PACE 2 H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E ♦ •••••♦ •« ••O • • • • « • • • • ••••4 G LO BE AÜO 14, able to bear hi* weight on the injur­ ed foot. To the People of Halsey: ALBANY - Haying opened the Mr». Bart S. Clark want to A l­ bany yesterday to aae a dentist. 4 d a y s, S ta r tin g F r id a y , A u g . 1 5 Most Pathetic and Convincing Contrast r TOKRANCE American Plenty Versus • Reconditioning Shop • Parts for A ll Cars Eastern Starvation HALSEY MEAT MARKET, Edith Smith visited bar aiatar, Mr» Annia Laurie Seefeld, Suu- |dgy- • > ••« ••« ••••••« •••« ••A » » * I am prepared to furniab the choicest Willard Batteries Mrs. Charles E. Gannaway of Med­ ford, who is home after five years in rescue work in the near east, brought 212 East F irst at., Albany with her Zadi, an Armenian girl 4 1-2 Phone 379 years old, whom she has adopted. anything in my line, at prices that you will appreciate. Zadi took the mental test at the Count iu and aee what I have to offer Our acquaintance Cheney Normal school In Washington may he mutually pleasant and profitable and was rated as having the mental­ HALSEY RAILROAD TIME SH O W S AT ity of a child of 8. North South Mrs. Gannaway will speak at Sal­ No. 18. 11:37 a. m. No. 17, 12:15 p. m. em, Eugene, Grants Pass, Medford 24, f4:27 p. m. 23, 7,26 p. m. Mr. and Mra. A. C. Armstrong and Ashland before returning to 22, 3:20 a. tu. 21, 11:32 p. m. and H eltn, Mr. and Mra. L. H. Greece. Her son Ted ha« charge of Continuous Shows Noe. 21 and 22 stop only if flagged. Armatrong and daughter! and and spent the day with A. E. Foote the work in territory over half a Saturday and Sunday No. 14, due Halsey at 5:09 p, m., »top, Delrna Wahl were Albany visitor» and wife. million people. to let off passengers from south of Tburaday. 1:30 to 11:30 p. m. Tuesday’s Eugene Register said: Roseburg Mrs. Ernest Gourley and little Elliott McWilliams, who haa | This week Eugene audiences are lis­ (By an Enterprise Reporter) No. 23 runs to Eugcue only. daughter Marie were visiting in Al­ been working with the Hadley tening to plump, intelligent, alert Popular prices bany Friday. No. 21 mns to Eugene, thence Marsh­ tbraabing crew, returnad home to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Logan of and winsome Zadi Pachalian Ganna- field branch. Adulta, 5O c Children, 2 5 * Albany yaaterday. Mrs. George Alford and children Springfield spent tbe week end at way. At the same time they a r. see­ Passengers for south of Roseburg should •••< W. E. Stevenson of Lacomb and spent the week end with Hulsey rela­ Prof. Owen’s. ing—or many of them at least, are take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer David Maryin of Lebanon have tives. seeing—a picture of the starved, to No. IS. M r. and Mr». 8. Cortis of Lab. been fined 9100 each on pleaa of wasted and pitiful little Armenian Halsey Happenings Saturday evening we were treated anon were week-end gueets at waif that was Zadi before she was guilty of atcaling 26 »asks oi (Continued from ecge 3) to a grand display of fireworks in Henry Brock’s. SUNDAY MAIL HOURS wheat from E A. Young. adopted by Mrs. Charles Gannaway Mra. Cecil Alford and daughter the northern and western skies, with Mrs. Hugh Cummings of Cor- I of Medford. Tbe delivery window of the Col. Ben T. Sudlell has opened Rene were in Albany, Saturday. more genuine thunder, perhaps, than The contrast is startling. It brings Halsey poatoffice ia open Sunday» He i a danee ------ ” ball at a Murder m u im v i v Creek. ie « , n r hi-d been heard in Halsey for years. vsllia »pent several days vieiting at tbe M artin Cummings home. Mrs. Herman Steinke and little eon p a y » de will have it policed and to those who have contributed to the from 10:40 to 10:60 a. m. and 12:15 Charles were Eugene visitors Friday permit no lawbreaking, He calls North of here there was rain, Albany near east relief the thought that to 12:30 p. m. Miss M yrtle Tobey has returned getting enough to dampen things and Sunday m ail goes out only on the place “ Tumble in .” their money has gone toward a good to her home here after several Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bramwell and a few fine spatters fell here. A ce­ the north-bound 11:37 train: cs use. One can not see and talk to weeks at her brother F ra n k ’s at John W Nye was killed yester- Howard Teman drove to Albany Sat­ lestial bolt darkened the M ountaia Clare,holm, Canada. M ail goes south once a day, rio tin g at this bright and lovable child without day morning by a stone which fell urday. 