f ï HALSEY ENTERPU88 GLOBE A L *A « r B ig P ictu res F irst SUNDAY M O NDAY A co. 24-25 THE M A R R IA G E CHEAT with LEATRICE JOY PERCY MARMONT Ceming Rudolph Valentino io I Monsieur Beaucaire” HalMy Happenings (Continued from rasa 1) P h illip M a rria m w ant to Port* la n d yesterday. I Pate Settles waa a passenger to P o rtla n d yesterday, M r« , J . T . M o N a il is home from h e r v is it to Cottage G rove. M r . and M r«. C ar) Seafeld are the proud parsnta of a baby boy. C. H . K oontz w ent to Portland yesterday to ba there •' buyers' w eek." H a r r y C o m m o n and fa m ily vie* ited at th e T . B. Sprenger home S u n d ay . M r« . A rm s tro n g and H elen and D t lm a W a h l were in Uugene T h u rs d a y. M r«. G ra n t M c N e il and little daughter are atte n d in g a cam p - m eeting a t G resham . « I 4 I 4 1 I I I I I « I I < I I t t I a t a i o * a « c tl ft b. U r ti t< tb a in at bi at th P» III er ■7 tr A j I» tic •a ell du pr fet all ab aa ■a Oo oo of la «I« ros «»« •« M rs . B, S. C la r k and M r * . 0 . F N e a l and M elba N e al were passen­ gers to A lb an y yesterday. M rs. D . T a y lo r and Law rence le ft yesterday for a v is it w ith re l­ atives a t Spokane. T h a t w ay lies Boise, W . C . S m ith and fa m ily visited t h e ir young grandson a t the home o f th e ir d au g h ter, M re. C arl See- fald , Sunday. J M rs . Florenoa Leeper of Uugene cam e dow n yesterday to v is it her m o th er, M rs . M a y M illa r , and o th e r relatives. M rs . S tu a rt Tend tw a c h ild re n fro m A lb a n y visited M o n d a y at th e hom e of M rs. S t u a r t ’s sister M rs . A . C. A rm s tro n g . M r. aud M rs. W . L . W e lls vis ited a t the A rle y C u m m in g * hom e S u n d a y aftern oo n . M re . cum rninge is m uch im p ro v e d . ADC 21, Mrs. George Hayes was in Albany Thursday. Ortggfl It Nat Oftftdj l ti0B proiram to be carried eat during Hofer ft Sons’ bulletin of last j the forthcoming year, aad adopted the 1st of next month. I t will be Mr. and Mrs. James Drinkard and week contains, among other indica-! several resolutions outlining other cn the ground floor, facing Second Mr. and Mrs. T. I. Marks spent Sun­ tions that the knockers who declare I constrictive work. street. that the income tax is strangling in- day at Cascadia. The Eagle Point Irrigation district 1 M rs, A rc h H a n d y and M re . J. H _ „ . _ , . dustry and killing Oregon are fools I has requested the state irrigation and ths I drainage securities commission to ex I Gerdes of Albany visited with their visiting at the home of her mother, Wallowa — Bowman Hicks saw­ tend for a period ef one year the la -ister, Mrs. P. H . Freerksen, Monday. Mrs. George Maxwell. tereat guarantee on bonds issued for mill starts double shift of men. I H a rry Porter 'and mother and M r. the development of the project. The North Bend — Hoop plant opens | Mrs. M yrtle Crandall of Portland and Mrs. W. A . M uller saw "The state previously had guaranteed the with orders for more than a year. v.as the guest of M r. and Mrs. H a r­ Covered Wagon" at Albany Sunday Pendleton — Woolen mills get con- payment of interest on these bonds vey Clingman Thursday and Friday. evening. tract for 3000 blankets for new hotel I tor a priod of 1% years. Mrs. A. E. Foote and sister Edna I M r. and Mrs. Em eat Abraham and The South Umpqua river above at Seattle. son Lester and M r. and Mrs. Vere Robinson and M r. i nd Mrs. David Roseburg is not to be closed to bath­ Polk County — Assessed property Higbee and son returned home from Foote motored to Albany Wednesday. J ers. the county health department has is «14,100 over last year. Newport Sunday. announced. Samples of river water Ray Farm er paid a >25 fine Mon-1 St. Helens — Foundation placed M any] for dry kiln fo r woed products plant, show that although ¿he stream la un­ Mrs. P. H. Freerksen, Mrs. Frank day for killing a pheasant. Resources of 278 Oregon banks fit for domestic use, its water may be Workiager tad children and Mrs. H , another farm er killed pheasant] too.