SEPT. I) , 1924 Frank W orkinger and Elmer A /A PHO NO G RAPHS at W O O D W O R T H 'S T iU R K H A R T & LEE TT ’ sole agenit for Phenis Pure Paint and Dr. Hess' oultry and Stock Tonic TVivenport Music company offers T-e Piano-case organ, good at new Estey organ, good as new Used Pianos. t ’astburn Bros.—Two big grocery T-2 stores, 212 W. First and 225 South Main. Good merchandise at the right prices. EUite Cafeteria aud confectionery T-2 Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ ings. Courteous, efficient service. W e make our own candies. W S. D u n c a n . IN I ms developed and priuted. T ’ We mail them right back to you. Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, Or­ egon- P O R D SALES AND SERVICE T? Tifes and accessories Repairs K ian - P u l l a k M otor Co. Portm iller Furniture Co., furni- ture, rugs, liooleuin,. stoves ranges. Funeral directors. 417-433 west First street, Albany^ Oregon. \ ’ i‘ ■F PU L L K R GROCERY, 285 Lyon A1 (Successor to Stenbarg Bros.) Groceries Phone 2b3R Fruits Produce TJOLMAN & JACKSON TT Grocery— Bakery Everything in the line of eats • Oppo ,ite P ostoffice TJub Candv Co., First street, next A T door tp'Blain Clothing to . , Noon lunches. ' Home made candy and ice Cream. ' T J u b Cleaning Works, luc. TT Cor. 8ecsond and Ferry Matter Dyers and-Cleaners Made - To - Measure Clothes IM PE R IA L CAFST 209 W. First T . Harold G. Murphy Prop. P hone 665 W a NKVRR CLOSR ItfAGNKTO-ELECTRIC CO. IT T official Stronibeig carburetor serv­ ice station. Conservative prices. All work guaranteed 119-121 W. Second. tuarinello parlors AvT (A beauty aid for every need) St. Francis Hotel Prop., W in n if b r d R ose . IMen and money are best when iv T busy. Make your dollars work in our savings department. A l ia n v ST a TK B a n k . Under government supervision. >JO O R E ’S MUSIC HOUSE “ Everything musical” 223l W. First st. pOSCO K AMES HARDWARE. TV the W IN C H E S T E R STO R E 322 W. First st. G W hy suffer from headache ? Have your eyes examined S. T . F R E N C H Modern Barber Shop A Son. d is ln b - ” utors and dealer* for Maxwell, Chal­ mers. Esses, Hudson A Hnpmobtl* ear» Accessories. S polie* 1st A Broadalbin. Nt* FURNITURE AND ± t FARM MACHINERY bought sold sad »changed at all buses B EN T. S U D T E L L phone '6-R, 12J N. Broadalbin a t, Albany (Continued from page 2) I D R A Y M A N Cream and Produce Station Cream, Poultry, Eggs, Veal & Hides. M. H. S H O O K - J qpHE 'MARGUERITE SHOPPE ilZ a ld o Anderson dr U. S. & C. T. C. Tiros New. low-priced Gill J Batteries for a More service Ford, and • No more cost other • Skilled Auto repairing Star, Chevrolet small cars • Auto accessories MORE SERVICE FOR LESS MONEY F. M . G R A Y , Halsey and Harrisburg Call D. T a ylor , Halsey, or W, L. WaiOHT, Harrisburg Opposite Hamilton's, 318 W. Second st. • Meade & Albro, Second street opposite Hamilton's store. “ Sodden Service” T for hematitching and stamped goods. A R R O W G A R A G E , Gansle Bros. Parents! W - L W R IG H T Mortician & Funeral Director T H E SPECIALTY 8HOPPE $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 sing the song made for Mato Tlpl— his head so ns to gaze at the top ot ‘Wakanyan make lo mato tlpl ca’—" he began singing. "In a sacred mnn- the butte he shouted In the Teton: “Men from the earth we are, 1 ! ner I am sitting at Bear lodge." Optometrist with This voluble harangue, and the fact have sung about something, for which that there was none of the Ogalala have pity on us I” F. M. F r ench & S ons who had not seen or heard of Scis­ To Dlnsdale he whispered: J E W E L E R S — O P T IC IA N S "More rocks and do as I do, I have sors, staved off Immediate mutilation. repeated a Teton prayer to Tunkan." Although deeply Impressed by Scis­ Albany, Oregon As he spoke he finished gathering sors* speech and songs the Indians rocks, this time taking no care as to did not release the white men, hut their shape, and walked to a tree and held them flat on their backs and began placing them between the glared at them ferociously. "Why do white men call out to branches. Dlnsdale did likewise. Now came the last teat Slowly ad­ Tunkan and sing the Mato Tlpl song?" Do you know that we fit glasses vancing toward the mouth of the path, harshly demanded a man whose face by the aide of which were crouched was crossed by a scarcely healed with scientific accuracy? the Indians, and holding a rock In wound, and whose arms and chest All our equipment ie the beet each hand. Scissors began shouting: bore many welts— Wakantanka'* re­ "They really say a white man turns ceipts for vows fulfilled In various and most modern that money can red and comes to your mountain. O sun dances. ouy. “Are we Shoshoni and should we Titnkaslla (grandfather), for help to slag