Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, September 04, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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T h e y e a r 's b e s t
C om edy
D o u g la s J ia c L e a n
(■tar of "H o tte n to t" ia
1000 laugh«.
T h o m a s M eigh an
• •• ••
Halsey Happenings etc.
>lr. and Mrs. A. C. Arm­
strong were in Albany Thurs­
L. H. Armstrong and family
visited at Warren Whillatch’s,
»it Coburg, Sunday,
The sale at the John Ed­
wards place Monday was well
attended and everything sold
Mrs. L. A. Pray was a pas
U ll
■ 0
•a I
«r t
la t
” 9
aenger to Albany Tuesday
returned yesterday.
a pretaat -at such wanton deatrnatloa
of art, hut before he could apeak the
man waa thrusting a dollar lota his
hand and waa commanding:
'Clear oat! That silly stuff doesn’t
Interest m a’
Then aa he real lied bow deeply the
group at tha Twanty-ona tabla woe
interested la the arene he added:
“Teu re spelling my hick. Mow I
must have a drink before I dare bet
on a card." Ha did nat patrontaa tha
short bar at the end of the ball hat
strode Into the street and made for
the enting-heuM. And as he walked
he obeyed his mnaleal Impulse and
began ringing In a rich, ralUeklng
C o u n t ’»re
(C ontinued page
' proprietor bought gold. Next ta tha
aatlDg houae waa a gaabllng-hall.
' Thia, alaa, waa owned by Calvin.
Tha homaleaa man flads tha eaeiaat
way to satisfy Ma Insatiate daalre for
««alternant ta to bat on a card or a
rolling ball. Calvin further atimalat
ad such craving by providing a pretty
, Franeb girl to deal Twaoty-ana Thera
waa Chippewa blood aom*where In her
ancestry, but aha was vtvacloua, tnuai
cal of voice and possessed as undeni­
ably pretty face.
The report that Calvin was soon ta
loae her and that Deadwood City waa
to acquire her graceful presence
brought man In (ra n tha oatlylng dig I M e S
* f a ! tb a ra ; t k s r mttoS
•aur Mae*.
glngs to make a wager before she
k a r ta r ta a a r a r m a, aha aal
went away. Her favor with the min­ 1 a a k tS
w aa a w kaak.
ers waa due largely to her rule that B o a aaea aka ta m a: Jaa B aw am . katwaa ara
kWah fa r Wfa
none of the gambling fraternity could
T a a aa < h t ta h aa a a l it t le hatwa ta
play at Twenty one. The game waa
yaltr H ttle w tta
for the miner and tenderfoot exelaalve-
Brieaara watched the man enter the
ly. She waa uncanny la her ability
to detect a professional.
Let Mm eating houae. and then wandered aim
masquerade aa miner or teamster or leoaly about Hie room In seerch of
buslneaa man and, after one glance customers. After half an hour the
from her coot, dark eyes, the delight­ stranger returned, and thia time ho
ed spectators would hear bar mualcal did not halt by the door, but awnag
down the room and darted a 11
voice saying:
glance at the girl. He halted and
"M'aleu la mistake.
Take ap aa
gold. Thia sea not for aa gambling
M'slaura, attendea-voua, sTI abruptly pnahad hl a way to her table
and thrust his hand In hla pocket far
vous plait. Make ae game.”
And the favored victims would some money er dnat.
“No. no, M'aleu.
Not here.
bundle the Intruder aside and with
additional stakes prova their loyalty game eea net for you.”
Ha slowly draw forth hla hand and
ta a game that Crowned on tha pro­
swung bit gate about as If searching
One man aroused tha curiosity of for some one who might he amUlng
the girl. He kept aloof, 'yet watched over hla repulse. More to spare the
the game
HU ngure waa erect and dealer a scent) than from fear of the
graceful and the gay tie hinted at stranger tha men continued grave of
dandyism, but it was tha white cloth face. With a shrug of hla shoulders
around bit bead and catering some the man passed on to the monte table,
hurt that held tha glid e Ihtaiuat. Aa looked on sardonically far a minute,
there was no doubt that tha fallow than bruakly asked 1:
•'What's the limit?”
had baaa drinking it was also poaatlilaq
“F ifty dollars,” answered the dealer
she feared, ha wauld create a disturb» without bothering to glance up.
