PAGE 2 HAI.SKV E N T E R P R IS E SEPT, 2-t, l*J4 Scissors "A very wakaa man never sleeps." And to the consternation of the spec­ tators he again brought his hands be­ fore him Men rushed upon him but the cords had vanished. Little Big Man glared murderously, then grew uneasy. A doubt was sprouting In his mind. Mato Tlpt was sacred ground, and those who prayed to Tunkan through rocks sad stones must be very careful not to give offense Tbs prisoners were whits, yet they had heeD captured, taken by surprise, whan Discing rocks In tha trees. Scis­ HALSEY ENTERPRISE An Independent—Nut neutral—new paper, published eveiy Weduesdajr, H l Was. H. WHEELER ■»be ilp 'o. . | l . t ) a year In advance. A dvertising, 2>lc an inch ; no di coun for lim e or apace ; no charge lor com noaition or c lauges Z» "Pald tu i Puragrapha." 6c a lina, ■o advertising d la g u le e l as news. Io tbe last b a ll ceutury tbs o d printer in the Euterpr iae ottiee baa frequently sym pathized with some pressman who had w ade pi of a newspaper page of type ; he nevtr had that experience him self until it ocourred thia week at 5 o'clock In the morning of publication d a y . “ S in gle wiafortuuea never come alon e," aaid an I n hwotnan. Thia aame week a colum a of editorial copy m ailed Saturday to the Jinc> typer failou to bring results, though copy sent afterward up to m id. afternoou M onday cam e back duly linotypod. Perhaps some readara will regard the paper aa all the better wirhout those editorial«. I I I > I I • II h t r to a a e b o « to » P P to P to o: P> ci U » hi I« P< M lx P> h< Ol n •i tu at co tli r> tb tot thi • Ull wc OB' bol aa tlM pn • Ila or •n try An P* mo • tltt enf citi way I f Sitting Ball by his medicine fore­ "Two Knives Talking’s medicine ate from the Ogalula. Now Shunea-luta'I whom pays one cent of other ghosts. What do you mean by treating told the destruction of Custer's men, them up,” explained Scissors. “Are medicine brings him back. This tliqe. taxes. These are exclusive of the friends of your war chief In this the Ogulala afraid I will fly up they say, he will not leave until he then It was Crasy Horae who assumed the people who pay both proper­ way? Are we Crows or Ponces?" victory at the outset, when on encoun­ among the thunder birds, that they goefc away to be a ghost” ty and income taxes. Here are Little Big Man chewed fils Ups and tering Reno's men he saved hts fol­ must tie me?” Little Big Man's eyes glittered at puszled over the situation. To leave 858 habitual tax shirkers lowers from a disastrous panic by The leader snapped out an order this threat. the prisoners' hands free was to con­ braining a soldier with a stone war brought into the aggregate of snd fresh tliongs were brought and Scissors called back: “Shunca-luta fess failure. To tie them up was use­ club and leading a counter charge. Scissors tied up for the second time. financial supporters of the state Is very wakan. but Taku Wakan has “What the devil did you do with tha less. HI« quandary was Interrupted by not whispered In his ear. Why does And what must place him high In the government which protects the rapid drumming of flying hoofs. estimation of all lighting men was his cords?” whispered Dlnsdale from the he stay outside the lodge? The white them in the gathering of their A pony raced In among the lodges and Insistence that no warrior should pase corner of bis mouth. man will not hurt him." income—858 potential fighteps a rider threw himself to the ground. him when he gave the order to attack. "In your side pocket,” yawned Sorrel Horse at once appeared in for the repeal of the income tax With a gleam of hope lighting his He was a great general; intensely Scissors. the entrance. Like the famous Sitting sullen eyes, Little Big Man called on law. H ear the hogs squeal! loyal to bis people and their causey Little Big Man harshly demanded: Bull, who Is suld to have foretold the the man to speak. a patriot who had no use for wealth. "Why do white men ride out to Mato Custer massacre, he wore a bunch of And Taku Wakan coaid ask no more “Tashunca-ultco and Shunca-luta. Tipi and place rocks In tress?" shed buffalo hair fastened to the side of any of his duaky children. his medicine man, even now are rid­ "Because we are turning red,” was of his raven locks. This hair was The Hide W at Fagged Down on a Thin ing to this camp,” announced the the prompt reply. As he walked around the end of the wakan and was painted red and re­ Layer of Clay. man. 