| used for bathing. Below the city all Workenger ahd children and Mrs. H. r.re «118,991,712, against $314,406,120 bathing is forbidden and swimming W. H. Beene and wife and son I ». year ago. Freerksen of Sheed spent Friday with holes Inside the city limits are for­ Allen attended the show, "The Cov- Mrs. Bob Arnold. . „ ... _ , , Scio — Electrical’y driven prune bidden by order of the city council, cred Wagon, at Albany Saturday | (byer fostf Sl0 0W as the water was found to be very Frank Vance and daughter Ardith Oregon City - Byrne Manufactur- highly contaminated. it Seattle visited at the ho .ae of Mrs. S. H. Dill of Portland hastin g company plans to increase capital their niece and cousin, Mrs. A. E. been visiting at the homy of Mrs. C. | tc «190,000 and employ 300 men. A party of men, members of the Fogle, Friday, and on Saturday Mr. Dukhobor organisation, a Russian P. Morse, near town. She returned G aribrldi — New woodwotking | Vjmce returned to Seattle and Ardith sect, with colonies in Canada, has ob­ Friday. plant to em puy 35 men. tained options on farm land near Junc­ yCcompanied Gilbert Carey sad sisters tion City. I t has been known that the Mayy and Mildren, who are also her Charles Hamer left Tuesday fo ri Those who talk isolation talk non- sect has been planning to emigrate to {pusins, to Newport to «pen 1 the Dayville, in eastern Oregon, where he I si nse. They have talked it for po Lane county for some time, and the reek end. M r. Vance and daughter expects to make his home. His wife | litical purposes, and the talk, which I X™ H ^ Y e g l o n L iT u f ’ene h«"be^n ere returning from a trip by auto a ill go later. „ „ ccmm.tted an administration to such proteiting a, aingt the move. The ex. •o Crater Lake and the Oregon cave*. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Gage wer-s pas- a policy, has delayed stabilisation of Bervke m-,n are expecled t0 take Nelson H erbert, is boarding at the sengers to Eugene Thursday, Mrs. world affairs for three years and cost atepi t0 pi!eVent the Dukhobors from county ja il, awaiting investigation by Gage going to fill an appointment the people of this country millions of entering this country. “ the grand ju ry of his use of A. C. with the dentist. d< liars. — Portland Journal. The fruit harvest of the Hood River Miss M artha Painton of Rockaway A rm s tro n g ’ s nam e on checks he valley is under way, although It will A g ift of one thousand yen from hi passed on Mayor Clark, Gansle returned to her home Friday after be mid-September before picking to Eros, and the Murphy motor company r visit with her aunt, Mrs. (.. P the imperial household 6f Japan has any appreciable extent will be start ju s t been received by the Japanese ed. W hile the Apple Growers' asso­ al Albany. The checks were on our Morse, near Halsey. W. C. T. U. to assist them in temper­ ciation has sold the bulk of its Bartlett kcal bank. Perhaps M r. Herbert Mrs, M. H. Shook and children and thought the operation paid when he Mrs. Eliza Brandon drove out to the ance work. pear tonnage to canners, the organ put it through. W hat he thinks now, P A. Pehrsson home Friday and izatlon will ship a few cars packed or what he will think before he is spent the afternoon. The harvest of Gfavenstein apples be­ gan this week. Kings, too, will - be i free man again, is a different ques­ Mrs. M. J. West, who has been picked at onc%. The season has been tion. Boys, it pays best to go for some time at the home of her an unusually early one. stra ig h t. T b s g ran d jn ry meets brother, George Shaw, has re tim ed Both John W. Davis and Charles W. □ext Tuesday. tc her home at Port Orford. Bryaa. democratic candidates for pres­ ident and vice-president-at the Novem ber election, probably will give-ad dresses in Oregon during the cam palgn, according to Dr. C. J. Smith chairman of the democratic state cen tral committee. TOKRANCE Reconditioning Shop Parts for All Cars Willard Batteries 1 212 East First st., Albany Phons 379 • H A L S E Y R A IL R O A D T I M E North No. 18, 11:37 a. m. • T?ISK and rpIRES and Ï7XPERT WORKMEN i • T GATES 1 UBES fficient Equipment ^ U T O accessories UTO Repairing promptly done HALSEY, Oregon There’s a sure