Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, September 04, 1924, Image 1

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Short Stories from Sundry
Mount Hood Sunday,
Your Interests Are Involved
Arley Cummings and wife have
gone to Newport for a week.
J. W . urinkard and wife at­
tended a eboot at Corvallis Sunday.
Is the
Linn County Fair
Mrs. Pittm an’s father, A. A.
I . E. Gormley suffered from Barber, and her sister Lillian
¡ntnssutecptioD of the intestines, started for California yesterday.
Mr. and Mra. E- C. Green of
but escaped the surgeon’s knife.
Keiee, Wash., paaaeJ through
Lew Davis went to Albany Mon­
Halsey ou their way to Klamath
day. He expeoted to take a train
This fair should be attended by every person liying in the county. It
there for the soldiers’ home at Palls yesteiday.
is, in fact, Y O U R f*>f.
tb e officers are running it for Y O U
Ramsay and L. N . Elliott families
in making it a fair that the whole
Mrs. L. H Thomas of Portland expect to go to Newport tomorrow
°I- They want your attendance,
stopped off the train yesterday to for the week end.
visit her couein, Curtis Veatcb,
but T H E Y W A N T Y O U T O - E X H I B I T S O M E T H I N G
M r. and Mra. L. N Elliott, who
and family.
resided in Halaey six yean ago, A feir cannot be a aucceaa without Ifberal aad( suhetautial encourage­
F An interesting exhibit at the arrived from Kansas Monday and
ment from the public and exhibitors.
county frir w ill be the Hoffmans' expect to locate i n this vicinity.
While the management assures that it will spare neither time, labor
14 Airedale pups, now a month
W. H. Burbank has traded a
nor expense to make the fair a success, it wants to be seconded by
old, and their mother.
firm for Dudley H enry’s barn oa
the liberal band of the whole people, and it ie relying upon YOU
• Yesterday was very enjoyablv Second street and taken the Cum­
and YO U R N E IG H B O R S and F R IE N D S to BOOST the fair in
spent at Cascadia by Rev, Robert mings bouse, next the Methodist
way yoa can devise.
Parker and family, Mrs. Arthur parsonage, for a residence.
Feote and son Walter, J. S. Van-
H ill & Co. w ill have a speoial We hope to make thia the most marked and memorable ehow ever
ulce and family and the Misses salt of genuine Wear-Eyer alumi-
held in Liau county.
Stivers, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. St*n- nunrklrip pans from Sept. 12 to
disb, M r- »od Mr». B. M- M iller S ept/20 inclusive. Regular $1.95 We are ambitious to held a fair that will have no superior in its class
end daughter Gardie, Misses Ruby goods for 98c. Read the adver­
and witl bt the event of the season.
Scbrell and Beulab M iller, Mrs. tisement next week.
Do you approve of this? If you dp, co-operate with us in getting
Curtis Veatcb and daughter Wan­
M r. aad Mra. C. P. Stafford
da and H . C. Davis. The spring
results; Not only be with us in tbs spirit but in GOOD W O RK S
accompanied home from
water seemed to bear an extra ware
sparkle for the occasion and was their vacation by the latter's
niece, Mrs. bred Psckover, and
enjoyed (?) by all.
husband and baby of Park Place,
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. M iller and who went home Monday.
Thomas snd Gilbert motored to
Ed Sheets and and Otto Shook
Portland, up the Columbia high­
terest in the chicken ranch to
aud wives of Portland and M, H.
way to Hood River and out to
Shoog and fam ily of Hahey went
his father. Lyman expects to
to Eugene Monday. M H. and
go to Klamath Falls, where he
To Be a PROGRESS Fair ?;
A Fair of the People, For the People,
By the People
Brownsville Briefs
Double Vision Lenses
Ultex, $18.50 ; Kryptok„ $17:50.
Peerless. $16.50, Brights. $15;50.
Cemented Segments. $14.50.
Single or Distant Vision Lenses
6 D Curve Tone, $13.50 ; Mencins,
l ’-i D Cnrve Periecopic, $12;50;
Flats* $10.50.
Fitted In Zilo, gold-filled or rimless
For heeavy Zilo frames add $1 to $2.
Deduct $2 for second-grade lens.
Reading glasses. $2.50 to $10,
Bancroft Optical Co.
