why tT P ays to produce eggs of quality JAM. » I» MAH AML MAT ]AMC ZWIY av * Met f oc» MO* DCC. Ktwroaa « K Z V. y • / to to V 5 V ' der ta JY 2 Z 2» X. > w ta 4k > THE PAGEANT SUPREME « — / ▼ » ta* » 7- *3 ____ j W M . TM8 P L " ) «THL r AŸ IRAÛ rw u i II >21 T 3 1« k Z \\ V A - y » 1 r / to ON to z r€ ' Z Í'» *3 K J g , • 4 LINN COUNTY FAIR z f- - A O P E N IN G D A Y T h a t everytltang with a shell on goes. Isn't the rule any longer. On the mar* ket today. It still goes, but at a price below a first-class egg. Opportunity for th^ greatest success In egg production lies In producing an article that la better than th * average, then selling It as such. It Isn't hard to find a market willing tp pay a premium of 8 to 7 cents a dozen over firsts and from 0 to IS cents a dozen oeer seconds. i n * premium on fresh-gathered firsts at New York City during a three-year period over freab-gathered seconds .was substantial as shown by the accompany­ ing claart.' During February, March, and April, when practically all eggs are good, the prices of extra firsts average only from 1 to 4 cents higher than lor seconds. In May the spread begins to widen. In August the margin on extra firsts Is around 0 cents. I t continues to widen until In November, when the high peak Is reactied, with extras at 02 cents a dozen and seconds at 41 cents. It costs a little more and It takes a lot of extra effost to market high quality eggs. Yet the gain la ample return for the extra expense and labor. Pay Çravel ♦ w HUGH PENDEXTER . í Cor ï*Un (ho WUL'try war mucn more troktfl, was thickly aet with seres»od «Bd pea) R and . * d h * « * Hgrney’e P * » for a backgrmtad- « Impressed Dlne- <1*1 • as being d. taolate and forbidding. tj» Iglnally the X country had bee» he«* dly timbered. >ut now ther* I f be had been an Injun I'd say he'd ’ ' e areas of d e » i \ ” ln* * ,nd t M *r made a vow to hls medicine and had aggly tops were L »><” •>{ * nd sen s to tackle me. Being low-down scum s o rte d a land that x ,d * * * “ dBad I can’t get rid of the feeling he was were good enough to 11 re with u any age«.' ' doing something he wouldn’t have war. The shaft was of Juneberry. and work with, wanted her rer rgnlzed. Dlnsdale stared glooml 'J ® _ tried unless he felt obliged to try It.” tough and flexible, so aa not to break M a r y Succeeds M"!» distant neighbors too' t ^-,up the gncholy vista for some n 'lnutea. Pyrites stared at him sympatheti­ did tha quarry, whether man or buf­ The state grange. state Breasted the flank of th» ' '’ ’’'‘ « u h cally, and declared: on M a in S treet falo, fall upon I t worSaldent to appoint Mrs. ( -’Biklna. Hhe tk«- slope until a more grac ious p rv ^ - O f course It's barely possible French row end muttered: "See how that {‘■'I, one might say. th of «Turly and some of hla pals might hove head'a fixed an aert of wobbly. One* p e rt of rolling hills, w ith .a iteattariag Igi. lilt , b, . . a t . M i l l e r Street on the Mai . »«-ale. o f «mall peaks, came Inte vl ew. Sun J 'against you for what happened In lt'a stuck l»to a man It can't be palled -Frank's place; yet It don't have out. Well, b ell tie low for a epell (t won! , \ on the heights and darknas B In the 1. BARLEYCORN AND / \ gor fee, and he suddenly resit, ed It wea k “ 0 . \ t Indications. Those fellers along of Mr. Lightning. Only «be of BUSINESS the ng \ you t<> Uvt t„ , th#y coul(J tlmi > for him to be making m a p . him. or they'd laid for ns with their W hen he w earily broke thr ragh Into get ’ T 1 tuna." A great honor descended on Ypsi­ you s rth con rol la dy the firelight he found Pyrtb til asleep lanti, Mlcb.. not long ago. President (To he