'They were on the way here circle to take a position beslds L ittle "Where Is Wlchakpa-yamanl (Gen­ called the times when the buffalo filled with a dozen warriors whan Little eral Crook, now?" Big Man he waa wearing his feathsr the plalna It was also a symbol of fulo bull's neck. The hide was pegged Big Man's first messenger met them bonnet and other warpath regalia. In "When I urn treated as a brother the coming of the White Buffalo Mald­ down on a thin layer of clay and was and told them about the white men. one hand he carried a Winchester rifle my medicine will tell you,” coldly re­ en. Hla medicine pouch was formed tl cn covered with burning coal». They will be here very soon.' plied Scissors. and tn the other a twelve-foot coup from badger p»«vs and had bears* This process hardened It sufficiently “They suy you will talk with a very "It Is goodl" cried Little Big Man claws as psndunts; for It was from wand of wUlow. The wend was dec­ to turn a limes point, or a round bul­ In great relief. fust tongue when you feel the skin­ orated with symbolic feathers, bits of the bear that be had learned how te let. It w h s a striking Incongruity of ning knives,” threatened Little Illg fur, and the tinkling beU. Hs dropped "What's he saying?” muttered Dlns­ treat adults, while the badger told him the campaign, bows and arrows and Man. dale. on a robe beside Little Big Man end through the medium of dreams how Tha common white grube. also called shields by the aide of maguzlne rifles Scissors smiled tolerantly and said: placed hts rifle serose his lap and rest­ ‘‘Crazy Horse and his medicine men. to cure children He also carried the "grub woruu.” are one stage of the mid metallic cartridges. Never again ed the end of his coup wand on the “Crazy Horse will soon set his friend Sorrel Horse, w ill arrive In a minute bent stick of one who has dreamed would the plalna wltnesg such a moderetely targe brown beetle known free to walk where he will." ground, and stared stolidly at Scis­ or so. I urn very wakun, but only of a wolf. But it was his renown as mingling of the old and the new. as May beetle or June bug. The adult sors. His gate quickened as It shift­ 'Tw o Knives Talking has a weak Taku Wakan can straighten this mess a magician, and not his success as a I.lttle B'gt Man strolled to the open­ boetla feeds «a tha larvae of such troea ed to the pile of greenbacks end dust medicine. It freed him once; now It Is out. I f only Crasy Horse was coming healer, that elevated him high among ing of the lodge. Me wue smoking a beetle feed« on the leaves of such trees In front of Llttls Big Man. The treas­ very tired." Jeered Little Illg Man. It would be better. Sorrel Horse Is the wakan wltshnaha, and high above biautlful pipe of red sandstone. The tow. walnut, locust ana baezoerry. ure meant nothing to him except ae My young men may not wait for you Jealous of all medicine men. He’ll the grass-root medicine men. bowl was Inlaid with silver and the Tha parent beetle emerges from the to aee Tashunca-ultco. They say they work to have us skinned alive. But Scissors Invited: “Sit down and let It represented so many magazine guns long reod stein was artistically dec­ earth In the spring end deposits eggs want white skin for medicine shirts. a man ain't done for so long as he our mydlclnes talk it over." and fixed ammunition. orated with feathers and quills. He In the noil from on a to five Inches deep can hope." They say they are sharpening their “The white man with the talking of/erud the pl|>e to the sky and earth But Sorrel Horse did not Intend to and usually near grass or weed roots. knives." and to the cardinal points, but spoke waste any dramatic effects before so knives will tell why he came to the The eggs are laid la May and June no word to the prisoners. . Little Big Mau talks like a Sho- CHARTER IX small an audience. Outside the stags Teton country," be abruptly com­ I shoni singing to the moon," sneered and hatch In about two weeks The was set for convincing Crazy Horan manded. young grubs batching from the eggs The Dual of the Medicines ficlaaors needed no