cure for hunger at the (TZ/Zc- C?o n faction t r y and Best sweets and soft drinks, C a fe te ria at the Best cuisine Efficient service Pleasant surroundings Albany, Oregon W. S. DUNCAN Miss Enid Veatch went to Eugene Monday. South No. i f , 12:15 p. m. 24, (4:27 p. m. 23, 7.26 p. m. 22, 3:20 a. m. 21, 11:32 p .m . Not. 21 and 22 stop only if flagged No. 14, due Halsey at 5:09 p. tti., stops to let off passengers from south of Roseburg. No. 23 runa to Eugeue only. No. 21 rnns to Eugene, thence Marsh­ field branch. Passengers for south of Roseburg should take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer to No. 15. ‘ SUNDAY M A IL HOURS T h e d e liv e ry w indow of the H a ls e y poetoffice is open Sundays fro m 10:40 to 10:50 a. no. and 12:15 4o 12:30 p. m . S u nd ay m a ll goes out o n ly on the n o rth -b o u n d 11:37 tra in : Mail goes south once a day, closing at 11:05». ni. ; north twice, closing 11:25 a. iu. and 5:30 p. in. M ail stage for Brownsville, Crawfon'aville and Sweet Home leave» daily at 6:45 a. ni. Paid-for Paragraph} (5c a lin e ) Aeh wood for sale. E . S. H a ïe s . O ld papers fo r sale at 5c a b u n d le at the E n te rp ris e office. • HALSEY GARAGE, A. E. FOOÌ E M rs. H orace A rm stro n g received W. H. Beene made a trip to Sa^m word M o n d ay o f the death of her Tuesday. a u n t, M re . A. P . Stearns of O a k ­ H arry and Ted Porter started Gull­ la n d . Mrs. Stearns was struck by a ffre ig h t tra in and died in a few ing clover Friday. ^m inutes. T h e A rm stro n g fa m ily W ill K irk is back in Halsey a fte r alrova to O ak la n d W ednesday to several months in San Francj/co. a tte n d >he fu n e ra l. The Potter thrashing company fin- K a r l B ra m w e ll w rites from N e w p o rt th a t there was a very ii hed the spring run last Thursday h eavy dow n po ur w h ile wa were noon. Shedd Snapshots Two cases Involving the right of < Enterprise Correspoa4ance) states to require children between the H e le n Satohw ell visited Salem ages of 8 and 16 to attend public schobls have been docketed In the laet week M o n d a y . United States supreme court. The M re. C. A . Pugh an d d a u g h te r! News Note« appeals were brought by Governor w ent to A lb a n y M o n d a y . Pierce and Attorney General Van Miss M erle Pugh w ent to M o n ­ Winkle of Oregon and District At- (Continued from page 1) m outh th e first of tb e week. torney Myers of Multnomah county. James Kleth of Talent was horribly i The first carload of apples for the T b e R . C. M orgasons have gone burned while firing a donkey engine In a logging camp near H ilt, dying season, Gravenstelns loaded at Van (or a vacatio n at N e w p o rt. shortly afterward without being albe born, on the Mount Hood railroad line D a le L a M a r took bis m other and to explain the cause or the accident. was forwarded to the eastern domestic sister io N e w p o rt S u n d a y for aa market from Hood River. The Valley Plans tor construction of a natator- Short line also brought down the sea outin g. luna and root garden were announced son's first carload or pears, B artlettt M r. and M re . K e n n e th Robson at Roseburg. A company made up en­ from the Vanhorn orchard of E. R and Jo h n Robson spent th e week tirely of local men has been formed Pooley, which went to canners at end at N ew p o rt. and will Incorporate for «100,000, It Hillsboro. M r . and M rs . W alla « « Sprang«? was stated. le ft tbe first of the week fo r a vis it By hiding in a narrow space be­ in C a u a d a . tween the body and the running gear ’ R a h I 'rah ! ! ’rsh ! l ! fo r L a - I latta and bear ! of a motor truck that operates in and out of the state prison yard, Patrick Bishop escaped from the state peni­ tentiary at Salem R. M. Barker, driver of an automo­ bile that was seeking to establish a Curtis Veatch and fam ily visited speed record between Seattle and Oak­ at Cottage Grove and Ix>raine Sundav. land, Cal., was fined «410 by Judge Miss Violet Gibson went to Albany Kunts at Salem on two charges at Thursday to be the week-end guest speeding and racing. ot her friend, Miss Erm a Kean. Announcement It made