/7.. f~7\ I A /À » —Continued ^ / 7 lb a n y ¿ /yi ree tory p r FARM LO ANS Thia ia good advice: “ I f you live m Albany, trade tu Albany , if you live is some other town, trade in that town." But ia these automobile days many re­ siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of their buyifig in the larger town. Those who go to Albany to tranaact butineaa will find the firms named below ready to fill their require­ ment* with courtesy an I fairneaa. ACCESSORIES AND TIRES «x Auto Supplies J. H. A ll is o n W rit* tor booklet describing our 20 y**r Rural Credit Amortized Loan, The loan pay» out in 20 payments, re- tiring the principal. Cheap rates. No delay. B k am L a n d C o ., 153 Lyon street, Albany, Ore. FARM LOANS Real Estate Wn' Albany Floral Co. Cut flowers Electric Store- u o Electric wiring. Delco Light products 202 Second W il l a r d W m . h ö f l ic h . SHOE O SERVICE A uto Electric Service— Recbarg- Shoes that cost less per month of wear TJIue Bird Reetaurant, 309 Lyon n J atreet Eat hare when in Albany. Open from 6 to 2 and 5 to 8. M rs . B lo u n t . O R U N S W lC K A> • PHO NO G RAPH S at W O'O D W O R T H 'S D U R K H A R T & LEE " t sol* agenia for Pnenla Pure Paint snd Dr. Heaa’ Poultry and Stock Tonic Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AND SU R PLU S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 Commercial and Savings account» Solicited Insurance Radio A X able A & B batten**— W IL L A R D storage battery. Phone 23. 119-121 W. Second at. H. D. Preaton—J.C . Cochran H ALSEY STA TE B A N K B a in , Room 5, First Savings Bank bnilning. Albany - » seta. G l b x n W h y suffer from h e ad a ch e ? H ave y o u r eyes exam ined S. T. F R E N C H Optometrist, with r. M. F r e n c h & S ons J E W E L E R S — O P T IC IA N S A R R O W G A R A G E , Gansle Bros. Pkavenport Music company offers Q u a lity Eatey organ, good aa new Used Piano*. NEWS NOTES FROM ALL OVER OREGON E pitom e o f E vents in th e B eaver S ta te Glide is arranging tor fair September IS. a community p O R D SALES AND SERVICE Increased {14,760 in the last year, the total now standing at {12.483,090 are built upon the highest stand­ ard of QUALITY. Anyone buying for quality will p ’lite Cafeteria and confectionery n J Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ ask for KRYPTOKS. Main. Good merchandise at the right price*. ing*. Courteous, efficient service. We make our own candies. W . S. D u nc a n . TJpiltna developed snd printed. A A Tires and accessories Repairs K ir k -P o l la k M otor Co. 'EVirtmiller Furniture Co., fatal- A ture, ruga, linoleum, stove* range*. Funeral directors. 427-433 west First street, Albany, Oregon. D U L L E R GROCERY. 286 Lyon x (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) Groceries Fruits Produce Phone 2b3R P w . SEXAUER, auto nnd gen- A • eral painter Get tuy estimate. 201 E. Hirst street U O L M A N ft JACKSON A a Grocery—Bakery Everything in the line of eat* Opposite Postoffice TJub Candy Co., First street, next AA door to Blain Clothing Co. Noon lunches. Home-made candy and ice Creatn. TJub Cleaning Works, Inc. AA Cor. Becoond and Ferry Master Dyers and Cleaner* M ade-To-M easure Clothes IM PERIAL CAFE. 209 W. First A Harold G. Murphy Prop. Phone 665 Wn n x v x r closm AfAGNETO ELECTRIC CO. av A official Stromberg carburetor serv­ ice station. Conservative prices. All work guaranteed 119-121 W. Second. AA AR1NELLO PARLORS l’A ( a beauty aid for every need) St. Francis Hotel Prop., WiNNivnRD Rots. TYflen and money are best when 1’ A busy. Make your dollars work m our saving* department. A lb a n y S t a tx B a n k . Under government supervision. ^JO O R E ’S MU8IC HOUSE “ Everything musical" 223 W . First st. IVJ'irphy Motor Co, Buick snd • a ’ A Chevrolet automobiles. Tires snd accessories. Albany, Oregon. Phone 290. DOSCOE AMES HARDWARE, AV ibe W IN C H E S T E R S T O R d .322 W. First at C S. OILBERI ft SON Builder*' and thelf hardware gar­ den tools, crockery snd glassware New Stock. New low price*. QTIMSON THE SHOE DOCTOR Second streeh opposite Hamilton'* store. "Sudden Service.’ 