"How much behind your bank?”
'Tw o thousand dollars." Now tha
It waa his propensity for song
which lad io the conclusion. Whan dealer dttlgued to look up.
drunk, men sagg In Rapid City just
Bet you two thousand dollars tha
aa they did in Dead«
datood. Just aa they 1 next card ta red.”
3 Days, starting Saturday,
September 7
: * :
SEPT. 4.
Tommy Sprenger and family
visited Tommy’s sister, Mrs.'
Harry Commons, Sunday.
U ..I . .. ■
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Arm
strong visited a ; the home of
Albert Crossan at Sand Ridge
Mrs. G. R. Walker went to • p I S K a n d r p l R E S an d Ï 7 X P E R T W O R K M E N
CorvallL Monday, and will • T G A T E S A U B E S
Efficient E q u ip m e n t
work in the cannery there dur­
J j^ U T O a c c e s s o r ie s
ing the pear canning season.
UTO R e p a i r i n g p r o m p t l y d o n e
Tuesday evening, Sept7""i6,
there will be a studio recital at
the botue of Mra, G- J- Hike
two and a half miles southeast
of Halsey. A variety of ensem­
ble numbers will appear on the
program. It is open to the pub­
Mr. tnd Mrs. Will Cordon,
w‘ o have been visiting at Tilla­
mook, visited their cousins,
Mr. and Mrs. Wi'l Crene, Mon­
day. They were ret'irning to
their home at Eugene.
T. J. Medley and son of Oak
land, Ore., came down Wednes­
day und purchased some more
sheep from Charles Gibson, re­
turning the same day. They
visited for a short time* at the
L. II. Armstrong home. Mr.
Medley is an uncle of Mrs.
« a,
r'Red 1» my color. Shuffle them up,
hat don't band any of them.
ah and.”
The dealer raa the cards together
a few times and squared them up
and left them on the table. “Any one
In particular you'd ilka to make tha
cut7* asked the dealer.
| The stranger bent down to satisfy
hlmrelf tha dealer was not “forcing“
| atraJfhtaned and glanced about until
hla gate rested on Sctsaora. Motion­
ing him ta approach ba caught him by
the shoulder and pushed him forward
and directed:
“Out tha dock, Paper Dallk. Tou’ra
hlg medicine, you know. Cut n red
Scissors stared stupidly aa If not on-
demanding. Tba stranger repeated
hla command, now speaking sharply.
Scissors timidly advanced a hand and
seised tha cards. The dealer bowed
hla head to catch an early glimpse of
the color and draw a deep breath and
held IL Sctsaora cut deep and held
eat hla hand. He had cut the ten of
l o th e P e o p l e of H a l s e y :
« I Hava opened the
I atn prepared to furnish
the choicest ,
Chops, S teak s, R oasts, B oilin g
P ieces, S au sage, •
anything in tny line, nt prices that you will appreciate.
Coni« in and aae what I liava to offer
Our acquaintance
may be mutually pleasant and profitable
■umg in the days of the drst tlrtn k j
But to walk alone la the straat la
the sunshine and sing, albeit tha valca
was a rich tenor, proved tha fellow
was fair befuddled. He £td not seek
acquaintance with any of the habltuea
of the place, and none knew whence
ha cams, whether from north or south,
by stage, horseback or on foot.
Throe times had he sung before tha
noun hour and. nest te the girt, Seta- ,
sors tha plctura-man displayed tha j
miaat Interest In him.
flrlsaura waa .
well known In Itapld O(ty although I
thia waa but hla aocnnd vlalt there, i
Scissors stood behind the Twanty-ona
table and made an outline of the fair
c ß y
dealer and timidly placed It beside
her hand. She pushed a chip toward
him. but be refused, murmuring:
"Let me give It. It pleases me I
can always get dust front the maa.“'
To prove hla assertion he walked
over to the stranger and began :
'It's a g tft
Always could do I t
Freaarva your llkoaaaa la paper, tha
Copyright by Tha Bokbs-Msrrlll Ca
only man la tha world who can do I t
Caa rank« your llkonooa aa exact aa
any artist caa draw It. Do It all la
(Continued from page 1)
outline. proOla preferred. I'at waken
Hat yau'4 battar crawl Intä a teat - wttahiaha. A mystery maa. W nka*- “Na, Na. M ’riau.
