ACC 21. M HAL&BV E N T E R P R IS E PAGE 2 • H IL L & Cs 8 Hardware • A boycott by southerners on Ore HALE’ Y ENTZBPRI8Ï gen products -AOT is threatened if the oleomargarine prohibition act is sus­ St F tained in tbe fail elections, *1.(3 a »oar la adv; 2 * aa inch ; ao diseooa spate , no charge for cott c -auges Psracrapbs." (e a llaa. M a a t f r e i u e a c dlsgalsad aa a a * a Arm strong Linoleum 9x12 $18.75; 16.00 Congoleum R ugs - New stock of A xm inster Special Sm all R ugs $2.25 to $5.75 i f eot- tenseed oil disguised as butter is go­ ing down the throats or Oregonians rln 'o . Advertisiog. lot Ucne or poaiUoa or sa T a l a - f a t ► > such an extent as this would in- iicate, perhaps such a boycott would S* the beat thing th at could happen r us. To Advertisers Copy received before Tuesday i t ir tim e for good position. Wednesday i late and Thursday's m ail i* too late. I-«t the south eat its 3 1-2 HUGH PENDEXTEK_> i> ill ion pounds of oieo instead of pay- rg freight on it to Oregon, while we mt the seme amount of cow butter O ftee boar«. » to 12 and 2 to 6 ezcap Monday« and Friday forenoon«. O ur prices sell our goods H IL L r.stead of freighting it south. ----- - - ■■ — Chester Obouteiewoui and t O D L lD G E KNOW S IT NOW some COPYRIGHT 60693" MERRILL CQ ompanions entered a cemetery and President Coolidge was notified la» Thursday night that he had heei nominated for another term. My Wasn’t he surprised? But he made the heat he could the »ituation and delivered a speec? in reply. We publixh a summary of that reply, with comment, fumishe hi plate form, to relieve the publish«, ot the cost of type setting (and in cidentally to get before readers tlx {artisan view-point of the managers of the 0 . 0 . P.) gome of the ideas set forth In the I roadside we can indorse, and some we can't. I * A good deal of space is given tt telling how big the war debt is aw how the administration has continued to get along on fewer and fewer tillio n * of dollars a year as affairr have been settling, In the words of President Harding, “back to normal ey " The high cost of war and the impos kibllity of practicing peace-time econ omy in its conduct are paraded by the party in power as crimes of the democracy. They are but repetition oi what occurred under republican auipicee in the civil war and what will recbr under any administration in power in case of another big war A great deal of noise made by the has been administration about fiaud and g raft under its predeces scr, and there have been indictments and great cry about punishing the rascals, but little wool has been gath­ ered under that cry. Charles G. Dawes was and investigated criticised on these charges, hut he gave no evidence of being per tirb ed by hecklers beyond exclaim­ ing, in substance: "Rell!> M aria! We v ore getting supplies to the soldiers as quickly as possible, not spending time to haggle for bargains.” And the republican party made him M r t Continued! “Weil, you have made a mess of IL Take the mayor's advice sad get out For once San Jnan had the satis­ for a few days anyway. Make that faction of seeing Diasdale wince. It prospecting trip with Iron Pyrites. itone that proved to te too much was » facial betrayal and lasted only Start In the morning. Be In Rapid City a second. As he carefully smoothed cr them. As they were pulling it this day week, or »end Pyrites In. Til the paper and refolded It and banded 7as dead. Some people pronounce works only on railroad cases.” whis­ ing here.” “ Prospecting, not running. Ton know his a judgment from heaven for his pered San Juan. “It may be the Oga­ better than I whether It means a run­ tcrilege. Perhaps it was. To car- lala affair." W ith a twist of the thin lips which ning should he recognize you.” y such a name as that into a teme- was meant for a smile Hinsdale said; "When It comes to gun-play— " “It easily could be that—If he's still boldly began Dlnsdale. ery is an awful offense. working for tbe railroad Who's Chey­ "Discard! Discard!” snapped San enne?” Jnan. “I ain't .gunning for your con­ There is no need for tinkering with “Just a friend. He signs his mes­ fidence. But I.m et Pyrites right after getting the message, and I told him I r.«- constitution to compel a state sages that way. He knows I meet some pretty good boys In my business wouldn't stake him and that you prob­ lonopoly of- workmen’s accident in- who may have slipped and who may ably would. I f you say the word he’ll urance. Proponents of the measure be wanted. That's all. Does Omaha call for you early In the morning. He'll have your outfit ready. All you’ll have sy private'corporations are taking know you by sight?" .