/ Ì y f i fij y » H alsey enterprise HALSEY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON. TUL'ftSUAY. ALO. 2«, t«i24 HALSEY HAPPENINGS AND COUNTY EVENTS Short Stories from Sundry and no great progress can he expsctsd this year. I Mi. and Mrs. L. borne after an auto Oregon. L in n C o u n ty School C h ild re n C. Merriam are' W i l l C om pete at the F a ir trip to southern ------------------ Brow nsville Briefs (By Special Correspondent) HLWS NOTES FROM ALL OVER OREGON M in M a i l , r e ^ returted to ^ » t o m © o f E v e n t s ifl th © I . E. Peniand, wife . nd their son h a n ti a n Carence and family were visiting A d d r e s s b y t h e G o v e r n o r o n O p e n in g D a y Lehanou fcatuidar. She ha« been ; B ea V P l’ S ta t© nursing at the J , C. H sm so. t ------------ , , friends and relatives in Halsey last i • Ben Sudtell’s dance house, "Tumble ♦ Small tilings are often more lm- »hich bids fair to outrival in interest home, Ihn»" opened Thursday evening, with ' ce‘“ c m v • . , .. Twelve new firss broke ent to »be Miss Nettie Spencer got home Wed- ; I» rtant than great Little people are ar.y previous specialty. bem 1 nnkin » i«iled his parents ' Desrhntee forest «» a result of a 303 people in attendance. Governor Pierce will address th e . IO B row nsville last, week e0strations. Go In and win one of these twelve relatives. On their return they Fisher has shipped H cars of herssg rpeht the week end with A. W. ianny Starr started Friday on a Mr- Gilkey, fair manager, writa» frizes, and have a jolly good time. took Mr. N ew la n d ’s mother home and mules from Haines te Denver, all Haynes and family, near Irving. Mr. motor rtip to Crater Lake, expecting r r. Wheeler’s niece. I has installed in his garage at Albany. . herc bJ wbo do not) w,„ back (P a in e gets 3(1 d a ta and $26 ed. The skews will be preceded and fol­ finu for k illin g pheasants and ffit ■ It is the first machine of the kind in . , . , , Foreign shipping of lumber from A car passing the Harrisburg fer thf countv, w ,,ot be tha Uat ‘° of our fair’ under direction of Mrs. Charles Child-: resting oflìce*. Justice P B H atty totaled more than ie0.00d.00» feet, etrt there, meeting 16 on the south CGnne-tion with modern locomotion. “We are for the future •nd admission for the two evenings prescribed tlm m edicine for with an estimated reltis of nearly ■ v.hen we feature our girls and boys.” s de before it could get aboard, and be $1. Season tickets to the fair Paine. ) $4.000.000 Members of the American Ixgion Mr. Gilkey has evolved a etunt of do not admit to this feature. The 23 on this side awaiting a chance. _______ _ Dr. Joseph E Hall, former state- Apparatus used in preparing the of Brownsville were recently selling refreshing newness which ought to W. C. T. U. is selling the tickets for j Mr, C h, d „ KngM we|)( (<> commander of the O A R . was elect­ flags in Halsey and among those who , enlist the enthusiasm of every child foundation for the new bridge was In a commission, which goes to the chil ; (# ,u y eB»er(JB V ed surgeon general of the G. A. H at evidence, but the rains have come made purchases were: O. W. Frum, and the support of every parent, and drkn’s farm home. ' the fifty eighth annual encampment M i 3 ., Mildren Learh was a parren A. J. Hill, Bert Clark, C. H. K >ontz, I__________ ____________ tn Boston. ier to Portland Saturday. A. A. Tussing, Halsey State Bank ; F Done Is critically 111 in Reads Albany’s Only ard the Ringo drug store. Mrs. Harvey Herron arrived Sut- port as a result of drinking a quarter •rday to visit Mr*. Laura Koch of of a pound of commercial ether, which Fred Taylor has been transferred j Holl’y, he purchased, he said, for use tn start­ from Eugene to Portland by the (By an Enterprise Reporter) Tempting Prizes. S o u rc e s Spectacular Pageant L a k e C reek L o cals ! EXCLUSIVE A lfo rd A rro w s (•aterpetaa Carra*»« ing an automobile. i Southern Pacific company. He will Mrs. 8. A Andrews and daughter E A. Starnes and wife visited at M'ss Violet Gibson is visiting Al- Picking of fug- ls hops Is under sray be employed in the traffic department. ( I aura Bikson left Monday for a vltit Ralph Dannen’s, Monday. tn bregen and so far tha ytald la com Mrs. Taylor is visiting at the home ' tony friends this week. r it Forest Grose. Ing down lighter than usual Picking Miss Hattie Dannen visited her sis­ of her father, J. C. Standish, and •dr*. A. L. Ki.ighten and daughter O U R N E W P R IC E L IS T : J. A Grigsby was u pasoettger to ef clusters will start about August 25. wife while her husband is getting •uited Mrs. Inez Smith last Week ter, Mrs. E. A. Starnes, Sunday. ' Salem Tuesday. earlier than customary. Double Vision Lonses r id. ■ | settled. ' Lee Ingram and family and Mrs. Two persons ware killed and three Miss Gretia Harrison went to En Mr. and Mrs. C .. P. . Stafford, in - Mis* Shook of Halsey spent the A. B. WkRbeek »vnl to Alban.' last Lltex. S IA M ), Krpgtok. »17:30. tnfnred when an automobile drireo by ) renr Tuesday. Peerless. $16 50; Brights. $IS|5b. company with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon week end as the guest of Eunice Sjd- ruddy. James Beattie. 