las Nat far V W
•a •
• •
• tanka. the hlg sun myatery, smiles on
R«p(d «Tty boasted Itself to be the r e and gives me my medtdne. Bo-
hold I"
Tbc «laalcc inoppeg tj ,a park: before
"Denver" of th» Black hilla but as
11» began wblrtlng the paper sod him ang rapidly garted hla ap »retata«
ynt played second Addle to Deadwood, maaipnlatlag
tha sclaeora Tha Mrang
gasa over tha rhalleng« T. Head hart,
arikhoagh Ita location made It tba logl
Al dtatrlbnttng ranter for the aoulh- ar watebod him cl«oely, alert and partly Intnilcatad ; yet drunk«» asau
Hla ayes widened aa ho and foals ara prorarblq 1 far lark.
■ew asettaa of the gold country
glimpsed the growing outline. When
“T b it la a mente N .wb ’
waa generalit boileved along
It waa roropleted end • » ’ •»Aed be­
“I knew.
Bet yeatr fwo thaaaaad
te p id craak that one# the anpramacy
tween the points of tha srtesore (ho tba next card la re*.*"
o< the Hons was broken 'hero would
piiSuremaa eaid:
fed • gaaaral atodna from Deadwood
“Probably la. Prctw bly you g«1 •
"Four Mta. It's dirt cheap.”
te la b . and that tba etty below tha
gllntpaa of It," encared the dealer.
The stranger etared at the ent-ont
l« M cany«« would hen e l t thereby.
"Leave tha deck •»< It la.
Let any
dguro In amaaamont
He noted that
The hotel did aa esceUani buelnrwe in
«ne bere cut tba cards: Be\* y"« *wo
not only was the charactariaric tw o
ooeorma to thnaa catalog north and
thcoaand ha cute a red car\ L"
cuaulnglv caught but that even the
• • • r b ovuc Iho at age road
"All rig ht Tou'ru en. X ha bank
bandage about bis bead waa tudtoqP
paya you two thousand I f you call tba
»n at kar plica of varied »nterralfc ed
With an Inarticulate s e n d b*
__ ___
was Celvia'f tatlnabausa I M snatched tba rapov and tore ■ to, fight yolor.”
Adsacra tea onnnrid fg
V y
• V
Cor. Albany Democrat)
Miss Ethel Quimby left Sator-
•ay for C«ve.|whera she will teach
R e c o n d itio n in g S h o p
P a r ts fo r A ll C ars
Friday Mis« Maud Ackley went
to Eugaua, expectiag employment
Miaa Dalma Wahl spent Snnday
with her friend, Mr«. A E Foote
W il l a r d
Mra. George Haves returned
from a trip to Corvallis Thursday,
S n a p s h o ts
Clvde Crawford and Stanley
Satchwell drove to Newport
Mr. and Mrs. Claude David­
son left Saturday for a trip to
Klamath Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Springer
of Albany visited at the C. A.
Pugh home last Tuesday.
, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Sprenger,
who expect to reside in Shedd,
have purchased the J. C. Clay
B a tte rie s
212 East First at., Albany
Fhont 374
Mrs. Donna Cross and Alberta
Koontz were in Albany Saturday.
L. Merriaui and H arry Brassier
took the train Saturday for Junc­
tion City.
Arthur Wesley aud family have
been spending a few days at
Mra, Marcella K irk came from
Portland ana «peat Sunday with
home folks.
Mrs. A. H Quimby and Irene
ud Etbel and the tatters' cousin,
City and village markets offer a gowd
Miss Annette Long, wete Albany
opportunity to producers of parlabablei
to tell at a proAt and yet at a price visitors Friday.
the consumer Is willing to pay.
Harry Brassier and wife returned
• « •
Thursday from Nortotte, where
MUk la on the average about 87 per they were called by the death ol
Cent water, and cows giving milk need
Mrs. Bressler’s father, H . M.
to drink about four tlmea as much aa
after visiting
W hite
No. 18, 11:37 a. m.
No. 17, 12: IS p. m,
24, »4:27 p. m.
23, 7.26 p. m.
22, 3:20 a. tu.
21, 11:32 p.m .