313 West First street, Albany, Ore,
Ask about Punktal, the perfect lens.
daughter accompanied the visitors
(Enterprise Correspondence)
hi me to Portland . Mr. Sheets
is his cousin and Otto Shook and
wife are hie parents.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Harrison
,were in Albany shopping Sat­
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howe
and daughter Emma drove to
Hubbard Sunday to visit a cous­
in of Mrs. Howe.
Mrs. Cushman and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. 0 . B. Stalnakar
iany an
and Salem Tuesday.
returned to their home in Corvallis
Prof. J.
Torbet returned
Tuesday, after ten days’ vacation,
during whioh they visited the
C -F . Klopeio and aud wife and
uoinen of Karl Patton aud family
son aud daughter went to Albany
in Seattle and Frank Stain ater io
Portland. They were accompanied Mrs. Roxy McHugh, aud grand­
on the trip by Mre. T. P. Pattou daughter, Julia Crawford, took
Mrs. B. R. For be» went to New-
of this city.
in the “dollar day” at Albany port Saturday,
C. O. Nyberg of Seattle and
wife and child arrived Satur­
day for a visit of a few days
with Mrs. Nyberg's niece, Mrs.
T. J. Skirvin, and husband.
T. A. Churchill, a Lake Creek
pioneer,r eturned to his home
at Los Angeles, Tuesday.» He
has been visiting in this valley
for three months. He lived on
the Tom Jackson place fifty
years ago.
(Continued on pageTT"
Come on Boys
OF COURSE, no boy
will really test his shoes
with a saw, an auger or a
chisel, but it does seem so, es­
pecially when mother just finished
lecturing about the care of new shoes
and father just paid the bill. And to
make boys take care of their shoes all the
time would be to take half of the joy out of their lives.
The tohition of the problem /« to buy
WEYENBERG SHOES at the »tart
T h e y “S tan d th e G aff”
Weyenberg Boys’ Shoes are made “All Solid
Leather”—cut from the best part of the hide.
They are not made like so many boys’ shoes, from the
culls or left-overs of leathers used for men’s shoes.
That’s the reason Weyenberg Boys’ Shoes wear so
much longer and better than other shoes. The
boys like them because they**stand the gaff.'*
has secured work for the win­
ter. Mrs. Howe will meet him
there after visiting with her
, Epitome of Events in the
Beaver State
Twenty thousand tons of hay from
last year's crop remain In warehouses
tn Haines
The second annual reunion of the
S t John family was held at Burnt
Woods near Corvallis, with 63 prasrnt.
Charles L. Loomis, mayor of Ash
land, died of a complication of dis­
eases. foUowlDg two weeks of serious
Vessels sailing for foreign ports
from Coos Bay during the past month
carried 6,370,333 feet of logs, lumber
and lath.
thousand dollars'
blooded Jersey stock has arrived at
Tbe Dalles, recently, from the W illam­
ette valley for farmers of Wasco coun­
Fewer than IS par cent Ml the ragth*
tered voters of Gone county went to
the polls to vote on the queeihm of
bonding the county f»r $$$0.000, the
money to be used In m atching s»a*e
money now being expended lu the
Thu rote waa 1»16 vest $M
By the uae of 48 008 pounds af ex­
plosive the Underwater pinnacles la
tbe channel of Taquloa bay have beau
cut off to a depth of 17 feet at low
water. Tbe project depth rails for
30 feet ta the channel, hut this w ill
require tbe work of about two snore
Establishment of a number of naw
granges and building up tbe member­
ship of other granges which have not
functioned In a manner satisfactory
to the officers, was the chief topic o f
Ernest Hart, an employe at Nickel- discussion at a meeting of the execu­
sen's mill nt Bandy, was killed by logs tive -committee of the Oregon State
which broke from a train as tt round­ grange at Batem.
Pumps are to be established In the
ed a curve, crushing him.
bed of Tule lake to control seepage
The Scottaburg-Reedaport road was
from surrounding irrigation projeots.
opened to travel last week, the only
according to H. D. Newell, superin­
obstacle In the roadway being at Mill
tendent of the Klamath reclamation
creek, where there Is no bridge.
The pumping w ill protect
а . a . wstsoq , wno several weeks project.
ago bought a ranch for about $(10,000 some 16,000 acres of grain tn the lake
near Heppner and then fame to Pen bed which will be harvested during
dleton and purchased an automobile the next three months
The Tumwater Lumber company of
and clothes aod gave checks that were
not honored, was arrested at Heppner Tumwater, Wash., through their rep­
resentative at Klamath Falls, an-
and held for Umatilla county officials
A. M. Dalrymple, warden of the nouaced that a plant for the manu­
facture of ready-cut bouses was plan­
Oregon state penitentiary, has return
od from Salt Lake City, where he at­ ned for Klamath Falls tn bo ready fdr
tended the annual conference of prls operatlons by nett spring. The plant.