that all mid Mrs. A. M. Chamberlin arrived on I Columbia cities w ill participate on Tuesday to visit at the home of her] Labor day In a pageant, depleting parents, M r. and Mrs. Edwards, near] early day history ot the Columbia g ettin g a gentle d rip here. river as a highway late the Oregon Miss Phyllis Powell of Roseburg is town. Her home is in Portland. country, to be held at Koberg beach, Leonard C ilk e y was here T ues­ ' ¡siting at the home fff her uncle, C. j . C. Porter and fam ily, M r. and just east of Hood River. d ay looking after d etails of our P. Moody. Mrs. W. A. M uller and Frank W ork- The wool market 1* gaining In p a rtic ip a tio n in the Bounty fa ir, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Abraham spent ir.ger and fam ily attended the base strength and the world demand is be eepecially on c h ild re n ’* day, w hich Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W ill Price ball game at Bryant's park, Albany. I coming keener, according to a telegram ought to be biggest day of a ll. al Monroe. Sunday. 1 received at Pendleton by Mac Hoke, Shedd schoola'open Sept. 22 w ith secretary of the Oregon Wool Grow- Mr. and Mrs. Munson from Albany Jim T ait, Mrs. Agnes Clark, Mrs. W illia m Schraiber p rin c ip a l. Miss I era' association front the headquarters were visiting their son, Elm er Mun­ H. Freerksen and Mr. and Mrs. P. H. H e le n S atehw ell assistant, M rs. T . ot the National Wool Growers' asso­ / Freerksen went to Albany Sunday a f­ J. P an n en 7th and 8th grade, Miss son, last week. ciation at Salt Lake.C ity. B e rth a Shedd fo u rth , fifth and Aubrey S. Tusslng, Brownsville a t­ ternoon and saw "The Covered W ag­ Cummings ft LaPoint, contractors, • iz t h grades and Miss Rowena torney, took the train at Halpey for on." have completed the coacrete paving H e rm a n p rim a ry . Albany Tuesday. M r. and Mrs. H. L. Straley and from Monmouth south to the Benton Worth .Bass camo home from A l­ daughter Merle spent Friday U the I county line. This completes tbs last Moon prophets told us the long d ro uth was the result of a succes­ bany Monday to visit his mother, P. A. Pehrsson home and were a ls o |Kap jn the west aide Pacific highway. visitors at the peach orchards in that Albert Amort, state engineer, has set sion of " d r y m o o n s” and th e t Mrs. S. C. Bass. vicinity. the date for the opening of thia pave­ tom orrow 's moon change would Phillip Merriam returned home on b rin g ra in . W e had ra in Ibis Mrs. D. F. Dean of Bandon arrived ment to traffic for September 10 Tuesday after a stay of several week w ith the same old " d r y n.onths in Alaska. According to Olin Douglas, druggist Saturday and will operate the switch tnoon ’ • and then the sky cleared, board while the Staffords are taking at Lakeview, Malheur and Harney Gustave Mitzner Is recomshended so tom orrow 's " w e t m o m ” w ill their vacation. She will be assisted lakes are dried up. as Is Deep creek have a chance to dem onstrate. I >' the local M. E. conference to be and several other good fishing streams t y M i Beulah Dean ‘censed to preach. W atch yo u r moon. in that district. The drying up of A thief got a purse and >30 belong­ Mr. and Mrs. E. M . Sturgis and ing to Mra. Glenn Loomis of Albany. these rendesvoue of the finny tribe M r. and M rs. C han cy Siekels of H a ls ey . ¡ M r . aud M is Chester 'aughters Mabel, Bertha and Ruth a r­ Saturday evening after dark at her w ill necessitate restocking and baa Nickels and son o f Eugene and rived from Boise, Monday, fo r a visit r< sidence in Albany. Loomis form er­ spoiled fishing In that dlatrict for aeveral years. Miss \ era Bond of A lb a n y re­ at the home of M r. and Mrs. G. F. ly published the Brownsville Times. tu rn ed from a tr ip to the oosit Schroll. They had previously visited Oregon Elks la th * seventh annual Miss Doris Lake arrived Friday to convention at Tillamook Indorsed and W ednesday. T h e y spent a few at Rex and Seaside. take the place vacated by Miss John­ decided ta take aa active part la d a y * a t N ew p o rt. N y e Raaoh, Seal son at the Ringo drug store. R ock and Yachats. W