• I “I don't think so." And Dlnsdale to do Is to take your guns and stay ich insurance for less than coat, drummed the table gently, bit eyes out till you get my word at Rapid '.'ell, let them. The public t i n stand | ’ city a week from today." Ailed with a far-away look. "I know But Dlnsdale grew more defiant, and ax long as the insurance companies ‘ I never saw him to know him. Wbat's sullenly insisted: in. The proposed amendment would he look like? What'e hie real name?" “I ain't afraid of Jim Omaha. He “Like yourself, I never sew him rovide jobs, a t the voters’ expense.; to my knowledge," replied the gambler either doesn't know me. or else he n oUcials to administer it, and regretfully. " I never heard him called does If he does know me— wall, he Isn't called the 'bloodhound' for noth­ anything but 'Jim Omaha.' Union Pa ould do nobody else any good. clfic bloodhound. He’d never come up ing: and I might as well have It out here except on big builnaaa. Railroad here as to have him chasing me over Our game wardens catch a violator Into Montana." bust nets." “I was looking further ahead than 1 the game laws often enou"h to “Then It'e tbe Ogalala affair, all that,” said the gambler. “I f he comes right." tersely declared Dlntdnle. cep up the revenue from fines, end “Wonder If he's struck the gutch yet?” and goes, and the coast remains clear, he neighbors chip in and pay the “Small chance. I know pretty well you can return and sit Into a game that'll make your everlasting pile. It'll ines and go on hunting just the who comes In on the stage." Then make the Ogalala Job look like a two- thoughtfully: "But If be has sneaked ame. In he’s got a fine liny on you. The bit limit iave been testifying in the Chicago ; City must have heard by thia time clared: "I don't know anything about the that you're called the 'greenback muu.' ourder tria l »bout endocrine glan. • Tou've got K itty against you. also Ogalala Job. Let Omaha come and .(■parently hove endocrane deficien- Keno Frank, French Curly, and not. try to nail It on me. He'll have his hands full to make It stick. Nothing < es themselves. knowing bow many others." "Mayor Farnum doesn't feel just , at all to hook me up to that buslnifis” San Juan Joe smiled cynically and Miss Minnie Gourley of Portland like a brother to me. And don't forget I softly reminded h im : Bundy Allen." Isited at the Ernest G ourley‘ and “Nothing at all except the talk about “I wish you wouldn't try to be funny laron Gormley homes last week. when things may be very serious," pro­ you being the 'greenback man.’ But undoubtedly you could explain when tested the gambler. “But I'm not Joking. Why, I ’ve re­ and where you got hold of ao much ceived a dozen warnings today against paper money—new money, at that.” Dlnsdale'! face lengthened; then n i s i « » •• • Combined Bandy Allen." Tre.orient,both “Bah! French Curly trying to be grew ugly, as he muttered: local and Internal, and has been success­ j. cunning. I'll dress him for that.” “It'll be up to him and tbe Union ful In the treatment of Catarrh for over 'Then there's the mayor; tried to Pacific to show down, not me. Maybe orty yean Sold by all druggists. order me out of town this morning," I won It i t gambling.” . P. 1. C H E N E Y & C O ., Toledo, O h lr added Dlnsdale. “All right, Dlnsdale. I've done my beat for you. but a man must play his «mused themselves by uprooting m hs tones. They tackled a big H a ll’s C a ta rrh H lC fllC lIie i Coolidge's running mate. D r.iC . FICQ, Dentist I t is the fashion for every candi­ « PLATES date to “ point with pride” to what­ ever his party has done and to “ view with alarm ” anything other party. I f the money were used for charity that Is spent preserving game in or­ der that "sportsmen” may gratify their lust to kill something our taxes n ight lie lest. — N ■ ■■ ' ■ I f the game commission and the | ubile service commission and a dozen F IT ” Grown» , tridgH work and fillings. It will pay you i tt> get my prices ou your dental work. Cusick bank building, A lbany ». i done by the T hat’s partisan politics. W hy should anyone yearn to fare forth and butcher one of the comllest ol God'« creature», in the name of sport? How about tbe economic gain? It is nil. The o u tin g T .lt isn't t.icessary to kill a deer to have an outing. Which do men desire most, the