O B E ALBANY W ith the H ig h W ith much rejoicing and of the Methodist Episcopal church went to Albany Wednesday of Reconditioning Shop will be held la Eugene, It wee decid­ some sorrow, as it m ight be, as ed at the Ttd conference la Medford. last week. School Classics T H R E E DAYS, S T A R T IN G Parta for A ll Cars Sunday, Sept. 2$ * well as a m arked display of Mr. and Mrs. Fred B urkhart Work on the ferett read between By M A R G A R E T BOYD T h * biggest picture for many years ol Salem spent the week end a t summ er sunburn, the high Five Rivers end Deadwood has end­ W illard Batteries school students started on ed tor thle tsaaon, according to Ralph their farm . ( $ u / M a r g a r e t Boyd ) 8. Shelley, supervisor of the Sluelaw Ralph Dannen and family "Slssp that knits up tha rsvoll'd mssvs another term Monday morning. 212 Bast First st„ Albany visited a t the E. A. Starnes The attendance of the first day forest. of ear«, Phone J71 Oregon celery grown by the Trout­ home Saturday. Tha death of oaeh day'« llfo, sore la­ consisted of 45 pupils. bor's bath, dale Celery Orowers’ association won i o with a cast of 3000 people Miss D eE tta Robnett of Eu- Mr. English and Mrs. Free­ Balm of hurt mlndo, groat nature's sso- first, second third prises In nr... escono and ana intro in the ine t la a t w w R w jt h h e r ond course, land have been retained in national exhibit at U>ul.vl ! . J 1 y , no , g ra n d ra o th e r> W l8 . D . £ Is o m . Continuous show H A L S E Y R A IL R O A D T I M E Chief nourlther In life’s feast." thei» same positions. Mrs. cording to a telegram received by H Sunday, 1:30—11.30 p. m. — Macbeth. North South E. D. Isom and family re­ Shotwell, foim erly of Scio, is E. Lounebury, general freight agent Man can live longer without foot No. 32, 3:02 a m. No. 17. 12:15 p. m. turned from their outing a t of the O,W. K A N. lines. Read the ad ve rtisin g in Ihe than without sleep. There itre many re­ the third instructor. 18. 11:37 a. m. 33. 7,40 p. m. Yachats Tuesday of last week Port’and papers Forcla A Larsen. owners ef a 34, 4:25 p. m. corded Instances where uien have gone 31. 11:20 p. m. The high school this year of­ J O u r special prices: mill near Noth 20 miles weet of Bo- for forty or more days without food Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Spren- No. 14, due Halsey at 5:02 p. m., stops fered the students a choice Adults 50c, children 25 and have recovered from the experi­ gene, have recently bollt and furnish let off passengers from south of ffer of Shedd visited a t the E. to Eugene. ence. I do not know I lie maximum num­ sixteen subjects, of which ed a new schoolhouse near their mil) A. Starnes home Friday a fte r­ Nos. 31 and 32 stop only if flagged. ber of days that a man can go without 13 were selected. and the dtstriot w ill provide • teach noon. Nos. 31. 32. 33 and 34 mu between Port­ bleep, but It is far short of forty. The The juniors, fourteen in er, according to E. J. Moore, Laos land and Eugene only. expert workmen who Un« the great di­ A. E. Whitbeck attended the Passengers for south of Roseburg should num ber and the largest class, county school superintendent. Halsey Happenings etc. gesters In paper mills must often work The state tax commission has sent I. O. 0 . F. convention a t Cor­ take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer for sixty hours without more sleep met and elected Frank Koontz (Continued page 1) Tuesday night of last to No. 15. than they can anatcb during the time president, Roberta Vannice vice- out approximately $000 notices relat­ vallis tHalsey-MrewnSville stage meet* trains , Mrs. Arm strong and Helen ihat new material la being brought la president and Philip Tursiug sec­ ing to the payment of tbs second and week. 18, 17, 34, 14 and 33 in order named. were in Eugene Friday. to them, never more than ten minutes