S i i M c t a r ^ — Continued ^ / ^ b a n y _ 2 ^ rectory A U ii FARM LOANS HALSEY STATE BANK W rite lor booklet descri'oiag our 20- T h i« i* goo«1 advice; " I t you live 10 Albany, trad« m Albany. I d you In e Rut4' predit Amortiaed Luana id sonic qlher U>wn. Dade in that tow n ," I I he loan pays nut in JO payments, re­ b u l / K #!»»» cotou’Obile dajb many sc- tirin g the principal Cheap rales \ j » .Inn: elsewhere find it advisable to do d»'»y B eam L and C o .. at least part of tlie ir buyiag.^in the 1 A3 Lyon street Albany Ore. larger town. Those who gotcf Albanv to tr iaaact basinets w ill had the firms named below ready to fill theif. require­ ments with courtesy an I fairness. FARM LOANS A N D SU R PLU S Weat First St • kA V ■ C ut ilowera A lb a n y Floral Co. sets. seta x * Electric Store. Albanv ARROW GARAGE, Gansle Bros 55 Radio ffl Electric w iring. Delco I ight products 202 Second G l in n W illabd _ SHOE SERVICE W ii . hoflich . *1 Shoes that cost less per month of near I uto Electric Service— Recharg A able A A H batteries— W IL L A R D storage battery. Phone .’3. 119-121 W Second st. H. D. Preston—J.C . Cochrau Why sutler troin headache? Have your eyes examined S. T . F R E N C H lue Bird Restaurant, 309 Lyon B street. Eat here when in Albany Open from 6 to 2 and 5 to 8. Vlas, B lount . B R U N S P W H l O C N K O G R A P H S at W O O D W O R T H 'S Optometrist, F. M. F r en c h D L ’R K H A R T & LEE sole agenia for with & S o n s J E W E L E R S — O R T IC IA N S Puenia Pure Paint and Dr. Hess' Poultry and Stock T on ic Albany, Oregon TAavenport Music company offers ” Piano-case organ, good as new Eatey organ, good as new Used Pianos. Quality astburn Bros.— Two big grocery E W h at a eatiefactioo to know stores, 212 W . First and 225 South that your K R Y P 1 0 K GLA SSES M ain. Good merchandise at .the right are built upon the highest stand­ prices. ard of Q U A L IT Y . I p l i i a Cafeteria and confectioner! Anyone buying for quality will " Hom e cooking. Pleasant surround­ ings. Courteous, efficient service. a-k for K R Y P T O K S . W e make our own candies W S. D uncan . ilm s developed F and printed We m ail them rig h t back to you. Woodworth Drug Company, Albanv, O r­ egon. 3ORD S A I.E S a S E R V IC E ND Tires and accessorie« Repairs K irk -P ollak M otor Co. 'E Vntm iller. F u rn ittlie Co., fu r n - A lure, rugy, linoleum, stoves ranges Funeral <1 tractor» 427-423 street, Albapy. Oregon.- west First Meade & Albro, — U L X x iV R O C E R Y , F 286 L y o n Optometrists, Manufacturing Opticians Albany, Oregon F W . S E X A U e J i , auto and geu- (SuLcessar to Stenbarg Bros.) Groceries Fruits Produce Phone 2b3R i o. • eral paiater » 201 E. First street G et my estimate t A Modern Barber Shop Lau lid rv >*C»t Tuesdays Vgency Hub Cleaning Works olman a jackson H A B E S . ■ Grocery— Bakery E veryth in g iti the line of eats Opposite Postoffice ub Candv C o ., First street, next H P LA C E Amor A. Tussi ng door to bias« Ctothing Co. Noon lunches.. Home made candv and ice Cream. L awyer Itic , H Ob Cleaning Cor. Works, Becoond and Ferrv M P E R IA L C A F E . 209 *5» First • ■ 2» Harold G, M urphy Prop. Phone ¿h5 W a nbvkr closi • H alsey , il | a (1 neto e i . ectr i e ~ c o . All work done promptly and reason­ — akinellq M and money are liest when M l ’lione No. 269 Æ O O R E ’S -M U a iC H O U S E , «. r ’ , I -, »’» "E v e ry th in g m usical" 3 W. First st. < u rp fiy e ______ Motor Co. Bnick and * Chevrolet automobiles. Tires anil cesiones Albafiy. Oregon. Phoae 2*0. 2 I w. the W IN C H E S T E R S T O R E First st ' S. G IL B B R l A SON !