(Á 4 C oQ / ¿ v / y HALSEY ENTERPRISE HALSEY, U N N CO., OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 17, 1924 W ill a Halsey Pupil Halsey Happenings Get $ 15,000 Prize? and County Events S T A T E IN C O M E T A X STANDS Industrious Thief News Notes From Visits Halsey A ll Over Oregon Court of Last Resort Decides Against the Wold-be Invited to Study Eyesight Short Stories from Sundry and Lighting Sources Shirkers. They Must Pay Carries on His Person a Epitome of Event« in the Beaver State The state supreme court has thrown out the spplioation for an in- Wagonload of Loot (The Open Wiudow) junction against the colitc'.ion of the slate iuootne tax. That body Mia* Dori* Lake zpeut the week G. J. Rike, a farmer southeast Native bred wild ducks a r e ____ bolda that the legislature had full constitutional authority to euact A gigantic essay contest, end iu Eugene. of town, makes an interesting paratlvely plentiful in waters of JDssak the law. Now the suspeuded collections may be resumed. fostered by the light and power Freda Koch left for Portland report of some of last Sunday’s tills county. i industry with the fullest co­ Friday morning. Ih e suspended payments will probably be made payable Oct, 1. activities in that section of a tall, Bids tor the construction of a 1100,4 operation of the educational slim individual, dressed in black 00# Junior high school Iu Astnrta w ill forces of the country, will be j Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Taylor and wearing a pair of brown eyes, be opened by the school hoard Octet become Mrs. Robert Leonard of went to Salem Sunday. launched Oct. 1. The subject who failed to leave his name or her 1. t Portland. of the essays will be "B etter address. Mrs. Arm strong and Helen J. E Thompson, for the past 30 year« Lighting in the Home.’’ Mrs. Eldora Boylan went to The sabbath day pilgrim took a drove to Eugene Thursday. Elaine Woodworth started Albany Tuesday. About 100,000 boys and girls good suit of clothes and other gar­ chief auditor in the state industrial Herman Steinke and little too her school a t Brush Creek Mon­ accident commission, died at the hem« in the state of Oregon will be W illis Hale left yesterday to ments at Mr. Pence’s. At P. Si­ of his mother In Salem day. mons’ he annexed a violin, a suit eligible to compete for prizes went to Eugene Monday. attend the Eugene Bible univers­ Paint ib being applied to Frum'» Railroad service between TlllamooH case and a few garments. B. M. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fee of ity. th a t have been offered. In M iller lost to him a suit of clothes and Portland was halted by tercet Portland, alone, about 35,000 warehouse and M r*. Wheeler's res­ Lebanon spent Sunday at the Mr. and Mrs. W J. Lane are and an Odd Fellows’ 80-year pin. fires at Wakefield and Snark, abeut Cecil H arrison home. children will have a chance to idence. expected to returu to Oregon after A flashlight and a fountain pen dis- 38 miles from Tills mock take part. J. J. Corcoran is putting in a Jim Burson returned from their visit east. disappeared from Spurlin’s home. More than SO forest fires were start­ The first prize will be a $15,- new cement walk at Bert Clark's Independence last week where Miss Gretia Harrison retu rn ­ He touched S. C. Veatch more ed In the Umpqua natlenal forest by 000 model electrical home, residence. he has been picking hops. ed to Brownsville Thursday, af­ heavily, taking a suit of clothes, a severe thunder storm A heavy which will be erected in the city M r, Burbank has cement found­ an extra coat and vest, a flash­ rain which followed extinguished tha Schoo, opened in town with ter a visit to Newport. or town where the w riter of the ations laid for his residence and light, a suitcase and a 22 rifle. tires. the usual number of pupilo en Oveta Mse Ubsr and John W first prize-winning essay lives, lumber is arriving. Chinook salmon eggs totaling 4,000,- rolled and all the faculty pres' Fountain jr. of W alterville were His ambition grew as he pro­ or any place where he or she gressed and at Mr. Hike's he took 000 have been taken out for planting Mrs. Grace Foote underwent a ent. married Monday at Albuny. desires. Ten valuable universi­ a third suitcase, a fourth suit of ! from the McKeusle river hatchery, ty scholarships worth thous­ sutgical operation at Eugene last School begins at Ash Swale Leland and Carol Robe of clothes, two watches, some money ands of dollars are the other Thursday. Her mother, Mrs. F. Monday, with last year’s teach­ eastern Oregon have been visit­ and a box containing aome papers Last year the record wag 16,000,000 ««<*■ prizes. !