retary and treasurer. third Installments of the stats Income Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sickels a time. Surgeon* and doctors some­ tax. The two Installments have been of Goburg were Sunday even­ Mrs. C. F. Parsons of Port­ at S U N D A Y M A IL H O U R S times work continuously for fifty or vice-president and Philip Tuss- combined In the notice«, with date of ing callers a t th e E. D. Isom land was in Halsey Friday. sixty hours St a time after great bat­ ing secretary and treasurer. The delivery window of the payment fixed at not later than Octo­ home. The 1924 senior class boasts Miss Enid Veatch took the tles. These men are always exhausted Halsey poetoffice is open Sunday» after sudi periods of work and sleep seven members with hopes of ber 6 A farewell surprise party from 10:40 to 10:60«. m. and 12:16 train for Eugene Thursday. A plea that the region within ten excessively long periods In order to get idding more later. Ida Jack- was given for the J. N. B urnett to 12:30 p. m. George W orkinger and fami­ hark to normal. It la probable that a son is the only new member. square miles of tbs Josephine county family Monday night of last Sunday mail goes out only ou man who was not working could go ly visited the fair Thursday. caves be uet aside as a federal game The frosh, who have gather­ week. the nortb-bonnd 11:37 train: without sleep for a longer period; but reserve will be forwarded to Presl H arry Porter and his mother It seems to he the general testimony of ed from several vicinities as Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGee M ail goes »oath once a day. closing at attended the county fair Thurs­ those who have been kept awake for well as Halsey, are started on dent Coolidge at ouce, according to de­ cision reached by the board of direc­ of Eugene visited Mrs. McGee’s 11:05 a. m. ; north twice, closing 11:25 day. a. m. and 5:30 p. m. M ail stage lor :ia much as sixty hours, by third de­ their way, aided occasionally by of the Isaac Walton league, meet­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Brownsville, Crawfordsville and Sweet gree methods, that by that time they rem inders from the upper tors ing In Portland. Home leaves daily at 4:45 a. m. Rickard, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. II. Ereerksen are willing to confess to any crime or classmen. attended the county fair Thurs­ do anything else to get sleep. The R lrer Lumber A Logging com­ Miss E sth er S tarnes has gone The virtues of sleep as a "balm of day. pany of Seattle baa started the prelim­ to Shedd to stay a t the C. C. hurt” minds Is sung by Shakespeare In Pine Grove Patters inary work on the erection ef a saw­ Dickson home and atten d the Paid-for Paragraphs Frank W orkinger and Elmer the “Tempest" as follows: (6c a line) mill at Kaskela, north of Bend, on the Shedd high schooL Munson thrashed beans Thurs- I t eeldom v ie lte s o rro w ; w h e n I t d o th Deachutea river. The m ill w ill be (Enterprise Correspondence) oay. I t Is a c o m fo rte r. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Betts and equipped with a band saw and a re­ Lost—Keys on flexible key ring. Mrs. G. W. Laubner and Mrs. Young expressed much the wine Dean Bilyeu was a o a m s - saw to cut between 136,000 and 150,000 daughter .Virginia and Miss C. P. M oody . W. H. McMahan went to the thought le the tines: Betts, enroute from Monrovia, feet ot lumber a day. burg visitor Wednesday. fair Friday. Pupe far «ale. Airedales. Call to Wenatohne, Wash., T ire d n a tu re 'e e w e e t r e e te r e r , b a lm y Plans originated by farmers ef Des­ Cal,, Miss Mary Heinrick is a t­ at meat market. Bleep! Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Smith and H e. li k e th e w o rld . h is r e a d y v is it paye tending high school in Corvallis chutes county for the erection of a visited a t the A. E. Whitbeck public market in Rend have virtually Eloiae, John and Jim m y took in W h e re fo fo rs r a tu k e n s e . e m ile e — th e w r e tc h e d lie this year. ; ¡ «A1 home Friday. Old papers for sale at 5c a bundle materialised. Representatives of the county fair Friday. A. M. Snodgrass and family county granges, labor unions and the Verne Philpott of H arrisburg at the Enterprise office. While the ancient, described Sum- Mrs. George Hayes and sons nun. the god of sleep, as the gentlest were Sunday guests a t the E. city council of Bend are wroklng to­ is p u tting a new floor in th e Al­ Keith and Gilbert took in the of the gods, “the trauqulllaer of mlniln E. Hover home. and painting gether on the project, which has been ford schoolhouse and soother of care-worn heart.," Sir fair a t Albany Thursday. the inside o f the building. Card of Thanks under consideration for several years. The Pin-i G re w school beitan I lilllp Sidney sang of steep us: School will begin Monday, Sept. Mrs. W L. Wall» uud Gene, Sept. 15. Mrs. Inez Sm ith is The work of relocating the Colum We wish to express eur etneere g place e f wit, th e b a lm o f 29, with Mies Lillie Rickard at teacher again this year. bla highway about one mile east of vieve were among those who T he b w a itin o e; thanks to those who so kindly as­ The p o or tnu a's w e a lt h , th e p ris o n e r's attended the circus a t Albany sisted us in the time of sickness T. A. and E. E. Hover re­ Astoria to avoid danger from sliding teacher. release. Monday. and death of our beloved son and turned from a trip to Coos ground Is expected to he completed Mrs. Browning refers to the Psalm­ In about six weeks. Two steam shovels brother, and for the beautiful flow- county Thursday evening. Mis. H arry Commons visited ist's exultation of sleep: are working on the heavy cut and a ere. h er m other last Thursday. Miss Pearl Pehrsson went to third w ill be put to work soon on O f a ll th e th o u g h ts o f Qod t h a t a re Mr. and Mr*. J. C. S tandish . Mrs. Sprenger will shortly move B o rn e In w a r d In to souls a f a r , Monmouth Saturday to take up a new entrance way Into Astoria along A lo n g th e p H a ln iie t's m usic deep. Mr: and Mrs. F rkd E. T aylob . to Shedd. N o w te ll m e I t th a t a n y Is. her studies a t the Normal the Date street route. o r g g f v i f r t t b o f H is g ra b c e e lo s ve u rp s s in g th is — d a sleep. school. ed s' Mrs. A. C. Arm strong and Heavy showers in both the Cascade “New York collects a sta te in­ daughter and Miss Genevieve Scientists try every now and then Floyd and Charles Nichols and Coaat mountains are believed to come tax, and yet Wall street Wells were Albany visitors io flail some substitute for sleep, Just find their families and Mrs. L. have extinguished all forest tires In has not left New York” says Thursday. e they search for the secret of eter- E. Eagy were a t the county that section, say national forest offi­ George Palm iter. iit youth and for perpetual motion. cials. A large number of small fires W. P. Wahl and family Instead of begrudging the third of our fair Friday. had been burning on the Cascade na­ visited Alice Smith of Albany lives thut we must spend In sleep, bow­ Mr. and. Mrs. N. E. Chandler, tional forest for several weeks and Mrs. Karl Bramwell and chil­ Friday. Mr. Sm ith is Mrs. er. It seems much more to the pur- Mr. and Mi's George Chandler the continued dry weather made It dren and Mrs. Edith Robnett W ahl’s brother. ■ae to try to live more Intensively tn d Carl Nichols went to the very difficult to prevent their spread. H urrah for Le Follette and beerl and daughter Louise attended hiring the two-thlrds of our lives that fair Saturday the fa ir a t Albany, Thursday. Mr. and Mis. C. N. Moody of »e ere aivaka A lightning belt In which forest fires Mr. and Mrs. David Rich of H arrisburg