Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, August 28, 1924, Image 1

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    U fi (O M
U A L s E V . L IN N C O U N T Y . O R E G O N . I I I Ï K S O A Y . A l G. .h, l'C4
they all attended the circus at
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sprengei*
were visitors at the home of J.
S h o rt S to r ie s f r o m S u n d r y C. Porter Sunday.
P ro m is e s to E c lip s e A n y th in g « f th e K in d in th e
H. Abraham and family left
S o u rc e s
for Newport Tuesday to spend
H is t o r y o f th is S e c tio n
the rest of the week.
Prof. English in home
Porter Brothers have
Postmaster Bramwell and parly
This is n (Mid mivertisemeut,
clover again i but it is w ritten and iudof.ed Cammunity Displays
are home from Newport.
with the Jackson huller.
T * « A v communities io the
by (he editor of the E uteip -ive
County are ptepaiiug to compete
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Gott and
Mr. and Mrs. James
in the exhibition of their prod­
Mr. and Mrs. W. Muller from and Herman and M artin KoonU
Albany were visitors a t W. A. visited Cascadia Sunday.
In past years Leonnd Oilkey
Muller’s home Sunday._______
Little Buddy Holt had ton
has been famous as s rrsoursa- Pura-brad Stock
ful and successful collector and
The average monthly p«» of
and adenoids removed re-
The b«rna will be full of ieg-
exhibitor of ooiuunitv products
men schoolteachers in the i get cently and got along nicely, ap-
istefed cattle, for which I.in n
at autumn fairs and bis selec­
y ar in this county was 1133.69 patently making less fuss about
coubty u famous from ocean to
tion bv officials of our county
and of women
The it than lots of grown-ups.
To view these animals
association as mansger of thia
schools cost $481,512 97.
it'tellig eo tly w ill be an educa­
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Working-
year s l a i r was a logical result
tion tu it-e lf Such stock w ill
Mesdamea Becki- Davis and Id a
and children and Mr. and
of his demonstrated energy aud
be s factor in placing the occu­
T ip p it of Oklahoma C itv. Ok , Mrs. George Workinger and son
pation of the American farmer
who have been vi-itin g n< J ffarenn i attended
a family reunion at
on n basis of prosperity
Children’s Day
a d Eugene, dropped dowa from the home of Mr. and Mrs. G.
the latter city Fridav ai d -spent L. Workinger Sunday.
On the first day. Wednesday, Logion Drum Cjrps
the night with M rs
W i lia m
Sept 17, the most interesting
George Ribelin and family
A t least live of the largest
Wheeler. They are about to tour called to see the form er’s fath­
novelty on the entire urogram, American Legion drum and
the pageant in costume and bugle corps w ill give a competi­
er, W. J. Ribelin, Sunday, and
competitive exhibition by c h il­ tive exhibition and program
The P otter sewing club visit- Hom there drove to a hop yard
dren from every school in the Wednesday evening.
ed the children’s home at Cor- nLear Portland to pick during
county, is scheduled. Second
vallis Thursday and delivered the season and took W. J. with
ary to this exhibit) »n of the Other Features
four quilts th a t they made last them.
county’s most im po rtant prod,
Tuureday— Big historical and
w inter and spring. The club
A mistake was made in s ta t.
lie '— 'ts children— w ill ne com- religious pageant, directed bv
members who went were Mrs. jng p an Hayes was the man j niu-iiiy ting ing and other en '1rs. Charles Childs of Albany
Eld. Zimmerman. Ellen Zimmei- wh0 had j)€en |ongest on tin»
tertsinm ent features aod even college. Style show.
Vera Sprenger, Anna ru raj route out of town G rant
the address by our farm er gov­
F rid ay— G rand p a g e a n t ,
Abraham, Taylor carried it several years
W. mung of the West." Stylos.
E sther Higbee, Minnie Githens. bi ore Mf H<
Haym w„ lh.
Mrs. W. A. Muller and Mrs. P. fi -I i.i i ai rv -Hi m u te 2
i * *
H. Freerksen, In the afternoon
Mrs. Mary Smith and daugh­
Shedd Snapshots-
Brownsville Briefs
ter, Mrd. Jordon, and son, all of
Independence, and Miss Viola
Albany’s Only
«E nterprise C orrespondqnm )
(By Special Correspondent)
Smith, a nurse a t McMinnville,
tri Nnlwu w^. home over Sunday
Hop picking begins in the lo-
EXCLUSIVE don Sunday. They were on from Alpine.
oal yards next week.
C M a k o ti and f a m ily W ft S a t-
the return trip from Klamath
I Wedaing bells will be ringing
falls, where they visited Dwight ¡urday for an outing at Newport.
