^ /^ b a n y J ^ /X e c to ry A/Awwg 2><>«v/«zy—Continued SBPT. 4, 1924 FARM LOANS Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L FARM LOANS AND SURPLU S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 | Commercial and Savinjs accounts Solicited at lowest rate of interest ACCESSORIES AND TIRES Auto Supplies Real Estate Insurance J. H. A l l is o n Prompt service. Courteous treatment, 442 W est First St. W m B a in , Rooms, First Savings Bank builning, Albany lbany Floral Co. Cut flowers and plants. Floral art for every and all occasions. o ________ F lo w er phone 458-1. r* going away A Electric Store. Radio sets. G l in n Electric wiring. Delco Light products 302 Second W il l a k d W m . H ö f l ic h . A uto Electric Service SHOE Kecbarg- I shoes that able A & B batteries— l W lLLAR^D a h B A Ar P h a H a » . . ir lr i A n ARROW GARAGE» Gansle Bros. U. S. lue Bird Restaurant, 309 Lyon I ■*“* street. Bat here when in Albany. Open from 6 to 2 and 5 to 8. Mns. B l o u n t . D " R U N 8 W I C K ph o n o g r a ph s at W O O D W O R T H ’S ) W hy suffer from headache? Have your eyes examined; S. T . F R E N C H M. F r e n c h & S o n s gURKHART & LEE F. sole agents for I Phenis Pure Paint and Dr. Hess’ Poultry and Stock T on ic J E W E L E R S — O P T IC IA N S Albany, Oregon ÏAttveoport Music company offers j Piano-case organ, good as new Estey organ, good as new Used Pianos. I Quality Lpastburn Bros.—Two big grocery What a satisfaction to know that your KRYPTOK GLASSES are built upon the highest stand­ ard of QUALITY. T ? l i t e Cafeteria and confectionery Anyone buying for quality will Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ ings. Courteous, efficient service. a»k for KfcYPTOKS. »tores, 212 W. First and 225 South Main. Good merchandise at the right price»._______ , Oregon State Fair SALEM » September 22-27 Rely upon Southern Pacific com fortable, convenient and economical service to take you to the fa ir chit year. See* Inttrrfting E xh ibit,-T h e Gay Crowd, * The Horte Race,— The ,W««v Fratr .Itiraftion, Pleasure, Recreation,f^y,,zatioit Z I I I I i • • w -w H I L L & S lH a r d w a r e J Somhem p jfj O ur prices sell our goods H IL L &<° I C . P. M OODY, Agen Agent —Phone 22« i —m one 22« gold to one of the heeds of the Box Elder, not fa r from Deadwood Gulch. and hid tt In a shaft his party dug before they entered the gnlcti.’’ "How do you know all th ie T ’ skep- ttcally asked Dlnsdale. “Because Tom Ranshaw, nearly atarved and w ith his hots played nut, managed to reach the Immigrant road. H e waa out of anamnalttoa and threw away his gun. H e lived on choke- cherrlee, roots, and the pulp of prickly P O R D SALES AND SERVICE! pears. H e traveled by night bernase Tires and nccessorie» It was too cold to »leap without blan­ may communicate w ith Ensign Lee of the Salvation A rm y at the Repairs kets, and be slept In the daytime. One K i k k -P o l l a k M otor C o . W hite Shield Home, 565 M ayfair avenue, Portland, Oregon. night he staggered Into a hunting camp of Mormons on Green river, rfhd Portrniller Furniture Co., fntsi- told his story. Ranshaw was fed and tore, ruga, linoleum, stoves ranges. , Funeral directors. 427-483 w eit Firat | cared for, and a fte r he got on his feet street, Albany, Oregon. he disappeared. Probably his hard­ ships killed him right a fte r he quit the P U L L E R GROCERY, 2B5Lyon Optometrist:, M anufacturing Opticians Mormon camp." Albany, Oregon (Snccessor to Stenberg Bros.) “B ut why haven't you tried for the Groceries P ru itt Produce cached gold I" Phone 263R is what to offer your lady friend in Pyrites stared at him In great the way of refreshment». Just scorn. F in a lly he exclaim ed: P W. SEXAUER, auto and gen- bring her here and treat her to * • eral paiater painter "M e waste my tim e digging ont ten O et my estimate. some of our delicioue ice cream. or eleven thousand dollars’ worth of Laundry sent Tuesdays 201 E. F irs t street That she will'like it gne» without gold when there's whole mines of It to Agency H ub Cleaning Works saying. Beside», she will appre. be