HALSEY E N T E R P R IS E PAGE 4 »e**aeea G L O B E * 8 S Pick of the Big Piet area 8 THOMAS j 14-U ME1GHAN P IE I) P IP E R f, Booth Tarkington’s famous • story AND T H E N COMES NORMA TALMAGE in S E C R E T S Halsey Happenings ate. p a r* I) Glen Chance was in Albany Saturday. Miss Mary La Rue went to Albany Friday. Miss Eugene W. J. Halsey Enid Veatch went to Friday. Carey of Eugene visited between trains Thurs­ day. R. C. Barclay, auditor for the Southern Pacific, was at the de­ pot Saturday. Lawrence Taylor and Mrs. Douglas Taylor are home from their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bramwell 1 I I t I I • I k » r li o • e k • « t ■ P P ti P fa u P « U P* h t< P< (N P> kl OS *1 »1 fai as co tu PO eo to ba th< «V tk t* th. a ml wt ■a ba MB tin pn • Ila er •n A* P* ti« »at riti «lut pro far all. aha nai ■at oat no» «* t la I the the •n attd Howard Tertian went The value ef all farm property ta Oregon has increased »74 have a milking ma- We are ia poution to faroish * report issued by the Port of A» In »0 year«, while the aumber of acre« of improved farm land In th» stats torts shows that between July 1 •end and contract for Fred Sylvester is putting a August 11 of thia year 411 carload* has increased only 47 per cent, ac­ Reconditioning Shop » ■ concrete floor in his barn. or 271.572 bushels ol wheat were re­ cording to a preliminary stady just 1 0 0 A C R E S «>» Parts for Ail Cars completed by Andrew Miller. f i« 4 ceived from interior point* E. E. Gormley is recovering secretary of the Oregoa Bankers’ asso­ slowly a fte r his recent illness. The question of issuing bond* la the ciation. amount of 1100.000 for rebuilding Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Abraham The farm at the Oregoa Soldiers • flumea on the Central Oregon Irriga­ and spent several days a t Cascadia 212 East First *t„ Albany ? home at Roseburg la a liability rather tion district canals w ill be voted on last week. than an asset at present, according at tbs annual election October 14. 1 0 0 A C R E S of Fbone J79 to a statement made before the state Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Munson The Oregon state fair board ha* board of control by W. M. H ead er were business visitors in A1 appropriated |500 to be used In par ahotL superintendent of the Institu­ bany Saturday afternoon. chasing prise« and arranging a heree- tion. improvements at the home to HALSEY RAILROAD TIME Mrs. N. E. Chandler and aod pay attractive price« for the | shoe tournament to be held In co» coat approximately »17.000 were section with thia year's state fair daughter Agnes and Miss Helen •eed. Must ba grown on land North 8onth recommended by the commandant Williams are picking hops at free ot donieatic rye grata. Eugene I* promised a 1X0.000 pot No. 22, 3:02 a. No. 17. 12:15 p. m. Oregon has the country's cham­ Corvallis. 18, 11:37 a. tery manufacturing plant if eultabl« 3». 7.4« p. m. Come in and talk it over ritb pion coyote trapper, ao tar as Stan­ 24, 4:25 p 31. 11:20 p. m day I* found In the locality, accord Mr. and Mrs. Dick Duncan u* when you come to Albany. ley G, Jewett of the Cnltnd Staten No. 14, due Halsey at 5:02 p. m.. stop, log to E Eagene Chadwick, secretary m d daughter returned S atur­ biological survey can ascertain. He Ito let off passenger» from south of of the Eugene chamber of commerce day from a week’s visit in and la W illiam Snyder of Craae, who, in Bngena. Constance Lockard, k-yeer old daugb the »1 days la August secured 150 ot No^ , 3 1 “ i . 