h ile a t National Defense day program. Sep- W alter Frum and fam ily of Craw ­ tember 12. outlined aa Americanlsa k achate they indulged iu fishing fordsville spent Friday at the ho%e in the ocean for tomcod and kelp W ill sacrifice fine p ia n o ® o * LOST • * b , catching 208 io tw o hours. of his brother, O. W . Frum. T h e y returned hom e by way of stored n ear H alsey for im m e d ia te L a rg e w h ite m ale aM *n y Halsey people went t j A l­ Alaaa, m a kin g th e tr ip from sale. W i l l give easy term s io re­ bany to see "The Covered W^gon." ia c h a ts in o n * d ay. sponsible h o m e .. F o r p a rtic u la rs It iu a clean wholesome play, besides Piano Must be Sold Part Angora Cat The Marguerite Shoppe, listed in and w here piano can be seen a d ­ being a classic which coat a fortune S tra ve d from H u g h Leeper paai- f i n d e r w rite i i production, and the large crowds dence, our ' Albany. directory, will move to dress M o r r is Music H o s ie r, M r*u 8. H . B r i p o i r , v-hich attended showed .that people quarters in the 'Albany hotel about K u g su e, O ra. • 138 W . N in th i t . , A lb a n y ' still have a taste for that kind. f « TH’ OLE GROUCH a iR A w a c « ., \ ’ eoufR ievre T" WMÄT BVEQ. IT (5 MttR. ftOU-SttTIM' F B * \ F6R. XU. I KUO9U, N * VAK4 «TtCK t M* MCfcNN OOWU M N t* noeXET K « f> rt HWt- m o , do mot cars . t *Bt-F ». a'oact \ j Miss hfhble .M e in e r, fro m near T a n g e n t, w s la y in g w ith M r. and M rs. H a r r y Sprenger, M ra. S ate h w e ll apt nt the weak end at Seaside. H « r d au g h ter D p ro th y came hom e w ith h er. H a r r y Sprenger and fa m ily and M r. and M rs . H a ro ld Pugh drove to P o rtlan d Sunday to v is it at L y ­ m an P en n ell's . Piano Must be Sold I W il l t sacrifice fine storm i near H a ls e y fo r cale. p ia n o now im m e d ia te W i l l give eaey term s to re ­ sponsible hom e. F o r p a rtic u la r« and where p ia n o can ba seen ad - drees M o r r is M u s ic H o u sa, Engeau, O re. A D M IN IS T R A TO R 'S N O T IC E There's more milk In the palls and less purchased feed on the farms which are planted with more legume eeed. • • • Io Vai’king your fruit remember that 00 good apples can never make a sin­ gle bad one look good, but one bad apple can spoil the M ie of 50 good ones. e e • It's poas.de to Increase the potato crop by apraylng Bordeaux mixture) with lead arsenate added will pro- vent lste blight sod get tbe petite bug also 8pr*y oftener If tbe season IK cool and wet. than during dry weatbor.1 * * ’ I "Forests do not Improve by disuse any mare than a man's muscles grow stronger la Idleness" The farm wood- lot la a small forest »nd will repay thg owner who takes care of it Got buffi tin F 159 from tbe state college Ithaca. N T •1 of Iteariag of Pihal Account Notice ia hereby given that tbe final acceuat of E. B Gormlay aa adiuiait- trator of the estate of Etnaliue Gorm­ ley, ileceaaed, hat been filed in the ounty Court of lin o Countr. State of Ciregan. aud the 13th day ot Septem­ ber. 1924, i t the hour ot 10 o'clock a. m., hat been duly appointed by eaid Court for the hearing of object lent to Mid final eccouat end the aettleaent thereof, at which time any pereon inter- eated in aaid relate may appear aad file objections thereto ia writing and con­ test the tame Dated and first published August 14, 1’ 24, E. B. GoaMLkv, Aministrator Aforesaid. A mo * A TceaiMO, Att'y fot Admr, A D M IN ISTR A TO R 'S N O T IC E of final account Notice is hereby given that the finat account of S. S. Hayes as administrator with the will annexed ef the estate of A Ribelin. deceased, has been filed ia the County Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County, and that tbe 24tli day of August. 1924, at tbe hour of 10 clock a. as., haa been duly epoointed by said court for tbe hearing of obje- tione to said final account and the eettle- meat thereof, at which time aay pereon interested in said estate may appearand file objections thereto in writing and contest the same Dated and first pnb- listed July 24.1924. S. S. Havaa. Administrator aforesaid. A. A. Tvssiwe, A u 7- ,or Admr.