AUG. ^/^lbanyc2 ) irectory A /4 « « g ¡ b i r t d o r y —Continued FA RM LOANS H ALSEY STA TE BANK W rite tor booklet dcscnbiug our 20 T b i t is good advice; ' l l you live in A llxm y, trade iu Albany ; if you live tear Rural Credit Amortized Loans The toan pays out is 20 pay menta re­ 10 some other town, trade in that town. No But to these automobile day« many re- tirin g the principal. Cheap rates B bam L a n d C o ., aiding elsewhere find i t advisable to do delay. 133 Lyon Street, Alhany, Ore. at least part of their buying in the larger town. Tboaa who go to Albany to transact business w ill find the firms named below fill th eir require­ m ent! w ith courtesy and fairness. at lowest rate of interest leal Estate F C A P IT A L AND SU RPLU S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 O F F IC E Commercial and Saving» accounts Solicited Insurance Anto Supplica Prompt service. , Courteous treatment. ab . J. H. A llison 442 W est First SL A Ibany Floral Co. a b . sad ulants. plants, and all oocasions Albany tern. ab Wx B a » n , Room S, First Savings Bank bnilniag, Albany A R R O W G A R A G E , Gansle Bros. Cut flowers Floral a rt for every Flower phone tS»-l. Electric Store. Radio ® - U. S. & C. T. C. Tires New. low-priced Gill Batteries for More service Ford, and No more cost Star, other Skilled Auto repairing Chevrolet small cars A uto accessories M O R E SERVICE FOR LESS MONEY ^SHOE § Electric w iring. Delco Light products 202 Second C.LBNH W lL tA B D SERVICE^ WM. HOFLtCK. Shoes that cost less per month of near A uto Electric Service—Kecbsrg- able A A B batteries— W IL L A R D storage battery. Phone 23. 119-121 W. second st. H . D. Preston—J.C . Cochran lue Bird Restaurant, 309 Lyon B afreet. Eat hare when m Alhany. Open from b to I and 5 to 8. W hy suffer from headache ? Have your eyes examined, S. T . F R E N C H To P o rtla n d Low round-trip fares a* ft n A to Portland and return. Sold on Friday«, îp O .Î /U Saturdays and Sundays. Return limit the follow ing Tuesday. 1 7 A to Portland and re turn. Sold any day. $4. Return limit 15 days. Stopovers any. where. Its comfort, conven ience and safety make Southern Pacific » m ic e worth more to you than any other fon n of transportation. For full inform ation com m unicate with In the annual coat of government of <2,041.000,000. The public debt now stands at about »21.250.000,000. which Is a reduction in three years of about r u n s w ic k PHONOG RAPHS <2,750,000.000 and meana an annual Optometrist, with at saving In interest of more than $120.- W O O D W O R T H 'S 000,000. The »7.000,000,000 of short- F. M. f r e n c h & S ons tim e obligations have all been quietly DUR K H A R T & LEE J E W E L E R S — O P T IC IA N S refunded or paid, T he Internal reve­ D sole tg e n it for nue taxes have been reduced twice, C . P- M O O D Y , A g en t-P h w n e 226 Albany, Oregon , Pnenia Pure Paint and and many of them repealed, so that Dr. Hess' Poultry and Stock T o n ic during the present fiscal year the tax receipts show a saving to the people Davenport Music company offers A-c Piaao-case organ, good as new of approximately $6,000.000 a day com­ W ants Opportunity for A ll, No pared w ith 1921. One government Uatey organ, good as new Used Pianos. bond has «old well over 105'' Government Monopoliea, In­ The President pointed out that more What a satisfaction to know America oRposes special privilege for dependent But H elpful astburn Bros.—Two big grocery than 40 per cent of the debt due us torn, cut taxes, purged pay rolls, made stotws, 212 W . First and 225 South that vour K R Y PlO K GLASSES enormous reductions In the public'debt anybody, and .favors equal opportunity Foreign Policy. from foreign nations has been llquldat Main. Good merchandise at the rig ht are built upon the highest stand­ fo r everybody! I t has adopted the«« ed. providing funds fo r liquidating and laid firmer foundations for the prices. _________________ ___ ard of QUALITY. conclusions because they are the logi­ Washington. Aug. 14.