Is to have a rapaolty of about 100.’»
on officials.
The Mountain States Power com houses a year st the start.
Worh on the McKenzie past road Is
being rushed with a force of 130 te
140 men and Is expected to be. com­
pleted within a month.
pany is planning to start at once the
work of rebuilding Ita distribution
system through the main section, of
Cottage Orove.
Mark Weygandt. veteran Mount
Hood guide, has announced that more
than 1700 climbers have registered at
the top of the anow peak for the sea
son thus far.
Three residents af The Dalles— Mrs.
E. B. Orelner and Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Buncel— were drowned In the Colum­
bia river at Dutton's ranch, four miles
west of The Dalles.
Pierce from practically every section
of the state Indicate that Oregon may­
ors are behind the defense test pro­
gram September 11.
Thera were two fatalities dua trt
Industrial accidents In Oregon during
the week ending August 21, accord­
ing to a report prepared by the state
Industrial accident commission. The
victims were Clarence L. Monjay. Port­
land, brskeman, and Philip DortlcaB
Leneve, laborer. A total of «20 acci­
dents was reported during the week.
Tbe cost of the harvest of the mM-
Colunrhts apple crop w ilt be material­
ly reduced this season. Tbe Hood
J lk e
River Apple Grower«* aesoeWtton has
Men are hauling gravel and Hunter will live in town this-
announced a scale of four cents per
crushed rock filling in market
box for picking and peeking, as
*• »
read 31, which will make a splen­ W alter Braund shipped two nice
against 6 rents last year. Day labor
will receive the following this year:
did road, connecting the Ash veala to Swift ifc Co., Portland,
Men. 30 cents an bony women. 26
Swale people with Shedd.
Mieses Louise W right and Con­
The local W. C. T. U. is givl
Roy Moss, a checker for the state
¡ng an all-day meeting in the stance Fields want to Turner Sat­
Inability to pay his bills and falling
highway commtseten. end a mih-oow-
park Friday for the L. T. L. urday for a visit.
health, together with the Invalidism
named Widener were a free ted
Every boy and girl is invited to
Travis Martin went to Port­ of his wife, oaused Jack Redman, tractor
Echo on abarges of em battle
attend and join the L. T. L.
land and Beaverton Tuesday i prominent realtor of Bugeae, to shoot near
mnnt when R H Baldoek. dtvtotoo
hie wife and thea commit suicide.
Cleve Harrison, who has been for a two-weeks etny.
engineer, of La Grande, eharged th at
helping Clarence Boggie on his
J. W. Blaine visited at Al- The Sprague River White Pine saw­ the highway commission had Inform e
straw baler, was called home Tuesday after a visit to Reeds­ mill, located In the Sprague River tlon tn show that the mea worked te­
Tuesday on account of the seii- port. He will teach at Browns­ valley, north terminus of the Strahorn gs t her to obtain money to which they
railroad, was »old t» J. M. Edgerton were not entitled.
ous illness of his wife with ville this winter.
Among Brownsville passengers of Grants Pass for approximately $40,-
heart trouble.
All tourist» tn Medford ahd vicinity
via Halsey to Albany Saturday 000.
or passing along the Paclfla highway
Byrle Cevelnses, 14. son of M r aad at that time will not only be admitted
Mrs. J. Loomis and cbildran,
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell WM- ware
Mrs. D. K. Wolgamott aud daugh­ Mra. Walter Cavelnaes af Springfield, free but a apaolal sffsrt will be made
gamott of Bend have a new ter
Gladys, Miss Glenda Ross, L. was killed when he was run over by
eight-pound girl at their home D. Vidito and Miss Mildred Rots. an automeblle driven by I .ester Schar- io Indues them to attend tha Janhaon
county fair aad southern Oregon pear
Mrs. Wolganott’s mother, Mrs.
man. also 14. aad residing In Spring- show at Medford. September 10. 11
N. L. Burson, is taking care of
12 and I I . I t Is estimated shout 3800
their uncle, S. M. Jackson of field.
the little lady.
