PAGE i H A I.SKY E N T E R P R IS E HA.'JBXY ENTERPRISE An Independent—Not neutral—news­ paper, publiobetl eveiy Wedueedag, Mr Wm. a. WHKXI.KB SEPT. 17, I, Inoculating Legumes Is Ingeniously devised terms by Not Difficult Process which they designate the guesses which they parade on the witness stand as super­ knowledge. to muddle and mys­ tify jurors. Our laws permit those who * have wealth to bribe these so- j called “experts” with high fees, • and they do it. We have too many laws now, but one is needed making it a » 1 felony C 1U JI» to*-» B IV C Ul tX C I V V - C W to give or 1 receive a l I fee ? •» t f ’ U m o n y in excess of what is allowed by law as a witness fee. With such a law we should To Inoculate legumes procure tbe tort from the root« of legumes allowing abundant lodule development, talcing rare that the raya of a bright sun do not strike it (1 quart for each bushel crip o. . ( l td a year la advaaoa. of seed). Advertising. 2>K' an inch; no ditcoun For soy beans get dirt from bean*, (or nine or apace ; no charge for com for alfalfa and sweet clover get dirt position orcaaugea, either from alfalfa or from sweet a* "Palo-tor Paragraphs," (c a lias, clover. ate a d v e i t ie n g dlsgulaed a t naw« Allow the dirt to dry In a sack or To Advertiuen a covered box, work It from time to Copy received before Tuesday la in time and Anally pulverise It So a com­ * plete dust. S Î C K S , X ” ’. ï ’ Dissolve six ounce* of carpenter's glue In one gullcn of water. Spread tbe seed on a tight door In a 1« nearer to o ur m u c h -v a u n le d room with tbe windows partly dark LAW IS NOT JUSTICE equality of rich and poor before aned. Bprlnkle on the glue solution until the seed Is barely moist, stirring A criminal court is not a the law. with a garden rake. court of justice. Such a law would work no thoroughly An eye for an eye and a tooth hardship on witnesses. An “ex­ Then sprinkle on slowly the dirt stirring continually with the rake for a tooth is not justice. pert” whose time is worth three dust, until tbe glue solution has hardened. “Make the punishment fit the or four hundred dollars a day Thia will leave every seed covered with crime” is a trite but meaning­ is surely making enough the dirt dust carrying the nitrogen less phrase. money so that he can well af­ Axing bacteria. In most criminal cases justice ford to come down to earth and The seed thus prepared may be seed is impossible and the law does a; end a d ay or a week on the ed at once or sacked and set aside for a week or more before seeding. Care not attempt it. stand for the same fee Should be taken that the seed is uni Hanging a murderer is not witness that John Smith gets when he forwly covered as soon as possible fol­ justice. It does not undo the is to leave his farm lowing the seeding, as bright sunlight wrong he has done to his victim and compelled livestock for the same pur- would destroy the Inoculation. I I I t a • n h t r to a a e to o tl to ■t to p t< p to O! to Cl U I* hi ta to< Ml b< P> fes <»t Si •I tu u co til pc en to be thl «u th toi thl a nil *e an bel an thi pn a 11« or en try An to« no • tl« tot etti dui pro tor. • II. •ho OB) •ot Ont (WO < I la I «10 rem the .« 9 dined on cooked moat and bread brought from Calvin's eating-house. After Alling hla pipe Dtnadale endeav­ ored to learn something more about his companion s experience when a captive of the Indiana, also something about hla earlier antecedent« hla birthplace, and the extent of hla schooling. But Scissors for once was not responsive. He Idly snipped pic­ tures of animals out of paper and ex­ plained they were leaser wakandaa. When pressed for hla private history be showed Unpatience, and answered; "I forget. It was a very long time ago—before I became waken wttaha- aha. A mystery man forgets useli things. S««. now; a new picture. I could always do It** And folding the paper several time« he worked with hla usual quickness and then opened the paper to disclose a chain of horsemen, the borees go­ ing at a mad gallop. "Tbe fellows we saw tiding up the stage road,” said Dtnadale. 