Sm ith and family and also went Mrs. Fieerkm-n <>f xrh.ny 1, IS in the near future here in town.
to C rater Lake. Viola expects siting Mrs. F n e kaen of Shed I
Ralph' Lawrence and Bill
to drive up to British Columbia
m , Porter of
walked up to the hills
Double Vision Lenses
to spend the rest of her vaca­ visited at the Brasfield bom« last above •Fostel to h un t d eer'
tion. Mrs. Smith and daughter 1
U ltex. $18.50; K ryp tok, Sl7:5O.
| J. C. Harrison is finishing hi?
Peerless. $16.50; Bright». SlOjSO.
formerly lived at Halsey.
'Cemented fivgiuents $14.50
Single or Distant Vision Lenses
6 I) Curve T o n e, $23.50 ; M incine,
$12 50
I) Curve re ris to p ic , $12:50:
Flat»' $10.50.
Fitted in Z i I q , gold-filled or r lift less
For heeavy Z ilo fram e! add $1 to $2
Deduct $2 for second-grade lens.
Reading glasses. $2.50 to $10.
B a n c ro ft O p tic a l Co.
213 West First street, Albany, Ore.
Ask about Punktal. the perfect lens.
In any kthd of soil.
Come on Boys
OF COURSE, rtoboy
will really test his shoes
with a saw, an auger or a
chisel, but it does seem so, es­
pecially when mother just finished
lecturing about the care of new shoes
and father just paid the bill. And to
make boys take care of their shoes all the
Mrs. Mary Ann Dunlap o f' work at M o ih e r’s In n at T n
Waitsburg Wash..» has tesn visit- •
. .
mg her sister-in-law, M r.. Mary gent and 18 enjoying h -r vaca
tion visiting a t the home o
Miss, Shirley Homingway a
• American Legion drum corp
» Springfield,
l prior
' a IW» vxz
to '/vs,
from several c.ties w ill le m com- teaching al Brush Creek,
p tlitu o o on \\ ed need ay eveuiug of
tini ooliti tv fair. Two hour» wi 1
ticlud» d illi» , marche», song».
Charles Carlson drove to Hit
l«»t Friday, returning Sat
»»ding», etc
urday wffh Mr. and Mrs. J. A
Yokum, ijvho expect to m k
Mrs. Mary C arter went to AT- their home with their daughte.
ban.v Tuesday to visit her cou Mrs.,. Fred Harrison. Mr. Y<
Miss Emma Knighten. kum suffered a paralytic strok
They expect to travel on to sòme time ago and came hen
Portland together later.
for b e tte r treatm ent.
time would be to take half of the jo y out of their lives.
The solution of the problem is to buy
WEYENBERG SHOES at the start
T h e y ‘‘S tan d th e G aff”
Weyenberg Boys’ Shoes are made “All Solid
Leather”—cut from the best part of the hide.
They are not made like so many boys’ shoes, from the
culls or left-overs of leathers used for men’s shoes.
jr v T h a t’s the reason Weyenberg Boys’ Shoes wear so
much longer and better than other shoes. The
H»!«ay Church of C hrist
Chureh Announcements
Church of C h rist:
Lon Qiam lea, minister.
Bible kb o o l. 10, W. H . Robert-
•on, superintendent.
Christian Endeavor, 7.
Morning worship, 11
upper every Lord'« day.
Evening service, 8,
The church without a biehop, in
he country without a king.
I f jo n have no church
■ime aud worship with us.
Rotiert Parker, pastor.
Sundav School, 10.
Preaching. 11.
Interm ediate League, 7.
Epworth League, 7.
Prayer meeting Thuraday, 8
Preaching, 8.
T ia vis M artin
land Saturday.
11. C
Mrs. J. C. Cooley was a pas
senger to Eugene, Friday.
George Morris left Thursday
for San Francisco to be treated
at the Southern Pacific hospital.
H. A. Stanard of the Browns
ville lumber company took thi
T’nisey train for Albany Satur
T he lar^e residence building on
South M a n street opposite Con.
y'a store is beuig fitted u p ss nsw
qnaters for the Brownsville hospi­
Mrs, C.
Joe Hairison, Miss Fiance
Booker- artd her mother, Mr,
and Mr. and Mi
Mai ion JUarriaon drove to New
port to spend Lie week u it.
Mrs. Jo« Harrison and Mrs
Chastain, who have ren t“d
cottage there and expect to sta
until some time in October.
The young people of As’
Swale and the older one. a
well had a very fine time at
“ hard times" party given in Hi
play shed at the Ash Swa,
schoolhouse. The hours wer
spent in playing games, aft»
which > hard time luncheon w,
served, consisting of bread an
b u t^ r , sandwiches and coffee.