32 *1°? OB,F H around Portland. ter of Mrs and Mrs. C. D. Lockard t h e a n ím a la M r Jewett says a a r a this 'h l. I. I Xoe' and Engene 32, M * od 34 rBn between Port- tne animals. Mr. t« land oaly Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sturgis of died at The Dalle* hoepttal froi the largest kill ever made la this su te Passengers lor south of Roseburg should Rex, spent Sunday a t the home scalds saffered when the Infant pulled or any other la a similar period of | take Na_l7 to Eugene and there transfer if the latte r’s parents, Mr. and a pot of het ten from a tabla ontc time. I to No. 15. Mrs. George F. Schroll. Halsey-Brownsville stage meets traios b ereelf Threshing continues in Oregon un­ 18, 17, 34, 14 and 33 ia order named. Prank C. Riggs of Portland wat der favorable eondltloaa. says tbe Mrs. Frank Gansle and Jam es W right Cary of New nominated governor of the first dla laughter Leila and M r*. Adda iaven, Conn., died Sept. 3rd on trlct of Rotary clubs at a meeting In weekly crop summary ot the weather SUNDAY MAIL HOURS bureau. Some plowing has been dona Ringo and Doris Lake visited the steam er enroute to Panama. Hoquiam. W ash, of more than 1n to ; chine. ALBANY BUN L A Y EFT." It to Willard Batteries J Pure Italian Rye Grass Seed Albany Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Foote drove to Junction City Sunday J and spent the day with home folks. Red Pearl went to Eugene Saturday and returned Sunday E . F O O 'i E He is planning a hunting trip after deer soon. ires xpert workmen , GATES U B ES fficient Equipment ( Vines of 1500 end sentence# to 30 Ing. sorting and unpacking by ma Misses Ida and Amanda Mitz days In fell were given each of five chlnery. The lumber w ill be handled ner went to Salem, Friday and a c c e s so r ie s hunters of elk tn Cooe county by B In packages of about 2000 feet, which Amanda had her tonsils remov­ UTO R e p a irin g p ro m p tly done H. Jaehnk. judge of the Coos county will be an Innovation In the business. ed. They returned Saturday. court. This is the maximum penalty Voters’ pamphlets, giving the for killing of elk. m easures to be voted on this A lfo rd Receipts thus far this year from fall with argum ents pro an con, ( K n t p r p r l» » C o rr» » p o D d » a c e ) motor vehicle registrations In Oregon can lie had a t the postotfice aggregate |4.<»l,774.72, according to Velda C urtis spent Saturday] The Methodist congregation a statement Issued by the secretary night with her friend, V iolet] in Internal Medicine for the last Sunday unanimously voted of state. For the entire year IM S past tw elve years Burnett. receipts totaled t4.OS9.SOMO. to request the conference to continue Mr. P arker as pastor Colonel Pegram W hitworth, in­ (B y an Enterprise Reporter) Miss H attie Dannen of Shedd >E nt»rp rie» Correspondence) here. fantry, has been ordered relieved from visited her sister, Mrs. E. A. | D o e s N o t O p e r a te Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Eagy were The Shedd fair will be next duty with the 9Sth division organis­ Starnes, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Muller \lbany visitors Thursday. Saturday. ed reserves, Portland, and assigned W ill be at spent several days last week Mr. and Mrs. Fred B urkhart i Jim Couey has painted the I ,0 daty *« professor of m ilitary science with Mr. and Mrs. Kitchen near Hop picking in the McLaren of Salem spent some tim e at H O T E L ALBANY A1 Nelson home. at th# University of Alabama. Portland •/ard was finished Saturday. their farm last week. and Mrs. Ritchie will „ * "** ‘ °* “ As “Mary succeeds on Main Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kinghten m n Mr. Wedneeday, Oct. 1. vt. n - knot* and manned by IS men and J. N. B urnett and family are th#lr offlce among I turned Saturday from a visit to heart and nervous trouble. the eatables sold there. I relatives in Dayton and Walla over Sunday from Portland. May' w* ' nan,ed «»efendnnt in a suit C. J. Minch Estacada, Ora., kidacy (5c a line) where she is in training to be a f“*d *“ ,he clrcult co,‘rt at 8ale“ Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Bond and | Walla> Wash. and bladder trouble. nurse. bjr A l,ce Boiell to recover 310.