— No single about $15,000,000,000 e f the national peace of the world. Anvona buying for quality will cal conclusion I o f our Ideal« of free­ President Coolidge declared he fa lite Cafeteria and coufectionery question vital to the people of the debt during a 62-year term. dom. M oreover, we believe they con­ Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ >sk for KRYPTOKS. The finances of this nation have vored the system of private American United States was dodged by P real- trib u te to our m sterinl welfare. We ings. Courteous, efficient serviee. dent Coolidge In the first great speech bean managed w ith a genius and a enterprise and was opposed to the ex­ oppose the art'fflclal supports of p riv i­ tension of government ownership and W e make our own candies. sttteess unmatched since the days of of the political campaign— hl« speech lege and room ipoly because they are W . S. D u ncan . con tro l; that he believed In economy accepting the nomination as President Ham ilton," M r. Coolidge declared both unjust stnd uneconomic. They 'A great revival o f Industry took In public expenditures and tee prr.ctl- offered him b , the Republican p»rty, ilms developed and printed cal application of the tehory; that he are not right. They do not work." and delivered in Waahlngton the eve­ place, which Is spreading to agrlcul We mail them right back to you. The Ftsrm Situation. believed In tax reduction anil tax re­ ture. Complaint of unemployment has Woodworth Drug Company, Albanv, Or ning o f August 14. Reviewing tha* situation o f the farm ­ form ; that he favored protection. ceased, wages have Increased. Cap­ A fte r outlining the sound foundation cgon. er. the President said that one o f the Favor« Permanent Court. of the p a r t, system o f government, ita l has become plentiful at a low rate firs t thoughts « bi 1921 waa for the re­ ord sales and service I favor the permanent court and e f Interest," M r. Cootldge declared, the President said; "P arty means po­ lie f nnd revival of agriculture as a Tires and accessories litic a l co-operation, not as an end In “end the bnnka of our country, as a furth er Umltatfou of armaments," the fundam ental Iroluatry. and touched Repairs “I am opposed to ag­ itself, but a means, an Instrument of whole, show a high percentage of President said upon the credits o f between three and K ib k P ollak M o T ob C o . gressive war. I shall avoid Involving government. I f founded upon a great liquid asset«." four hundred m illio n dollars extended ourselves In the political controversies moral principle and directed with Speaking o f the generous taws Uportmiller Furnituie Co., fum through the W a r Finance corporation, of Europe, but 1 shall do what 1 can I o JT ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges scrupulous regard fo r Its Integrity, it passed to relieve disabled veterans, an additional <50;000,noo provided for encourage American citizens and t e- Funeral directors. 427-4J3 west First cannot fall to sweep onward and up­ the President sold that more than 71,- the re lie f of the c a ttle Industry, and Optometrists, Manufacturing Opticians sources to assist In restoring Euirg le, street, Albany, Oregon. ___ ward, advancing always steadily and 000 have been rehabilitated. 38,000 of the formation of a Ain.non.fsxi corpora-, Albany, Oregon w ith the sympathetic support of p u r whom are earning more than they did aurely, a m ighty constructive foyce. tton In the spring "which. It waa esti­ ULLER GROCERY, 286 Lyon government.. I want agriculture and before the war. Compensation la be­ glorious besrer of progress. mated, can furnish <190,000,000 for di­ (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) Industry on a sound basts of p ro s it rtty ing paid at the rate of about $100,- "T h a t la what the Republican party versification and relief tn the N orth­ Groceries Fruits Produce slid equality. I shall continue to at rive always has been and Is today. In full 000,000 a year, soon to be Increased west. H e told of the activities o f the Phone 263 R for the economic, moral nnd sp iritu al faith that such It w ill continue to be by »30,000,000 more, »40,000,000 have Interm ediate credit hank«, directly and w elfare of my country. A m erican cltl- Indirectly assisting 500,000 farmers. W. SEXAUER, auto and gen- deeply conacloua of the high honor It been