PA G E 2 H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E HALSRY ENTERPRISE lsa*e«*dnst— ft (IT a a a ira t—wwwa » a k ll.k r i «very Tku radar t t j Wss. IL W H E K LK K Paba* rip o. , |l.6C* a year la advance Advertising, 2dc an inch ; no diacoun tor time or apace ; no charge for com position or changea. I * "Paid for paragraphs." Sc a Una. * • advertising disguised as nsws. To Advertisers CALVIN COOLIDGE ON THE FARM We have heard what sounded like a cat fight over the radio Since radio fans have announc­ ed th at they have been hearing from Mars it seems possible that th a t was what we, too, heard, but we couldn’t under­ stand the M artian code. Per- taps some intelligent cat could nterpret it. Mr. Coolidxe is the candidate ' >f the republican party for »resident, Mr. Davis is the can- iidate of the democratic party nd Mr. LaFollette is the can- KNOCKINC lidate of the La Follctte party. Copy received before Tuesday is ii tim e lor good position. Wednesday ii Jato and Thursday's mail is too Jale. TAX I 1 t I I I < I t t r o e b 1» ■ « « « ■ » P t) P ti O P Cl U P bi ta P •i b, P P Ol n •i h •i « U fc bs tb r tb t» tb • ml W( DODGERS We don’t want more law* to “The state income tax keep, money out of Oregon, retard, I mre the fanner’s file, We want development and obstructs ex | :ewer law«, fewer lawmakers and pansion which would provide ewer goverutneat employes for the much-needed m arkets for the firm er to pay for io taxes. farm er’s products.’’ I hat is about all the argu Coolidge ignores the klan. ment against the income ta: le finds more im portant sub- th a t we have seen for a week The antis have quieted dowi | jects to consider. and are roaring “as gently ai a sucking dove.” Their Ion The last legislature realized knocking against Oregon an» hat farm ers were desperately COOUOCF their proclamations th a t th< iard pressed to make both OptSCRViNC, A FAVOQlTe D 'O a l i T T t E H a y i n g o n h i s state has been ruined and i. ■nds meet, and th at dairying O lO T » e e XT PLVMO u TM M i L K l NG F a t h e r ' s F a r m going to the dogs have quietei /•war /x a , Perennially, aspirants to public /as about the only branch that Calvin Coolidge early took hie PQlnted out, the bovlnes of P ly ­ down. In the meantime net office, m indful o f the fa rm e r vote, place upon the farm . Born in mouth. Verm ont, have enjoyed a highest office In the land. I t was aid a profit, a law prohibiting durlftg a vacation on his father's industries are springing up an< he use of milk or milk pro- become converts to the cause of Plym outh, Verm ont, twelve miles rare distinction. It Is not every fa r« i that the photographer snap­ new capital coming into th< lucts in the m anufacture of agriculture and the fa rm e r and from the nearest railroad depot, he cow that can be m ilked by a Pres­ ped him as he raked the new - Is the son of a d irt fa rm e r and has state at a truly heartenin» m tter substitutes. The law demand Justice for the tillers o f the experienced all the hardships, re­ ident of the United States, any mown hay. started for the cow pen more than It It every President of solL r»t«. The Hofer A Sone built- oes not prohibit the manufac­ verses and arduous labors that fall the U nited States th a t can m ilk a at m ilk in g tim e and essayed a b it to the lot of the fa n n e r boy. One eow. President Coolidge not onta ol surgery on one of his favo rite To them there Is no significance j tin for last week cites many in ture and sale of oleo in the old shade trees. biographer has said of him : is "at home” on a farm . A farm In the fact th a t they have been I tate, as some newspapers have The same farm smock and boots stances, among which are th. "W h ile many of the boys of to ­ Is home to the C hief M agistrate of little concerned w ith thia great d iv­ he wore when the pictures were following: day are feverlshlng putting on the the land. tated, but it does prohibit the ision of the citizenry during the taken still repose In the hall closet golf green. Cal was happy In pursu­ manufacturers of oleo from Marshfield—Alpin Paper com Ergo, his must be a natu ral u n ­ of the old fa m ily home and aw ait off-campaign season. The vote's ing to Its native la ir the sportive derstanding of the fa rm e r and his his pleasure. the thing, and one may look from sing milk in their substitutes, pany sta rts to assemble m ater H e knows how to potato. H e early and always has now until Novem ber for a veritable been an artist In M ow ing and problems, and a consequent deep w ear them , and, w hat Is of mors ial for $400,000 plant on Co here appears to Ire much con- deluge of oratory and pictorial he early became an adept In sympathy w ith