'PHK MARGUERITE SHOPPE A Shampooing, Marcelling and Scalp Treatment*. Margaret Countryman. Globe Theater bldg Phon* 158J Prop U b a ld o Anderson 4 Son. distrib- ’ * uton and d e tltrt for Maxwell, Chal- nitra. Saaev. Hudaon & Hupmobile cars. Accessories. Sapolice, let A Broadalbin. BEN T. S U D TELL •’ W t you e v e r h a d accept the alluring Invitation o f your chosen beach or m ountain renort thia summer. LO W FARES V isit famous C rater Lake. Its placid blue waters, bordered by tow ering cliffs rising 2 ,000 feet high, m ake a sight never to be forgotten. A n d excellent accommodations are provided for your comfort. Ute Southern Pacifie Iti-dau or teuton ticket low round trip facet. Go to T illam o o k, N ew p o rt o r Cooa Bay beaches; see the Oregon Caves, the intriguing Mackenxie river t C a li­ fornia resorts, too. Stop-over anywhere on season tickett. These great play-grounds are easily accessible to you. For complete infor­ m ation and the O regon "O utdoor» Booklet” communicate w ith C. P M O O D Y . Halsey, phone 226 Southern Pacific Burton Klockars, a North Bend high school student, wan recipient of the During July, 34 men In the field as Fellows scholarship award, which la carloads enrii d*ay this week. Buyers hunters for the United States biolo­ made annually by the Marshfield lodge tire paying 820 and {22 per ton for gical survey killed 610 predatory ani­ of Elks. No. 1160. Young Klockars orchard run fruit delivered at the (Continued from oaga II led In scholarship through Coos coun­ warehouses In lug boxes. mals. John S n lssh and w ife and W- ty and received {1000. Better than expected yields per acre L. Norton visited the McKanzia Manufacture of fountain fruit syrups Optometrists, Manufacturing Opticians out of surplus fru it of Lane county Resources of the 278 banks oper­ of winter wheat and fall sown osts tn hatchery Sunday. Albany, Oregon may be undertaken by the Eugene ating in Oregon nt. the close of busi­ the western part of ths state, a near L, E. Walton, owner ot tho ness June 30,^19^4, aggiegated {318,- iallure of spring grains and clover Fruit Growers' association. 991,712.97 as against {314.406,120.07 seed and the smalleet prospective po­ Waiton pharmacy at Harrisburg, At the request of Douglas county (■lient Sunday at his hones in H»l- granges, the Roseburg chamber of a year ago. according to a statement tato yield In many years are outstand­ ••y. Issued by Frank E. Bramwell, state ing features of the present Oregon commerce is considering plans for a Mrs. Oti» Tsyl«r, Mrs. N*»h superintendent of banks. crop situation, according to F. L. Kent, home products show this fall. Laundry sent Tuesdays agricultural statistician of the United and Mrs Marv Taylor, all nl Cor­ The republican atate «xenutlve com­ The condition of the Oregon apple vallis, visited the latter’s roalhnr, Agency Huh Cleaning Works States department of agriculture crop Is estimated at 65 per cent with mittee organized at a m -etlng In Port­ Mis. M. B. Southern, Sunday. Coyote puppies picked up In Oregon a total yield of 6,990,000 boxes, of land and laid pliwa (or an intensive Charles Strsley anil family and campaign to start on September 1. by tourists have proved a nuisance which 66 per cent are epmtnerclal Mr*. Straley’s mother, Mrs. Ks. The committee elected John W. Coch­ In some of the eastern and southern apples. / ran secretary for the campaign and states, according to Information re­ ■her Rlke, spent Sunday at lbs At a. special etty election at Mon­ Phil Metschan treasurer. ceived at the offices of Dr. W. H. Vincent C ‘in homo at Summit, mouth a proposed bond Issue of 176,- Jesse Wheeler from west of Eu­ Sheep purchased In the central Ore­ Lytie, secretary of the state livestock 000 to construct a sewer system fail­ sanitary board. It was said that these gene, was here Friday, looking for gon country by O. M. Blakely, rep­ ed to carry by the small margin of LAWYER AND NOTARY resenting a group of Portland buyers, coyotes were taken to the homes of a farm to rent. Ho also proposed to three votes. H a l s e y , O regon yrlll be shipped to the Aleutian Is­ the tourists and later strayed Into the scout around Brownsville. Mrs. Klamath Falls will have a central lands. off the coast of Alaska Blakely forastt. They hav« propagated rapid Whealer accompanied him. automobile stage depot and claims the plans to ship 10,000 sheep and 200 ly. with the result that In some of the The advertisement of the new meat honor of being the first, city in Ore­ head of cattle to the Islands thia sum­ eaktern and southern states bounties gon outside of Portland bo install tbla now are being offered for their ex­ Hoffman's meat looks Inviting, and mer. transportation convenience. so do the proprietors of the shop, termination. , The wheat crop of Um atilla county market appears in this issue. Mr. Any contention that the boh ia de­ Oregon pensions have bean granted clining In popularity la refuted by the that last year approximated 7,000,000 as follows: Gustav Wsrlen. Portland, Give them a trial. All work done promptly and reason­ fact that a Cottage Grove barber ahop bushels will be but half that, declares { I I ; Annie M. Edwards, Medford, |20; Mrs. Tussing and daughter Bonita ably. Phone No. 269 recently bobbed the tresses of three Henry W. Collins, grain dealer, m iller M yrtle L Rons,• Portland, 120; Mary and Mrs. Ned Callaway of Browns­ and farmer. The estimate la based generations of the same flatnily. on warehouse receipts and on esti­ C. Moyer. Salem. 