Mrs. Maj’ Miller and son Wil- ford went to Newberg Friday to visit G. T. Kitchen and fam i­ ly. i . «» « rectory SEPT. 11, 19’ « Continued FARM LOANS HALSEY STATE BANK W rite tor booklet describing our 20 1 year Rural Credit Amortized Loans The loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ tiring the principal Cheap rates. No delay. " B bam L and C o ., l ,133;Lyon-street, Albany, Ore. This is-good advice: " I t you live in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live in souie other town, trade in that town." B u tin these automobile ilays many re­ siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at lowest rate of interest. at least part ot their buying in the larger town. Those who go to Albany Real Estate Insurance to transact business will find the Grins named below ready to fill their require­ Prompt service. • Courteous treatment. ments with courtesy an 1 fairness. W m B ain , Room 5, First Savings Bank bnilning, Albany FARM LOANS A C C E S S O R IE S A ND T IK E S A lb a n y Floral Co. Cut Dowers products 202 Second W m . höflich . uto Electric Service— Recharg­ A able A & B batteries— W IL L A R D storage battery. Phone 23. 119-121 W. Second st. H. D. Preston—J. C. Cochran lue Bird Reataurant, 309 Lyon B W h y suffer from headache ? H ave y o u r e y e s e x a m in e d B F. M . F R E N C H r u n s w ic k “I'm sober enough* to locate two- ounce diggings within fifty rod of here blindfolded," proudly assured the pros­ pector. Dlnsdale growled in disgust. ‘‘See here. Try to remember this when you wake up tomorrow morn­ ing. I ’m off for Deadwood City. Word from Kan Juan Joe. I make you a present of the grub-stake. Lay off that whisky." "Lord 1 1 hate to have you go 1 Stay till tomorrow and we boys will have some fun tonight. That new cuss knows the same old songs that I do— & SONS J E W E L E R S — O P T IC IA N S PHO NO G RAPH S at W O O D W O R T H 'S Albany, Oregon B urkhart & lee sole agents ter Phenix Pure Paint and Dr, Hess’ Poultry and Stock Tonic $ 3 5 , (X X ) cJnnual Oregon State Fair SALEM - September 22-27 R ely upon Southern Pacific com fortable. convenien t and econom ical service to take you to the fair thia year. v- ♦ T h t I n ltr tf h n g E th iH li - T h t C a y C ro w d » rh t H onr — Z'Ar M o uv Free Pleasure, Recreation, M utation Optometrist, with M rs . B lount . SU R PLU S F o r fu ll train in fo rm a d c » , S. T . F R E N C H street. Hat here when in Albany. Open from 6 to 2 and 5 to 8. AND U . S. & C. T. C. T ires Now. low -p riced (»ill B a tte r ies for M ore ser v ic e and Ford, N o m o re c o st o th e r Star, S k illed A u to r ep a irin g sm a ll cars C h e v r o let A uto a c c e s s o r ie s MORE SERVICE FOR LESS MONEY Shoes that coat less per month of wear G lenn W illard C A P IT A L ARROW GARAGE, Gansle Bros. * and plants. Floral art for every and all oocasions. Flower phone 458-f. Halsey, Oregon Com m ercial and Savings accounts Solicited o Auto Supplies J. H. A llison 442 West First St Parents, Do you know that one out of ivenport Music, company offers every four school children has de­ Piano-case organ, good as new Thtr* w m an old woman. Sad thraa eona— Estey organ, good as new fective Bight? "Drop It ! Listen to me carefully. Used Pianos. Have your children’s eyes ex­ Sober up. Keep your mouth shut. The ---- L----------- ................. ■ -■*---------- ----- sstburn Bros.— Two big grocery amined today aud ascertain if man who calls himself 'Easy' Isn’t as " stores, 212 W- First and 225 South easy as lie pretends. I ’m positive he's their vision is normal. Main. Good merchandise at the right D E the man I cracked over the head with my gun barrel up on the divide." prices. lite Cafeteria and confectionery E CHAPTER V III Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ ings. Courteous, efficient service. W e make our own candies. W . & D uncan . OTriTtiwen Tour horse fs »TrOTT ’ Isn't much good. They've got the best I horseflesh In the hills. This minute I they're