Canned blackberries are In great dw tourists w ill take advantage of this
Iowa, took a Halsey train Friday,
Lyman Howe has sold his in- Mr. Stanard going to Albany and rnand. according te J. O. Holt, itan- court So v during the four dayy.
Fred Vardlow of Elko. Nuv, shot aad
Mrs. Stauard and Mr. Jackson to agar of the Rugeae F ru it Growers' as­
Vancouver, Wash., to visit tba sociation. but not enough are arriving killed W Austin Goodman. sh eriff of
home of Mrs. Stanard’s father, at the association's cannery to supply Hartley county, and than fled oa
horseback. Ha «sea captured by F .
Rsv. C. M. Cline, who is a Baptist the demand
minister there.
Oregon pensions have been granted Goodman, IT. sen af the stain sheriff,
assisted by Deptoy Sheriff Renshaw
Rev. J. C. Orr, pastor of the as follows Phoebe C. Buck bee. Salem. and a posse of dtlseea, after his
$30; Sarah B. Ogle. Portland. $12;
Prebylerian churcb, and Miss
horse had been shat down from under
Etta Veneta Talent were married Harry K. lxrvell, Pendleton. $16; John him, The capture was etfeoted at
Thursday, tbs pastors of tbs Bap­
the kes^ of Deep creek, ea the »Me
tist. Christian aod
M'tbedist I, Smith, Portland. $30
ef Steles mountain, a heat 70 mile«
churches participating in the cere­
from the scene ef the minder, whleh
mony. The couple mads a geta­ way between Prairie GRy and Dlgle
was at Folly farm, near the harder af
way to the railroad station and out
Haleey Church of Christ
are now finishing the grade from Malheur and Harney counties.
Church Announcements
Church of C b ria t:
Lon Chtmlee, m mister.
Bible school. 10, W. H. Robert-
of town while would-be tin-can
serenaders were chasing sundry Dixie to Austin and this work la
cars in a strenuous effort to locate expected te be completed within the
them. In this quest Jim Fox had month.
The Marine Products company's fish
tn auto mishap in which bis face
was somewhat cut and scratched. oil and fertilizer plant at Warrenton,
Harry Commons and
son, superintendent.
children attended church Sun­
Christian Endeavor, 7.
Morning worship, 11. Lord’s day at Shedd and visited the
lady’s parents, Mr. and Mix.
»upper every Lord's day.
T. B. Sprenger.
Evening service, 8.
The church without a bishop, in
Eighty Ulan county business and
I the country without a king.
professional men, members of a dele­
I f you have no church home gation that went to Bend over the
come aud worship with us.
MeKeeste pass. returned to western
Robert Parker, pastor.
Sunday School, 10.
Preaching, 11.
Intermediate League, 7.
Epworth League, 7.
Prayer meeting Thursday,
Preaching, 8.
Oregen with the aaauraaco that oeu
tral Oregon ceunUee would support
plans for the coaetrunOoa of a high
way arrest the Baptism pase
meeting tn Bend was attended by aiore
than ISO persona end resulted In the
organisation of a Bantlam Highway
___ ______ .
Following a pahMc hearing la tha
office ef tha port of Umpqua cnmmte-
tloo a new basin of oe-operatlea be­
tween the port dtstrfat agd the United
State« govs ram sat a c t be reoqm-
over which a controversy raged In the mended by Captain Georgs Mayo, dis­
circuit court last fall, has been 4uc trict engineer for district He. 1 Since
ceesfully deodorized and Is operating adoption of (he north Jetty project ea
without inconvenience to residents Of the Umpqua snd aetheiUaettea of a
surrey of the toner harbor the pert
the city.
has been co-operating aa a 60 NO basis.
б, 'zchange of approximately 70,000
If tbe dlstrlot engineer's recommenda­
acres of scattered state lands In Coat
tion la carried out the new working
and Curry oouatles for a similar
basis w ill be to for tba port and $0 far
amount of national forest lands Inolud
the government.
ed In one tract. Is being oonsldared hy
the state land hoard. In event the
exchange ia made the federal tract
Mrs. A. M. Chamberlin, who
will be set aside as a forest reserve.
been visiting her mother,
Members of the state land board will
J. Edwards, returned te
leave for Coos tnd Cufry counties
Friday, where they will Inspect all of her home at Portland Tuesday.
the lands Involved tn the proposed Mr. and Mrs. Edwards expect
to follow soon ard make their
home there.