130; Annie M. E. ville .rtiotored to Portland Friday. Miss Bernie McCool wes killed In HALSEY mated yields reported from the var­ Courtney,' LafayetW. 130. Robert O. I'onita has recently been graduated an automobile accident when 'the ma­ Kumerow. Portland. 116: Harry R from the Salem school for the deaf. ious sections. chine driven by Dick Ltndhofm over­ Spurlock. Portland, I U ; Ernest Lough T hey returned Sunday. One of the largest cash land deals turned on the highway four mfles from ridge. W lidervllle. i l l » ; Burlsh W ilk Mr. Firchau, not willing to wait Cash paid for In Wasco county tn a number of years his. Portland. I l l ; Oscar O. Norgard, John Day. Her head was crushed. was consummated last week tn the Prwtlsnd. {16; Stjelle A. Ford. Port­ long enough to rebuild, has leased By the time snow tiles some 66 sale of the J. E. Kennedy stock ranch, land. 120; Fred O. Stillwell. Portland. premlsas near where his Albany bak­ miles of the new Klamath 1'allsEn near Wamic, to Mr and Mrs. J R. I l l ; Annhf McNwMv, P6rtlsnd. |J0; ery burned and will soon again be gene line of the Southern Pacific will Johnson and J. R. Johnson Jr. for turning out more bakery goods than Jwssle M M'prphn Portland, 115. be laid from K irk north, imd from {85,000. The Kennedy ranch com­ any other establishment in the coun­ six to ten miles from Onkrldige south. A proclsm itlon closing the hunting prises several thousand acres at ty. season for deer will be Issued by Oov- C. F. Hein was elected president Wamic and at Smock ernor Pitres, tccont'ln< to announce- Mrs. J. W. Rector returned on of the W illam ette Valley F l i x Grow­ Despite one of the windiest sum­ meat made by*, the executive following Thursday from Portland, after a ers' association nt Salem. •Other of­ mers In history of the mid-Columbia s Joint msetiisg s>f the state forestry visit of a few weeg* with her Efficient 9ervice. Motor Hearse. ficers are W, McKee. vlce-| resident, district, crews are making rapid head board and the sts^e game commission daughter, Mrs. L. H. Wallace, in and J. W. Denham, secret ary and Lady Attendant way on the Waukoma Interstate rortland . W illi« *"d Charles at Salem. If approved by the at treasurer. B ro w n s v ille ....... Oregon bridge, which will span the Columbia torney-general, the .proclamation will Reeves, her grsnd*nns, who reside The state board of forest! y, at an river and connect Hood River with with her, cam « hom e with her, as executive session Indorsed tine so-call­ White Salmon. Wash The total length apply to the entire deer season, with did Harry Kpeves, whose hems in the governor reser vlxg the right to ed McKsry-Clsrk bill, which .provides of the stael spans will be 2124 feet. W - L. W R IG H T revoke It In esse of heavy rains. with Mrs Wallace, his aunt. for s federal appropriation of 82,500.- Of this 1040 feet are already laid. Should such a prof tarnation be dis Mortician & Funeral Director --n rge Hoffman, wife of the 000 tor reforestation In corporation The possibility of utilizing Booth approved by the attoi »ey-general, the Halsey and Harrisburg new butcher, is the proud possessor with the states. Kelly Lumber company cut-over lands season will be postpo x«d until a de­ Call D T a ylo r . Halsey, or of fourteen Airedale pups, all of one Suit In circuit court nt Pendleton will be investigated by E. T. Allen, W. L. W RIGHT, Harrisburg finite date. The open s »»son for deer litter, and their prolific mother, who has been brought by V.matlllih county director of the Western Forestry snd Is August 20 yerhaps ought to have been mention­ against O. P. Bowman and wife to Conservation association, and Nprman Construction work ot t Jordan ed before the.