Noa. 21 and 22 stop only if flagged.
No. 14, due Halsey at S:O9 p. m., stops
to let off passengers from south of
No. 23 runs to Engeue only.
No. 21 runs to Eugene, thence Marsh­
field branch.
Passengers for south of Roseburg should
take No. 17 to Lugene and there transfer
to No. 15.
The delivery windotv of the
Halsey poetoffice is open Sundays
from 10:40 to 10:50 a. m. and 12:15
ko 12:30 p. m.
Sunday mail goes out only on
the north-bound 11:37 train:
Mail goes south once a day. closing at
11:05 a. nt. ; north twice, closing 11:25
a. i u . and 5:3(J p. ui. M ail stage for
Brownsville, Crawfon'sville and Sv
Home leaves daily at 6:45 a. m.
Alford Arrows
(Enterprise Cerreeponkenee)
Miss Lillie Rickard went to
Newport one day last week.
E. D. Isom and family visit­
ed relatives in Albany Sunday.
Henrietta Starnes is staying
with Mrs. Harry Commons this
Mrs. Rump of Eugene spent
the week end with her son,
Bryan Perry, and family.
Herbert Tandy and
children of Elmira visited at
G. R. Walker and wife and tba Chaster Curtis home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs.- Charles Adams
daughters and Frank Hadley and
Portland were week-end
nieoes Gladys and Velva propose of
to pick hops at the Buckner yards, guests at the J. N. Burnett
south of Corvallis.
Mrs. Glenn Stevsnson and fen
Richard of Portland arrived Sat
urday to visit Mra. Stevenson
mother, Mrs. Hannah Cumming«
over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Mat Lettenmeier
and son Harold of Oregoa City
visited at the E. A. Starnes
home Monday.
J. H. Rickard and family at­
Mr. and Mrs, George Tycer of
tended a church convention at
Portland spent several days last
week as guests of the lattor’s Corvallis Sunday.
parents, John Bressler and wife
Blaine Colburn, a prominent
They returned home Saturday.
man of Harrisburg, was buried
Misses Paulina and Lueila Hti. in the Odd Fallows' caaetary at
vara of Eugene ara gueats of Alford Friday of last week.
Misses Ellen and Roberta Vannice.
Mr. and Mrs. John Chastain
They are nieces of E lijah Stiver«,
last week in Albany with her pastor of the Churah of Christ at and little Carl Warden of Row­
land were Sunday afternoon
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C Eugene. ,
E. Powers.
Leonard Satchwell. who has
been employed in Salem this
summer, spent a few days at
his home in Shedd last week.
The Speerstra family left
Monday for Monmouth, where
Hrs. Speerstra expects to take
work at the notmal school.
Miss Agnes Pugh, who re­
turned Thursday from summer
school at Monmouth, is visiting
with her sister, Mrs. George
Miss Dorothy Maxwell and
Miss Lydia Gregory gave a
farewell party for Miss Ellen
Speerstra at the Maxwell home
Saturday evening.
The following people from
the Shedd vicinity enjoyed an
outing at Newport last week:
Henry Abraham and family,
Mrs. Will Abraham and family,
John Pugh and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Lawerence Zimmerman,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pugh. C.
A. Pugh, Katharine Pusrh, Mr.
and Mrs. W. B. McCormick,
Leola McCormick, Mr. and Mrs.
Qs teiwa *Nolan, Mrs. Nellie Satchwell
and C. W. Malson and family.
J. J. Corcoran put a oement
The dealer rose and from a drawer
In the table counted out two thousand sidewalk in front of J. E. True’s
dollars la duat and currency and mo- residence last week.
tionad for tha winner ta use tha scales.
M. E Gardner it working at
The - stranger Antshed counting tha
money end then weighed tha bags of the carpenter trade in Kugane
with hie nephew, Adrian Smith.
duat In hla brown hands.
'T h ey haft Ilka they ara enough,"
O W . Frum and wife and Ruth
ho eald. “Gama closed?"
and Vivian and Dorothy Corcoran
"Closed until I get another etake,"
spent the week end at Newport.
aald tha dealer, placing the meager
residue of cash and duat In a bag te
M r. and Mrs. W illiam Beer«
take with him. "You tapped the bank and Allen and W . A, Allen drove
te the lim it It's yours to run I f you to Newport Friday morning for aD
wish it till I can gyt another stake." outing.