to the moon)” countered Scissors. escape from white men,” They passed through a fringe of “We come to MHto Tlpl to pluce stones sage, and Scissors stretched out his to the dead. Then we would eo to hands to brush the bushes back from fbo camp of Crasy Horse. Now we the mouth of the path, and Dlnsdale are on our backs, looking up at the caught Ids first glimpse of the hidden home of the thunders.” The leader's visage continued fierce warriors, several copper-colored faces glaring, several copper hands clutch­ and unrelenting, yet he refrained from ing rifles and revolvers. Then they speuklng the word that would precip­ were swarming out of their ambuscade itate the butchery. After a minute of and were aiming their weapons at the silence he sullenly said: "Little Dig Man has no white broth­ two white nieu. Nimble hands plucked the revolvers from Dlnsdale** belt and ers. A voice says the white men go searched Scissors In vain for arms. A to flght with Wlchakpayamunl (Throe- They warrior ran to the two horses and se­ stars—-Crook's Sioux name). cured Dlnsdale’s rifle. Then the two go to belp flght against the Dakota." Optometrists, Manufacturing Opticians were hurled to the ground. "The volco lies," tersely corrected Albany, Oregon "Show no tight," muttered Scissors Scissors. "What Is the medicine on the hat To his savage captors he boldly cried: "Ha-a-a. warriors I They say I coma of the white m in t ' back to you with my two knives talk­ “White men tried to kill him. They ing. They really say I bring a man say he sold a wagon of cartridges to who runs from the whites to save his the Cheyennes. He Is a friend of life. No Strong Hearts, who follow Iltgh Wolf, the Cheyenne medicine­ ljtundrv sent Tuesdays Tatankalyotake (Sitting Hull) are man.” Agency Hub Cleaning VVoiks here, for I see no war-bonnets mads The dota of perspiration on Dlns­ from the tail-feathers of eagles, with dale’s face would have doubled had A B E 'S P L A C E , horns worn on the front. I see no old he understood this bold avowal. Scis­ men who belong to tbe White Horse sors knew his statement was a ilei- | Riders. I do not see Wasechuutus- perate gamble. The effect on the war­ hunka (American Horse), my brother. riors was pronounced, although they Amof A. Tussing Two Knives Talking sees only strange betrayed nothing except to look more .» i/a** warriors. He sees one with a cross on closely at the paper pictures on Dlns­ bit tobacco bag and knows he Is called dale** h a t One of them picked It up, ! LAWYER £AND NOTARY Wawoklyspl (Helper of the Helpless) Hnd all quickly understood the story H alsey , O regon because he carried a wounded friend the plctusea were meant to tell. The out of a fight He sees a feather spirited action of the galloping horse* standing at the back of the head and appealed to them. knows tbe man has killed an enemy The horsemen a few Inches ahead of without any hurt to himself. He sees the united string was Dlnsdale, of a man who has struck in enemy and course. That all should be identical wears his feather across the back of In outline Impressed them as being his head. He sees a man who has very wakan. White men had sold given his flesh to Wakantanka In the metallic cartridge* to the bosttles, and All work done promptly and reason­ sun dance and carried six buffalo within a mbnth a man had been caught ably. l*hone No. 269 skulls. He sees another whose vow with a wagon, filled with munitions, to Wakantanka brought him mkny bound for a northern village. Hut If cats on his arms and chest High Wolf, famous mystery man and HALSEY "For such men Wakantanka has but wearer of a necklace of human lingers, one path. They must follow It even should be within reach of a mes-enger when It surely leads to death. Yet the lie would be exposed offhand. these men are not my friends. For One of the warrior* called attention • Cash paid for they throw me down on the ground, to the paper picture of the butte. K r and they throw my friend down beside cept those holding the jylaoners to me. They make ready to kill ua ground, all advanced to this and ex­ What have we done that these strange amined It carefully. The small mound warriors should treat us so, when the of Tunkan stones, together with the mighty Taabsncs-ultco (Crazy Horse) outline, formed a combination tb it D ELB ERT STARR would call us 'brothers,* and stretch Little Big Man dared not trifle with. out the left hand because his heart Is talked aside with a middle-aged Funeral Director and Li* on that side) Tashunra-uttco does not He warrior, then gave an order. One of see his friend. Two Knives Talking, censed Embalmer the group produced a small mlrr< r and and the other white man, who runs ran Into the path leading np the butte. Efficient Service. Motor Hears» from the whltea His ears are closed, To Scissors the leader said: “Soon It Lady A tten dan t or he would hear mv voice when I will he known in Tashnnca ultco’s Brownsville...