The town was shocked at th
sudden de^th of Joe Cordingle
last week. While he had F/Ct
ill, it wa* thought he was nine’
better, He was up and aroun
and had gone to close e dooi
when he suddenly dtopped dead
His funeral sertnon was preach
e4 by Rev. M. S. Woodworth a
the Baptist church. Mrs. Cord
ingley and the daughters hav
the sincere sym pathy of tht
Brownsville peotile. M r C'-rdinr
ley leaves an es -ate v Uurd at ov>
• 1 0 .0 0 0 .
Mrs. M. A. Thompson amveo
I 1
1 >
’ news
RuTti and
ter May and Miss Florence Me
1 Kercher of Crawfordsville too1
the Halsey train for Newport
I Saturday.
Mrs. Owen Roberts has re­
turned to her home at Napa
'ali., a fter » five weeks visit at
he home of her m other, Mrs.
J. N. Coshow.
Henry Blakely, chief of po
'ice, took
the train Thursdav
or a visit with his three sons,
vho reside -->t n ortland, Astor)
and South Bend.
A lfo rd A r r o w s
<V?nt*rpr1«« Correspondence)
Ixm Chanilee, pastor of thi
Halsey Christiai
church, anr
two little sons took Sunday dm
ner a t the E. A. Starnes home.
Miss Lillie Rickard is stayin'
with her tnother across the riv­
er, keeping house for him whilt
he cares for the crops on theh
anch there.
D. Isom and wife anti
laughter visited Mrs. Lioni’i
ister, Mrs. W. C. Sickela ano
amily near Springfield Sunday
neeting Carl Isom at Spring
field in the afternoon as he wa.-
returning home fiom O 'kridf«
where he spent the week.
Cholera Loss More
Than .$27,000,000
Much Can Be Prevented by
Proper S anitation.
<Pr»p«r»d b y tha C nl'trt Btatc« Da par« man«
o i A <’
notes from
went to Port
Mr. and Mrs. John Rolfe and
on Deo dtove to Salem Sunday
Miss 'Thelma Ingram viaitet
er friends Kate and Haze’
Ireen, Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. L. E. Bond and daugli
er Vera visited I heir daughtc
tnd sister, Mrs. E. D. Isom, f a '
Chester Curtis and farriih
dsited at the home of n<» •»•> ’
>rother. Jay Curtis, at Lebanon
Mias Helen Ritchie returned r n of Ihraehing this week
The pabllc service commission hat
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whitbc"!
Tiitireiley from a long vacation at is now working near Shedd.
an order
thr Seaside.
called on Mr. and Mrs. Georg'
Southern Pacific Railroad company
| Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morst Dannen of Shedd Thursday of
Mr». C. A. Pt-.gh full last F r i - 1 visited at the Cecil H anisoi !ast week.
to reinstate and place an agent al
Thursday. The new girl
Crabtree, to look a fte r the freight and lay and tore the ligaments loose home
Mr. and Mrs. A. It. R erflhr
passenger business of the corporation from her ankle bone.
was the attraction.
ltd son Byron of Piugene o ev
Harding grass, a new kind of forage
M r . S houn has b o u g h t th e build-
Charts'« Iluwe is away on i '•unday evening callers at th<
for -cattle that withstands long dry ¡¡ng w h e re T h o m p s o n 's sto re was
vacation trip to C rater Lake an
1. D. Isom bom?.
spells, IS causing quite a sensation | ai d will m o v e tin s w eak,
among Albany cattlemen and dairy-
Mr. and Mrs» Jeff Isom of Al
Huibert and M»ud McDonald,1 run. Mrs. Howe is clerking ii
men. A small patch of the grass was
nv and Mis. Mary Du neat
sown by J. Stambaugh, a farm er liv ­
nd grandson of Shedd viruer
| E ;M,ne VVoodworth has qui Mrs. D. I Isom, Sunday.
ing n ear’ Alhany. It grows luxuriantly drove to Redmond l.st weak.
Friday to
E p ito m e o f E v e n ts in tfio
B e a v e r S ta te
North Bend vili 8000 h iv r free de
liv e ry of mall.
S1S5.009 this year In extension of the
paved area In the city.
Applications for entrance Into Ihe
U n iversity of Oregon are coming la
a t the rate of 100 a week.
T he city of Pendleton hae started
legal action to collect from f m k t llla
county some $30.000 In hack taxes.
C arl T aylo r brought to Hood R iver
from his west side ranch place a to ­
mato weighing 28 ounce», 17\g Inches
In circumference.