Interpreter, and that even High Wolf, the Cheyenne, are very small and for a while feed on Although Crazy Horae and Sorrel was far below 8hunca-luta in matter« began te explain why ha and hla friend organic or slightly decayed vegetable llorse rode loto Little Big Man's of magic. Ignoring the white man he had gone to Mato Tipi to make atone matter la the soil. Later these grubs camp shortly before midnight tbs offerings to Tunkan so the god would said to Little B(g M an: will attack the roots of grasses or agrl- prisoners saw nothing of either. Be­ send forth hla "flying rocks” to learn "Bring the prisoners out In the sun­ ru I tarsi Crops which happen to be fore the great leader of the hostfles light. That man's medicine does not where Taah-unea-ultco was to he growing la tho Held. arrived the white men were conducted like the sunlight. I t works best tinder found. Feed Near tourfaoa. G tow ns, bridge work and fillings. It will back to the lodge and the flap tight­ the moon.” "And while we were asking this of ly cloeed. A small firs was lighted In­ During the growlug mmson for vego- pay you to get my prices oa your dental work. The prisoners were a t once led Tunkan our prayer waa answered,” side and by Its light throe warriors forth and seated before the medicine Scissors continued. “He who lives on tatlon and active season of the Insects, Cusick bank buildin g, A lb a n y stood on guard to prevent any attempt the grubs feed near the surface of the pole. Dlnsdale was glad to observe Mato Tipi at times tent Little Big at escape. Dlnsdale was asleep when ■oil. At the approach of cold weather, that the strangled puppy bad been re­ Man and hla braves to lead ua te the war chief end hts escort of a moved Rawhide was looped around Tashunca-ultco, and It Is well. J, I the grubs begin to burrow downward dozen men made the ramp and was their waists, and tied to the pole, bat brought this white man with me, as 1e avoid freezing aroused by the commotion. Most of the common June bugs spend their hands were not secured. In a hla life waa uot safe among white men. three years In developing from the egg On opening bis eyes he beheld the half-circle before them sat forty war­ He was caught while trying to take e te the ndult beetle. The grube usually three silent figures of the guards, riors. Scissors glanced anxiously lead of ammunition to the Cheyennes. change to the adult sometime during their eyes reflecting the light from about for Crazy Horae, but the chief He escaped from the soldiers and fled the heap of coala Scissors was awake, was not present. the second or third fall of their life with me to And the Ogalala. He and whispered: period. ft 8orrel Horse, sensing be was the brought some ef the white maa'p The native food of the white grub la " If I can have e talk with Crazy principal figure In the scene until money with him as a present to Tash- grass roots In the meadow or pasture. Horse I think we weald he all right Crasy Horse should put In tn appear unca-ultco." Crops planted on sod land usually for a while But that Shunca-luta will srxy, carefully spread a wolf skin and “Tashunca-ultco needs Be presents auffer severely from the attack of f t try to keep between us. He ranks after seating himself crostlegged be­ of money from the white men," harsh­ hordes of grube for a period of two to lz high as a mystery man and Is a fair fore It made much of peering Into a ly informed Creay Horae. “W het he ft three years. magician and ventriloquist. He claims mirror. He took pains to turn the needs he takes.” The white grub as a |wst Is Increaa- to get hla help from Tasknskanskan, mirror so the curious warriors could And he shook bis coup wend till the Ing Its damage to wheat la several lo­ V/ their moving god, who lives In the observe the new moon and sun paint­ little bell tinkled madly. Loud grunts cal I ties One of the beet coutrol meas­ 0 / four winds and la never seen, but Is ed In white on Its face. His vanity of approval met hit declaration. Loud ures where wheat It to he grown It to f t represented by Tunkan. who In turn was highly pleased as he noted how cries of "washte-helo I” wars rslssd hummer fallow, that la, to plow the through rocks and stonea Intently the spectators followed every whan hs pointed to the gresnbacke and directed: wheat land as toon ss possible sfter Reckon a whits man can move he made. “Give It te the men whe have lost harvest. (This la also a control for it oil i straightened ont. I Little Big Man stared triumphantly tbs Heeslsa fly.) Disk and harrow the muds a picture of Sorrel Horse whan at the prisoners and nodded to their horses and lodges.” I f there was one disgruntled war­ ■round frequently and prepare a Arm I was prisoner that other time, and guards. The signal had been prear­ ■eed bed. Rtarve tbs whits grub. It scared him. H e’s bound to work ranged, ss the guards promptly rior It waa L ittle Big Man. Sticking against us. But I ’m wakan. Wish searched Dlnsdale and took nearly np from between hie creased legs were Retstlsn Is Fevered. O e s y Horae would come In to look four thousand dollars from his pock­ the butts ef Dtnsdele's guns. Orazy Rotation of crops Is of great Impor Horae, whe ever bed a greet lev« for us over.” leave ta avoiding damage by grub ets. The money was mostly In green­ Scissors would have felt more at backs. The time was gone when the excellent firearms and who packed worms. Beetle« do net prefer to dw ease had he konWto that the chiefs Indian was Ignorant of money values, three Winchester rifles with him snd tooalt eggs In fields of alfalfa, clover, first desire wan to have the prisoner» and while they still called money one er more hand guns, touched the com . strawberries, beans <♦ potatoes brought before trim Sorrel Horse, “white metal,” they knew a piece of big revolvers snd Mid, "J will take II grains are usually lass attacks«] however, requeeted time for consult­ paper money was often worth several only theM." than other crops except wheat. Little Big Mao passed them ever and ing hts medicine, sod reported heck silver dollars. Bendy eyes glittered ss Where practical, pasture the Infest­ for sersral minutes the w ar chief ex­ to the chief that it wouM be better to ed flelds with swlns. Fall plowing, the bills and a bag of dust were wait until tbo son rode the ehy. Ab placed on a blanket before Little Big amined them knowingly and his fea­ previous to the grub« going deep luto tures grew animated as he rasllssd though reneldarably dMtnrbed that «hs amend. will help to rid the soil of Man. From Scleaors only a small the chief should Ignore h)m. Scissors emount of money wee taken; and L it­ their exceUetoce. Baddenly he «Msed many worms Plow deop—W ■ j,c k - LContiinicd on page 3) dissimulated and Dlnadnls fall asleep tle Big Man tickled the fancy of his son. Department of Entomology. o ils and did cot awaken until morning. followers by Ironically advising: bom, x. snd M ( ’«Ilogs. W ANTED W ith the sunrise came another kettle “Two Knives Talking should make s Responsible rain or woman of of meet- Scissors pronwunaed it td be feast for the white man's m»«al gofi " good address, with auto, for a few mule deer and Pttisdale ate heartily After they had eaten. L ittle Big Mas days or longer to vial tod them, and he could net con­ We have a ceal hla secret «u ttatlo o Frtseors mile* rtd your system of Catarrh or Deafnesa pretended not te see him. and after aouth of B row nsville, on good road caused by Catarrh. wotting several minutes the Indian among fnrtneri. Person fam iliar . * ? b ' ± T n T r " la " llh Á7dnr ^ , wiTh M Sr * w r * Av aw VS reon M id : HU PENDEXTER^ H ILL ,White Grub Pest t - Shows Increase Crop Rotation la Important in Preventing Damage Done by Worms. D r. C. FICQ, “ PLATES I? to bo thi Economy, Beauty and Quality a A I Ktir G r a in S a c k s and T w in e see o. W. H U M New nn Dentist T H A T F IT ” Second W Mz Mz M z $ Mz on hand Market prices paid for any kind of « • JL G R A I N A N D A H x A *- * Y tik II neT*r m A m e ric a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. H a ll’s C a ta rrh Medicine ."“„‘’¿ “»r F. J. CHBNCY «i CO., Toledo, Ohio Hay is worth just ns much in storage as you might get for it in ease of tire. Tha American Eagle Fire Insurance com parir will pay you 85% of tho cash value in case of loss by lire. Sawmill 4*« C. P. STAFFORD, Agent " N fle Shunca-luta has come Two 5i>lyce Talking bat Jpet both hla jntd w . o Ho“ Collect and Solicit re« « • » " . . . to r e sp o n sib ility A m . S hannon* Marti», R, 2, He¡M y.¡T0?(. Bvi k el it , cara Enterprúe.