HALSEY EN TER FRISK PAGE « GLOBE ALBANI SUN- -MON—TUBS AVO. 31-Sner. 1-2 : H E ’S B A C K A G A IN « $ Rudolph • Valentino in : M onsieur : Beaucaire • 4 S h o w s D a ily • • 1:30 M a tin e e * , • • SPECHT U S • * 7 :3 0 0:30 Evening*, 50c—JO. Kid*, a dime .UJC AT THE P A IN O --------------------------------------------------- Coming 2 J 8:30 THE YANKEE COUNCIL (T h e y e a r’« beat com edy) Halsey Happenings etc. (Continued page 3) Mrs. Herman Steinke and lit­ tle son went to Eugene Friday. Mrs. Harry Commons visited her m other, M rs . I I I I I « I I t r li « a c it « « t ■ * p t< p ti o » « tl » h tt R- t ft ft «uth of Establishment of a factory In Salem Roseburg. tor the spinning of flax fiber and mak­ No. 23 run* to Eugeue only. ing twines and cloth la entirely feasi­ No. 21 runs to Eugene, thence Marsh­ ble, according to a letter received , at field branch. Salem from B. C. Miles, a local capi­ Passengers for south of Roseburg should talist, who h«B been touring England, take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer Scotland and Irqland Investigating the to No. 15. flax industry. After Sqptember 1 there will he no SUNDAY MAIL HOURS more rural mallcarrlera driving horses out of Eugene. On that date motor T h e d e liv e ry w indow of tbe route C will be established, taking H a ls e v poftortice is open S u n d ay * over the work of three of the present fro m 10:10 to 10:50 a. to. and 12:15 carriers, and one postofflce, that at to 12:30 p. m. Fox Hollow, will b« discontinued. S u n d ay m a il goes out o n ly on Forest Supervisor MacDufr kaarrec- the n o rth -b o u n d 11:37 tra in : Mail goes south once a day, closing at ommended to the district forester at Portland that the carrying ot firearms 11:05 a. in. ; north twice, closing 11:25 a. in . ami 5:30 p. iu. .Mail stage tor be prohibited on the, watersheds of Brownsville, Crawfordsville and Sweet Salt creek. W lnnberry creek and Fall Home leaves daily at 6:45 a. m. creek, where some of the best deer hunting In Oregon. Is to be found. Willard Batteries : Z Z 2 • Conditions at Hood Rlyer which a couple of weeks ago pointed to an apple harvest earlier than usual, were removed by the recent rains, which are expected to delay m aturity of the fruit. The showers, although light, will be of great benefit to growers of the district. Stanley Jewett of Portland, In charge of state, predatory animal con trol, after a tour of Inspection through Harney and Lake counties, reports antelope plentiful thia year, partlcu larly In East W arner valley, but feed la scarce and .a great many of the fawns are starving. Near East Confarance J. J . H a n d s a k s r, n orthw est m a n ­ ager of th e n ear ast e r s lit f, w ith M r * . H a n d s n k e r (a t th« wheel of th e ir c a r ), M rs. R a m b o , wbo baa been in H a ls e y before in the in t..” - eit of tbs cause, and a la d v ju s t home fro m w ork am ong the au ffer- ers passed through H a ls e y S a tu r­ d ay on tb a ir way to lb« conference ot n ear east w o rk e r* a t P ro sp ect, between M ed fo rd and C ra te r lak e. T h e lon fsreo oe occupies p ra c tic a lly • 11 this week. yesterday. Hans Koch returned Monday from Hood River, where hi spent a week visiting with his » HALSEY GARAGE, A. E. FO O TE* daughters. Mrs. H. Freerksen and het sister, Mrs. S. Freerksen, weri dinner guests of Jim Taitv ano Mrs. Clark Sunday. ^UTO Miss Bessie Southworth ol R epairing p ro m p tly done Weiser, Idaho, is visiting at thi After two months of negotiations home of her parents, Mr. an< between the Mountain States Power Caught a Tartar H A L S E Y , Oregon Mrs. J. E. Southworth. Mis: company and tbe city of Solo, looking M u » R u th K e n n e d y and D r. N. Southworth is a trained nurse toward the sale ot the Melo electric L. T a r t a r of C o rv a llis wsrs m a rrie d plant to the company, an agreement Miss Helen Moore and broth last week. was reached. It Is said the price er Daniel of Riparia, Wash., re » agreed upon Is *42^00 cash and two turned to their home Monday, years' free lighting of. the streets. FOR SALE after a visit with their grand Appreciation of the state highway parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. » I o the People of H alsey: commission of the work dene by the Boyden. 14c Eugene chamber of commerce in get­ A few » The John Porter home wa:, lb ting local merchants to pledge them the scene of a delightful pally » HALSEY MEAT MARKET, selves to give up highway advertising Thursday night when thi • R. B a v a u * was expressed In a letter received by young people of the Christiai 9 the chamber from Roy A. Klein, state Endeavor were entertained 9 Whatsoever a man soweth probably highway engineer and secretary of ('hops, Steaks, R oasts, Boiling Alx>ut thirty were present. Re wpfi't come up well unless the ground the commission. PU BLIC SALE freshments were enjoyed. la properly prepared. Uniform bag ltmlPs on migratory/ Pieces, Sausage, M v livesto ck, fa rm w a c h iu e r'y , birds in states of the west was one of Mrs. Violet Mathews arc Potatoes require much work and at­ the Important topics for cdhslderation F<>rd ca r and household goods w ill an yth in g in m y lin e, at prices th a t you w ill ap p reciate. daughter of Los Angeles spent la- »old n t tbe fa rm , 4 utiles so u th ­ tention and. like other worth-while Com e iu and sea w hat 1 have to offer O u r acqu ain tan ce at a meeting In Portland of the W est­ east o f R a in e y , S E P T . 