<• HALSEY ENTERPRISE HALSEY, LINN COt’XTY. ORBGON, Sept 24, 1424 Halsey Happenings and County Evants ---------- mon. Everybody it a success. pronounced Mrs. Bert Minckley was a ; passenger to Albany Friday. S hortS toriesiroiuSundry Ira A' Miner returned from trip to Eugene Wednesday. Sources a LIN N 'S M O S T S U C C E S S FU L F A IR News Notes From M r. and Mrs. Ross Hughes aud A ll Over Oregei A Stimulant to Boosters and a Contradiction to All children went to Albany yesterday. Calamity Howlers u. & 5 Ä & Ä train for tbe state fair Monday, Mrs. G. w . Large and family Gleaned by tli© W estern ------------------ - started for Hood River F rid a y .1 Newspaper Union u w r»,««-. .• The ^a*r year exceeded Bowers and H. C. and W. W. They expect to work there dur- _____ h isHow„ »" ■ r r on' s ,n ,he “ un,y Schrunk of Brownsville. E. ing the apple picking season. Mrs. Edith D rinkard went to , ...„ „ „ „ Portland Thursday. There she Edwards Tbe new Baptist church as Nopfh having moved to in attendance> ln number and Abraham of Halsey took a Herm an Glunz went with them. ''7 d ifuest of Mr. and Brownsville a fte r his auction excellence of exhibits and, as wheat premium and Ed Hollo­ Billy Smith went to Corvallis B,‘nd h,s Ju,t been way of Brownsville first each on j j nu Mrs. Thad Young. expected, in the representation Jonathan Members of the Oregon Stats Bar annh-s «nd Comic« Wednesday. •hid. That wag H. W .’i explana Jonathan apples and Comice of the youth, who are to be ac­ association gathered in annual aea- , Carl Swank took the train alon In The Dalles Friday. H. A. Stanard, the Browns­ tion of the trausfer of furniture to tor# on the stage within a few pears. a In Percherons J. P. Weber for Albany, Friday. ville lumberman, went to Al­ the farm. All the same, his son years. There was some rain on Bears are becoming numerous- In bany Thursday to transact busi­ Uleun married Mrs. Sarah E. the lir3t two days, while they took first on stallion 2 years or J. B. Hughes was a passen­ the vicinity of Cannon Beach, 15 hav­ South of Corvallis Sunday and ! over, and the same on stallion ness and to also take a look at ing been seen and killed this fall. they declared tbair intention to were also holding a fair in Lane 1 year or under and second on ger to Albany Wednesday. the county fair. county, but on Friday and Sat­ live in this vicinity. Strawberries as large as crabapplea Mrs. E. G. Moore of Wallowa, mare 2 years old or under. urday, w ith only one fair in the Mrs. May Miller returned who has been visiting Mrs. at e being taken from vines at the. J. (J. L. Falk took first on m are Theodore Smith started Fri­ two counties to operate upon, K Bant on place near Cottage Orova. from Eugene Thursday. She 8 year» or over and J. W . E alk Hugh Vincint, took the train had been visiting her daughter, day for eastern Oregon with H. the w eather man drew back into The Newberg box factory, owned by for Portland Wednesday. Mrs. Florence Leeper, and help­ R. Clark, who recently brought his shell and let the sunshine on m are 3 or under, J. P. Weber George Hugh bad a basket of F. D. Sharp and located fust outside a t Albany, although took first on get of dam of 2 eggs and a little dog in the rear the city limits, was destroyed by fire, ing care for her grandson Fran­ a bunch of horses from his radiate there was a brisk rainfall a t colts and second on get of sire of his car when near the Cats- ranch near Burns. A fter sell- cis, who has lately had his ton­ More than 300 birds were on exhlbt- Illg his horses Mr. Clark Tangent Friday afternoon and of 2 colts. pooia bridge, tbe dog tried to get ! tlon at the annual display of tbe ban« sils removed. C. L. Falk got first on a Shet­ into the basket. Pugb looked County Poultry association at Eugene. bought a car and engaged Theo- i a, downpour at Corvallis, with There was a large congrega­ dore to drive it back with him. J t Jjunder and with lightening land pony. back, the car swerved and th« out­ Building construction In North Bend tion a t th e M ethodist church They are going “the longest1 , a t burned th e historic old On red polled cattle F. H. fit plunged over a bank into a pile now under way and completed since Sunday to hear Miss Amanda way round,” by Portland and j ^ai'1?. Porter of Halsey and Portland of wood. The mao was injured, ?• C. January 1 totals $1.802.47$, Including Mitzner preach h er maiden ser- The Dalles. The car was The length of Little June, daughter of Mr. took a dozen premiums—all perhaps fatally. $174,475 street improvements. wrecked. Theodore’s stay is u n certain,! and Mrs. D. Southard of Leb­ there were. The old horse barn, one of the most Edith Pugh of Shedd and depending upon his finding con­ anon, a 5-year-old, was queen historic structures on the Oregon Ag­ Albany’s Only genial employment there. Ra- of the fair, having received 12,- Marion Gilkey of Scio are the Shedd Shortstops ricultural college campus, was destroy­ ! leigh Hardin, who was here 200 votes and wearing a crown two girls and Millard Shelton ed by fire caused by lightning. from G rants Pass, accompanied during the four days of the fes­ of Scio and Dennie McCart are (By an Enterprise Reporter) St. Francis academy at Baker open­ Clark and Smith to The Dalles tival. Her closest competitor the two boys whom Linn eoun ed for the fall term with the largest was Ruth, daughter of Mr. and ty will send to the state fair at j or f a r th e r ._________________ Merle Thompson is home enrollment in ell grades of any year Mrs. Clarence Brown of Shedd, Salem next week, with all ex­ from Portland. In the history of the Institution. Some out of town friends who who got 6000 votes. penses paid,a s a result of mak­ O U R N E W P R IC E L IS T Banks of Curry county lines n e o n * attended the funeral of Everett [ooips jouxuins The exhibits in all depart­ ing the highest scores in the •qinouiuoj^ ed to purchase county warrants, efi J Standish Wednesday were, oqi uiojj auioq si ip fn j souay boys’ and girls’ club competi­ m ents were the finest and most Double Vision Lenses legmg that the county has exceeded i Mrs. Elsie Rowan of Eugene, complete in the county’s his­ tions. Word comes th a t Rosemary Ultex. $18.50; Kryplok, »17:50. Mrs. Hugh Cummings of Cor­ tory. President J. J. B arrett of G. Mitzner & Son of Halsey Connor is married and lives at the 6 per cent statutory limitation. Apple week In Oregon will be Octo­ Peerless, $16.50; Bright», $15,50. vallis, Mrs. Merle Cummings the association gives credit to took the honors for Guernsey Bay City. Cemented Segments. $14.50. ber 2fi to November 1, according to and little son of Albany and * n agsi Gilkey and his 4 cows and also for the appear­ of the agricultural dom- Mr. and Mrs. D. S. McWilliams tary , Mrs. Graham, as well as ance of the quarters and the Rev. and Mrs. Ritchie are in announcement Single or Distent Vision Lonses rnlttee of the Portland Chamber e t of Albany. Ontario, Ore., where Mr. R it­ courtesy of the attendant, who to the people of the county, who Commerce. 6 D Carve Toric, $13.50 ; Mencius, chie has a pastorate. A seven-foot cougar was killed at contributed to this success by is the ‘‘son” in the firm name. $12.50. It will require $«9.340 to roadustl Mr». Martha J. Wheeler was lJ i D Carve Periscopic, $12;50; | Swlsshome by Virgil Brooks, a 15-year- bringing th eir products. McDonald Bros., have moved ’he state industrial accident commie- Fiets’ »10.50. old boy. The animal was caught while While the receipts, for per­ awarded a blue ribbon for coat th eir garage into their property »Ion during the next biennium, accord- Fitted io Zito, gold-filled or rimless bangers. the youth was trapping for bear. haps the first time, take care In< to osttmates fllud with the state on the Pacific highway. frames. Low water mark for the last JO of all the expenses of th e coun­ budget coinmlseton. For heesvy Zito frames add $1 to $2. George Weber and children Deduct $2 for second-grade lens. years was established by the W illam ­ ty fair, the staged attractions Voters of Multnomah county wfl Brownsville Briefs Reading glasses. $2.50 to $10. from Roseburg have been Visit- pass upon a proposal to lean» $800,■ ette river at Albany last week, accord­ drew the attention of visitors tug Mrs. W eber’s patent«, lb 000 in bonds for completion of the ing to F. M. French, local weather re­ to such an extent th a t the hold­ B a n c r o f t O p t ic a l C o . (Enterprise Correspondents) corder. The river now lacks but .4 ers of sideshow and other con­ Allens. Ross Island and Sellwood bridges at 31J West First street, Albany, Ore. of a foot of reaching the low water cessions complain th a t they lost The Baptist folks have pur­ the November election. Ralph and Stephen Smith mark established In 1861. money. The money which chased a new range for the Ask about Punktal, the perfect lens. The Multnomah county fair a t have been busy the last week church kitchen. changed hands remains in the Oreehani, held July 39 to Au, M is.io n .ry ___ Cot I age Grove, was killed w h e n ' bis loci' Riverview school with 30 pu­ parted for Salem Monday to : et v wj)| present the program cele- own rifle waa accidentally discharged, pils; Riverside float bearing 20 make their home. : ».rating the golden jubilee of tbs the bullet piercing hie heart. pupils; boys’ training school State Resident Highway Engineer The farm ers north of town ueding of the organised work band; Lebanon grade schools, Collier reports that the pavement be Rosalie Chamlee 5- 80; Scio high school float, with finished filling their silos Sat-! tween Albany and Corvallis will bo 50; boy scouts and Albany urday. Corn was good in spite I * Rally day comes Oct reedy for travel In five weeks The 12. You of the dry weather. grade school with 50. pavement, which Is of concrete, le will want to be there. Prizes were awarded to Leb­ Mrs. Irene Lovely has enter- Tbe pastor started a series of now open as |pr as Granger station. anon high school, Berlin ed high school, taking a post- expository sermons on Gal tian« Following the completion of the hop school aad Scio a mo ng outsid graduate course in ty p in g , j Handay. These w ill continue end prune picking sen son. fully 7$ per cent of plckeri who wore at work grades and Maple school among bookkeeping and Latin. i u n ,'l the book is finished- Albany grades. In tbo W illamette vallay during the Pastor. last few weeks have left for the Hood There were community ex­ t » iz- i . . i The E nterprise people have enjoyf n grand River district, to assist In the apple hibits by Foster, Lebanon, Sand H attie Kirk, was operated o n , for appendicitis.. Gravenstein apples from A r,ey harvest. Ridge, Shedd, W estern Star T h u r s d y . „ X r d . The sea. Grange, Providence, Sweet While it was a quite serious Cnnimi The California Oregon Power com­ Home, Harmony, Forks of the case, Fred is getting along nice- 80„ of the Gravensteln ls bnef) pany has filed application with the Santiam, Pine Grove, Crowfoot ly now. i,ut ¡n ft<,anon ¡s most state engineer for 14.00« horsepower HAT’S COMPLEX! The Shoe that has on Clear water creek, near the head­ Brownsville, Oakville and C hanty The ntw Methodist churrh, a • gloriously delicious of fruits, brought foot comfort to thousands who Grange, and the latter was as near strucco building, is rapidly near-1 If th a t was a Gravenstein in waters of the Umpqua river The de­ never experienced it before— thousands contemplates 800 foot head alsey at they came. ing completion. While not a s ; the garden of old it is not velopment w ho thought a work shoe to be sturdy had • tth 380 second-feet strange th a t Adam and Eve ate Sweet Home got the »special large a building as the old to have a sole aa stiff as a plankl Comflex is Federal Judge Wolverton Issued a prize for the best arranged and church was, it will be a pretty of it. the shoe that— temporary restraining order against decoiated booth and Lebanon house to worship in when finish Mr. and Mrs. Henry Blakely Frank C. Bramwell, superintendent et N eeds N o Breaking-In! first, Riverside second and ed. went to Pendleton Wednesday hanks, directing him to set aside $$08 Crowfoot grange third for com­ Look forth«fanoee W ryeitberg trade* Let us show you this famous COMFLEX Shoe. Prof. Torbet wss in Albany Sat­ to visit relatives and attend of the funds of the Bank of Sherwood, m unity displays. The three lat­ n a rk e n thceoie. H e now defunct, te meet the govermnfat s T ryon a pair— you'll think you’ve got your slip­ ether shoe ha« the th e roundup. ter participate in a $300 pre­ urday. C o m flii eole. Com* claims against the bdnk. pers on I But there’s real stuff in the Comflex Re« ehoee ere made mium according to th eir per­ T-sonard Lerwill wss in Halsey all eolld leather. The A. L. Woodard Interacts at Di­ Shoe— a sole that’s te m p e re d es well as tanned of centages in the scores. No wood or aebeti- Monday. Raymond Murphy killed a big vide, Including 38,000.000 foot of tim­ —tempered to toughen, bya six months'process, »he bee I a. eolee. le - The corn exhibit dem onstrat­ black bear with a 22 rifle near M r* A. M. Simon was in Al­ ber, a sawmill under sonetructloa and which gives it a flexibility undreamed-of before. ed that, contrary to tbe idea« bany Saturday. Holley l«««lna equlpsvct, have been pur­ th a t prevailed 20 years ago. chased by the Bohemia Lumber com­ Miss Edna Briggs has Rons to When One Feels That Way. Oregon is a corngrowing state, When a man feels tba ."»prehension pany. Tbe consideration waa ta the though all the varieties shown Eugene to teach school. neighborhood of $40,«00. of a friend seconded by his own heart, A V GOOD GOODS * ? except popcorn were dent. Betty. Dorie and Frsneee Co- ha la eae") heated Into resentment.— Among prize winners were Ed show spent Saturday in Albany. Doctor J ijiisoo . (Cootinued on page 4) EXCLUSIVE OPTICAL PARLOR CÛMFLEX Solid C o m fo rt on E v e ry Job! T K OONTZC