continued) N e v e ’ thought of him.” ex- la tl to te n t Bacon end ba an« wsre Lo. „ u Harding was choosing ten delegates , mil- . ,° \ “W«n. rm through g Beach, f . , flat ro A by the Are at «1 »he claimed Dlnsdale. on a to represent the United States gov­ now 0Q been made I n / has always eofft< spot freshly .hooked, was rs *-y ernment at the International Congress rather proud mulling It over / prospecting." »roud o f being « “Main 8t to be boiled. Pyrites awoke and .wiled Against Alcoholism held In Penuiurk coromu going to be a woir at r m«ke« V *i- “That’s the kind of ta. \ mak om the tent and’’ «polojrtxed: from Thousands upon L to August. One of the ten was Mrs. taods T1B- A man’« ability aa a fanner may well K. L. Calkins of “the town with the ers and _ "T rled to keep th in g * hot for you. ma feal good.” approved Pyi 1« # ghort citizens are retired fa Must 'nave dropped off. Yon alt C lown you pitch Into that rub, ha\ * be Judged by hla clover Adds, think ■ipp, va »«■— erchanta from the Mlai alppl « queer name." and at your boots off ar«l wash ; »our worker» of the Ohio experiment sta­ oke and turn In. And do. And thereby hangs a tale. Once borly pciol y. They still keep the nelg feet / and I'U have the coitee hot 1 ta a Large flelda of heavy-yl’ l*” '»« upon a time— to begin In the approved tDterwiktari of »lew and the neighbor! ndy Allen bother your dreams w y . tion clover Invariably Indicate a good rota­ fashion—a mutual acquaintance told yee-< ✓ min« te.” »• ‘ f they developed througl ,«r a the rotation was shortened one year by money centers. She stuck to the peo­ L«e ’ Master of Arts Is Mrs. Robert dale. "He came at m e t shooting, shot- !ng ple she knew. Somehow she got Into > Funny, too. breakfast, studies’ the heaves, stadie». ’ heavens i w gun and two hand guns. dropping the timothy while limestone «»teller, ' .legi «»tcher, wife of a big lumber H * mdnute sad then v wnt about hls wor. Where did he get hla nervel ud arid phosphate were added to the real estate er of Alaska. found the win The strenuous determination grew. "W wasn't drunk; Just a cold killer. Alt w e’ll o n run Into m«, It « If » we break Dreex camp.” '•cation of manure / r the r Far North too trying ----- and So did the money. At the time I » r .-.u.... L day men had been warning me against 'dubiously remarked Dlnsdale from the result " f »he Improved treat- heard the story the u n e o c u m b ^ I r u I aomelhlng to keep her bu.y app. him. I thought It was a Joke, their I tent. '■a soil, the clover yield In publicity a . I I recall recall It, It. 3 »20.0T,, or ; , r, »Y newspaper and publ dty At capital waa. aa 2 0 , or of having fun with me. And ' "It's lambasting I Io cu t of the pines tra Vy tug—the waa once president of m e n to ft- 380,000 th. down there," gruniw t Pyrites. "It's ■derwed if he dldfc't try to get me! Illinois Women's Press assorts- creaaed 18 * to , 74 v Here cornea In the sequel <✓ the tale tk.o " t lu it ’a’ been drunk.” Insisted Py­ moving southeast W>, won't get any climbed froi * . ».-end of work with big women's *' * * . . . I wrote Mrs. Cftlklpa for »ae dory of. along > „ 1 bush». rites aa he dished out some beans and of I t We'll set sad poke along." »Dilutions preceded thia latest . clove. , “ ¡j„y ’ * from 1.5 her real estate venture. Dlnsdale took th e 'ita t and turned from 48 to 6 ' bacon and poured a dipper of strong .•i'aesg. The women of Alasks sent to 38 bushels. “I waa much amused when I read breakfast wae coffee. "After the way you cuffed *out. ----- The ----- ----------------- ... toon eaten r two years ago on a personal ml«- tons to 3.5 ton» \ , c — your letter," aha answered. "BI»«» French Curly's gun' around any man and the bur roe peek, d. m to Washington to ask the Prsal ,1A® you, all done In real estate la Jus', i . I've Jus m l.w , ’a’ k.AOTB run waa was poor Door medl medl- ( ------------- nta.itai«, went ah,.