PAGE 2 HA I.SP. V KNTEMPMISB ACC. 2». | He marketed hit products oo the Eugene public market, which en a bled him to get a fair price for them. These are merely two acatieriug •«be- ríe "o. 11.63 a year la advance instances, but they are surely bet. ,-r reading lhau the copious tales A d vertisin g, 2-ic an inch ; no diacout- for lim e or space , no charge for con ( wreck and ruin on the farm poatikiu or c jangee. i«t have been Hooding the papers ( a T a l a - f o i P aragrap hs," 6c a line. or the past few years. HALflEY ENTERPRISE ka i» « e e » a « * > '— *< > T « t e r r a l — »tsva » a *« > e a b U s k r« eve ry T h tre O e y » y V *n . U W H K K L Z H » • advertising disguized as aewa. To Advertisers Copy received before Tuesday is ii tiuie for good position. Wednesday i> late and Thursday's m ail is loo late Office hoars, V to 12 and 2 to 5, excep Mondays sad Friday forenoons. MUST H E L P T H E M S E L V E S Much troth sod fury i t exhib­ ited when seekers after vote» talk le farmers about the economic »H- uatlou, and promises are made of impotable legislatioa t t a l will re­ store the equilibrium that ia pre euruod to have exiated in the years of Adam'« decadence, or auont the early Christiane, when the fish, erioao, the carpenter, the tent maker and the physician and pre auiaably the tiller of the soil “ ha* all tbiugs common.” Laws are oot going to cnre the farmeii'n ills. They could not dt it if they were made by farmers, and they surely will not whan, as in the late lamented congress, there are 320 lawyers and a dozei or two of farmers in the lawmak­ ing body. When a plasterer commands $12 for an eight-hour day aud a farmer sells the product of a week of 14. or IB-hour days lor n* more there is something wrong that will not he righted by a tsriff on wheat. When the fanner sells for 91 what the consumer pays 93 or $4 for there is injustice that will not be remedied by loaning the farmer money Io live and pay interest < n. The farmer needs help to get out of debt, not to get deeper in. The poiltiviao a u d the money leaden will not help him. They o »n’ t. He must help himself. “ The gods help him who helps himself. ” He may help himself by co-op­ erative selling, hut in thia it wi require eleruel vigilance to avoid being thorn by the tame eharper» who are shearing him now. There was n oo-operutive dairy meu'a association in wealern Or» gon. I t col I a | eed. Its manage had iuvolved it in transaction which its inemhers declaied war* ruinous. And that manager w: $ found (o ba J a stockholder in i riv a l• concern I Tb0 Dearboru (M ich .) Innde pondenteaye : M A R Y S M IT H ’S N A M E ’ your campfire and look out f r cigarelf. They are dangerous. Controller Uraeral Curl rules (bat a married woman must use JoMph E. Cox bsr husband's name in signing Mrs. L. M. Begley was it Pori- documents in bis department— land leal week at tbe funeral of John Smith's wife must sign "M rs bar father, Joseph E. Cox, »bo John Sm ith,” not *• Mrs. Mery died In that city Aug. 17, aged 78 Joseph K. Cox was born io Iowa. Sm ith.’* He is reported as saying His first wife was Nancy (hat the latter is not her lega Houghton, for whose fam illy the name. We know that some strng town of Houghton, Clatsop county. birds get into public offices but Oregon, was named. After over did not know that such an ignor 20 ye«rs, during which eight chil- dren were born, ade died, stuur was controller general of the Mr. Col later married Mra. Ida United States treasury. V aaO rdenof Roseburg, wbo sur­ The laws aud court decisions vives him Mr Coa’ children were Lillie permit a person to change his her name at will,' and the sub. May (Mrs. Begley), Joseph Lee, M»ry (deceased), Bertha Mabel, ject is not one of those which tbe Ernest (deceased), Albert. Earl constitution permits tbe federal (deceased) and Eula Isabel. government to meddle with in tin He also le-ves nine grandchil. dren aud two gieal grandchiidreu, states. wbo .eside iu Trenton, N. J. When application la made to court to place a change of name No sob o( grief, do wild lament be there MRS. Lion county is headquarters fur he kind of cows referred to above. July a short distance from the ounty line is 0 . A. C ., the birth lace first of the 200-egg heu, lien of the 200-egg fleck and later f the 300 egg ben and >fiock. At our couuty seat is a pickle factoiy «ady to»coutract for hhndrede of icres of eucumhers, if of tbe right vsrietiea, properly grown and jroperiy harvested. The cannery >t the same plaze could not get naif the strawberries it wauts-i hie year. Sieuberg Bros, could mt gel all the evergreen blacKber. lee they advertised for. If therej were no market of any xind for wheat the Linn farmers ■red not starve. Linn couuty hay ■eed not he freighted to other places to be turned into profitable fairy products. Go to the county fair. Take the whole family. Keep your syce aud ears open. You may learn from others und others may earn from you along the lines of I If help as contrasted wfth the irnken reed of government aid. I o break the sabbath of the holy air. bv radio stations This may ex­ Chicago bad u murder a day plain the whereabouts of some during July. The daily average telegrapher wbo has left this earth s 10 burglaries. Other crime»' sud regHrdiug whose destination •ccurred in proportion.—Journal. there was uncertainty. W ell. Chicago ia iri tbe same state with Herrin. Candidates of all three parties __ ■ «« — « favor the farmer, lhe laborer and world peace. Why not elect 'em J lA ll 6 C d tA ir r ll d 4 A * 1 lA fM A W ie < llC lH 8 *• * Combined a ll and be h a p p y ? Trea tm e n t,b o th ___ ____________ local and internal, and-has been success- . . . . . . . , , ful in the treatment of Catarrh for ovet F ‘Hy.e.ght people h is e been ,’urty years. Sold by all druggists. fined tor causing forest fires, ; If F. J. C H E N E Y & C O ., Toledo, Ohle y 0U g„ camping totally extinguish Dr. C. FICQ, Dentist “ PLATES THAT F IT ” Growns, bridge work and fillings. It wil pay you Io get my prices on vour dental work. Cusick bank building. Albany z O. W . F R U M pQr G r a in S a c k s and T w i n e see « i fat all ahi na M On oot m la th« rea th« £ I.a s t year the owner of a 30-acrr tract near Eugene marketed from h a land a total uf 42000 worth ol p «ducts with hie own labor, hlr- mg no outside help This tear he has harvested from approximately two acres a little better than eigln tons of string beans aud has eom* yet to pick. He has sold at the cm nery a considerable quantity oi osrrots and beets. He has nin» oows that will net him 9100 eacf i n a year above cost of keep Tha- it tbe kind of cows to have. Another swell tract owner neai K tig a n e g rew end marketed from tw o terse 9J00i( worth of vogota- blea and geueral garden "tru u ek,” Armstrong Linoleum »*12 $18.75 Congoleum Rugs - 16.00 New stock of Axminster Special Small Rugs $2.25 to $5.75 X. on record tne change bae already But, in thejr stead, the silent-breathing prayer been made and the objeci ia to have O f bearta a till w a itin g for a rest like means uf proving it if the individ­ tbiae. ual's identity is questioned. Miss W innifred Rose, proprietor of the M -rinello parlors, listed in It has been considered in most our Albany directory, was badly s-ates th a t the direct income tax was n oised and lacerated in an auto, one of the fairest of a ’T methods of mobile collision on ber way back raising money for public purposes, to Albany from a visit with her everything considered, and th a t the parents at Independence last week Inheritance tax was desirable to pre­ Monday. vent the accumulation of vast estates Suit has been brought by W- A, i