pmhably pounding after ua, . taking It easy so’s not to overhaul us till we're quite ■ few miles from Rapid City." DlnsdHl* glanced over the winding back trail, then pleased his companion by saying: "I'm not a fool even If I do wear two belt-guns. We’ll swing one side If you think best I have quite a lot of rndney on me In greenbacks and a 1 decent pot of gold. W hat’s more. San ; Juan Joe Is In a hurry to see me on . a business deal. I can run Just as smart as I can fight.” “Good! Now you make a medi­ cine ta lk !” cried Scissors; and within the next quarter of a mile they turned down a narrow gorge that rsn east. They followed this for less than two miles and then swung back until (hey were moving parallel to the stage road and separated from It by a long ridge Pointing to the ridge Scissors an­ nounced : "From the top of that one can look down on the stage road. I f we had time to spare we could get up there and see If the soreheaded man and his friends are after tts." "We’ll take time. I'd like to be sure If that’s Mr. Easy’s game," declared Dlnsdale. Selssors turned In toward the ridge nnd galloped to a clump of spruce and F po Meade & Albro, A Modern Barber Shop & Southern Pacific carload of hogs to Portland Tuesday. Melba Neal came home from Brownsville Saturday. Clifford Carey will preach a t Methods Changed Consider­ Oakland, Oregon, next Sunday. ably in Past Few Years. Mrs. May Smith and son (Prepared bv tb« Unlt®4 Btaxaa Depart«•■ ? Fleming spent Sunday a t Lee of AfHewWura 1 Cattle Ranchine I« Becoming Intensive Cattle ranching methods In the United 8tatea have changed much within the last few yeare, with the passing of land Into private owner­ ship and the fencing of range. It will become very Intensive, says the United States Department of Agricol­ ture. as espilai accumulates, prices of beef rlae, and the importance of pro­ ducing enough forage and providing sufficient range to keep the cattle through the winter becomes more presstng. Ranches, says the department, must ba big enough to carry freaa 100 to 800 head of cattle. This means that In many cavee a ranchman must have permits to run a good share of hie live stock on forest ranges It la pre dieted that large ranches will ba dl vided, and that, on tbe other hand, small ranches will ha consolidated Into units of sufficient site for eco­ nomical operation. Ranchmen are now melnly con­ cerned with Improvement of the car rylng capacity of forest range« It la to their Interest, says the depart­ ment, that the ranges. Instead of Be­ ing exploited, should be mada wore productive. H Haves*. H arry Commons came honae Saturday from a fortnight’s hunting trip. Mr. and Mi's. A. C. Ann* strong called a t the Wilbanks home Sunday. Helen A rm strong returned Friday from Portland, where she has lieen visiting. Horace Arm strong and fami­ ly visited at the L. V. Chance home Sunday a fternoon. Mr*. M. C. Bond and daughter» Mira Motia, left yesterday for southern Arisons, where M'>ua will tench achool the coming term, Mr. H offm iu has Installed a Hobart electric sausage grinder et tbe meat market. Moreover, he usea enough ice to ksrp his stock fresh if do not buy it all the first day. F W Sexaucr, Albany painter, bad bath legs broken io su auto accideut in St Ixruir. O " * leg was broken In four places and the other in two. It is repotted that he cannot leave the hospital before Christmas. H F. M. GRAY, Í® DRAYM AN M Cream and Produce Station M M , R s. G IL B E R T & SON S • Builders' and shelf hardware, gar den tool» crockery and glassware. New Stock. New low pnces T IM S O N T H E SHOE DOCTOR S Second street opposite Hamilton's «tore. ' Sodden Service. The Coolness Between Them w . L W R IG H T Mortician & Funeral Director won't last long il tbe coolness happens to be some of our deli­ cious ice cream. Il will prove to be the finest they ever ta-U tl. No matter how tired or warm you may be a dish of Clark’s ice creaui will Telreeh you. Halsey and Harrisburg Call D. T avlor , Halsey, or W. L. W RIGHT. Harrisburg E M A R G U E R IT E SH O PPE pH Shampooing. Marcelling and Scalp treatments. Margaret Countryman, .lobe Theater bldg Phone 158J Prop HK S P E C IA L T Y SH O PPE r for hemstitching and stamped goods, pposlte Hamilton's, 118 W. Second a t ¡ET-tldo Anderson A Son. dietnb- rv atora and dealers for Maxwell, Chal- lera, Essex. Hndsoo A Hupmobil« cara, creasories. It pnliee. 