6 Wednesday at the home of their Se« things, pay back inoat when they re­ ern Association of State Game Com­ m ay he m u tu aN y p leasan t and profitable cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Frank ceive It. u i«i ed cards »J o h n K u w a k d s missioners F r ld a y * li# fUtJlrday. Pre­ e e e Gray. They had been touring One sure method of building op the lim inary to the meeting of the state Washington and Oregon anc G. HOFFMAN soils now In small grains Is to follow officials a conference was held by were on their way home. LO ST—W ill the parly who found a with a crop of cowpeas or soy beans, federal wardens*« Hughes D o u b le Q )t or even velvet beans. Mrs. A. E. Foote, with hei A freak of nature, an apple growing • « • cousin. Miss Ardith Vance ol on a grapevine, was discovered in the between Hr iwnsville and Tangent early rg lasr entered H ik m a n ’s sto ir Simple Rule to Insure Seattle, drove to Junction City orchard of W. Bartlett aj Bclo. The Monday morning. Aug 18, yvilh a M il- West left Wednesday in B A u lb ton banner uttached please notify / a n y Tuesday n ig h t, use Thursday. They visited at thi or George apple had falle* from tha tree Into Profit From Home Garden Sixes, where he will make boxen ana tw in e they fo un d B u r ­ M rs. M . B entley , home of the former’s mother i is home. the grape vine below and In some Though the Insect, fungus and bac­ S u ita b le rew ard F re e w a te r, O r«. in packing goods and carried otl Mrs. F. W. Robinson. From manner a tw lf of the vine twined terial pests that trouble garden, orna­ Mrs. L. E. Walton and son 17000 w orth. around the stem of thJT. apple and there they drove to Eugene. FOR SALK ames, were passengers to s mental and orchard plants number nurtured It. 'The apple Is now full A t H a rris b u rg T uesd ay Blaine among the thousands, they can be fa ir­ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millei Harrisburg Saturday. grown and rlflk ■ ■“ well controlled even by the sm i R egistered Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Freerksen Colbixr« .54 took form aldehyde ly went to Harrisburg Friday foi tear, say* V R Gardner ef the Mia Shipments Of green prunes from '““ ‘" “V a visit at the home of the form vere dinner guests of Mr. and L’L . J eourl College of Agriculture. Ram W illam ette valley polnm Fresno and accompani« of Hearing of Fihal Account Mrs. C. H. Koontz and son mature September 1. 1924. These se Notice is hereby given that the final by her father and mother. Herman, whe have been occupy­ purities are a part of the co-operative account of E. K Gormley • * adminis­ bonds Issued In the year 1917 to trator of the estate of Emaline Gorm­ P. ,1. Forster become sudden ing a Newport cottage for the match federal appropriations for poet ley. deceased, ha* been filed in the | y i i l Saturday morning whik Mist six weeks, returned home County Court of I inn County. Stale of and forest roads talking with neighbors at tin Wednesday of last week. Oregon, and the 15th day of Septem­ The cooing of pigeons In hnsiness ber. 1924, at the hour ef 10 o’clock a. lumber yard. For a short tinn Tariffs war« filed In th« offlers ol buildings In Penrile*on In the future nt., has Iwen duly appointed by said he was unable to recogniz« th» public servtco commission in Se will he the signal tor sharpshooters Court for the hearing of objection« t« those about him. His daughtet l«m authorising enurston rat«* ot to take a bead and shoot, according said final account and the settlement Mrs. Roberts, was called and hi one and a third round trip far»« lot thereof, at which time any person inter­ to action taken by tbe city connetl ested in aaid estate taay appear and fi'o wa* taken home, where he if the various county and district fain The elty chief of police was author­ objection* thereto in writing and con­ slowly improving. and for th« at«t« (air ized by the council to deputltr a dep­ test the same Dated and firat pabbtfaed Anguat 14, Miss Ethel Quimby and Mis- Mrs. H. L. Thomas and nieces uty to shoot the bird«, which hare Iwt- 1924, E. R. GonMLBV. Annette Ix>ng, from Oklahoma Misses Enid and Wanda Veatch come to plentiful that ritlaens are Arainiatrator Aforesaid. (fv*v.i*« visited the past week witl took the tram for Portland Fri- Hurrah for LaFollette and beer i completami about their presence A mom A T c s s in o , A tt'y fot Admr, J F > > > : « / • *.• ’ -I "X » i ’ »_ Pigs J. a , 4