*, might known you .ent ahead, usually In - n t to appoint the man whom they 8 zldillne My real Job has been figt.t- could tr 3at aa prohibition enforcement sight o f hla mmpavilaa. every few mln- cine to go against” In a cornfield- Ing JoVu Barleycorn. But / r i l see dl rector. Poor seed Is I * “Hla mind may have been drunk, ntee aa he surmounted a ridge. .Tor fi er shop la a service sta­ -a in • hr Insects and what I i M » « H i of It a» soon as f ll'm for the national women's founds« __ but hie nerves wefe steady.” sighed two miles he »ode ait, I then reined In cause of barren at '*• They are alto caus, d . * plant about find time—« you're »tire you »mot a Dlnsdale. "He »hot- mighty straight and stared thoughtft 1 ly at something He« for- heulth, which through worn and nifty— No eeltafacllon In killing ahead. Swinging M t head about to disease» that attack tk» beginning to atorj on a M»ln Street' scale co or ¿y.niaitlons campaigns for such the time that the ea r 1 » \ . the com Not unnaturally, she n»,eer- f r und co oimc» -aenae things aa an annual him. Felt all the time aa I f be was scan the eever auapl,itouaiy be w orld orn root time for the »tnrj when passport, and h*a lth , «lamination and properly flt- going through with something be sim­ have beea thrown In» • something of a form. T h * corn roo r work. panic had. ha not rer tembered the Ti ­ yuon a'bite grub ar fl the » , result, such more Important aJPilra Claimed tin ,, ply had to do.” loea. 1 — . « corn her time. So here It Is with the “aide- nplzla vtU aeeomplleh ttae * n^ Pyrites lowered the eeffee pot slow­ ll Ians’ fta r of than, ter storms. S ip ­ Hatcher s pet beauty cure la— Sin adap’ e'l V , ly and stari-il In amaaement at hla ping to the ground and ahlftlng hla line” overshadowed by the President's n eri •lee' To prove the value of a A thin toll that to »ot rg. «1 rifle to hla left head while he toww a » dll nA en produce la companion. recognition of her value on the mala ,le liefore-brenkfaal aettlng-up. she aollcfteoely Inquired, hand gnn he epproerhed the object "Partner,” 1 jarren stalks, and cor , that I» Job. , r tanewleflgea her sixty years, lets an -**” which had censed hint to dtsmov n t It “yon feel all , too thick will de the She did not get the appointment ÍM* «atonal woman pull her curly white Dlnsdale laughed, and dried hie teat waa a long feathered arrow, with thr». ugh any "pull." She got tt be- ha ir to be sure tt Isn't a wig. and "lightning marks." or grooves -on the advisable a t • oo the short graaa csoad lb * folks near borne, the same def L ' mstrates to selected audleo.es la Nlfrate of T o p high, Pyrltee. My conneeeoa short shaft characterising It aa be- keep tk* « * * ’ folks that she had years before ,^e .be slue of what baa recently been fertiliser which wilt uoie me a b on. naeur A> I nglag to a Sioux quiver, Th,- head doesn't trouble it Band.” I growing rapidly. BeQar eff i « < * wgs triajgqjgr m ah ape, tug|lr for ‘ -Y ta Z * ’ ’ >*o wm * h b id one one 4 • •* A “7 h AnT 'Us«»’* * t,ble 70Ud Q| Improve Clover Yields • by Use of Crop Rotation J»dk L L iV a a d ly tack both anatomy, * nn? m.nd h»’ . ri we ita " p p ilc t» » " o» ertor. ' " ' n’ ? .nd from »he outride U - We daub H — , Head from within 1 7 Colorado Potato Beetle Eradicated by Spraying The «du’t Colncad” W « ’ *’ * * * * • • ’ M rdad* » S S h"’f •*rtp* ’ r^wded, jeUew « ™ wtth ten Wack M e W , BB„ in the