____________ ...Oregon CTIMSON THE SHOE DOCTOR T Shampooing. Marcelling and Scalp Treatments. Margaret Countryman. Globe I heater bldg. Phone 158J Prop. J J S SHOE O 9 SERVICE • per month of wear • S. GILBERI & SON k j s >uilder*’ and shelf hardware, gar­ den tools, crockery anil glassware New block. New lew prices SURPLUS Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited C5 Cut flowers * » and plants. Floral art for every and all occasions. Flower phone 458-J. AND DR. W H E T S T O N E D E N T IS T HALSEY H O T E L Wednesday end Friday 12 to 8:30 BARBER SHOP First-class W ork f J . W- S T E P H E N S O N . . The Coolness Between Them won't last long if the coolness happens to be some of our deli­ cious ice cream. It will prove to be the finest they ever ta ted. No matter bow tired or warm you may be a dish of Clark’s ice cream will refresh you, Clark’s Confectionery WWWWWWWWVWW « W W W « *» « w w « « « w « ^ A n y G irl in Trouble may comniuoicale with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the White Shield Hume, 565 Mayfair avenue, Pott land, Oregon. -1 Halsey Happenings H A LSEY STA TE BA NK W rite lor booklet describing our 20- year Rural Credit Amortized Loans The loan pays out in ¡0 payments, re­ tiring the principal Cheap rates. No delay. B bam L a n d C o ., 133 Lyon street. Albany, Ore. HA LSEY EN T E R P R IS E camp at Slim Butte that Two Knives Talking and another white man ere (Continued from game 1) In our camp." The prisoner* were Jerked to their Mrs. Janies D rinkard went to feet, and no sooner were they erect than their hands were drawn behind Albany Saturday. them end fastened. Their horse« were Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Freerksen brought up and they were helped to attended the H arrisburg fair mount. Little Big Men and the older Friday afternoon. warrior rode In tbe lead and struck Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sprenger off to the east of the bntte end turned north. and son visited a t the J .t C, Tbe entire party appeared to ba lib­ Porter home Sunday. ♦ erally supplied with ammunition, the Mr. and Mrs. E. Zimmerman bowe being Intended for game where a gunshot might give an alarm. A and son Tommy returned frbm brisk ride ot twelve miles and tbe Pacific City Thursday. party was fording tbe strong muddy Ed Jew ett went to Lebanon current of the Belle Fourche, where Saturday for a visit with his once tbe Cheyenne« had raised tbelr corn. On the north bank an hoar's sister, Mrs. L. H. Howell. halt was made among the cottonwoods Mr. and Mrs. Odell, from Sa­ to give tbe men with the mirror time lem, visited w ith their sister, to rejoin them. He came up at a handsome gallop and the Journey was Mrs. W. A. Muller, over Sunday. resumed. A few mllee north of the Miss Amanda M itzner p ill river and on the head of Grow creek bring the message a t th e warriors and captives rode Into » M ethodist church next Sunday temporary camp. morning. A dozen warriors rushed forward, shouting and brandishing their knives, There will be no service a t a* the prisoners were brought Into the Rowland schoolhouse next camp. IJttle Big Man shouted for Sunday, as the pastor will be a t several minutes In a stentorian voire. Scissors Interpreted for Dlnsdale. Tbe the conference. leader wae telling of the rapture and O. G. Coldiron started for bragging mightily and demanding a Oklahoma Saturday, for a visit new song be made for him. He talked with his parents a t Pond Creek Into an antl-cllmax when a camp w ar rior Informed him that the signals and other relatives. from the butte bad been caught and J. S. Beene and wife and son a message sent to Crasy Horae. Little spent Friday night with Will Hlg Man ordered the white men to be Beene and family. T h eir home placed In a lodge with their hands tied ' behind them end their bodies rope< is a t Cottage Grove. to the center pole, Conductor Crandall of train Suspended from a medicine poll No. 18 took supper a t the home beside the lodge was a strangled pup of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Clipg- py, war medicine, Scissor* explained man Thui'sday evening. Hanging Inside the lodge was a caval ry guidon, and an officer’s glove Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Freerksen proofs of this particular band's par returned from Pacific City Wed­ tlclpatlon In ths flght on the Little 111» nesday. While there th e y 'a t­ Hom, tended the Tillamook fair. “Now what happens to ns)’’ aske« Dlnsdale after they had been trussei Mrs. Kitchen and Lavelle up to the center pole and left alone. came down from Newberg Sat­ “I'm wakan." doggedly