HALSEY ENTERPRISE HALSEY, LINN COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, SEP I . 11, 1*24 H a ls e y H a p p e n in g s can vote by and by ju st the same. a n d C o u n t y E v e n ts Rev. Robert Parker and fami­ p r o g r a m , E v e n in g o f S e p te m b e r 7 8 ly were in Albany Monday. Orchestra Short Stories from Sundry Miss Countryman moves her Bedtime Story hour —20 Albany children “M arguerite Shoppe” beauty Sources “ Florinda,” a fairy play parlor from the Globe theatre Styla Show, 30 minute«—B la ia ’a and Hamiton'a store«. M r. and Mr«. B. M . Bond were building, Albany, to 110 West Mies Meade will display (all etv!»« in Sbur-on optical glasses Second street, on the first floor. in Albany Saturday. Biblical Pageant— “ Jepbthu’g Daughter,” played by Albany’s J. B. Schroll drove over from Evergreen blackberry pickers are leadiug ci tile us. The pageant will portray the life o( Jeplj. Wednesday of last busy around Sweet Home. In spite ot Cushman thah from the time he ia driven Gilead by the jealousy of the dry season there has been a large week and visited his parents, his step-brothers ; he grows to manhood iu the land of Job Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Schroll, till crop of berries. (wrestling and other anoient sports); he is called to lead the Mrs. Mabel Müler of San when he went ° ’n * armies of Israel ; Jephtha’a daughter at home with her com­ panion* awaits tbe triumphant return of the army ; the two Francisco arrived Thursday for Portland months upon the mountain top; the supreme sacrifise ; Mrs. Preston Newton, who a visit a t the home of her peace grandm other, Mrs. Eliza Bran­ has been visiting her parents, Orchestra and chorus will accompany the pageant don. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Forster, took Mr. Elmer Wiiliamsoo, Jephthah the train for Eugene Friday to Misses Lucile and Pauline Mis9 Helen Poling, Jephthah’« daughter visit relatives. She recently Stivers, who have been visiting Judge P. R. K ellv, First Elder a t the J. S. Vannice home, re­ had her tonsils removed and M r. C. AC. Finnerty, The Lover turned to their home at Eugene is not fully recovered. P r o g r a m , E v e n in g o f S e p te m b e r 7 9 Thursday. Mr. Burbank proposes to an automobile service Miss W innifred Rose of the build Talent furnished by leading citizens of Lebanon A Harrisburg Marinello beauty parlors, Al­ station, with residence in rear, Orchestra bany, has so well recovered on the ground between the old Indian Legend— 10 children and youths. trom the injuries she received livery barn and the alley south Style Show, 30 minutes— M Btarnberg ladies’ shop, with Mc­ in an auto accident th at she ex­ of it. The big barn is full of Dowell shoes on Sternberg's models. J. C. Penney models pects to retu rn to the shop be­ hay on storage, some of it two Historical Pageant— " Tbe OrSgou T ra il.” fore the week is out. During years old. As it is emptied out Inidan Fairs her disability she has had a he intends to avail of it as space The Coming of tbe W hite Men—-Lewis and Clark expedition for autos, and it may come in competent m anager in charge. Fur Traders for a remodeling. W estern Oregon soil loses Dr. McLonghlin at Fort Vancouver F. 0 . Salmon and J. W. Pugh lime and potash through leach­ The Coming of the Missionaries ing during our heavy rains. of the Oak Plain neighborhood The Wagon Trail T hat is why the state grinds each bought a new piano last Sham Bxttle W ith tbe Indians. lime and sells it to farm ers a t week from the Davenport mu­ The First C ivil Wedding West of the Rockies The Spirit of Oregon cost. The Southern Pacific com­ sic house of Albany. That com­ Fruits of the Land pany has had printed a pamph­ pany is about to have altera­ let telling how to get and use tions made in its quarters and this lime and containing letters on our front page it advertises A Clean County Fair B r o w n s v ille B rie fs from farm ers who have used it. a special sale of all kinds of W rite to J. H. Mulchay, 705 musical goods to make room for A t most county fairs there Yeon building, Portland, if you the carpenters. are features, tolerated on ac­ W illis Hale visited Eugene yea w ant a copy free. One of the opportunities that count of the revenue from con­ terday. An item copied from and crop up for a farm er to get out­ cessions, to which many object C. E. Holland has bought the credited to another paper last side the ru t and make a few on the grounds th a t in one way milk route from the Brownivills