• Hmlder»' aud shell hardware, gar n tools, crockery and glassware ■ w Stock New low prices Cash paid for Cream, Poultry, Eggs, Veal & Hides. M. H- SH O O K D ELBERT STARR runeral Director and Li­ censed Embalmer Efficient Service. Motor Hearns Lady Attendant. Brownsville_____ _____ — Oregon W - L W R IG H T Mortician & Funeral Director Halsey aod Harrisburg Call D. T aylo B. Halsey, or W. L. W KiO H f. H arruburg 'T I M m 'N T H E S U C K DOCTOR ’ «•Second street ore. HE opposite Ham ilton's "Sudden Service." M A R G U E R IT E S H O P P F Shampooing. Marcelling and Scalp latments M argaret Countryman, sbe theater bldg Pim i e 15*1 Prop 7« W < j Anderson A Hon. d utrib- ’ u to rs a e 4 lealaen for M a iw e ll, Chai­ rs, Esses H »Ison ft Ifiiom obile cars. 1«t Ar Broadalbin PüB ITERE AND F/B M MACHINERY sold tgd exchanged at all times EN T. SUDTELL -It, 123 N. Broadalbin s t, Albany < 7 •> • e cabki floor banged open Ills Angers were yanked back to pull his Iwo re­ volver». (Continued from page 2) The newcomer stopped short on be holding the reclining table. Hinsdale shnlfled ahont and grumbled half aloud. T hat you, Rusty I" demanded the man above, • " trh u li. Come down here." growled Hinsdale T he man walked around the table and unsuspectingly lowered himself through the opening As his feet touched the ground and a t his hands w ire .falling to his side Hinsdale brought the barrel of the heavy Colt down on his head. The fellow col- lapqeCand remained motionless Dins dnla stepped over the prostrate form and«di*ew himself up through the open- Ingjatid tipped the trapdoor hack In plade ’ . "That makes It aw kw ard,” he rnut- tjrkrt as he stepped to the open door and sized up and down the valley. T ie man's lack of suspicion and hl« resdlnes* to accept an Intruder as a air ruber o f the gang Indicated that some one known as "Hasty” was ex hocted to be In the cabin; therefore. Rusty must be In the Immediate neigh borkood and likely to appenr at any momgnt W hile It was reassuring to discover no body of men approaching the cabin It was disquieting to observe there were no horses In sight. The man In» the cellar had arrived ent farth e r Increased when he ered each of the feu r legs was holted to the floor. Ironmongery was eaell; procured In Deadwood City and other hill towns, but why any one should bother te bring Iron dam ps and screws to thia Isolated spot and make a rough slab table secure to the floer was a problem that challenged hla Imagination. He took hold of the table and lifted It did not give H e glided te the side farthest from the door and repeated his experiment W ith an exclamation J i* Jumped back and the table hanged down In place again. H e had lifted a section of the floor along with the table Returning to the aide next to the door he reached across and dnea more lifted and pulled The table tipped quite easily. It was bolted to, and effectually concealed, a large tfap- ooor. When he finished the door stood upright at right angles with the floor and the table rested on Its aide. D arting to one of the curtained iyln (lows he pulled back the covering and briefly surveyed the course he had taken In coming down the sloping vah ley. He took the same precaution’ at a window on the opposite side No '•ne wak In sight In either direction From the door he looked across to the rocky rim of the lesser ridge It DANCE at T u m b le Inn W e d n e s d a y and S a tu rd a y <* N ig h ts Good Music New Floor 2} miles north way *• DR. W H E T S T O N E D E N T IS T HALSEY H O TE L Wadnaaday and Friday 12 to 8:30 BARBER SHOP F ird -c la s s Work J. W S T E P H E N S O N . Í * í ./ 1 S u tjffen tio n s N ew p o rt T illa m ook ('oor Hap b e a r h o t O rep vn C a m » O a U r iM k e I te lig b t/iil m o u n ta in renarle S o u th e rn P a cific lo w r o u n d tr ip fare« p re sen t a llu rin g pottdihiliricft fo r a jo y o u s h o lid a y . T a k e th e fa m ily o n a h o lid a y jo u rn e v . Y o u r t r ip via S o u th e rn P acific w ill he s u rp ris in g ly in e x ­ pensive a nd c o n v e n ie n t. For full information, communicate with C p . M O O D Y , Agent - Phone 22« Southern Pacific Pinedale ran to th» nearest point of the growth despite the possibility that Rusty might he waiting to re­ ceive hltn. Nor did he breathe freely until he plunged Into cover Soon he was hack at the camp and Pyrites was dem anding: "W here In sin have you been?” ‘T v o been In a long narrow valley between this and the next rtdg»," wearily replied Hinsdale. “ And I had nn adventure I never looked