'If I could meet some of them In San Juan’s place I could get a dollar for It,1 mused Scissors as he carefully refold­ ed the strip of figures. “Old Calvin SPECIA L SA LE 2 Baking PaR? Regular price $1.95 98c : E^eer Handy O nly 8 days, Sept. 12 to 20 New and co m p lete line o f Prices are right 2 M ULTNOM AH , TR U N K S A N D BAG S, H IL L fellow celled Omaha?” Scissors pursed hta lipa and screwed up hla whimsical features In an effort to remember. Then he slowly said; “Name sounds familiar. Maybe it's because of the city by that Dam« wanted me to pay him a percentage Queer name for a man to have.” for all I sold In the gambling h alt 1 Dlnsdale lapsed Into meditation and wouldn't do I t The girl dealing Twen did not bear the rambling talk of hla ty-one wouldn't let him order me ont. companion, Including a lengthy expla­ I hope nothing happens to Sitting Bull nation of the various Slouan cult« He while I'm gone. The Chinese cook revealed hla abstraction when he sud­ and his victim’s family and jose. said he would feed him Just as I told denly inquired: him to. I think he w ill; he's afraid friends. "See anything of the girl I brought of me. Calls me a 'devil man.* I told out of Red canyon? Lottie Carl Is We do not hang a murderer him tf the owl wasn't all right when her name. She's staying with Widow for revenge, nor to exact im­ I got back Td make many pictures C o lt” possible justice from him, but of him without hla queue. He squealed Scissors nodded eagerly. to make it impossible for him like a r a t A ht I hear an owl now. ‘T v e seen her on the street with to commit another offense such Some one's ghost la trying to tell Mrs. Colt. She never goes out alooe. as he has committed. A rattle me things." That makes me remember something snake or a man-eating tiger is You give me the creeps,” sleepily else— K itty the Schemer went to tbe said Dlnsdale. a menace to mankind. Beasts Colt house. The widow tent her out They had rigged an extra blanket like Leopold and Loeb are flying. They say K itty was mad over some low hanging branches as enough to chew up a harness. I ’d for­ the same. To support either of a protection against the dew, and Dina gotten all about that." them in confinement at public dale crawled under this and was soon "So?” gritted Dlnsdale. "How much expense is unjust to the tax­ asleep. Scissors remained for an­ more have you forgotten?” payers and unkind tp the offend­ other hour, blinking at tbe cools and " I don’t know," wag the frank re­ er, for life imprisonment is a absent-mindedly playing with tbe scis­ ply. “Probably a lot. Since I became far more severe punishment sors. A long-eared owl called to the wakan I've forgotten lots of foolish between us and Deadwood they’ll be eye of the Are and a timber wolf than instant and painless death. stuff.” euro to have a camp and show a howled dismally. Covering the coals Furthermore, there is always "Please don't forget we're golns smoke.” with gravel the picture man crawled the possibility that the captive The conical mass of Mato Tlpl, ris­ back to Deadwood City. When dt In beside his companion. ing abruptly from the plains to • may escape and be again a men­ we strike for the gulch?" Sunrise was free from tog and the ace. Experience has shown “We're wide of the s t ^ e road, and height of twelve hundred feet, pre­ two were up with the first light and better so,” readily replied Scissors sented a singular appearance and one that this occurs oftener in the eating their prepared food. Scissors “Those men on horseback will string that appealed strongly to Dtnadale'e Cine of an im prisoned rourdervi was still apprehensive of danger, for COPYRIGHT tog THE 6 0 0 9 5 - MERRILL CQ out and trad along in twos and three« love for the unusuaL Already It had he would have no fire kindled. They IContlnuedi i than in that of a captive beast. right Into the gulch. Some of them a distinct personality for him, an a t­ went without coffee, and the omission That is why the command "You savin to know lota about In I whipped and these hills are at their wilt even risk riding Into the town mosphere resting on legends end the Dlnsdale