or another they are demoraliz­ week called Cecil Quimby’s ba­ dollars without increasing the creamery. by a boy. I t’s a girl, but th at competition in the main crops ing. The management this year proposes to utilize home talent, Rev. E. L. Wood has been makes no difference now. She m ay be found in the advertise­ m ent of the Murphy Seed com The development of home talent visiting relatives in Brownsville pany on page 4. Italian and is what a county fair is or abould the past week. English rye grass are mixed all be for. • W. C. Templeton has come Albany's Only over the valley. Pure seed of The advertisem ent on the,' back from California to make EXCLUSIVE each is in demand and the com­ first page features the a ttra c ­ Brownsville his home. pany offers a chance for those tions for the second and third with clean ground to raise it. nights. Miss Mary Brown arrived As “Mary succeeds on main O PTIC AL PARLOR Manager Gilkey w rites: “The from Eugene Monday for a street, so the farm er may suc­ two nights’ pageants this year yisit with her sister Frances ceed on the farm mark a new venture in fair en­ O U R N E W P R IC E L IS T : Mrs. R. J. Sargent, who has tertainm ent. Mrs. Charles been visiting for the past two Commencing next week, the Double Vision Lonses Enterprise will be published on Childs of Albany, who improvis­ months a t the home of her sis­ ed and is directing these pag­ ter, Mrs. W. J. Shelton, left for Ultex, $18.50 ; Kryptok, $17:50. Wednesdays. Correspondents eants, feeling the need of a her home a t St. Louis Saturday. Fearless, $16.50; Bright*. $15;50, are requested to bear this in Cemented Segments. $14.50. mind and endeavor to have all higher order of entertainm ent Mrs. Shelton accompanied her to take the place of the carnival Single or Distant Vision Lenses copy in the office by Monday and cheap attractions, is giving as far as Portland. afternoon, the latest date at Ralph Hooker has been entire time to give us 6 D Curve Tone, $13.50 ; Mencius, which it can be sent to the lino­ her visiting his uncle, Edward $12.50. something worth while. type in tim e for use the same \% D Curve Periscopic, $12;50; Sawyer and other relatives in week. Send in the bulk of your Flat«' $10.50. Brownsville. He left for Port­ Pitted in Zilo, gold-filled or rimless copy Saturday, and anything land Monday, and expects to, frames. of importance occurring later return and enter O. A. C. later. Por heeavy Zilo frames add $1 to $2. can be handled if received Mon­ Deduct $2 for second-grade tens. Miss M argaret Lane left Reading glasses. $2 50 to $10. day. The delay between receiv­ ing copy and publication is one Bancroft Optical Co. of the handicaps in publishing a paper in a town too small to 313 West First street, Albany, Ore. w arrant a linotype. Aak about Punktal, the perfect lent. S a tu ,jd ,, for LINN COUNTY FAIR (Continued on page 3) Halsey Church ol Christ Church Announcements National Gingham Week £ f • • • J J • They are fast colors, 32 inches * wide, and come in many new and • beautiful designs and rolorings- * RO O N TZg GOOD GOODS Epitome of Events in the Beaver State Mrs. Mary M allett, state presi­ dent, is expected here at the W. C. T . U. convention tomorrow. Three fifths of the husluesa peril«« of Madras was rased by flra, with • total lots astlmstad at $45.290. Mrs. M. G. Tycer and two chil­ dren retarned yesterday to her home in Albany, after a visit with Mrs. 8. B. Tycer. Wheal ahlpmaata from the Celumhle river amouatad to 1.SS2.247 hunhela between July 1 and September 1. Mrs. G. A. Overton went to Eugene Saturday to visit her sister-in-law, Mrs. Belle Overton. Mrs Laura W llrslt, 28. was burned to death la a flra which destroyed the home ot B. W Meeks at MllwauU«. Dredging of a tw o m ll* channel la Klamath lake from Shlpplugton water­ front to Little Woscua marsh has been completed. F. S. Gattman, who has been visiting iu Brownsville, went to Oaklaud yesterday. He teemed to be favorably impressed with this country. In the 21 menthe that have elapsed since the Astoria fire disaster a total of $6.659.000 baa been spent on re- construction. Gale Bullington, who has been visiting in Brownsville, returned to his home in Albany Saturday. His friend, Lloyd Henderson, accompanied him. Victor P. Moses of Corvallis was appointed county Judge of Benton county to succeed J. O. Wilson, who died recently. A rthur Moore, who has b«en visiting at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Boyden, roturned to his home at Riparin, Wash., S