for.” Forthw ith he recited his experience In (be calvln and his assault on the rtlnn In the cellar. "Now you've gone and done It f groaned Pyrites, running to the hut ros. Strike that tent and help ore pnek Good lord, of all the had In h t! I panned the dirt you left and It'a 'n ll pay gravel once It can he hr draulb if d Hal«ey Happening* iContlnu»»! tro ni ■ • • • Have u m -'S'8 »< of' A IB a n y , i» I t fi , • • ■ on High- seen Mr«. It Bridgar’a I .'at. P« I er f Many tielda to t late p>lataaa war» im p r /iv id by lx«t week’s raitt. W illia m F it f ! a lt a r ul B a rlia , 17, line l/cuu »«lit to t be stitta int-aue I asylum. A. It Q uim by ba« inttalled a i modern lighting »vilriri at hi« »to» h"ine Wilburn W hile and A rthur Wa«- I lev mid Ihtur w iv ir visitad Ca ca- j »lift S u n d a y . T hat wet. iiinnn which uama I ba And you have to stick your no«A lu al sr pari ol last wevk baa I »an stranger's business and lat them kn»»w yon done It by belting one of th»m -h irkin g ahainrlully, over the head I W hat made you go R alp F i| er of W aterloo paid a Into that cabin where yon must ’a’ I ; tin t iif *26 Inal »»»k for I untipg known you wasn't wanted?” “Curiosity, I reckon." sighed Dlns- gmv squirfi'la nut of s»aa<>H dale, turning to help with the pack­ M il» E T a j Im haa botigbt th? ing "Once I was In I took the best A . M. Byrd in Hi«' way of getting out. The man I cracked | iilerest i f , Blow ni-ville Tiiuva ami is now ault over the head never saw me." "Rut If he a come to, or hla mates I proprietor. have come along, they’ll scatter and I.. B . L tip s r had Ilia right arm toon And this camp,” w rathfully de­ lirnketx ami waa ntlisrwiae injured plored Pyrites. "W o eln't got a sin­ ■ I> y a kicking at»llion at Tangcm gle minute to lose.“ "Going te give the valley a wide Thureday availing, berlh and make the divide above or C harlta Gibaun am i wife w ill below them?'' asked Pinedale. eara off from Ilia ilrsnunuarirva of "Make the divide nothing!" euort- farm hfs and ruota In C o rvallia. ed Pyrites "W e're going to make • leaving Cream and Produce Station *< »SCO K A M ES ' I l A R h W A R B, V to your favorite playground the horn« plat» in lb», tracks hack to tbe Rapid and follow hands ol Frank and wife and It down to Rapid City as fast as wa ilin l urn aon. can hoof It. I only hep* none of them Tha Kastbum ftln iily ,22 strong, are In Rapid City to see ns coma In.” gathered at a fam ily reunion at 'I f my little adventure stops ns I the h ’me of W. A Kaaihuru iti from prospecting on the divide I don’t know as I care how soon we meat I A lbany Sunday tri a fam ily rru p - ttin I be uani» of Eaaihurn la j * . them.” aullen'y retorted Hinsdale. i To busy. Make your dollkrs work in our liv in g s department. , A lbany S ta TR H ankx fnuler goverttgiedt supervision. '* going away HALSEY PARLORS v ■ (A beauty aid for every need) St. FrUncn Hotel ' J Prep.. W irwifbkp R qsk . en ably. Pay Gravel O regon F. M. GRAY, DRAYM AN •k’ 1 Official, Strom berg carburetor serv­ ice station. Couserratsve prices All work'guarauteeil.' II'» 121 W . Second. U. S. & C. T. C. Tires New. low-priced (Jill More service Batteries for No more cost Ford, and Star, other Skilled Auto repairing Chevrolet small cars A uto accessories MORE SERVICE FOR LESS MONEY and notary : Master Dyers aud Cleaners M a d e -T o -M e a S u /e Clothes I . Saturdaif k S uncial) Monday W m B ain . Room 5, First Savings Bank I a * and plants, plants. Floral art for every and all occasions. F lo w er phone 458-J. A lb a n y Insurance Courteous treatment. ' builmng. PAGt 3 another great 3 DAY VACATION $35 ,0 00 Commercial and Savings Account* Solicited at lowest rate of interest A C C E S S O R IE S A N D T IR E S x* Auto Supe Supplies Real Estate Prompt service. J H A llison H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E Labor D a y Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L 1 8 l ’»24 be continued) m iliar to rpadara of Enterprise ad- vat ti aments 1. M M ann nf lb» /P o rtla n d / it v e/iuiioil i,piin.»a joiniirg in tbe (Knt«»rpriM <*orre»ponH«n<«l Cl»ar Lake w ,t» r project haoauaa N. E. Chandler and fam ily he • » » » storsg» dnins. o liliiin g the arc enjoying a vacation at N; w-. Bull Hun winter oeetflow. would more a/ ononiiccallY gia» I’ortlar d port. It. K. Stewart is visiting hib enough water (nr 2.011),(IDO people. Pine Grove Patters was coverrn witn pine*. j o -is m - f»n fd u f, mid he mast hsv« « otne from Ine the height In the east it woqJA the tiearby wood or else be would have he necessary for hltn to leave the italP' bean-seeu from on» of the two v In In. as there was no window at ¡the dowe before D ln id s 'e rentured through chimney end of the room H» decided the t/apdoor., It was possible that b» to chance it without completing his I and bjs friend Rusty had been to reconnaissance. 4 , gather and bad separated when near This would permit the se- The owners of the place would be the cabin sure to approach from either up or * «ad man to be. In the woods opposite dnwn the valley. Returning to the rfie door ) ••pen trapdoor, be struck a storm match and held It below the floor There was a rude eellar formed by a natural deprettion or hole. It was about six feet deep beneath the open ing and had been shaped with s spade on the sides, but the bottom of It seemed to be solid rock. The flare of the match also reresled a hardtack beg filled with package» done up la bagging sad blankets Dropping to tbe ground beneath he caught np the flrat package and held It In the faint light atreemiag through tbe trap sad deftly untied tbe cord It contained tw enty watches ranging from a lady's timepiece to a massive gold repeater “Agents have been swapping Jewel­ ry for horse«, or else one gang la working both branches of tbe bust nets, he told himself as he carefully retied the package The naxt package, m e h smaller than the flrat, held nothing but linger rings The third package was rich with gold duet and nuggets W hat re- malned he examined by the see.ae of tench and by weighing them In hla hands All contained Jewelry or Bug gets Replacing the loot la fta bo« he pur sued Ms qoe«t eagerly but found nc’ h- •ng He was llffn g h it hands to l f « i " l l ® the tkf «dlf 2f ’6» Dioadals Ran te the Nearest Feint ef tbe Orewrtb Despite the Rosaibillty That Rusty Might • < W aiting te Reaeive Hna. «on, IL L. Stewart, at Mabel this week. Miss Pearl I ’ehrsson visited in Salem and Monmouth Satur­ day and Sunday. E. E. Hover and fam ilv v is it­ ed M i. and Mrs. Frank Mc­ Manus in ( oivaliiL Sundaj’, M r and Mr ,. O tto Nett havi, moved to Portland and Frank Nett and fam ily to Corvallis. Charles Sylvester, wife and mother o f Portland, are visiting at the Fred Sylvester home E. E. Johnson and fam ily from Corvallis have moved to the farm ju a t vacated by the Neffs. I lie play given by the com m unity club F'ridav evening was a success in every way, $25.05 was cleared, which w ill finish paying fo r the piano purchased last spring. Among the Pine Giove peo­ ple attending the circus at Cor­ vallis Thumday were W. D. Mc­ Laren and fam ily, N. E. Chand­ ler and fam ily. Misses Cracu P’ lersson, Marv and Margaret Heinrich and Messrs. Dean Rilyeu, J. C. Heinrich. Allrert Miner and Collin Carver. f'rof. B. F. W ick, formerly a high sclinul teacher in ibe , s i ) „ e s/'hnol with M 1*« N ettie hpanesr, re»« visiting her Tuesday, a o c o m - psnied try Ina »if» and ♦ a naif ilsughlera. Ih » ! prnoeeuM t® V 'lk im a , wbsre M ' Vick ia an* X«gs omisti- luta a gntheriog nf over <0. ill« eluding Mrs Joeie Clem ent of T a . >nnia, H . C. i/avia and Mrs A d ­ da I>‘*pnr o f Halsey. W I*, and. Julinnv Davis of Brownsville, Mr«. C arrie Nelson of Rainier, »eaiiarue« E lf * 'I tim er and L«nn Shadd of Albany and A F. Davie r,f Shedd, all ef one pioneer feni- ily ; al«o Mrs (5, A D avit aud M ’ » M ary D avit of Turner. Ed- «ard Lung and wife aud three children sml Mrs. E»a Young and d ang h i-r of Tacouia, Tbomaa Jsi’k*un anil wife of I,aka Creak, Aiva L«ep*r and fam ily o f Mon. roe. A l Nelson of R ainier and Johnny Davis and wife and chil­ dren and L. W . Byerlay aod wifa of A lbany.