The stale bonus commission has ap ­
pointed Robert Johnson. H. C. H e rro »
and J. K. Porter member« of the board
of appraisers for Renton county.
A fte r having heon closed down most
of the summer, Ihe Kugene woolêh
m ills are again running at full caps
More than 50 people sre em
T he city of M arshfield has lakes»
an option on 40 acres of wooded land
for an auto campground, ath letic field
and city park. T he price to be paid
Is 447.500.
T he reestablishm ent of the office
of county agricultural agent wgt
sought by a delegation of farm ers ant
Kugene business men who called om
the county court.
Plowing for the w inter grain crop
which has been held hack by the dry
condition of the soil, in now uodef
way In Oregon, p articu larly In thy
western counties.
Oregon C ity celebrated when off!
clala of the city and slate and ment
hers of the highw ay commission for
m ally opened and dedicated the Canw
mah bluff section of the PacHtc high
w ay.
A monkey. 3 years old and only the
s ite of s man's hand, was recolved In
Portland as a belated wedding praa
ent to M r. W a lte r > V M a la y , from
Captain Baxter Thornaen. stationed In-
Portland was chosen a t the pfaeg
for th * next convention In 1M 7 of th»
order of Orangemnn. In session In Bos 1
ton. Among other officers eleytnd wat
Fred Bourne of Oregon as d e p u ty ’
grand m aster.
Fisherm en on the lower Coquille
river, believing they are not getting
eufflclent for th e ir salmon, w ill not
d eliver lo Ihe cannery al Rundop The
fisherm en ask 4(1 te n ts for slbdyslde»
and Rd for chtnook
T w o hundred slx'y-four young China-
pheasants, raised at the state game
farm at Corvallis, wore roleaaed In
Ihe Mosier orchawl sections
were the (irai pfycMMauts released by
Ihe game commission In that dls'rpei
T he m ystery of two re c e n t-b a r r
(très In M ilw au kie was cleared up wlt'g
the aj-resi of J. R Snyder. Î0 . of Hw u
city, who adm itted th a t he had sou
the blares hy throw ing lighted cigar
ettea Into the hay stored In the build
Following a conference with F. A.
E llio tt, stale forea'er. O oV*rnor Pier«-«
revoked the proclam ation Issued by
hla o fflre closing the forest» tq hunt
era until Septem ber 20.
The ordet
revoking the proclamation became e f ­
fective al once.
Kvergreen blackberries will wgalc
he an asset to Lincoln county. Tlepre
ten tatives of several W llla m e r » »al
ley canneries are already In the field
contracting for berries
T he crop, al
ways a big one. w ill be enormous lhla
year as the recent rain came at lust
the rig ht time. Canneries are o ffe r
tng 3*4 cent» per pound and a good
picker w ill he able to average 104
pounds a day.
Hog cholera caused a loaa of more
'hen S27,eoo,r/)0 to Hi» tw in e Industry
>f tlia United ai»»es during the -e a r
•ndvd A pril 30, 1024. according to n ra-
ent emiipllstfon hy the fn lte d 8 *»tea
liepsrtnient of A gr'o'ilture More 'hgn
<o»ei crews Bare completed placlnw
h alf of the total log« rcc irred la the the last girder In the seventh span a»
corn belt gtj-es, u h»rv b-,gs are espv- the W aukom a Interstate bridge acreea
-dslly numeroua
a rompsrt<">n of the the Columbia batween Hood R iver atrt
lum ber of hog», with the loss ranted W h ile Salmon
T he total length df
i j rhqlerg In each etnte. shows ihst
the seven pier», which reach from air
•he rqtagSS " t thg i||aeaae sre Iipj.-ox
1 RAO-fool wood treatle on Ihe Oregon
mutely In proportion to the hog pnpu
bnnk to the channel span, la I4S« feet.
IO ron:|HMlng th» h«ae« from hog Blveters w ill complete th e ir work on
Crews of the
rholgrs, snarlallgts o f the bureau of the ateel thia week
»nimsl In ju s V rj evtlniote that *» per flllp ln Construction company are now
rent of leases from all causes sr» due concentrating th e ir efforts on three
'» this dreed disease,
tfnat ’ of thia pier» on the W ashington side of the.
lose sen be prevented by the proper Columbia
When these are com­
uinltntlon and the prevent!'e-serum pleted tw o 108-foot spans and the
Itulletlna giving full In fo r­ channel apan of 253 w ill be laid, com
mation on hog cholera. Its control and
pietlng Ihe structura.
It la antici­
•retention may be obtained on requeat
pated that the bridge w ill be rte d y (or
.'rotn the fn lte d States Itepartm ent of
tra ffic by late October.
Agrtcultnrv, Washington.