•«■ <| W . Robinson, is staying with her er, George Howe, teaching ing at the home o, W . H . Kirk. of more value to Mr. Rik» than A car of Oregon Wealthy apples was The director in charge of the uutil she is able to be around. again this year. to him. They left Friday for Elmira. ■old at auction at Naw York at I I 16 CP contest in Oregon is A. C. Mc- M r and Mrs. N. A. T inik, who A rriving at H . L. Straley’a, he Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison Micken, Portland Electric Pow­ have been visiting at thg J. C. and Mrs. Anna Gamble called at Mrs. C. A. Bland and a,in Les­ seems to have concluded to call it 8 60. averaging 63.37 for a u ra fancy er company, Portland, Oregon, Bramwell residence, participated the Cecil Harrison home Sun­ ter Samuel left yesterday for a a day and, with a suitcase tlung and I2 90Q3 60, Averaging $2.90 for fancy. from whom additional informa­ in that long day’s auto trip. day afternoqp. visit to Athena and to attend the over his hack and one io each One of tha army Da Haviland aln- The Tinicas expeet to reside at tion may be secured. Pendleton roundup. hand and tha violiu under his arm. planes used on forest patrol was badly Carmelita Woodworth retu rn ­ All boys and girls 10 years St. Helen’s. he took a scoot to Halsey and de­ A stubble fire on the Lasley parted on a south-bound train. He wrecked at Eugene when it struck a old or over, attending public, Clifford Carey and his wife ed to McMinnville last Week. private or paroohial schools, are left Wednesday for Eugene, She enters her second year at farm south of town last week seemed well pleased with himself fence at the edge of tha muntolpal Tuesday ran over 250 acres and mid the world aud chummy toward aviation field. where they will make their Linfield College. eligible to take part. destroyed a lot of fence but the brakeman, exhibiting Mrs Half of the town of Misters was da- home during the coming school Mr. and Mrs. Ira Lawrence Miss Lillian Reynolds and year. They will both attend and daughter LaNeve spent was put out by about 30 vol­ Hike’s watch and taking the violin ■troyad by fire which started la tha C. L. Olat hotel, apparautly from • unteers from town and country from ita case and caressing it. brother Roy went to Jefferson the Eugene Bible university. Sunday a t the Briggs home. * defective flue. The lose waa natlmat- before it reached other farm s. Eugene ofiicvre were notified by Thursday to spend a few days Lawrence Wells went to Eu­ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gamble wire that he was on tha way, but ad at $26.000. at the home of their aunt, Mrs. gene W’ednesday to register at and son Cecil returned Sunday he lett the train, carrying his Thirty boys of Polk county, who H. W. White. the Bible university, which he from Independence, where they Peace in Polk Road Celebration load, without being apprehended. have been raising Jersey calves for will attend this year. Miss Mrs. S. M. Hansard of Le­ Genevieve is staying a t home have been picking hops. W . L Wells and family and Likewise Monday morning, when exhibition at tha state fair, will gather banon was in Halsey Thursday. to rest this year. She expects Mrs. Adda Ringo went Friday to he was aoan again, there were no at Rickreall September 10 and bold Miss Grace Beatty entered an amateur Jersey show, the celebration, at Helmick park, prying officials around. Linfield College as a freshm an to enter college next fall. The state highway rommlealow at • four miiee from Mon mouth, of the last week. Miss Beatty receiv- Albany’s Only W hile passing the Mitzner place ed meeting bo bold In Portland Sep­ the . scholarship from 10Qn,f™ “ tho "or th-and-souih School opens Monday. In the tember 20 to will last Saturday some tourists from Brownsville high open btda tor tha eon school last P"™d high school the teachers are struct Ion of approximately 10 mHeo Ohio turned their csr over in the Mrs Helmick of Albany, 101 Henry F. English, principal; of naw road and one bridge. ditch. A lady was driving, and year. je ais old, had been elected queen Mrs. Inez Freeland, assistant; thought her boy was in danger from of the day, I tit d t t n ed it inadvis Hop crop estimates nt Dragon are Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Harrison In the being revised upward as a result nt a bee. In trving to scare the in­ and daughter Marvel drove to • able to undergo the fatigue of the Mrs. Irma Shotwell. sect away she lost control and the ' occasion. giades, Louise Robnett, seventh the last surveys nt the W lllam attw O U R N E W P R IC E LIST: upset resulted. The little fellow Portland last Monday of last » A dispute over the location of and eighth; Mrs. Irma G. valley yards. Figure# now ptoee the week, returning Tuesday even­ was extricated from under the car ing. The trip was made in the highway in Polg county had Blackburn, fourth, fifth and 1914 crop at close to 60.S(M hales. Double Vision Lenses anhurt except for scratches and held up its completion until now, sixth ; Mrs. Eldon Cross, first, Two large barns an Morris Koons' Clarence Boggie’s “ Essex.’’ bruises. The father and mother Ultex, $18.5«; Kryptok. $17:50. but the county court and the slate second and third. term, 12 miles north of Eugene op Peerless, $16.50; Brights. $l5;50. escaped injury. They were bound Rev. M. S. Woodworth, commission have at last harmon­ the Pacific highway, together with a Cemented Segments. $14.50. for California- Charlie Powell, Mrs. Thomas ized, at least outwardly. There are 21 tunnels in one large quantity of hay aad grata and The affairtwaa a bome-coming stretch of 21 miles on the new some machinery, were destroyed by Mrs. Gustaveson and Everett Standish died Monday and Single or Distant Vision Lenses morning In a tubsrstilosis hospital daughter Blanche were dele­ to Mr. Welle, who lived for many Klamath cut-off. Men are rush­ fire. 6 D Curve Tone, $13.50 ; Mencius, at Salem, aged 27. He entered a gates a t the B aptist state con­ years in I’olk, and old acquaint­ ing outdoor work during the R P. Bonham of Tori land, district ■ $12.50. ances occupied much of his time sanitarium four 'years ago last vention last week. good w eather and when the Immigration Inspector, was In Salem lJ i I) Curve Periscopic, $12;50; while there. Ho whs elected as­ month and since theo authorities Fists' $10 50. rains come they will work in arranging for the deportation of eight sessor of Polk county in 1880 and Fitted in Zilo, gold-filled or rimless and his family have left nothing The summ it on Inmates of tha Oregon stats peniten­ A. M. Byrd went to Portland served the term when many of the tunnels. frames. undone that would tend to bis Friday. the pass is 7800 feet above the tiary and eight patients 4 t the state For heesvy Z ilo frames add $1 to $2. the roads vere impassable to wag­ comfort or prolong his days. The hospital. sea. Deduct $2 for second-grade lent. ons most of the year. disease toward its conclusion de- (Continue ’ on page 4) Earle Stanard was in Albany Reading glasses. $2.50 to $10. veloped into tubercular meningitis Friday. Bancroft Optical Co. and drugs were resorted to to re­ Mrs. J. C. G reear of San Die­ lieve the pain. Funeral at the 313 West First street, Albany, Ore. go returned to her home F ri­ Halsey Methodist church today. Brownsville Briefs EXCLUSIVE OPTICAL PARLOR Ask about Punktal, the perfect lent. (Continued fro m pegs J) day, a fte r a two-month’s visit with her m other, Mrs. M. W. Windom. Miss Bessie Templeton has National Gingham Week Coming a« it does at the open­ ing of the school year, it strikes a particnlarly timely note and reaches the housewife at a time when she is particularly inter­ ested in home sewing. They are fast colors, 32 inches wide, and come in many new and beautiful designs and rolorings- 30c ra n n rn n n a GOOD GOODS " f Ever in A lb a n y • Remodeling Sale We are going to remodel the D a v e n p o r t Music house and we m ust have 5 • rooni We have the very latest up-to-date Pianos, Haleov Church of Christ Church of C h ris t: Lou Chamlee, minister. Bible school, 10, W. H . Robert­ son, superintendent. Christian Endeavor, 7. Morning worship, 11. Lord’s »upper every Lord's day. Evening service, 8, The church without a bishop, in the country without a king. I f you have no church home come and worship with us. Methodist: K OONTZfi R E A D T H IS : Most Startling Piano Sale • Church Announcements We Feature Kalbumie Ginghams J Robert Parker, pastor. Sunday School, 10. Preaching, 11. Intermediate League, 7. Epworth League, 7. Prayer meeting Thursday, 8, Preaching, 8. J • made by. the Baldwin Manufacturing company, which have no superior. These pianos will be sold at the : BIGGEST BARGAINS • * SATURDAY. SEPT. 13 • These pianos are going, and going quickly. We m ust sell, so don't be the last one to como in. If you want a bargain in a piano now is your chance. Everything in the store 15 per cent oft'. All musical goods, PHONOGRAPHS, ORGANS, VIOLINS, HORNS—everything in this line IT» per cent oft. Bo the first and have your choice. • : D a v e n p o rt M u s ic • : S ever known in this city. This sale will start • B • S 2 q 4 0 9 W E S T F IR S T S T . A L B A N Y Z a * a £ H ouse • •