h im th a t Is not Interest to his fellow farm ers, w hat usion as to how to vote on quille river, above tide water. evidence that all candidates are for divorcing the low ing herd which prompted by campaign expediency to do a fte r he puts them on. or vote seeking. he referendum of the oleo law Canby—C arr M anufacturinj "Justice fo r tile farm e r." More "H e has always adorned a hay winds slowly o'er the lea from the President Coolidge did not have rake with as much fac ility m * often than not It Js an artificial raw m aterial which makes fo r company plans installing ma f you want the law to stand to pose fo r the above photographs, sponsorship calculated to mislead butter and cheese.” review ing stand." the afore-quoted chinery for greatly increaset nd the use o'f milk in substi- either. They w ere taken years ago. the Man W ith the Hoe. He took the oath of office In the when he was Vice-President and biographer declarea business. ute butter be prohibited, vote An exception to the ru le le re­ Coolidge fa rm house. T hat would appear to m ake h im yes.” before there was any intim ation freshing. Development of iron deposit: And, as the biographer has th a t he was destined to hold the , eligible, a t least, fo r consideration by the farm er. near Scappoose promised, back­ ed by Portland capital. The board of equalization will Rainier—Local cannery run e in session two weeks, be- _ John Edwards’ auction was ning day and night on strin; mning next Tuesday, to beai ueld last M onday-fabor day, In beans; excellent crop. omplaints of assessed persons. the advertisement in the En­ Newberg— Large orders re terprise a typographical error celved by Oregon Handle com made it read “Sept. 6” instead pany plant include 30,000 ap Nelson Harbert, the Halsey of “Sept 1.” Anybody who plewood spoons, 12 inches long orger, was indicted last week, missed the sale on account of Klamath— W ater turned in s was William Schweiger ol the error will confer a favor by to pipe line for new Copco pow­ larrisburg, accused of felon communicating with this office. er plant to develop 4500 horse »us assault. That darned typesetter ought power. Young H arbert pleaded to be made to repent of his Prineville—Ochoco Timbei uilty of forgery and was sen- carelessness. company considers buying yel •nced to two years in prison low pine tim ber sufficient t< ut paroled. Only one of the Two truckloads of rainliow build large mill. barges against him was prose trout have been planted in Coos Buy—Coos Veneer ant Hed. i.rabtree creek and tw o’ near Box company sta rts secont Mill City. shift in wood-working plant. Eugene— More than 50 pea pie employed in woolen mills. w* h . „ . Federal power commissioi Treatment, both ocal and internal, and has been success (outh of Brownsville, on good road grants Oregon company lice ns» to construct two hydro-electri« ul in the treatment o f Catarrh for ove Will saw out vour order for $15 50 years Sold by all druggists l thousand. Delivered Halsey, $18. plants on . Deschutes river ?. orty J. C H E N B Y fit C O , T o le d o , Ohl< Shannon A M arlin, R, 2, Halsey. Portland alone estim ated b need 40.0(H) additional horse power within five years. Coquille—Sheer wall in Co­ quille river, 517 feet long ant “ PLATES THAT F IT ” costing $8,000, being built tt raise level and open river fo> Grown«, bridge work and fillings. It will No history of the farm in g folk passage of 20,000,000 feet ol pay you to get my prices on your dental work. of Verm ont would be complete 1> gi in middle fork. wit hoot reference to the Coolidge Cusick bank building, Albany famUy. On the other hand, Goofus A Not only was the President’s boy­ Co.. Spoofus & Co., Bunk & Co hood spent on the farm at P ly ­ o ver h au lin g and Punk & Co. write to th» mouth. his birthplace, but since THE Tax-Shirkers’ league th a t wer: and before that tim e his fathei C O O L ID G E For G r a in S a c k s and T w i n e seo has been a tille r of the soli it not for the income tax the.v MQWEfit practical d irt farm er. would be spending immense The early environment or Calvin sums in Oregon (if they coulc Coolidge has asserted Itself annual ly ever stnee his rise to high placet get those sum s), but will ii » In the public service. Each year C oolldr" Showing him In the smock preference take their million.. In his boy heed yoong CooUdge he has visited the old home, donned and boots handvfl down tp him by (to be got) to California, Wash a the smock end cowhide boots of a w orthy graddstre v ho kelvvd In was not. In the vernacular N e W and best grade of ington or Timbuctoo, for Ore­ m ixer He was ovwrly shy -M the calling and gone about doing tile Verm ont L i’klslatufo, have diffident, but