outing or the shot that brings down a deer? — Portland Oregonian. TH A T For G r a i n S a cft* * and T w i n Î O. W . FR IIM i » I New and best grade of Seeks Second j on hand f Market price« paid for any kind of 4/ ’G R A I N .' A N D H A Y O' so other commissions were abolish­ ed the state’s sxpense account would “ All I ■ lessened. own hand. I saw trouble ‘ where no trouble exists, undoubtedly And I was selfish : I confess It. But I did want you to Join me In a little matter, little work and big result«. A bit of busi­ ness where you couldn't lose lf jo u had nerve And T il gamble you've got mountains of nerve." , ' Dlnsdale ckiwed his under lip re­ flectively, and In a milder tone said ; “I've got nerve, n il Mgiit AirFt boasting for me to say thdt. About all I have got." and he laughed shortly. “But lodk at It my way: I want a squint at Jim Omaha. If he's on my (rail I want to know him by sighs. A mnn .doesn't have to scoot from A good many individ­ uals would he added to the number o? unemployed, hut not the number Ft tirin g to work, for few of those tGlows want to work. ■ ■■ ■ ■ A m e ric a n E a g le A political party is the biggest and most expensive curse of Fire (Insurance Co. America, w ith the exception of another politl- ral party. And the biggest at any particular time it the (the In power at that time. - — — ■ The latest “ threat'' of rain seems t ■ have Aisled. But watt till the ptunes are ready to pick. — Eugene Register. f Home "po o r prunes" are not osly ready but are being picked now. I Ila.v is wortii ju st as much in storage as you might g«|t for it in case of fire. Th > H.iglt‘ Fire I I i - u r ; i ! i i i ‘ < < >111 1>. 11 1 . j>.t\ y o u o f th e cash value in cus I A i l l « ' ! I( . I I I I will of loss by fire. C. I \ STAFFO RD, A gent < Right. Dlnodal». |-vp Dana My ■ •at fo r Y o u .", the«e hill« Just because sc«oa«oiie la after him." Sau Juxn gated at the deuermtned face admirably. “Tea. Dlnsdale. you're outfitted w ith nerve I'm no tenderfoot, but when It comes to Jim Omaha and he has reason to think he wants me— excu«> me I "Better mas thau I have r a i »way 5 ’ Any Girl in Trouble 9 may communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the • W hitt Shield Home, 565 Mayfair avenue, Portlaml, Oregon. , t Our Ice Cream fs made for tbe best of us. Re­ member, poor ice cream is not ouly not so delicious as ours but it is positively dangerous and un • bealtey. Wg absolutely guarantee that we do not violate tbe pure food laws, either in word or in deed, in compiling our ingredients for tbe manuiacture of tbe best ice cream made. Clark’s Confectionery from him or tried to, and they've told shouted. me about him— some of them have. But coming from which direction? Others have Just dropped out of sight Dlnsdale knew he must leave town on and they didn’t go Into hiding. Then the Jump If any fighting resulted. W ith this prospecting trip with Pyrltee Is i hand on his gun and his head swing­ off. eh?” ing from side to side, be advanced a “I won’t say It's off." was the slow few rods when a head popped from response. "Maybe after this cuss blows behind a dry-goods box. Dlnsdale la and I have had a chance to size him whipped out hia gun but refrained up, so I can know him on sight the from firing when a voles shouted: next time we meet. T il go sway with “The hotel! H e’s coming out!” Pyrites for a bit. Maybe then I'd be The light was sufficient for Dlnsdale keen to come back and dip into the big to recogqjse the speaker to be Scis­ game you’re raving about.” sors, and he swung about on his heel "I'm afraid Pyrites won't wait. H e’s Just as Bandy Allen ran Into the road crazy on the one subject— prospect­ from the hotel, a long gun clasped In ing. I f you don't stake him. and I his two hands. Up went the gun to don’t, he'll get some one else to. I f his shoulder and down dropped Dtna- he can't get a stake he’ll go without dale, and two loads of slugs tore with one. He starts tomorrow morning, s scream over his head. Had he re­ stake or no stake. Then again, there mained erect he would have caught the wouldn't be any point In your going charge full in the chest He rolled to with him except as you did so to one side and came up on one knee as dodge Omaha.” Allen dropped the shotgun and began “Don't agree with that last,” stub­ firing with his hand guns, the lead bornly retorted Dlnsdale. "All I want kicking the dirt Into Dtnsdale's face. “Go back 1“ he roared, throwing him­ Is one peek at Omaha. Just