2T. left the highway i Cemented Segments. $14.50. Cross, drove to Hillsboro Saturday. v ester. Aaron Starnes visited his uncle, Guy Bramwell paid his fatl.ei, J. and overturned at Johnson's bridge, 5 r. and Mrs. Cross returned Sunday, Palph Dannen, Sunday night and j C., at Halsey a short visit before fire miles east of Tillamook. Single or Distant Vision Lenses Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Chandler and tu t the Staffords will continue on to Monday. taking the train for Eugene. Dr W H. I ytle. state veterinarian* ♦ 6 I) Curve Tone, $13.50 ; Mencius, Yortland and possibly spend a week Agnes visited at the Pehrsson home Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whitbeck were $12.50. at St. Martin springs in Washington, Sur.da," ■ Mrs. W. M. Davidson took the train and secretary of the state livestock 1$4 D Curve Feriscopic, $12;50; Sunday evening callers at the Lee it? Halsey on Thurcdey (o vis’t her sanitary board, is In Des Moines, la .. before they reaum. Fists' $10 50. Many Pine Grove people went to Ii gram home. to attend a aatlonal eovontlon of live­ 1 Sother, H. E. Morris, at Eugene. Fitted in Zito, gold-filled or rimless People of this section had an ac- ( drvallis to see the "Covered Wagon," stock sanitary board officials frames. Georgo Godv in ard family of Cor- ei al demonstration Saturday nfter- f aturdaj. It will require 303.223 pamphlets Brownsville passengers to Silent For heesvy Zilo frames add $1 to $2. tallh called on George's mother, Mrs. Saturday were Mrs. Mary Wur tick containing the various measures to noor of the descent of water upon Deduct $2 for secSnd-grsde lens. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gibson are the Rolfe, Sunday. Reading glasses. $2.50 to $10. the earth from above. It came, too, llden and Milady Mvkole, Albert go before tha voters of Oregon at the in a gentle spray, every drop of t ’oud parents of a 7 1-2 pound boy, J. H. Rickard and family went to' Mfkols, Bessie Fox and Wilma Ifev- November election to supply the de w hieh soaked in as it fell. It was I orn Tuesday. maad under the law, according lo w Shedd Sunday morning to take Mirr < erhnd. w the kind of rain that prepares the statement Issued by Ssm A. Ko-*er 31] West First street, Albany, Ore; Misses Iowa Albertson and Ruth Hazel ■ Farwell heme. '• U ucle Job Moor*. who i i 8S secretary of state. Arguments for anil ground for plowing. i nd Lulu McNeil are at Gresham s t ­ Ask about Funktal, the perfect lens. Jesse Rickard is batching at hit yatrs young, gave up ha: pro*, against the meaaure also will be con (Continued on p a g e « ) anding the camp meeting. fat-ker’» ranch, across the river, petting trip and cam e hmue wh*n tained In the»» pamphlets. Mailing T 1 'he weather tw tited his mtvHl'se of the pamphlets began Monday. T h e m “My Son’s Sweetheart,” a two-Aet caring for the crop« «her*. pl»y, will be given by local talent at are fonr proposed constitutional- Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Springer of • nl crippled him. the Pine Grove schoolhouse Friday Shedd visited at the E. A. Starnes Ira. W. H. Dedman and little eon amendments and three messur«s to b« evening. tiU returned to their home tn Port referred at the fell election. I ome Wednesday of last week. Men have been burned by an In­ law Friday, after a two-month- vla- Florence Cogswell, formerly of this The Sunday morning services at competent and careless X ray oper­ I*. \t Cascadia and with Mr*. Tied- the Pine Grove church were ifitcr- reighborhood but now of Portland, n als parent;, Mr. and Mrs. F*. C. ator; medicine ordered by th% doctors rupted by a fire in a nearby field and Henry’ Hawkins of Portland were CoAv. has not been given despltc/numerows OF COURSE, no boy nrrried Saturday. v hich threatened the church fcr will really test his shoes 5^r. Mary Went, who formerly denpinds for It. and some nnrses and s! ort time. We are thankful th$t so J.. H. Rickard, son Emery and orderlies have slept at their postt, had employment in Halsey, but who with a saw, an auger or a n uch help was at hand so that tbe daughter Lillie and Lillie's friend, while alck men celled for attention, working at Albany, took the patients of the Vnlted Staten vnterane i fire was controlled before it reached M ies,Farwell, drove to Eugene one now chisel, but it does seem so, es­ Halsti train for Marshfield Monday, the building or cemetery. pecially when mother just finished hospital No. I t in Portland charged day last week. to aphd a month with her daughter, In the course of ,,n Inmstlgatiois nsarl lecturing about the care of new shoes Carl Isom went to Oakridge Monday Mri. faith Scott. ed by the American legion, took Ing and father just paid the bill. And to n orning for a week’s visit with hit toward the removal of Dr. Frank t / MriC. B. Tycer combined hutiuM* make boys take care of their shoes all the uncle, J. F. Isom, and family. and I’lpsure last week vrhen she Gordon, superintendent, end Dr. C. time would be to take half of the joy out of their live*. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Jenks and three went tl Portland and Seattle to buy Tlnney, receiving officer. Tfte lolutlon of the problem It to buu Accompanied by repra*-»nt wtp 8g of Aiughters of Tangent and Mrs. Jenks' new fulmillinery stork anil also vis­ WEYENBERC SHOES at th.e etart and aunt from California called at the J. ited may points of intercut in and the United States fire scarnr i round tr two ritica. She returned mamhers of his own coosspas r ft A H. Rickard home Sunday afternoon. Booth of Engeas. prwwrtr of E. ,D. Isom and family and Mrs. tc Brownville Thursday. Ocboco Timber eotnvwsy. waa )B , h„ D I Isom went to Eugene Sands/. Weyenberg Boys’ Shoes are made “All Solid V---------------- ---- •Imber ef Crook --wtr*T „„ , w , „ , 09 Mrs. A. F . Robnett and daughter Leather”—cut from the best part of the hide. Mrs. Duty) a Missionary of investigation wttb » . , , aw to h,JV Doris accompanied them home for a They are not made like so many boys’ shoes, from the Since t^ murder of Sheriff Dunlap •eg tha ge.rsenmest holdings lo the visit culls or left-overs of leathers used for men’s shoe*. Halety Church nl Christ whlrb adjoins by a court of auto bandits, one of nchoco nartossl fo r 1 T h a t’s the reason W eyenberg B oys' Shoes wear so Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hawkins of whom brol( j»i| and is still st. Urge, those Of tijg Oc'aoc .0 Timber company 1 Yj?> much longer and better than other shoes. The Portland, the newly married couple, while the n^er left the world by way Church Armcunewnents made It means the \ hdys like them becadsc they "stand the gaff.’* trok Sunday dinner at the A. E. o’ the haihnsn’r. noose, and *fecg JP©’ teg of ’/»« timber and the estab Church of Christ: Whitbeck home and then went on to llshmea* 'A Prineville ef a yellow pin» the auctionjale of her ejfcrtz, Fugene and Roseburg. Lon Chamlee, minister. plan' c /b al In magp'tude to the best widoz, Mrs 6s Dunlap, hä3 n t fls- tn the sU t«.', Bible *cboo|, 10, W. H. Robert- The funeral of Mrs. W. H. BleVay, uyed in the sb!(e print*. sob , superintendent. Governor Plerto seat a letter f® t bo died in a Eugene hospital Mon Now come« he tonoix' GOOD GOODS Christian Endeavor, 7. icenwr t that fism A. Koter. secretary ef state, day night of last week, was held at she has bce»-uictl»x' Morning wortbip, 11. Lord’, t)«^ family residence at Rowland on herself for t^»-■' studying to fit seeking to borrow 320,noo from sn «upper every Lord's day. onary work under appropriation authorized at the last V ednesday afternoon, with interment Cl* L.-P. eh< I Evening eervine, 8, I- gns. and thrch, to which sh, bn- session of the legislature with which i; ^ ie Alford cemetery. The church without a bishop, in liar Egypt neht she expects to ssil to ’meet current demands on the state the country without a king. penitentiary revolving fund The leg Tuesday. Who denies that our governor i* I f you have no church home lalatore at its last session created e irfluential? Owing to the long come aud worship with us. resolving fund of $100.000 for tb» drouth he issued a proclamation Sat­ pealtenttary. and also voted a fund of ti* day postponing the opening of the Methodist: $5».tP>0 from which the prison could f untlng season for a month on ac­ st ored near H Î* p,‘ "° n°" borrow tf there gras not sufficient to Robert Parker, pastor. es unt of fire hazard, and ’he next carry on the work of the Institutional -le. Will gi,Mr f,’r Sunday School, 10. day it rained. Industries The lejter said that prac­ Preaching. 11. t S '-tn ihle homi® ®««Y »♦©"’ ,n r* tically all the $100,001 fund had been Intermediate League, 7. Real Serenity. .„ '1 where pian« F»® exhausted and that the $26,000 addi­ OPTICAL PARLOR Bancroft Optical Co. Come on Boys T h e y “S tan d th e G afF’ .y K°°NTzS 1 ALL SOLID ^ L E A T H E R Epworth League, 7. Prayer meeting Thursday, 8, , preaching, 8, • J I •• ’’ • Real serealty of life is r«a>-he4 ehrin one does not care bersune lie •as ubt invited to the picnic. d,»ess , M "H «t«r,n ** M' n , , l ‘ rate Housu, .Euge.ie, Of®. s tional was needed principally to pay Uir Has straw for th« atate fla i plant, (Continued on page St