11:05 a. m. j north twice, closing 11:25 States Power com p any’s lig h ts for the conviction that the race she rep­ from a bunker at the rook erusher Mr. and Mrs. Jim Burns drove a. ra. and 5:30 p. m. M a il stage (or onn i .C° 7 ° r ,.n 7 ek, i ° mplTted l ° " r Foa“t e ? \ u d ’ b i t ' b i ^ on ^ ihe an hour or two. We had more resents is worth saving. Brownsville, C raw fordsville and Sweet to Cascadia Friday, returning the weather in the 12 hours than many a ¿00 feet of sidewalk for Mrs. Dora I bead. There is another thought, also Home leaves d aily at 6:45 a. m. same day. They spent some time big city gets in a week. Davis of Shedd. examining the fish hatchery near worth considering Little Zadi, wast­ J. F. Venner, the venerable ed and starving in Armenia, grows Foster. D onald Ward, tw o-tim e jail es- Isv-druggiat of Brownsville, was Smokers were responsible for one plump and healthy and lovable in Paid-for Paragraphs cape from A lb any, was caught in here Tuesday, looking several hundred and seventy-four forest fires M r. and Mrs, Martin Cummings America. Over there her condition (6c a line) Portland Tuesday. year» younger than ba did before and campers for one hundred and expect to start Monday for Ne- of starvation was not an exceptional | bis last tuarriatte. Ash wood for aale. Miss Marie Sneed of Seattle arriv­ nineteen on the national forests of braska and Colorado. They plan let; over here her happiness and well- ed Friday evening to spend her va- K. S. H ayes . The regular services will be held Oregon and Washington for the cur­ to be gone about a month and leing are merely the portion of the cation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs I , ext Sunday at the Methodist church. rent fire season to July 31. among others to viait G. A. Burt average American child. Old papera for aale at 5c a bundle and fam ily, who at one time lived N. T. Sneed. The subject for the morning sermon Are we not doing a lot more com­ near Halsey. at tbe Enterprise office. The gigantic co-operative farmers’ plaining over here than our fortunate Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gansle and will be “The Open Fountain,' and grain marketing organization is pre­ Mrs. Ed Wigle of Rowland vis­ circumstances warrant ’ ftr the evening “Satan, his kingdom daughter Leila and Mrs. C. P. Moody paring to operate with this year’s ited her sister, Mrs. Tom Ardry, I City Counoil und children enjoyed Newport scenery 4i d power.” grain. Ominous are the facts that last week. Other members of the Saturday and Sunday. P. H. Freerksen was in . Albany the grain gamblers are not apparent­ family came to spend Sunday. W illiam W hite wae the only absente« from tbe meeting of tbe Robert Melick, who is just out of ast Thursday at the monthly meeting ly fighting it and that some other Tbe Sunday guests were Luther (Enterprise Correspondence) city council Monday night, with ■ Eugene hospital, took the stage »f the Albany Creamery association, farm organizations say it has been and Baoall Brock and wives from buncoed in the purchase of grain near Harrisburg and Mrs. Clar- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pugh spent the the exception of G. W. Mornhin- here for Brownsville Friday, to con­ ’- which he is a director. weg. who has removed to Newport. elevators. ence W illiams and family. week end in Portland. valesce at the home of his sister. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Muller were C. H . Koonta waa appointed to Maud and Hubert McDonald drove O. W. Laubner and W . H. n Corvallis and Albany on business ¡succeed the latter. to Newport Sunday. Beene and their wives and Allen Saturday, Mora srteet gravel waa discussed. Beene attended the Riverside com­ Canoent croaawalka are to go in Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Sprenge- left Mr. and Mra. Lester Conger and munity meeting Saturday night. Friday for a week’s stay at Cascadia. opposite the Methodist church and at the poatoffice corner and per­ Ebenezer C. Cenway, residing . ertis Seehale were Sunday visitors I Mr. and Mrs. Will Porter left for t Ed Zimmerman’s. haps at other places. on a farm near Brownsville, is 91 ISK and r p lR E S and E X P E R T W ORKMEN Newport Thursday for a short outing. year» old. I f he ---------- and bia ----- wife GATES l U B E S - live Hans exwai Koch «nu and Ted iru luricr Porter were -■Efficient Equipment ( W illiam Corcoran spent Satur­ The Pugh Bros.’ thrashing machine UH next September they will h e w hading „ car of oats at Potter r been W k married en * a * • A.l 69 T. 11-_. _ _ I day in Portland. laid off a few days to wait for the years. uto a c c e s so r ie s uesday. spring grain. Sunday Fred Taylor and wife of UTO R e p a ir in g p r o m p tly d o n e Jim McWilliams is putting in a ce with Mr and Mrs. Fred Sprenger. Eugane viaited the latter’s father, lent sidewalk and a walk to his door. Frank. Porter of Portland was in J. C. Standish, and wife. Mr. FOR SALE ven’t noticed any calico, pongee, Shedd Thursday. laylor went home the same even­ ercale or voile inside the house yet. Six-room house: one block of ing, but Mra. Taylor remained for Ed McElvain visited friends in land; plenty of fru it; newly Rev. Robert Parker held services a longer visit. Shedd last week on his way to Port- painted and papered ; electri« Mrs. M. V. Fox received word S a t - 1 *“ * " 7 " : M™ Were it not for the instinctive ad­ lind from California. lights. Two blooka northeast of urday that Keith, the little daughter U ' Hr‘ " d° n him miration felt by Oregon citizens for Miss Helen Satchwell, who has the depot. of Mrs. Anna Gruggett of Corvallis, I c #t ®- H . M ille r’« before f oolidges's courage we would predict spent the past week at Crater Lake, A REAL BARGAIN . _ » _ i « . . Ir •liirtitti» had been pushed from a porch Lanis r burning. that La Follette would carry Oregon returned home Saturday. W ill lake 91,000 and give terms ter by a little playmate, with the re­ ' J. Ó. Hairiliiraof Walla Walla and it November. Republicans of the sult that both arms were broken. fir. and Mrs. H. N. Halnline of Vale Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Sprenger of Al­ if taken by Monday. See owner conservative type admire Davis, but bany and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Pugh •n premises. The bones were set and she was rest­ attended the funeral of their mother W . B. K eeslino ing easy at last accounts. admire Coolidge even more and will and daughters were Sunday visitors and visited their sister, Mrs. Otto Neff. vote for Coolidge. So-called repub­ Nelson Herbert of Indiana, who Mrs. Rex Groves and children of Card of Thanks licans who really are radicals will North Dakota are visiting Mrs. Charles Munger left Saturday for worked for A. C. Armstrong last We desire to thank the friends Sacramento to be at the funeral of vote for La Follette, not for Davis. spring, is under arrest, charged with Groves' parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. and neighbors for their devoted i m -1' tfaodfather, C. A. Munger, whose ,j passing forged checks against « Arm- Union labor, in so far as its members Farwell. kindness and sympathy during strong aggregating $63. Herbert I l'c*th occurred Saturday morning, break away from theif trad.tionl Billie M cDonald of Portland, in the long sickneas and at the death bat been working for Walter Smith 1,0 **°winK •» operation in a Stockton party loyalty, will vote for LaFollette. company w-ith a party of friends, vis­ of cur dear m other; also tbe recently. The checks were written hospital. H is father, H . A . M u n g e r , Radical democrats will vote fot La­ ited with Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Spreng­ Rebekahs for servicee aad beauti- during June and July on the Halsey left earlier in the week to he at the Follette. The fight is between Cool­ er Sunday. i fnl flowers. State hank and Vice-President Doug I patient’s bedside. Mr. aad Mra. O tto N eff idge and LaFollette.—Oregon Voter. las Taylor lodged the complaint. I _ ,, . , A number of the young people of Mr. and Mr». H . N . H a im l in i The case of the motorist who in- .. , ‘Uy * h,n LWI Ch,m,e*'s *on the Interdenominational church of Mr. and Mr». J. O. H a in l in e vestigated a fatal collision below PU WM d,red by Eu On July 31, 1924, there were reg­ Albany held a picnic Wednesday ev­ M r. and Mr». J. L H a in l in e Shedd last year by «opping his car i.8"' jump fr° m " ridc of wood- istered 176,106 motor vehicles in Ore­ ening at the home of Mias Florence M r. and Mra. P eter P iterson C op yrigh t by Th» Hobba-M«rrlll Ce. cn the track and letting a train come , • nd broke ,rchf> in gon. 162,764 were passenger and Miller. Mr». R osetta S kow along and show him how It wag done b“th feet' commercial vehicles of less than one Mr. and Mrs. Ernest and -mall was duplicated at New Brunswick, N ., P. -- J. ............ Forster spent several days (Continued from page 2) ton capacity and 13,402 were tracks A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S N O T IC E J., Thursday. Stoppfngwhere a Loa I Eu- reerksen spent Tuesday with Mrs. said final account and the settlement thereof, at which tim e env person in te r­ very painfully injured. One of his I ‘'*r* B*>l*y and daughter, woman Is In love w ith him and decides under which the farmer is asked to I- ruit at Peoria. ested in said estate may appear and fi e he's In love with her In yonr case It'» horses stepped on a rein and in t r y - P 1'-*' Kuhnhauser, of Portland, spent s m atter of losing eith er w ay; for I I I work for less and less so that a Mr and Mrs. George Workenger objections thereto in w ritin g and con­ b g to extricate it, the horse either I ' * * * k w ith ‘heir eieUr and greater army of middle interests may and son and Mr. and Mrs. George test the same do my hast to k ill the man who makes t * ’ * * * n. came v,gU down 'I have K itty and h e r ravings hap­ Notice ia hereby given that the-final account of S. S. Hayea as adm inistrator 1 has rented his residence in north Hal pened t" be on my mind And I'm reck- more— this time to England. onlng yon'll need a h e ^ of frie n d s w ith the w ill annexed ef the estate of Ladies' Store. First and Lynn oey to Mr. and Mrs. Claron Gormley, I've lue< received by ndght stage a SL deceased, haa been filed in For that euhu’ n, which is I Men'» store, First end Broadalbin who will occupy it soon. the County Court of the State ef Oregee During July 16,971 motor vehicles line from an old friend In Cheyenne. ALBANY part of one’« vaeation, use for Linn County, and that the 24th day Mrs. J. W. Clark and daughter Been trailing you ever idnce I got It. fiom other states and countries were of August. 1924. at the hour et 10 I sent Sclaeora out to find yon. and the Lemon Cream. registered in Oregon. o clock a. m . haa been duly apoointed Ruth and Mrs. M B. Southern went fool stopped to »ell hie picture« In W ANTED by said court for the hearing oi obie- Orchard W hite or to Eugene Friday. every piece he entered Then I had to Chops, Steaks, Roasts, Boiling Pieces, Sausage, Miaa Bernice Pbillipa waa mar­ ried T need ay to C. J. Purkev, a Eugene grocer. Mr». Logan ia borne from her viait with her sou Claude and fam­ lily ily at at Shelburn, Sbelbarn, Wash. Wash »I M r». W been tak- Mrs. W C. C. Smith Smith baa baa bean tak- J i J G. H O F F M A N : 1:30 3:30 7:30 9:30 : K Ü S i Ä ” “ * ' Lake Creek Locals z : Shedd Snapshots H A L S E Y G A R A G E , A . E. F O O T E F A Town P r o p e r t y H A L S E Ÿ , O reg on Pay Çravel H UG H PENDEXTER M. Sternberg & (o 2 STORES Hinds' Almond Cream at R IN Q O .D R U Q STORE F. J. Goodenough of Portland, who works for the Oregon Journal, was in town Friday. F. W Robinson and family came down from Janction d t y Sunday go along w ith him to see he did bis errand. Look a t that And he passed over a piece of paper containing on* lin e In w riting W ith elevated brow* Pinedale re a d : "Jim Omaha making yonr way— Cheyenne" _ J. (T o be ccnUeiueA) Kesenc* «1 Selfishness. Posthumous charities are the very eeeence o f eelflshness. when bequeathed by thoae w ho. when «live, would part with nothlBC— Colton. ¡A peck of Enterprise office Blue Damson Plums lions te said final account and the settle- meat thereof, at which tim e any person interested in said estate may appearand file objections thereto in w ritin g and contest the seme Dated and first pub­ lished July 24.1724. S. S. H aves . • • Adm inistrator aforesaid A- A. Tv»stw «?A M y. for Admr.