« on account of tho secure the condemnation «< 14.10 E Jacobson, forester In charge of valley Irrigation district! Malheur great feat she has performed in pro­ acres of land near Emigrant springs that work for this district, who are county will start with I * tki«* next ducing them. They were a week old DR. W HETSTONE for use as a public park. In Eugene. The two men w ill spend month, according to H. I t Chadwick lest Sunday. The public service co rn aisslon a month on Booth-Kelly property In D E N T IS T ot the state engtn»ert»g department Mrs. Henrietta Hainllne, whose granted a permit to the Spokani >. Port­ that section. The contract has bees awarded to HALSEY HOTEL land A Seattle Railroad co n pi m y to A carload of gTeen prunea, the first Morrlaon * Knudson of Itolae, Idaho, death was reported in last week's En­ operate eight automobile a'mgi is be­ to ba shipped this year, left Myrtle who will accept bond« ipsued by the terprise, was oom in Toledo, O., 89 Wednesday and Friday years ago last Sept. 8, and married tween Portland and Rainier a n the Creek last week consigned to Chicago district In return for t' »Mr services. 12 to 8:30 The Columbia River highway. Because of th« poor market for dried The development conte malates con­ In her twenty-fourth year. W ith crews of men working, night frnlt In the past few years, one buyer struction of the main fee le r canal and Hainllnee had eleven children, nf end day, the deep cat on thve east announced that he would ship five the Antelope reservoir, which will whom six survive. Those living in side of the McKensle pass Invn fields have a storage capacity O i, >40,000-acre this county are Mrs Otto Neff of will be virtually completed by August feet of water. The dlstt It * contains Peoria and Mrs. Peterson of Selo. «¿«nil.. 14,600 acres of land and the '-o* t prob­ She had 29 grandchildren and 18 26 and the pass highway can 1> a cross w . ed with out difficulty. It la ana onneed south of Brownsville, on good road ably will exceed {400,009. great-grandchildren. She had been A group of expert men handle« Will saw out your order for 115 60 ar invalid for several yearn. Frank Hadley and wile \ »lilted J . W . S T Z P H E N S O N . Fro, thieves entered the establish meat of a thousand. Delivered H»I»* y . >18. (Continued on p*<« * ) . the Eastern Outfitting conjPN >y nt As- Sbannou ft Martin, R, 2, Halsey. Roseburg Sunday. Halsey Happenings ete. M e a d e & A lb r o , A Modern Barber Shop A B E S PLA CE Amor A. Tussing F. M . G R A Y , D R A Y M A N Cream and Produce Station Cream, Poultry, Eggs, Veal & Hides. M. H- S H O O K D ELBERT STA R R Funeral Director and Li­ censed Embalmer BARBER “ dd FARM MACHINERY SH O P bought, sold and exchanged at all times First-class Work Phone 76-R, 133 N. Broadalbin M.. Alhaay VACATION DAYS Since the government agents took a hand in affairs, the rabies situs tlon, which had become alarming In the Klamath Indian reservation. Is re­ ported to have Improved. In June 27 head of cattle had died of the dis­ ease. We mail them right back to you. Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, Or­ egon. What a satisfaction to know fo r the most delightful torln and made away with between {6000 and {7000 wortb of the choicest garments, wraps and coats In the store. Klamath Falls will have the an­ Two forest fires In Baker county nual meeting of the Oregon lrrlga burned over about 2500 acres of tim ­ tlon congress September 7. 8 and 9. ber. It Is announced by Janies M. Kyle of W ork on the construction of Bend's Stanfield, president, and W. B. Mea­ {209.000 union high school building cham of Baker, secretary of the organ­ has been started. isation. Wheat shipments to foreign and Portland's harbor was entered by domestic ports from the Columbia 188 vessels In the foreign trade dur­ river In July were 810,452 bushels. ing the first six months of the pres­ Lane county has 416 teachers, which ent year, according to figures given is the largest number of any county out by the Merchants' Exchange. The vessels represented an aggregate ton­ in the state outside of Multnomah. Assessed property in Polk county nage of 729,396. n J store*. 212 W. First and 225 South that your KRYPl'OK GLASSES going away U. S. & C. T. C. T ires New. low -priced Gill B atteries for More service Ford, and No m ore cost o th e r Skilled A uto rep airin g S tar, sm all cars C h ev ro let A uto accessories MORE SERVICE FOR LESS MONEY Albany, Oregon n J Piano-case organ, good aa new Lpastburn Bros.—Two big grocery FAOt J Courteous treatment. a x and plant*. Floral art for every and all oocaaiona. Flower phone 458-T. Albany HALSKV AN TERT RISE AUO- 14 at lowest rate of interest Prompt service. 442 West First St. A * Sawmill . ' ? I I J i A 1