had fo r the taking? I f I was a IIO LM AN & JACKSON ciate your tbougblfuluesa und gen­ gambling man, as you seem to be. I'd Grocery— Bakery j tell you th a t the lim it ain't enough E veryth in g in the line of eats erosity. to Interest me.” Opposite Postoffice I A ll right, partner," soothed Dlns­ L I ub Candy Co., First street, next | dale; " w e ll take tim e enough some A A J qoj jo Blain Clothing Co. time to corral that dust. I t Isn't to Noon lunches. he sneezed at. H ut I've heard so Home-made candy and ice Cream. LAWYER AND NOTARY many ’lost mine' stories Tve quit tak­ ing stock In them.” TJub Cleaning Works, Inc. H a l s e y , O regon 'Still you've tried hundreds of times AA Cor. Becoond and Ferry < Master Dyers and Cleaners to make a flush. I f we don't And that M a d e -T o -M e a s u re Clothes gold In the old shaft then some one’s been ahead o f ua.” MPERIAL CAPE, 209 W. First 'Pm too sleepy to argue,” yawned Harold O. M urphy Prop. Dlnadale. Phone 665 Pyrites eyed him shrewdly and haz­ W a N av e a closb arded : A ll work done promptly and reason­ TLf AGNETO ELECTRIC C<57 “I reckon your conscience wouldn’t A Official Strömberg carburetor serv­ trouble you a heap If there waa enough ably. Phone No. 269 ice station Conservative prices. All money In a game ” work guaranteed 119-121 W . Second. Not a bit.” prom ptly adm itted Dlns­ dale "Gamblera cheat and It ’s all HALSEY TM AR1NELLO PARLORS right I f they don't get caught. T ha •^’ A (A beauty aid for every need) main thing Is— don't get caught Lots St. Francia Hotel of men are honsat because they’re Prop.. W lNNIFBXD ROSK. Cash paid for afraid they'll gat caught If they go and money are best when crooked.” A’ A busy. Make your dollars work in Pyrites chuckled a t this line o f cyn­ our saving» department. A l b a n y S t a TB ical philosophy and agreed. B a n k . Under government supervision. "Lots o f tru th In your talk. But It COPYRIGHT A y THE BOeBaf-MEÄÄKX^CQ \ | happen» that gold Is what I'm keen ^JO O R E ’S MUSIC HOUSE about. I ’m more Interested In tracing (C dhtlnuadi , final quartz to tile mother-vein than “ E veryth in g m usical’’ we ra n ,'J f we have time, tent a yarn 223 W . Firat st. I ’d be In the best herd of hoases ever C H A P T E R V II • to '« L "* th a t’s hewn floating through the bills fun off. a hoes th ie f would ride IMurphv Motor Co. Buick and ever sin»» the first rush, that was slam bang over a ernck that held the San Juan Sends Word. A*A Chevrolet automobiles. Tires and Efficient Service. Motor Hear»® known In frontier towns long before They arrived at Castle creek. Hie price of » hundred hosaes I ’d turn aoceasonea th a t: I ’m speaking of the gold etched Lady A tten dan t eouth fork of the Rapid, above the the hossen loose and dig down Into Albany, 'Tegon. Phone 200 by one o f the party that entered the elgtot-mlle canyon and near where gold Brownsville......................................Oregon that crack. Ran Juan .Tow would quit hills way Iback In ’flfty-tw o and went oscoe ames hardware was discovered in June of the preeed the best pay gravel in these hills Just the as fa r noiKh as jvbat'a now Deadwood Jo draw a ha’sted flash HVit how wa year. W ithin two or three miles W IN C H E S T E R S T O R E Gulch." e f where the Cuater tra il leaves the ta lk ! I wish we could talnp time to 322 W. First at. ▼alley they halted for dinner T he ! _ dozens T ---------—___—— v e hetiiWl that _______ ancient _ yarn work up toward the Box E ld ar Those w . L. W RIG H T high hsrs and narrow flats are Just was a small bar and, despite his ' Hmeg,” »•eerily remarked Dlnsdale C S. GILBERI & SON Mortician & Funeral Director •pot h a«e to leave the band on the divide , “A hnndrwd men bound fo r California, loaded w ith gold. Builders' and shelf hardware, g ar­ Halsey and Harrislnirg fa r behind him. Pyrites took time to 1 rilneleen. q uit’ the main body at Fort “Bin I know I can And something den tool«, crockery and glassware C all D. T a y l o r . Halsey, or New Stock. New low prices. waah ont several pens o f gravel. H e ' Laram ie to in 'estimate the gold sforlea th a t’s bettarin anything T v « atruek W, L. W r ig h t , Harrisburg •aid fS- ------— — ~ — told gh«,,,, hnlg They reached a | »aid the haT would pay two cents to yet. I never failed to dr, it In other OTIMSON THE SHOE DOCTOR ! a pan in fine gold. creek, where high w ater prevented digging» Now there's attver I T here’» Second street, opposite Ham ilton's mining— Dlnadale was not Impressed and do Bear butte. J u d as’ hot there’s t store. rlared it would not pay for a m ana* -ountry for you I f Crook w »uld ever Thin very tvoek I" broke In Pyrites “ Sudden Service.’ tobacco His contempt d im in is h «! Ro they [mailed on and made come w ith the soldiers so \Ve could DR. WHETSTONE ’▼ban Pyrites tasted another »pot a n d get up there I'd »how you aor.3e »liver Deadwood G u lc h . They »track It rich, T H E MARGUERITE SHOPPE found It ta yield fifteen cants to s pal i. Indications that would bulge yr tir eyes A Shampooing. M arcelling and Scalp D E N T IS T but were «urn mnded by Sioux Only Treatments Margaret Countryman, A second pan. luckily catching seven 1 one man »«rap »d. You see. I kno w .lt lojnns say that « wnere their thunder HÀLSEY HOTEL Globe th e a te r bldg. Phone 156J Prop small miggern, ha aald would w e W t god lands when he drops <®»wn to • • wen »s you t do. Queer how one tnan ’ lx dollar» T h e y neckon always eecapq i. Ju»t one. And he -arth for a little visit Wednesday and Friday L V a l d o A n d a re o n A Son. diatrih- That night ns they smoked befor« the ghosts o f all dead l® jtm d are alway» dies afl er telling hl» »tory to utora and dealers for M axw ell. Chal­ their tant Pyrites enlightened hlc sow» one i f tw o or more men escaped taken there to look at the, rainbow 12 to 8:30 mers, Essex Hudson A Him m obile cara friend as to the nature o f traveling •tones and pretty shells and o th e r rab- there wonldo t be any story, a t the Accessories » pnliea. 1st A Broadalbin. before them A t time» they would hlah before going to live In the real nlhnr s u rriw irs would speak and aay ghost land.' be within fo u ^ m lle a of Nprla« creek, it was a Ila ." and again tw ice that distance Below A gentle snore Informed him That “Lie. nof blng V hotly cried Pyrites. Dlnadale was asleep and had mis »ed the canyon was their objective. Rapid 'T o m Re» .thaw did es-ape H e was H ty , where awvanl hundred miners much of hie talk. Shaking the *rf- bonghi »old aari exchanged at all times out hunth ig wtwm the Indiana rushed fender'a shoulder he sdvteed: ware still pursuing their luck the c»m | t h , was returning with a " I f you can’t keep awake When ■ “Any good pickings In the canyon T B E N T. S U D T E L L dear wig m the smoke from the burn­ saked Dlnadale m aa'i tailing you bow to find a t o r cum KB «nu '«I'lll® wa»u^»j mm IH ing shat ks and cahlna warned him to F%eae , fc-R, 123 N. Broadalbin t t , A! baa y U . W. STEPHENSON. FetWhX fet » l p » (« ftaja, bal » I ba c « | :u).„rrojn (he tosjjf a bluff hg . Any Girl in Trouble t Z M eade & Albro, A Question That is Easily Answered A Modern Barber Shop A B E ’S P L A C E Clark’s Confectionery Amor A. Tussi ng F .M . G R A Y , D R A Y M A N Cream and Produce Station HUGH PENDEXTEK_> Cream, Poultry, Eggs, Veal & Hides, m . H- SH O O K D ELBERT STARR Funeral Director and Li­ censed Embalmer . R FURNITURE AND u^i FARM MACHINERY BARBER SHOP First-class Work (Continue,! on page 4> a ♦ wW » • Arm strong Linoleum L in oleu m SI 8.75 • 1 '------- -------------------- - — 9 „ x1 „ J $18.75 down and saw the whole busi­ Halsey Happenings Congoleum R ugs - »»« h 16.00 looked ness. H e hid In the woods and lived (Continued fro m omoo IT off the doer meat till the Indians quit | New stock of A xm m ster Special Then he went Into the burned cainp ! Miss Dorie I.ake visited and found a horse that had bolted Into 1 sister in Eugene Sunday. the timber. He uncached six hundred ! Sm all R ugs 27,54 $2.25 to $5.75 ounces of gold. Renshaw packed that ' W e make our own candies. W . S. D u n c a n . p 'l l r n s developed and printed. •A We mail them rig ht back to y