1st A Broada'bin. New furniture and farm machinery bought sold aad exchanged at all time» B E N T. S U D T E L L Phene 76-R, 12J N. Broadalbin » t, Albany DR W H E T S T O N E D E N T IS T Clark’s Confectionery HALSEY H O TEL Wednesday aud Friday »••••••••••••••••• 12 to 8:30 Any Girl in Trouble BARBER SHOP tuay cottiti) unicalr wtib Mott, W h itt Shield Hante, » 5 .Marfa ' r First-class Work »J. W S TE PH E N S O N . l'** °* th* Salvation Army at the iH e e e e e e g e e e e a tH a e e e H * I * Foitland, Oregon. a* m m .ta i C . P . M O O D Y , A gent—Phone 22*’ The Trap at Mato Tipi. Dlnsdale was very curious for tbs latest news from Degdwood City, hut lms developed and printed. Scissors galloped ahead until they We mail them right back to you. were clear of the town and defeated Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, Or­ all attempts at conversation. W l»n egon. the picture-man slackened his pace it was to ask: RD SALKS A N D S E R V IC E "You are still carrying rtonsiderable Tires and accessories money with you?’ Repairs K irk - P ollar M otor C o . "About tlilrty-flve hundred more than I had when I left Deadwood Took p \)rtro ille r Furniture Co., futni- Optometrists, Manufacturing Opticians that much from the fellow with the secured his horse. Dlnsdale did like­ ■T ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges Albany, Oregon wise. A t they neared the crest Beta bu'ated head. I ’m rwnemherfng that Funeral directors. 4’ 7-433 west First I owe you a prise for tipping the ’ sors directed: street, Albany, Oregon. J * - ____ "Take off your hat and play Indian. deck." " I wasn’t thinking of that I knew Just below ua the road narrows. U L L E R G R O C ER Y , 23ö Lyon you'd treat me all right. Any one Stage drivers call It the 'bottle? May­ (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) could have tipped the derffi, but a be Sorehead hasn't had time to fetch Groceries Fruita Produce I.aundrv sent Tuesdays wakan wltshnsha It better tb tn a com­ his friends aloug. Maybe they’re tak­ Phbne 263 R _____________ ¿J_______ mon man,” gravely said Scissors. ‘T v e ing It comfortable and planning to Agency Hub Cleaning Work 1 olman jackson learned things from being around Jump us after we’ve camped. We'll Grocery— Bakery gambling places. Only a rood agent, see." A B E ’S P L A C E Everything in the line of eats or a gambler would bet oo much They cautiously lifted their heads Opposite Postoffice money on on« card like that man did." and pulled aside the grsss. They 0FW "I bet like he did," reminded Dlns- watched for a minute and then beheld ub Candy Co., First street, next Halsey Happenings dale. Ills eyes glinting. daos to Blain Clothing Co. some objects rapidly advancing Into Amor A. Tussing ♦ ’ ’’You’re no road/agent,"',prom ptly Noon lunches. the middle distance. They were horse­ (Continued from pace I* , Heme-made candy and ice Cream. declared Scissors ’’Tou haven’t any men and riding furiously. Dlnsdale L A W Y E R A N D N O TA R Y partners up here. You may be a train counted six. From thetr elevated po­ Indian Summer. ub Cleaning Works, Inc. robber. It's no i business of mine If sition It was Impossible to distinguish H alskv , O regon Cor. Secoond and Ferry Hop-pickihg weather. you’re one or thq other. But that man one from another except the man who Master Dyers and Cleaners hack there worries me He's no gam­ Prune-picking weather. rode next to the leader. He wore Made - T o - Measure Clothes bler or I ’d hsfve seen him in Dead­ something white about bis head Which ia the largest advertise­ wood. A roan} willing to bet ns he did P E R IA L C A FE . 