when he did fo rm as. the hundred and one chore* Hint urou**d more or less comment. The gon is on the bum. A FA R M ER A N D T H E S O N O F O N E fla il’s C a ta rrh Medicine th» pr. « tin er •n t«7 An P*' uo • do enl citi dui pre far •II. •ba «•I ■at O« oca cf I la i tb* ran tb« •«» I Dr. C. FICQ, Dentist o . W . FRUIM ScCOFld I COOLIDGE AFIELD ■a be an Saw m ill,.. We print this week some pic tures of Coolidge on the farm They and the text th at goet with them were supplied by th e republican national com m ittee in New York. In reply to a request from the democratic management we have promised to print similar m atter regarding Mr. Davis, if supplied in the sam< form. We would do as much for the fantastic La Folletti campaign. We hope the other parties will be able to supply the plates, as the republican; are doing, th at our readers may be informed from all stand points, and we hope that non» of them will come out of tht campaign a million and a hall dollars in debt and spend twe years in getting out, as the re­ publicans did four years ago. The Oregon irreducible school fund has been reduced about a million dollars by bad Joans. Sacks £ on hand Market prices paid for any kind of g r a in a n d h a y ¡g {y fall to the lot of the farm er. T h e n Is no Job on a fa rm -w h h which ho Is not thoroughly fa m ilia r or w hlth he hesitates about carrying oat. As one biographer has aptly said "H e always adorned a hayrake w ith a« much facility as a r e v ie w ­ ing stand." > The upper photograph would up. pear to bear out this statement. There have been few d irt fa rm ­ er Presidents, so that in recent years the photographs of Calvin Not Autocrats A m e ric a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. Hay is worth ju st as much in storage as you might g e t for it in cuse of fire Th j OomMBFi Fwil pay you 85% o f tho cash valuó ,n < J p m c ru a n B ig ie F ir e In w ir a iw e of lows by fire. C. P . ST A FFO R D , A g en t Oregon’s attorney general tells the game commission that it cannot change the hunting season. Only the legislature can do that. For w estern Ore­ gon the seasons are: Male deer w ith horns. Aug­ u st 20 to October 20; silver gray squirrels, Septem ber 15 to October 15; Chinese pheas­ ants. grouse, pheasants and Bob W hite quail. October 15 to October 31; mountain or plum­ ed and California or valley quail, no open season, except in Jackson. Josephine. Coos and C urry counties, where season is October 1 to October 31; ducks, geese, coots, ja?ksnip s and yellowlegs. October 1 to January 15. more sordid have been quick to suspect and have looked upon this raim ent as a costume arfected for -Its effect on the voieis. "These- «usplclous »net do not know C ai.” this same biographer says, "fo r his essence is sim plicity and sincerity. He is as much h im ­ self at work in a smock frock and boots as the sometimes effete children of Beacon Street are when they loll In dinner Jnckets, or de- callcte and lapis lazuli." attachm ent for a man, » r j » . « child It was an affection as laaO nr as the years. H e has n e w forZ gotten the devoted aun t nursed him as a baby. Bach t i n . he visits Plym outh, no m atter w h at the press of official buxine«*. finds am ple tim e to sit w ith b a r and ch«t of his boyhood. The lower photograph shows htm preparing for a session on the b o A - °f * m a e h lq a u a rt With Which ho is Jqgt u fa m , llla r as he is w ith bt* «aldo l d w u V »no be Mrs. Barbara Dean went to There will be a community Oregon City Monday to visit lair at the Shedd schoolhouse the third generation and its on the 13th and a dinner, the parents. proceeds of which ' will go to the school play shed. FOR SALE R eg istered Lincoln Ram E im k r C. Mrxsox Roule 1, Halsey. LCigT Large white mile P a r t A n g o ra C at Strived from Hugh Leeper yesi- ‘Knee. TAn^wers lo „»me of Peter Finder write Mre. S. H B kipgkr * 138 W. Ninth •»., Albany1 A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S N O T IC E of Hearing of Pihal Acoount Notice i t hereby given th»t the final sccountof E. E. Gorm ley ts adm inis­ trator of the estate of Em aline G orm ­ ley, deceased, has been filed io the » ru n ty Court of L in n Conaly, State of Oregon, and the ISth day of Septem­ ber. 1924. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m ., bas heen duly appointed by eaid v o n rt for the hearing of objections to said final account and the settlement thereof, at which tim e any person in ter­ ested in M id estate may appear and file objeetiona thereto in w ritin g and con­ test the same Dated and first published August 14, 19,A E. 8 . G o a m .g r . Am inistrator Aiorw aid. A mox a . T c m ik s , Att'y fot Afimr,