arrived Thursday to Fred Sylvester, W. D. McLar are constantly springing up from elec­ C o m in g to Albany visit their son, agent C. P. ren and J. R. Mode and their tric storms extends along tha ridge of Albany visited Sunday a t the Moody, mid family. families enjoyed the county the Cascades between Mount Hood and A. C. A rm strong home. TH’ OLE GROUCH The Mount Jefferson, says H. D. Foster, fair Thursday. Mr. and Mis. Elmer Munson families were acquainted in assistant forester of Mount Hood na­ E F K v M TW UG left for Salem Monday morn­ Mr. and Mrs. Jake Berger tional forest. Mr. Foster has Just re­ Colorado before coming to Ore­ THM XAARC» Mt fctuu' MEQ and Mr. and Mrs. William Hu­ Specialist ing. They are camping for the turned from a six weeks stay at Clack­ gon. KT'X TW' PfcST VA O ÔORBONlS week and attending the elate fair. bert visited a t the R. K. Stew­ amas lake ranger station, midway be­ MM PNPCÖ.'. LET K M in Internal Medicine for the a rt home Sunday. tween the peaks Harmony school opened Mon­ SUBSCRIBE LIKE I thO ! past twelve years George Chandler, John Neil, day morning. Miss Ida Allen of Workmen of the Flora Logging com VM M SH O U LD \ POM O UT MM • » » < Mrs. McLaren and Mrs. Hover Shedd is the teacher. She is pany are busy rspalrlng damage done GOOD MOM6M T* A The following property will be staying a t the P. H. Ereerksen spent Tuesday a t the fair to the oompany's keldlugs weet of offered for sale one mile north of D o c s N o t O p e r a te COUPLA, OOU.NC.S FOR. home. grounds arranging the com­ Carlton by fire. Equipment damaged H tb N , Ç Æ tX t Brownsville on the Lebanon road m unity exhibit. Included 12 donkey engines, of which Mrs. II. Rich left for Hood W ill be at M o n d a y , S e p t. 19, River Thursday morning, lieing Misses Grace Pehrsson, Iona all can be repaired except one. on called there by the sudden ill­ at 10 o'clock : Albertson, Agnes Chandler, which a tree fell. About a mile ef ’ ? .. . ness of her son-in-law, Herman Eunice Sylvester and Ruth Mc­ roadway, including three Ueetles, was black Mare 5 year« eld, wt. 1600 over. The fire burned over Wadneaday, Oct. 1. Dethman, who was operated on Neil are staying in Halsey to burned « « 4 1 3 *’ •• 1500 about two square miles ef legged-off for appendicitis. attend high school. bay Horse 7 “ “ 1500 Office hours 1$ a m . to 4 p. m. land, doing no damage to standing brown“ i 6 “ 1450 The funerai of Henry Kalt- timber. bay “ 5 “ “ 1600 rider was a t the Pint Grove Burled on the banka ef the Des­ Jersey Ccw, ¿ y rs ., fresh Nov. 6 churoh Sunday afternoon. A chutes rlrer. a cache of large spear The land controlled by the un- large crowd was present to pay heads made of obsidian was discover­ 5 Jersey Heifer.«, coining 2 years Cal yen. dersigned is closed to hunting last respects to Peoria's old­ ed when a large boulder was moved 6 75 Heifer No Charge for Consultation while Leghorn Hens Stay off and avoid trouble from Its resting place within the city est citizen. 8. A. Andrews 15 brown Turkeys G. E. Munkers limits of Bend. The spearheads ap­ J. 1*. Hunter K. C. William. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Eagy parently had been placed by their 1 Milwaukee Binder Dr. Mellentbin is a regular graduate J. L. Hayes McCormick Mower son spent Sunday a t the la tte r’s maker la a small fissure In the rim in medicine and surgery and is li­ C. E. Holland ten-foot Hay Rake E Russ censed by Ihe state of Oregon. He parents’ home near Oakville. of basalt which faces the Deschutes C. C. I’urily does not operate lor chronic append­ 13 14 disc K. D. Turner river from the neat. The articles, ap­ icitis, gall »tons«, ulcers of stomach, ton­ Miss Hazel Johnson will a t­ P K .Sullivan Dunham Rolter John Sleulel tend high school in Albany proximately 200 la number, were W N. Damon 14-foot P.