atur­ day. According to the records In the cus­ tom* house the value of the exports from Astoria to foreign countries dur­ ing the mouth ot August was $429,927. Estimate* of expenses for various Portland municipal bureau* In 1926 total $5,164,220.14, according to the annual budget submitted to the coun­ cil. Mrs. Mary Robnett arrived Thursday from Albany, where she had attended the wedding of her niece, Miss M argaret Cathey, to Guy Butler. She spent the day in Halsey, retu rn ­ ing to Brownsville on the even­ ing stage. Copper ore has been discovered In Jackson county at the head ot the east fork ot Lick creek, 10 mile* east ef Eagle Point, on tha Crutar Lake high­ way. Miss Helen Fanning of Salem, who was graduated from the Brownsville high school last year, is ouming back here to reside after a honeymoon which she is now spending with Lynn Sawyer, a young sawmill man. She la a Miss no more. Mayor Snyder has declared defense day, tomorrow, a le- al holiday and the American egion will possess the city and is leceiving one-day enlistm ents of all who will, by this joining the colors, signify their willing­ ness to come to the defense of the country if occasion arises. There will be sports, baseball, a pavement dance, etc. f Lyman, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. M arsters, who has ju st finished a term of summer school a t Seattle, has gone to Napavine, Wash., where he will be principal in the schools this coming year. Mr. Half Wellington Bond was baptized a t the Methodist church Sunday. The city of Salom ha* expended $106.556 for paving operations during the year 1924, according to a report prepared by Hugh Rngera, city engi­ neer. Damage estimated at between $1S.- 000 and $12,000 was done by a fire that destroyed five buildings In the town of Ukiah. In the south end »1 Um atilla county. High aneep ranges In the Cascades remain green and almost unaffected by the drouth, according to E N. Cavanagh. assistant district forester In charge of graslng W ith more than eight month* of the year gone. Eugene has more than doubled last year's high building record of $1,127.119 The figure for thia year ia $2,347,480. Advertisement for the sale of 183.- 000.000 feat of timber In the n a tio n a l forest reserve south of Friend, In Wasco county, haa been authorised hy Chief Forester Greeley. Arch Cody, alia* Fred Yardlow, slayer of W Austin Goodman, sheriff of Harney county, was Indicted for first-degree murder by the Malheur county grand Jury at Vale. (Continued en pegs 4) R E A D T H IS S Most Startling Piano Sale J Church of C h rist: We Feature • Kalburnie Ginghams 30c All Over Oregon Olaf Nelson, the garage man, has moved to Oakridge to fol­ low the same business. E v e r in A l b a n y Lon Chamlee, minister. Coming as it does at the open- ing of the school year, it strikes a particularly timely note and reaches the housewife at a time when she is particularly inter- ested in home sewing. school a t Mount | |\Je W S N o t e s F r o m • A t the Church of Christ next Sunday is “Go to College Sun­ day.” This is observed by churches all over the land. We will have a special program. Y ou will want to be there to en­ joy it. The men's class is now meeting in its own class room in the basement of the church. Every man not a member of some class is invited. R ally dav is coming soon. Watch for announcecent later. Bible school. 10, W. H . Robert­ son, superintendent. Christian Endeavor, 7. Morning worship, 11. Lord’s suipper every Lord's day. Evening service, 8, The chnrch without a bishop, in the country without a king. I f you have no church home come and worship with us. Methodist; Robert Parker, pastor. Sunday School, 10. Preaching. 11. Intermediate League, 7. Epworth League, 7. Prayer meeting TDursday, 8, Preaching, 8. j Remodeling Sale room. J Wo are going to remodel the D a v e n p o r t Music house and we must have We have the very latest up-to-date Pianos, made by the Baldwin Manufacturing company, which have no superior. These pianos will be sold at the BIGGEST BARGAINS •vor known in this city. This sale will start SATURDAY, SEPT. 13 a J : J S Those pianos are going, and going quickly. We must sell, so don’t ! be the last one to coine in. If you want a bargain in a piano now is your c h a n ^ Everything in thew store 15 per cent off. All musical PHONOGRAPHS, ORGANS, VIOLINS. H O RN S-everrthing in th is line 15 per cent off. Be the first and have your choice. £ Z Z D a v e n p o rt M u sic H o u se • 409 W E S T F IR S T S T . A L B A N Y •