sullen. On being was given, “Whoso sheddeth Jiuia," complimented Dtnadale, Dow i mercy. I dreamed of u thunder-atorm made Each one will be watching out tot beliefs of tbe 'red men. Shortly before noon they rode through a few nights ago. That meana a fight." questioned Scissors said It was difficult you. I f we follow the middle branch man’s blood, by man shall his throwing off hla own abstraction. the dry bed of Elk creek and by mid­ of thia creek to Us head we’U be only to climb unless one followed path« My mind la half red," murmured * “Your mind Is red, all right" blood be shed.” day arrived at Bear creek. Halting Scissor« “I refuse to believe muny supersti­ ut Bear only long enough to rest their a few miles south of Deadwood. from the northwest or southeast side« ______ - ■ - ■■ “Do you want to ylatt the top?" There's an old trail that we c«u take." 'Do you sea anything to put you tions of the white men. Ahead Is a mounts and swallow some meat and branch of the Box Elder ; we can camp breud they entered a wide vctley, run­ on edgal" OUR LOVED RELATIONS “Listen, Scissors; I'm not afraid ol asked Dtnadale “Only for the sake of looking for a those horse thieves trying any gams " I see nothing, but I feel. I'm there.” ning north and south, with Bear butte hostile smoke. I f alone Td want to go, They crossed the head of the branch close to Deadwood. Let's take the v.ikan— I feel things before they hap- show Ing six mllea ahead. They camped An exchange says a Marion ¡X n." and halted at a bend where Pinedale on the lower fork of Bear Butte creek most direct way to town. I ’m keen to as It was thero, at the top of Mato onuhty m an it in a q u a n d a ry a t TtpL that I gave tha Ogalala Teton "Sorehead has gueesed ‘our trick T" found the charred sticks of old catn- get back." Dlnsdalc's mood improved when the slip. I went with a band to place to how fie shall vote for United "I feel red. It's Indiana I feel. There Ares. Scissors picked up a rusty hunt­ and Scissors grinned cunningly, Scissors kindled a fire and placed the “Strike right out and have you get small rocks tn the trees In memory of States senator I »ecause ix>th Mc­ oust be a big band quite close to the ing knife mid some empty cartridge coffee on to bolL Scissors, too, was shells. Into a fight?” he said. “ You'd say the dead. I came down the southeast Nary and Miller are blood rekb ,111s." In a better humor and he made an “Not Indian," he said. "Too many elaborate picture of the flat-topped you'd killed a horse thief. How would slope In the dark." tions to him in the same de­ ‘Nonsense," scoffed Dtnadale. “An hour or two won’t make any you prove It? The town would say have beep tn the ghuat lodge of lire*. Too big. This must be where butte. gree. The Enterprise is' In thi l e "I Ugalala and watched them bury the Custer expedition camped In 'sev­ you’re a natural-born gun fighter and difference. W e ll climb It and have ; • What are they saying about me tn same fix—iyoth candidates an I e red cloth to please UnktallL the enty-four on Its outward trip from Deadwood City, Sctsaoral" always looking for trouble. They'd re­ look around," agreed Dlnsdale. related to it in the same degree enter god, a ad hla wife, the earth the hills." Secretly pleased at thia decision member you left a dead man behlud The picture-man seemed to be be­ viz: They are subscriiiers, and :>lrlt. I have watched ' the circle To the east was a long ridge and be­ when you Ut out with Pyrites. It Scissors brought up the horses and fuddled for half a minute. He stared their subscriptions ale paid in I: nee, when they sang their songs to yond that the plains begun. The trav­ at Dtnadale stupidly while his wits would never do to mark your return short ride brought them to the middle he Waktnyan, the thunderers. Many elers refrained from making a Are un­ tried to formulate an answer. At last advance. with another dead man. San Juan Joe fork of the creek. Splashing through I men believe th f white men are til after sunset for fear the smoke said—I Jjiat remember It this minute— the shallow waters Scissors led the he blurted out We