-secfion «ipiketooth Har­ sils or adenoids. V, L. Devis found when a blast was discharged In He has to bis credit wosderful results G. F Isom again this year. row H. L. Htraley in diseases of the stomach, I. <«r, bow­ the basalt rim la preparing ground fee Karl R. Stewart K, K Gourley 16-inoh Plow els. blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidneys, W. G. McNeil, J. A. Johnson. pavement. Earl Chase 16-inch J. I. Case Plow bladder, bed wetting, oatarrh, weak lungs, W R. McAllis­ Nearly 50.000 pounds of blasting A. L. Kuighten, Bert Haines, Harry Park ter (oewj 12-inah John D«e.*t Oang rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulosra sad rec­ gelatins have bewa used la the effort tal ailments. C. J Powell Plow O. w Htarr Mrs. D. F. De&n went home N. H. Cummings and L. E. te clean eat the subaqueous rock In Below are the names of a few ol his S- E. Cole (■lark Smith to Bandon Wednesday. Her Eagy and th eir families, Mrs. the channel at Yaqnlna bay and re­ I X L . Fanning Mill many eatisfied patients is Oregon J. P Weber Cal Wooley R. K. Stew art, Helen, Janet and Pisiform Scale, weighs 600 lbe daughter. M rx C. P. Stafford, move the pinnacles that are ea ob­ Pinaia Pskkari, Ilwaco, Wash., cheat E. S Mars tors J. K Moe 3-j-inch Mitebell Wagon trouble. went with her to stay till about Pete Settle and Mrs. E. E. struction to navigation. It was an­ Ed Farrier W M, Sawyer; the end of the month. W. G. Todd, Grass Valley, Or«., ulcer Hover and Robert attended the nounced at tha office of Captain 2 three-inch Farm Wagons of the stowaeh. Top Buggy fair Wednesday. George Mayo. United States army loss ph Schuster. Beavertow, Ore., ca­ “ with shafts and pole tarrh and heart trouble. Pine Grove people were very englaaers. la charge of the first Ore­ Carriage 2-wheel Manure Cart Elixabslh Taylor, Baker, Or«., iataat- much pleased to learn th at the gon district The work of clearing 2 Sleds Wood Rack inal trouble, cnaaael of Chase daggerous pin community exhibit scored fifth the M rs Rroeet I jkcv . Iron tide, Ore. ancles w ill be halted when weather 2 G'.avsl Beds E. F O O T E heart sad nervous troable. at the county fair. Ten articles conditio»« at the entrance become bad. le t Wagon Haroeea C. I, Mlsch. Estacada, Ora., kidasy (naw) complete sets heavy H a r­ tad bladder trouble from our exhibit were taken to which w ill be about October 1. The E X P E R T W ORKMEN ness. Mrs. Henry Baber. Banks, Or«., gall the State fair in the Linn coun­ ! projected depth le M feet and la G A IL S UBES * Efficient Equipment stones and appendicitis. set Hack Harness ty exhibit. places the government engineers havg E. C. Nichols, Lebaaoo, Ore., tppea- set Biogle Harness A UTO accessories < nearly reached that point. diciba 5 Horee Collars Halter.» Horace A rm strong and fami­ ¿ > L T 0 Repairing prom ptly dene Remember above dat«, that con. 9»ddle set Butt Chain« ly drove to Albany Thursday. Fifty-eight p«’r cent of the ¡»3 chain» and many other ar- saltation on this trip will b« fr«« Cham lee and two sons state income and that hie treatment is different. H A L S E Y , Oregon 1 and Lon brother tax comes from fiele» J aks A ckerman , > „ Carl took dinner Married women mast be accompanied O. M . K anein , f O w n . t . who had heretofore by their hnabenda. Sunday a t the A. C. Arm strong people shirked all taxes, though m ak­ Col. B en T. S r o n ix , Auctioneer Address, 211 Bradbury bldg., Loa home. ing big incomes off Oregon. a B ank op 3 hbdd , Clerk Angeles, Cal. (Batarprlae Cerrsapoadsaee) : : IT H E S E A j HAWK 5 I t I t » I • h h t r h a a e h a a ti ». p p ▻ u ol P* Cl u pi hl ta P< ■a be P> be OB *1 •I tu •a co tk po eo to ba tbi «u th toi thl a ml wo * BDi bai an th« pn llm ar an try An P* Bo M tJoi •n f citi dut pro fun • II. •he ••I •at Oat one «f I la 1 tt>« rea« the Dr. Mellenthin A u ctio n HOTEL ALBANY Trespass Notiee HALSEY GARAGE, A. : T!ff,1£,a"d ONE DAY ONLY