a look so I'll know him and not be thinking self flat and rolling toward the box which sheltered Scissors. that every stranger may be him. I sort of feel I ought to stick along here Perhaps Allen believed bis quarry till I can size the *bloodhound' up. was seriously wounded and unable to Just sort of feel that way.” gain hts fe e t; perhaps the Influence 1'So long as he can't be after you Impelling him to commit the murder for the railroad job there's no reason outweighed all sense of discretion. why you shouldn't stay here as long Whatever was driving him to make ns you wish,” the gambler carelessly his kill he did not falter, but with a loud yell, of triumph began running replied. “Oh, he may think he has reason toward the writhing figure. W ith the to want me," mumbled Dlnsdale. “Any­ resilience of a steel spring Dlnsdale way, I'm much obliged to you for the came to his feet. Allen came to a trouble you've taken.” halt and fired with his left hand and “Not a bit. I was selfish. I wanted was throwing down his right-hand gun you In with me on the big thing. Per­ when Dlnsdale's lead caught him I n 1 haps It’ll work around to that.” the forehead. i They shook hands add Dlnsdale As Allen went down on hts face slipped out Into the night some ene grabbed Dlnsdale's arm ; and As he reached the lighter street be­ Scissors was w alling: { fore the Centennial hotel some^one in •'Now you’ve gone and done I t I I front of the hotel called out sharply Drinking, gambling, scaring folks, gas­ and men appeared at the windows and sing the city fathers, and now a kill­ ran from the door. Those who left ing' Coma away I Coma awayl" the building scurried around the cor­ * ners. Curious to see what was about And he arged Dlnsdale down the to happen Dlnsdale halted and sought street. the cause of the disturbance. "Shut up! Think you're telling nte “ R u n ! Greenback I Run. you fool t" something new?” growled Dlnsdale. shouted a man crouching at tbs corner "Keep along with me till I can write of the hotel. a few words to San Juan. Give me “He’s after you most proper!" some of your paper I" howled another voles He halted In the light of a gambling-^ Dlnsdale began to realize that his hall window and placing the pad ’ appearance was t^e cause for the ex­ against Scissors' back he found a pen­ citement. He remained motionless, cil and hurriedly wrote: wondering what It was all about. That "Allen laid for me. I did for him. be was not u favorite with the strange­ Am riding south. Start Pyrites early ly acting spectators was proved by a la a. a . I'll meet him on the stage deep voice bawling: road ten miles from town. H are him ‘'Now git him. Bandy 1" bring outfit, a forty-four Winchester Diasdale growled under his breath rifle and plenty of ammunition. Allen and glared suspiciously about expect­ was drunk or crazy. Use your lnfla- ing an attack from every patch of ence with city council. K ill off any shadow. He had not placed any cre­ mob talk. I'll look for a message at dence In the threats of Bandy Allen Rapid City week from today—P. D." so persistently repeated to him dur­ "Take thia to Ssn Joan Joe In a ing the day. He slneerety hoped tt rush. Scissors. I f he's In a game, -was a false alarm, and he would have break in so be can read it at once. hurried on I f not for the fear that Don't talk.” Allen was In ambush ahead. There Then he hurried down the street, was Mayor Farnum'a warning, con­ running swiftly whan he came to the cise and positive, against any street dark stretches. Discordant cries grad­ fighting. The town would not be safe ually merged into a sullen roar, the for any one who Indulged In the hunting call of the mob. He wan wall pastime And Dlnsdale wished to re­ ahead of his pursuers, however, fov main until he had glimpsed Jim he gained Clarke's livery etable sad Omaha. From the medley of voices, calling warnings for him to run, Jeer- procured his horse from the el espy hostler and centered down the stag* Ingly denouncing hint, and urging Al­ ien to “settle his hash," It was plain ' road without anyone queatlonlax his fiolng. Allen had been making his boast at the hotel and the street In front of CHARTER VI the building 1 ad been picked for the sssault. Pyrltee wan garrulously grateful to "Where Is he?" loudly yelled Dins- Dlnsdale for providtng the stake, sad dele, not knowing whether to retreat for two days of their hurried Journey or advance. I|cre he comes! Run'“ some one toward the divide batwaea Rsotd and (Continue i on page 5)