"Maybe I ’ll wait till you get another
A. A. Rockey of W alla W alla
stake and than tap the bank again."
"Straight monte, with flfty-dollar arrived Friday for a visit with the
lim it’ warned the dealer as be turned J. S. Vannice family and other
to go.
(T o be continued)
(Enterprise Correspondence)
Haliey Happenings
dry cows drink. See that they have
plenty that Is clean and fresh.
A ten-pound boy waa born to
• • •
Mr. and Mrs Cecil Quimby Thurs­
The wet weather thia spring baa day. Mother and baby are doing
been mighty good for potatoes and wall. They ara at tha Dykatra
will be Just as good for late blight. home.
The growers who hsve been spraying
C. F. Diamer of Portland, who
with bordeaux this aeaaon have been
taking out a good kind ef Insurance represents the John Deere Plow
against blight.
company, was in town Thursday,
Mra. Frantss E. Gray of Cottage
Grova.wboia spending a law week«
in Salam, waa id town thia morn­
ing with Mr. and Mr». G. W.
Latiai tit ¡hat Olty,
H . L. Stralev and family drove
to Newport Thursday for aeveral
days' outing. Mr. and Mra. Gordon
Munkers, just returned from
vacation at Yaehata, took eharga
of their farm io their absenoa.
The M. E. Sunday school picnic
Saturday afternoon was enjoyed
i,y a goodly number and the day
was apant in rambling about ihe
woods, swiraunag and boating
And the fine lunch spread at noon
is also worth mentioning.
callers at the Lee Ingram home.
Doris Robnett of Eugene is
staying with her grandmother,
Mrs. D. I. Isom, again while
her mother and sister are hop
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brock
and daughter Doris of Lake
Creek were Sunday evening
callers at the Chester Curtig
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wills and
son, Mrs. Minnie Wallit and
children, Miss Etta Godwin and
Mr. Pryther, all of Buena Vista,
visited at the John Rolfe home
Sixteen tnambera of tba M. E
W. F . M. S. met Friday at the
home of the president, Mis» Beulah
M illar. Mr«. B M. M iller gave
the lesion and Mra. Eliza Brandan
had charge of the devotion«. The
Lian county now has 11 crushers at
close of thw meeting wad marked work ar lad lag out rock tor county
by refreihmanta.
Mra. W. H McMahan had tba
Noble Grand»' altib of Brownavil a
at bar home last week Wednesday
afternoon. Mr«. G. W. Lanbner
and Mi«« Dori« Drinkard ware
guests. Mr». Jamas McMahan
assisted tha boste*« in serving a
two-course luncheon.
E ET. Gonnlay, after putting
kia prune drier in order aod com­
mencing drying Thursday, waa
taken .uddanly ill and ruthad to a
hospital- He ia reported ant ef
I* White,
Gaorge Croaa, Citron Gormlay and
G. B. Gaga are runnrng tha
Many |Halsay folks have bean
enjoying Newport air and aeaaary.
Among tho»a who left for that
resort Saturday ware Amos Ram-
sav and wife, Mrs. Clayt Smith
snd son Kenneth aod Frank K irk .
Charles K irk and family of Athena
and Mrs Joaia Smith and daughter
Hurrah for L iF o llatte and heart I Mary alao took the train.
John Standish Making Good
Siuce ha left Halsey Jahn Stan­
dish baa steadily progressed in pic­
torial art. Ha has recently been
•warded a thraa-yaar scholarship
in tha Mayar-Both school of ad-
vartiaing illuatration, Chioago, for
soma of bis work.
John's talaot with tha pencil
first cam« to light when, in his
early days in achool injtlalaby, ba
dr»w a caricature of anotkor boy
that provoked tha subjaet’a aogar
and a fight. In quelJang tba riot
tha taaehcr caught sight of the
offaudiug sketch, raoogniaad ita
a»«rit and told Jabo that in that
direction a career beckoned.
Standish is iu the newspaper
buainaas at Choteau, Mont. Hia
first practice with tba types waa
in thia office and since he started
out io the world the old man of
the Enterprise baa baan going ll
alone in tha printing buaiueaa.