provided fo r hospital facilities, zaps « H l decide In the coming election which are open to veterans of all • ersi eral oaiater paiater confers and the responsibility It Im Laundrv sent Tuesdays T h e President commented on the Get my estimate whether these principles shall have present upturn of prices for agri cul­ poses, I accept Its nomination for American war«. Agency H ub Cleaning Works 201 E. F irs t street t l r i r approval and support. No government,” the President de­ President of the United States. tural product» "The domestic affairs of (fur country In the history of our country Is re­ clared. "ever provided so generously "The government rendered a greet olman jackson ip p ts r to me to be by fa r tile chief deal o f asslstsn s t,” he s a i l "an< corded the public ad-vlcea rendered hy for those dlsnhled by service In time G rocery— Bakery ro n d m . From this source comes our private eqterprlae co-operated, hut the our party for more than the three­ of war." E verything in the line of eats Touching the exclusion law and re­ strength- The home market consumes fundamental reroeity was provided, as Opposite Postoffice score year«. T h a t la secure. I pass nqarly «11 our production W lghln our It always must he provided, Bot sn on to the recent past nnd the present." stricted Imm igration generally, the ub Candy Co., First street, next President said: "Restricted Im m igra­ own boundaries w ill he determ ined to Proorsss e f Feur Year«. much through the eoactment of legis­ door to Blain Clothing Co. a very large degree the econ finite w el­ tion Is not an offensive hut a purely T he President pointed out the con lative law I as through the working Noon lunches. fare and the moral worth of l$ie Am eri­ dltlon of the nation In March, 1*21. defensive action. It Is not adopted In oui o f ec< eiomle laws. Because the LAWYER AND NOTARY Home made candv and ice Cream. c a * people. These are plain. fa<»s, but when the Republican« resumed the criticism of others In the slightest farmers ha ve thoroughly realised thia, Ihqre are others equally plain." degree, but solely for the purpose of reins of government a fte r a lapae of H alsey , O kkoon ub Cleaning Works. Inc. they have ixn the whole oppoeed price Reaffirming his opposition ir en­ eight years. Though more than two protecting ourselvbg. W e cast no as­ Cor. Becoond and Perry fixing by btglslatlon. W h ile rostntalu- trance Into the League o f J ja tlo r» aa a years had paaaed since the armistice, persions on any race or creed, but we Master Dyers and Cleaners log that »nvnfi position, they hava must remember that every object of aurrsnder of Independence, the .Freak nation waa «till technically In a Made • T o - Measure Clothes seen a p a r tia l re lie f rotne la a natural dena -favored becoming a member of state of war. No diplomatic relations our Institutions of society and gov MFKRIAL CAFE. 209 W? First way, as It was hound to come. existed w ith T urkey. Greece, Russia. em inent w ill full unless America be the permanent Court of InteniatJorvJ "W e n ow need In agriculture more Harold G. M urphy Prop. .Ilistt'v, "as peace means fundam ental Colombia or Mexico, the F a r East kept American." organisation, cooperation, and dl- Phone 665 Next the President dealt w ith the ly a reign of law ." Entrance Into the Situation caused "grave apprehen verslficatlosi. T h e farm er should hava W b nbvk b closs tariff. "By means of a protective alona." Because of the war, "a reck so-cnllpd W orld court "would do much A ll work done promptly and reason­ the benefit of legislation providing for less extravagance had come to char­ tariff," he said, “we have saved Anier to Indicate our determ ination to re­ agneto electric co flood control and development o f In­ ably. Phone No. 269 acterise the adm inistration of public lean agriculture, labor, and Industry strain /h e rule of force and solidify Official Strömberg carburetor serv land w aterw ay », better navigation east and auittaln the rule of reason among affaire and was all too prevalent In from the menace of having their great ice station Conservative prices All nnd south fr< *n the G reat lakes, work guaranteed 119-121 W . Second. private life." T he national debt had home m arket destroyed through the fiitlo n a " M r. Coolidge «aid. reclamation, an t especially re lie f fee HALSEY dumping upon It of a flood of foreign risen to the staggering total of »24. America Helps Europe. AKlNELLCr PARLORS those who cani»ot meat th eir pay­ 000,000,009, more than »7.000,000.000 products. Under thia wise policy we T h e Tresldent reviewed the difficul­ (A beauty aid tor every need) ment» on Irrig a tio n projorta. But tha of It In short-time obligations without saw an economic revival, and our peo­ ties of Europe and the unavulllug e f­ main problem la xisrkeftng. Co-opera­ St. Francia Hotel provision for payment. Government ple as a whole, In marked distinction fort« to find a way o ut u ntil the Amer- Prep.. W lN N IF B X D RoSB tiv e effort, reoilgsnlsstlon of tha Cash paid for bonds were helow par. High w ar taxes from the sufferers from the financial l<-qn plan, proposed In 1922, waa finally fr declared. „ recited the help given Mexico to avert down, wages have advanced The 12- ate. while fl still »Walt action. Friend , T»HK MARGUERITE SHOPFF. D E N T IS T 1 ly Intercourse w ith Greece and Turkey ! Turning to the “honest government domestic violence there, and the Indi­ hour day end the seven-day week Issue, President Coolidge pointed out cation a policy o f making It worth 1 Shatnpootog. M arcelling and Scalp have practically been abolished Tha is been resumed peace and Ameri­ bluntly that In all hl« studies o f point HALSEY HOTEL * h can while fm »n. u ninterrupted operation o f public u til­ rights hav« bees assured In the cal history he could not recall an ad- GI «be theater bldg Phore 1S8J Prop self so ss to merit recognition. He itie s w ith m utually satisfactory and F a r East and the Pacific. Wednesday and Friday mlnlaratlnn which was desirous of s pointed tfa the w ritten agreement with le g a lly established method« o f adjust­ Turning to flnanc*. the President ; gldo Anderson A Son. dishonest government that, to che«'k Mexico to negotiate a treaty of am ity in g labor questions have been sought. railed attention to the enactment of □tors an«' dealers for Maxwell. Chal­ 12 to 8.30 extravagance. Introduced a budget aya- and commrrce such as has not been In Collective bargaining and voluntary the budget system, and the reentrant mers Psse» R '«>" * Hunmobile ears. existence-ince 1A81. a ’ ” .." * . ' • >•' * wro-A.iHe«. arb itratio n have been encouraged. Re tremendous savings. Equal Opportunities for All. publican rule has raised the wage "For the fiscal year ending June 30, O f discrimination of all kind«. Presi­ 1»21." President Coolidge said, “our mile) dent Coolidge said: "T his Is onfi roun- earner to a higher standard than ha ever occupied before anywhere la the expenditures were <5.538.000.000 »5.538.600.000 and j t r y ; we are one people united by com- our surplus wax »Afi.000.IXYT. r nr the »o n tb oT B r o w n s v ille , on good ro at w orld.’’ year Just rinsed our expenditures were W i l l » a w o u t v o u r o rd e r fo r $ 1 5 /) rdbn Interests. ' There should be no fa- Reduction of Exponas«. bought, sold »ef «Bchanged at ail tie « » vdMtes and nr» outcasts; no race or re- President Coolidge then pointed eat $1,497.000.000, and our surplus exceed-' g th o u s a n d . D e liv e re d H « l* v v , S1&. ll*> ’Ug p rejti Jjces In the government- B E N T. S U D T E L L that Uit paopla ef the tuuuDx. fek qd KYJO.OOO.OOO T h U wag a reduct'.e» S b g n n o u A Martin, R , 2 , H « l» « y . j . w . S TEPHENSO N. Phene 76-R, 113 N. Broadalbin s t, Albe»J • ¿ M bs . M loubt . B A n Important Piece of News Coolidge Informed He is a Candidate A STRAIGHT PARTISAN TALK Southern Pacific Quality E E F F M eade & Albro, F M odern Barber Shop F H & A B E ’S P L A C E Amor A. Tussing H t * FAQfe. Î away Halsey, Oregon FA R M LOANS ACCESSORIES AND TIRES H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E 31. 1924 H F. M. GRAY, I D R A Y M A N . M M Cream and Produce Station M Cream, Poultry, Eggs, Vea & Hides.. M. H- SH O O K D ELBERT STARR Funeral Director and Li censed Embalmer S I Jr /A SSS,* ä | babber w' haT,a Sawm ill^ First-class Work . I ......... -1F ,