209 W . First "My debt to you Increases, Scissor«," wouldn't hsisg around Rapid City, muttered Dlnsdale. "The second man ment in thia paperf Harold G. Murphy Prop, drinking C^vln'a whisky and singing was Easy, and he's after my money. v Phone 665 Nora Pehrsson has returned to W b nkvsr close his foolish j songs. Not being a gam­ The wey they're traveling shows Willamatte university. bler, nor S'lnlncr. he must be an agent. they're keen to have It over with as AGNETO E L E C T R IC CO. All work done promptly and reason­ As robbing .folks Is his business he • Prof. English’s fam ily is home. soon as possible.” Official Strömberg carburetor serv­ won't knuikle down to losing so much ably. Phone No. 269 'Tm very wakan My pictures ere Ail aet for the school year, ice station. Couiervative prices. All mon«y, nor letting you get away with work guaranteed 119-121 W. Second. wakan But the pictures I see Inside Miea M yrtle Tobey leaves today what was/your own. I f I was a card my head are taku wskan—most mys­ for West Linn to teach school. man I'd bet we'll he held up Inside the arinello parlors H A L SEY terious and wonderful. I dream of next ten' miles " (A beauty aid for every need) hawks, which la very lucky," proudly Frank Tobey and wife and St. Francis Hotel Dlnsdale was frankly ooncerned. al­ retorted Scissors. "Now we m id get daughter from Portland were visit­ Prop., WlNNtFRBD ROSK though he tapped his gugis and grimly hack to the horses end ride fleet For ing at J. W. Gormley'a last week. Cash paid for declarssl: there’s another gorge ahead and It's en and money are best when "Lett them come. • You Just lay low possible Sorehead will begin to sus­ The Pine Grove Community busy. Make your dollars work in Cream, Poultry, E ggs, Veal and when they b' In sight leave pect we’re off the road and ride down Club will have a booth al the Linn our savings department. A lbany S tate B ank . Under government supervision. & Hides. M. H- S H O O K It to me to receive them." the gorge to head os off I shall feel cort, and appointed a committee to consider the erec­ tion of signs at Iwth city lioun- daries telling travelers th a t this is Halsey. Mrs. Irm a G. Blackburn of Scio, who comes with high re­ commendations from County Superintendent Geer, has been secured to teach the fourth, fifth and sixth grades of our schools, left vacant by the resignation of the engaged tiach er under ill health. E verett Standish, who has Iteen in the hospital the past four years, with tuberculosis, was reported so much worse last week th at Mr. and Mrs. Standish went to the state hospital at Salem to he with htm. L ater reports represent him as still sinking. Mi«« LaVelle Palmer went to Harold Smith, who is well- Corvallis for a abort visit Wednes- day. She begins teaching school known about Halsey, was m ar­ ried Wednesday to Miss E sther Monday. Mt«» G «le°* 8andwlck of White- ■on was in town between trains Tuesday, and called at the B. M. Bond borne. __ M ~ »nd Mrs J. C. Standish are at the bedside of their eon Everett, who is very low at the Salem hospital. Time and tide and railroad train* wait for no man. A new t ir e table went into effect Sundav on the S. P. See P«<* t lor U alley train tiros. Don C. Wilson of that sprightly young publication the Corvallis Independent paid thia office a call yesterday. He aeeme aa fu ll of vira aa the paper. Frum & McMahan shipped a Medley of Oakland at tho bride’s home. Miss Medley is a cousin of Mrs. Horace Arm­ strong. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gardner of th is city attended the wedding, accompanied by Adrien Smith, a brother of the groom. Mrs. Eliza Brandon’s grand­ daughter. Mrs. Mabel Miller, who was lost to her for several year» a fte r the San Francisco earthquake and fire, received a visit from her this week. The two ladies went Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Finley of Burbank, Cal., for a visit with Mr». Brandon » son and daughter in Portland. (ConUou«4 en »age 4,