advise the Marion county might be seen by their pursuers. They that you couldn't stand having an­ way toward the southeast slope. As “You ain't blamed for killing Bandy man to do as this editor will dt other killing to your credit till the they advanced tbe mystery place be­ Allen. Some men whisper that you’re —vote for the man whosi first one Is forgotten. Ha has lota of came even more Interesting. Dlnsdale a road agent. Others otter to bet course in the senate will, in hit Influence In town, but be can't use It was surprised to discover he was an­ your'e a train robber." judgment, be best for the peo­ ticipating pleasure from the trip. all up on one man.” “How would you bet?" They dismounted at a stretch of ple of America and of the world. Dlnsdale took a few farewell puffs "Train robber." was the prempt re­ Mr. McNary has done much at his pipe and knocked out the heel, •crab-spruce at tha base of the butte ply ; and Scissors reached in hla pocket end Dlnsdale was astounded at tbe ab­ end surrendered. good in the senate, and has tht G ro w n a, b rid g e w ork and fillin g s . I t w ill for another piece of paper. "You have rupt change In hla companion's de­ “Tm not looking for troubl« I ’m more style In throwing money around advantage, as has Coolidge, ol pay you to get m y prices ou your d e n ta l work. portment. It was a t if tbe Influence of reedy for the middle fork of this than the agwnta have." being already in the office, and C uaick b an k b u ild in g , A lb a n y creek. We'll make town as aoon as Mato Tlpl. the Orlssly Bear lodge, had "Still you think It’s safe for mo to the probability is that both ol possible and without making the eagle reached down and gripped tha picture- go back to townl" them will be elected, but scream." idbd and bad stripped him of reason. “I'm a mystery man. I see things “doubtful things are mighty "That'a my notion,” heartily In­ From bis pocket he produced the other folks don't see. There's a woman unsartin.” out at the for­ dorsed Scissor« “Turning In? Think string of horsemen, c who'd do you harm, yet she'd act fool u im iii iU H l McNary and Miller l»oth avow H l sit up a while and think things mer camp, and, singing tn the Teton Ish If you'd be kind to her. She's support of prohibition, which o u t I don’t sleep welL Too many dialect, proceeded to detach tbe fore­ talking and trying to make medicine against you. But folks thinks she's dream« Some are bad. Price ■ man most rider and pin the long atrip and coincides with the ideas of tht the single picture around Dtnadale'e pays for being wakan.” Jealous. San Juan Joe is your friend. Enterprise, But— hat He speaks good words to the men of Nor did Dlnsdale reet well that The peace of the world will "W hat the devil I" sharply demand­ the city council about you. He tells night He dreamed of Lottie Carl be­ probably l»e assured, if at all ir. them you're going Into a business deal ing In the power of K itty tbe Schemer, ed Dlnsdale, submitting to the decora­ this age, through the league of with him. Then thersfs the way you of Mayor Farnum suddenly turning tion because of bis surprise nations. The United States “Don’t do anything. Don’t look. came through Red canyon. Folks can't Into a savage, of San Juan being which laid the foundation foi forgot that. Every time they see the killed In a fight Ha was up early Don’t say anything. Don’t touch a the league, must some day little girl they remember that. All and wondering what conld be tha mat­ gun. We’ve run Into a trap," whis­ that's against you Is Just talk. Bad ter with hla nerve« lie walked some pered Bclssoro. cease to sulk outside and comt “Indians?” muttered Dlnsdale, stand­ talk.” distance from the camp tn tha hope in. The sooner the better ing motionless. "Scissors, I sweep my hat low to that exercise would Clear away hla Mr. McNary voted, not with his “In the scrub Just beyond the mouth you. You have some brains. I believe He Feund Where Someone Had Dug of the path. They'll riddle as If we party but with the Lodge bhx you've read tbe cards right—all except Inte the M arly Shale, which at the time controlled