replied Scls urday evening to visit with tors. “I've placed atones to Tunkan 1 must get you out of this. When 1 Mrs. W. A. Muller for a few . ^g^l say for you to go, you scoot! Don'i dltfs. wait for me. They'll never harm me Mr. and Mrs. Hans Koch and I'm a big mystery man. I know thel. dream songs, their war songs. l'v< daughter Freda returned from listened to thslr council songs, «nr Hood River Thursday. They I've sung their grass dance song! Lit nave been visiting there for a tie Hlg Man thinks lie's got me In s week. hole because I ran away. I went a iv ij to renew my medicine—Just one weak Miss Elta Morgan of W ater- spot; Just one mistake. I'm sorry ) oo has been visiting a t the sold that about your being a friend tc aome of her aunt, Mrs. Frank old High Wolf, the Cheyenne. Hah! Gray, and a t the G rant McNeil lie's up on the Little Missouri. Who's home. afraid) We are not." “We'd better have chanced It with Mr. and Mis. Arch Handley Easy's gang," muttered Dlnsdale. and children and Miss Maxine “It would have been over the quick Montieth from Albany visited er," moodily retorted Scissors. Then with Mr. and Mi's. Frank Work­ with a flare of his old egotism: "Hut inger Sunday. I've spoken to Waknntanka. A mat la never down so long as he can hope Dorothy Corcoran went to Crazy Horse thought • lot of my medl Portland Sunday to visit h er cine. Now look happy; some one 1» sister, Mrs. Marcella Kirk, and coming." to have adenoids and probably Three men, bearing a kettle of meat, her tonsils removed. entered tbe lodge. Dlnsdale remem Wiered he had eaten nothing alnce Mrs. Eliza Brandon and h er morning, and despite bis serious pre [randdaughter, Mrs. Mabel Mil­ dlcament he was very hungry. The er, went to Portland last week kettle gave off a savory odor. Two of of Mrs. the braves unloosed the thongs so (he to visit a t the home prisoners could bring their elbows to Chester Osburne and other their side* end extend their hands relatives. forward. A bowl and * wooden spoon Mrs. Agnes Clark, Mr». Dora were given to each. For some min­ Davis, Mrs. II. Freerkafti and utes Dlnsdale ate ns If famished, then Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Freerksen asked: ( "What Is Itr "Wild oolons boiled with dog." “I don't think I'm hungry any more." “Washte-helol (Yery good.) I f I'd said elk or deer you'd come tor a seo- ond helping. Shows what language does for a man.” And Scissors asked the breve to dish up more ef the Blew. "Horse dneen't seem so bad, hot dog— " muttered Dlasdnlm a. (To be continued) attended defense day exercises and the fall style opening a t Al- itany Friday evening, David Foote and son A. W. are erecting a new barn on their ranch. It is to be well built and have a concrete floor the making of which will be save for seed, a greet deal flepends\«pan the corn plant Itself I f our seed < «*» la selected In the bln Slone, this' 1m portent fact la loet sight of. Now, most good growers sees peed corn from the good early-mataring plants, i t they are shucking oat corn at harvest. Tbe ears from thee* superior plants ere thrown Into a box st ths front of the wagon, and nrr kept separately, ao that they win knee »be beet of opportunities to dry qaleklg Then. In the winter, tbeee grower* se­ lect oat the types of ear* tbeg want for seed In »hl* way thefe seed ears are all of the right type end-eery good Plante. Seed ears sbonld come fret» m edto*- alsed plants, which stead np straight and which show good evidence* of ma­ turing early These pleas* shmzld be free from sucker* end sho«M be In a»- erage conditions as regards soil, tqnln- ture, feed and light Bar* should1 he heavy and nt medium fair sis*.—W sX a Kidder, Extenalen Agroeomlet, Coin- rsdo Agricultural College. »udan hey is eqaal In feedkig value to timothy hay Whoa H Is threshed for seed tbe straw I* equal in feeding velae to oat straw. Howweer, it Is totrser-stsHMsed grge* than ttwstfcr su4 i?r UOs ((U H U U California and eastern Oregon, visiting her children She went o the Shedd fair Saturday- The most complete pre-elec­ tion poll of the voters of th e United States on a presidential issue ever staged in the United States is under way. The L iter­ ary Digest has distributed bal­ lots for it. Postm aster Bram­ well has some for distribution free while they last. Get one and use it. You need not give your name. It will lie a secret ballot. Mrs. Frank Gray tells a new egg story. When m aking a pud­ ding the other day she broke an extra large egg for it, which she thought to lie a double one, but it proved to contain a nor­ mal egg and a soft-shelled egg. Upon breaking the soft-ehelled egg it was found to contain a yolk and another soft-shelled egg- We do not often find an egg within an egg within an egg. Next! (ConUpusd on pace 4)