- Mrs Henry Baker. Banks, O ra., gall Wellin*ton Mr. and Mrs. Vance Stenmxl j ». 000 for the «Heged alltnatlon of Fred Pups far sale, Airedales. Call J stoaas and appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Ed \\ llloughby | Botell o affections. ' a / ,x-weekB } r,P and Mr*. Lydia Davis of Port- at meat market. E. C. Nichols, La baa on, Ore., appen­ dicitis. The state board of forestry has ask wuM. ™ " Y T land visited at the R. K. Stew- were in Shedd several days moving their furniture to their ed th * state budget commission for r . , , ____, - i Remember above date, tbal con. n V / eXpeCtn ? V,SlS ,n arl ho,,u‘ >*b°r day- Old paper, fo r .a fc .t 5c a bundle , olt. tio. on tb i, tri wj , b . fre< new home at Bend. Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, New I an aUownnce ot 2111,45« with which at the Ent.rpr.se office. | BD2000 worth of prop­ asked of Govuraor Pierce by a com­ Notice is hereby given that tbe Anal plant and w ater system and is ing weather. Then the moon erty belonging to Bob Cogswell mittee consist mg of Oswald West, ex vol«d for at the November election. acceuat of B. H Gormley as adminis­ E. F. Choee, City Reoorder. trator at the estata of Emaline Gorm­ changed and down came rain and J. N. B urnett last Saturday governor of Oregon and George Black, ley, dcceaacd, has bean Sled in the « •e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ** Sunday evening. Those who at the Cogswell place, south­ public, accoq ntant. a t » ta te d by him County Court of Linn Connlv, Stale of W ANTED Prices were to taewetlgite stock and bond sales A D L E R lK A get th eir w eather from the west of town. Oregoa. and tbe 15th day of Septem­ good. Cattle sold as high as Responsible man or woman of ber. 1924, at the hour ef 10 e'clech a. in thia emue moon and plant their peas and relieves sour slotneob, gas, good addrees, wiib anto, for a few az., has been duty appointed by said potatoes in the moon ought to $ 9 5 a head. Constipation, bad breath and T V ee trainmen were burned, two Court for the hearing of objections to day« or longer to discipline th a t unrully satellite «iok headache because it re- .. I 2**» ily. when the engine and three said Anal socount and the settlement of the earth or come down to mov»s the cause of these ail­ Mr. and Mrs. ClifTord Carey hp.ded care of a logging train oa the thereof, i t which time say person inter­ ested in said estate may appear and Ale earth for th eir w eather and f St| ments. I l is • thorough in­ visited Mrs. Carey's i Fvregoa Pacific A Eastern railway objections thereto in writing nad con­ testinal elesnar. their c ro p s.__________ fattier in \\ ishington s ta te ,' west through the W eltoa bridge two among farmers, Pereen familiar test the same saw the Columbia highway, and «sllee from Cottage Grove. Elmer Mot- wiih farm affaire. Dated and Arst published August 14, Address, with . at R IN G O ’S DRUG STORK . Mrs. A. C. Arm strong drove Visited in Portland. They IT . ter. 3«. hrakeaiaa. and Sim Brandt, references as to responsibility, As- 1424, t . R. GoBMLOT. « « •e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I to Eugene Thursday, Aamaistrator Aforesaid. turned Thursday. engineer, died ta the Eogene hoepttal TQh Bt LKKi.gr, care Enterprise, • H A L SEY GARAGE, A. • AU™ T E Coming to Albany HALSEY, Oregon Arrows Dr. Mellenthin Specialist Pine Grove Patters Shedd Snapshots IO N E DAY O N LY 1 *en? Collect and Solicit A mo * A. T c s s in s , Att'y fet Admr. 1 I