his try to mount Do as I do and show about the Jealous won*»* *» party; against our entry into “Every one believes that. The wom­ feeling of depression. Ha found where no fear when they break cover.” He kneeled and began picking up the league. The renaissance ol an shows It In lots of her talk. There’s some one bad dug Into the marly the Turk and the slaughter o) no other explanation for the way she aha)« and, being Ignorant of geology, small rocks, searching for those round Dlnsdale dropped I gets after you. The town was stirred was much surprised to discover fish and unweathered. the Armenians are among the i up a bit over Allan's death for a day spines and a colled cepbelopod In the down beside him and blindly Imitated results of that action. I or so. but now decent fotka are glad broken formation. He carried hla dis­ hit example. And at he picked up tbe Mr. McNary also voted foi coveries back to display to Scissor« stones Scissors sang In English the he's dead. I f you go back and quiot Newberry, whose case raised The picture-man was setting out the song he had sung tn the Teton: down no one w ill trouble you. such an odor that he resigned last of their m eat Finishing hla task From everywhere they ooms flying. “San Juan tolls every one you and as soon as he could after he had be explained; he ere to organise a flume company to From the north the wind Is blowing le earth. paid for his whitewash by “Either Indian« while hunting for supply hydraulic power. T hat catches Rattling, flying, they come, they com« voting with the bloc against new medicine, or the men with the From everywhere they cem« every one's fancy Six asso killed by the league. Indians within four mikes of Dead­ •»eventy-four expedition did IL The ex­ He retted singing and made a little wood since you went away. Patrick pedition quit the hills along about Mr. Miller stands flat-footed and Saulsbury offer live huedred re­ hero, for they visited Bear butt« We mound of the stones, using those Dtne- for the league, and for that ward for tbs capture of any man who can visit tha b utt« too, If you care to. dale had collected at well a t hla own. will get the vote of the editor helped run off twenty bead of their I t ’s only five miles from here and hut On tnp of the pile he placed hla pic­ beet Stock from the French O ee k Mo­ short distance beyond tbe middle ture of Mato Tlpl with a single stone fork, where we re bound for. Woa't to keep It from blowing away. Then tion. They threaten to Mop their TERJURY ENCOURAGED" rising to hla feet and throwing back stare* If the here« thieves aren't take moro'n thirty minutes to climb IL caught pretty soon. Ao yoU see the From the top we can see ell over (Continued on page J) There are phases of the ad gulch hie othey tklngn on Ita mind be­ creation. I f Easy and hla fr ie a li aro sides you and your d< tngn." m in is tra tio n of o u r laws th a t en "I see. Any Strang* its In to w n F courage perjury. One of the», fldseors raped Is OJld emasemenb V/e have a is the admission in evidence of 4% m ile , "Strangers! W hy, you must kpow Z ? th e m o u thin gs of * experts * they're comiF.g and f jt a g all the time. south of B ro w n sville . ->n good roat* Only theg Son t go ftp- beceoee of the W ill «aw out yo u r order fo r 15 fiO rid your system o f Catarrh of Deafncai “psycho-analysts” and con Indian«" * a thousand. D elivered H a ls e y , $18. caused by Catarrh. scienceless ignoramuses w ith1 fcto h —er so ysort Shannon A M a r tin , R , 2 , Haleey. -< HU PENDEXTEK_> , Dr. C. FICQ, Dentist “ PLATES • v»i NUCKN THAT F IT ” 1 W ilie SCO o . \Y. F R U M NeW a n ,l b e st g rad e ol' S©COHtl Sacks on hand M arket p rice s paid lo r a n y kind o f R A IN A N D HA A m e ric a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. H.ty is w orth ju s t as m uch in sto rag e as you m ight get for it in case o f lice. Th y A m erican Eagle l i r e In su ra n c e co m p an y will pay you 85%' o f th e cash value in easel o f loss by fire. Sawmill C. P. STAFFORD, Agent 9 — H a ll’s C a ta rrh Medicine F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio