5 PAGE 1 H A U 8 Y E N T E R P R IS E CT ATMET ZNTKBPBUK ADO Iowa I street, apparently as frosh as I t he M, I I • If» Stdphen Napby of Berlin gave m ar­ IOT » riage a thorough test by m arrying fourteen times. His last wife left him and he concluded to try some­ ■ A •tta c rip .lo , . 11.19 a year to advance thing better and committed suicide. Advertising, iJc so inch ; no ditcoun (or lime or space ; no charge (or com Perhaps we are all fools or crazy. poaitfon or c langee, Any of u* who can command enough la "Pela-fot paragraphs," 6c a line. « • advertising dlsgulaad as nawa money can prove in court that w i are. To Advertisers rra woman found she usually walk- ' ed 6 miles each day in preparing the meals for her fam ily of three. W ith the aid of a member of the co-opera­ tive agricultural extension service of that state she studied the placing of her kitchen equipment. Aftc" re­ arranging it, her pedometer showed that the distance she had to walk in preparing one day’s meals was but 2.5 miles, exactly half that required before. Copy received before Tuesday is in time for good position. Wednesday is late and Thursday’s mail is too late. ti It Office honrs, 9 to 12 and 2 to 6 except Mondays and Friday forenoons. EXPERT BUNK — PERJURY The blackest m ark against any profession (not excluding the Black Hand and other criminal organiza- h im : t'ons from the list of professions) "This town Is ndt a good place for you. Back In Cheyenne or Denver, stands against the America. medical men in HUGH PENDEXTEK_, I t is the oft-demonstrated fact that, fo r fees of hundreds of “experts” of the highest standing can be hired ty> swear in disputed question. The wisest of them know mighty fig THE 6O B 83-M E R R ILL CQ COPYRIGHT c c u rt' to exactly opposite sides of a (Continuad) Curly bad failed to secure. He stared _ movement so"quick that Into the smiling face thoughtfully. The I none could follow It Dlnsdale knocked little about the subjects on which •cowl faded and the hand was with­ the derringar to tha floor. French drawn, empty. they claim to be expert, or they are curly dived to recover it. but snarled unconscionable perjurers. I fear and threw himself backward i “I t was pretty gun-play, stranger. bullet struck the floor under Have a drink?” medical fs tim o n y in Expert Dlnsdale shook his head and reload­ and Jumped it to the ceu- ed his guns. criminal trial rial may be worth all it ter of the r room. "Just walking around a bib I ’ll be Then with both gune working alter­ costa —• to those who pay for it — going." nately Dlnsdale caused the derringer but it Is utterly worthless as a He passed to the door, Ids hands at to spin and hop toward the door, tl.e his side. French Curly wished he car­ means of forming correct judgment. shots coming almost together and tacit ried a aecond derringer as did San Titus Oates in his day was as farthering tha flight of the weapon. Juan Jo«, but in his heart he knew he “Look out I" some one howled. trustworthy on the witness stand as would not risk a shot had be had the He wheeled In time to behold French extra gun. the average “expert.” Curly half over the bar and reaching This episode, more spectacular than In view of the reception given this for tha bartender’s gun. I “Quit it,” calmly commanded Dlns­ tragic, added to the reputation that kind of testimony in criminal cases Dlnsdale was acquiring, From resort dale, walking toward him. “You didn't to resort the story was carried that the fact that there is a great deal count rig ht I have a shot left.“ The gambler dropped back to the night, and by morning the “greenback of contempt of court in America is floor and Dlnsdale put up his weapons. man" was the principal topic of con­ no cause for surprise. Reno Frank, drawn from his private versation among all classes. The story room by the firing, now ran forward of his prodigality trebled bis losses and gifts In the telling until It was In­ Here are a few sentences from the i;nd behind the bar against which evitably concluded that the source of statement of Milton A. M iller, can­ Dlnsdale was leaning. W ith a scowl his wealth, at the least, was mysteri­ didate for the democratic nomination to his heavy face he stared from ous. The morning also found something Curly's furious countenance to that of to the United States senate, which the nonchalant Dlnsdale, then at the new added to the widely flung gossip and was based on his encounter with belong in . the Enterprise's platform floor and the battered target. “Seems to me, stranger, you've Bandy Allen In the I. X. L. hotel. With as wall: “ I favor excess profits tax. I token some liberty with my new floor," the usual exaggeration It was loudly J favor atriet child labor laws 1 be began. bruited about that the two men had favor prohibition and the strict en “A matter of doing that, or killing a parted with the understanding they should begin shooting on sight when forcement of the law. I am in favor snake. But you must admit It was pretty gun play. Ask any of tha men." next they met. For several days Allen of anything that w ill bring world Reno Frank's hsnd was resting be­ had been drinking heavily. Ke was a peace, preferably the league of na­ neath (he bar. fumbling for the gun type that loees nothing of deadllness because of liquor. The more he drank tions." tha more quiet he grew. There was no doubt as to his making threats against Dlnsdale a few hours after the scene La Follette will get the vote of In Kano Frank's place. But the two is a Combined Compers and his beer followers I z l B U l C l U C Treatment,both did not meet and now It was morning nmong union laborers, but if he local and internal, and hat been success­ and tha entire town was expecting should get a plurality it would be ful In the treatment o f Catarrh for over them to settle their feud before sun­ down. only a minority for him and beer. forty yean. Sold by all druggists. Near noon Dlnsdale appeared on the F. 1. C H ENEY & C O .. T oledo, O hio W ith the dry vote divided between Coolidge and Davit surely no friend Dr. C. FICQ, Dentist oi prohibition can afford to miss the , ___ , The wire* have of la te boen bur­ dened with details of how the moat noted criminal lawyer, aided by sud­ denly notorious criminal witnesses, worked to save the necks' of the two Cther temporarily most notorious For G r a criminals Mrs. Rebecca Foster, after smoking a pipe for 67 years, died at Tacoma Aug. 9, Just a week after she gave up the habit, aged 92. continued the habit I f she had perhaps she would have lived to a ripe old age. On page 1 is ta ofi.r by the county fa ir management which will enable community clubs, granges, Women’s dubs and the like to put money in their treasuries and at the same time increase the patronage of the annual •vent which haa been and will I * of ac much value to agriculture In the county, the fair. This campaign Is ss wide t * the county and through it and see O. W . F R U M New and best grade of Sacks Second on hand Market prices paid for any kind of G R A IN A N D H A Y A m e ric a n E a g le way of practioal education than by sny other means. Fire Insurance Co. li duced to buy tickets, and to enoy The Oregon Voter Governor Fnllatta. Pierce guessed that would support La I t was such a poor guess that Pierce pronourcod it a w illful Ils. Whereat the Voter “Jest laffe." In our courts an "expert" la a fe l­ low who it paid a big fee for solemn­ swearing that Ma knowledge ____ Ignorance is ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• • Armstrong Linoleum 9x12 $18.75; 9x104 16.00' • Congoleum Rugs - I • New stock of Axminster Special ' $2.25 to $5.75; • Small Rugs 27x£4 O ur prices sell our goods < H IL L &<§ : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i A ny Girl in Trouble V may communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Array at the White Shield Home, 565 Mayfair avenue, Portland, Oregon. Our Ice Cream fs made for the best of ns. Re­ member, poor ice cream Is not only not so delicious as ours but it is positively dangerous and un - healtsy. We absolutely guarantee that we do not violate the pure food laws, either in word or in deed, in compiling our ingredients for the manufacture of the best ice cream made. Clark's Confectionery "Any Penalty If I Stay On Hare?" there are enough serious men and women here to work the change. New times are coming. You won't fit Into them.” “Any penalty If I stay on here?” “That depends on you entirely. I hear talk about you and Bandy Allen planning to tight a street duel. I warn you that If there Is any blood­ shed it won't be a second Jack McCall affair.” “There's nothing to that Allen talk He won't bring any tight to me. Why, he's a yaller dog.” ‘I hope It's only talk. But Allen has certainly made the talk. " If he lays we two have challenged ich other to a street fight he's a cheep liar. I f I run acrosa him m take by the nape of the neck and ‘PLA TES TH A T F I T ” bring him him up to see you and let you Grown*, bridge work and Allings. It will hear him eat his words,” promised pay you to get my prices ou your dental work. Dlnsdale. "There you go again with more law­ Cusick bank building, Albany less threats," rebuked the exasperated mayor. “Can't you understand that gun-play and all-night carousing are simply spasm»—that they never last, that no mining town stands for such in S a c k « T w in e business very long? I f Bandy Allen and you start any fight—” We shall not 1“ warmly broke in Dlnsdale. “I f he comes across ray path I'll take his guns away from him and send them to you.” I'm afraid you’re hopeleea," sighed the mayor. “I've taken It on myself to warn you. You'll do as you will, of course." But I haven't killed any one y e t / protested Dlnsdale. 'T’ve lost money nt poker. Surely that doesn't bran® me os a card sharp. I've bought Sev­ ern! million drinks, but your citizens drank them." ''I’ve heard about you throwing money away. The gulch is full of stories about you. They call you the 'greenback man,’ " was the cold retort “No crime for a man to be open- handed. even with greenbacks,” lightly defended Dlnsdale. "I’ve finished,*' said the mayor, and bowing he passed on. Dlnsdale's bappy-go-lncky mien changed to an expresaron of thought­ fulness as he slowly walked In the op­ posite direction. He was aronsed from his meditation by • elaw of a hand clutching his arm. He twisted clear easily and glared down into the plnched-up face of a camgi hammer. “Say. boat. Bandy Allen's down ahead, laying for you." croaked the unwashed. Dlnsdale snapped him a coin and ferociously warned h im : “You tell any of your friends I gave you that and H l hunt you down and cut off your ears. I never forget a faca, even a dirty one. Scoot 1" W ith ludicrous baste the fellow raced up the street the cola clntched In his hand, with a great fear ctutch- . tng a ( hla heart W ith a dry chuckle Dinsdolt CflBtluued hlg wilk.Vnd half the advantages the fa ir offers in the probably many more people will be • With ------ H a ll’s C a ta rrh Poll»- J H ILL & <5 8 Hardware • Dlnsdale's smile vanished. “Is that an order for me to get out?” he sharply asked. "No; not an order. Simply some good advice. Affairs have been run rather loosely here ever since the big rush commenced, but conditions will soon change. When they do, men of your type won’t be wanted. Already dollars a day, medical and psycho­ logical ly had bean la bed all night I t stead of three hour« of sleep daring the fore­ noon. He visited several divas with­ out tarrying In any. As ha was leaving a gambling tent a disheveled creature followed him and warned: "Watch out for that Bandy Allen. He ’lows to pot you, mister." "Thanks. Run away." And the fallow stumbled off to stare ecstatically at tha greenback In bis grimy paw. In the afternoon following the lively night at Reno Frank's he was accost­ ed In front of the Grand Central hotel by a grave-faced man, who rapidly said: “Your name Is Peter Dlnsdale. I am mayor of this town. Mayor Famum. I must talk plainly to you, as you are a young man. I hope you're more fool­ ish than dangerous.". “Shoot, mayor. I ’m both young and dangerous, hut never dangerous to Mayor Fsrnum." The mayor frowned at the flippant tone and boastful words and advised Hay is worth ju st as much in storage as you might get for it in case of fire. Th ? IA m erican Eagle Eire In su ran ce r o m p a n , i ‘will pay you S5% o f th e cash value in ta s ? , of loss by fire. C. P. STAFFORD, Agent, aloud said: “They're getting organized. Society for Warning Pete Dlnsdale Against the Evil Plans of Bandy Allen. First chap babbled about his luck, now they’ll ambush me In relays.” He had scarcely come to this whim­ sical decision when another man glided from the doorway of a store and be­ gan: “Mr. Dlnsdale, I want to warn you—" Dlnsdale caught him by the collar of his ragged shirt and shot him back Into the store. “Still trying to build up a name os a fighting man by Ill-using bummers," spoke up a rasping voice. Red of face Dlnsdale turned and en­ countered the scornful gaze of Mrs. Colt. Beside her and ducking her head In timorous welcome was Lottie Carl, trig and trim in new dress and serv­ iceable shoes. "The man annoyed me, Mrs. Colt,” gravely answered Dlnsdale. Lottie Carl advanced to greet him, but the widow swung her back from contamination. Dlnsdale sorrowfully returned her troubled gaze, lifted his hat to Mrs. Colt and hurried on. For an hour thereafter It would have been hazardous for any one to have In­ truded upon his affairs. He had treat­ ed all his experiences as Jokes, but the meeting with the widow and Lottie Carl cut him deeper than he cared to admit to himself. Consequently he was In a bad humor as he walked back to the Bed Rock and all but ran Into Kitty the Schemer. He touched his hat and stepped aside, bnt she blocked his path and complained: 'Isn't any of your wealth to come to poor me, Mr. Bad Man?" 'I'm taking them alphabetically and haven’t reached the S'* yet,” he grave­ ly explained. 'Joe says you play poor cards," she sweetly informed him. ‘Joe ought to know. He was In the game when I was trimmed." ‘I f I tell him that he won't like your saying I t ” He smiled cynically and assured her: “You efln’t make bad blood between Joe and me. So long as I don't fall In love with you Joe won’t sniff any bat­ tle smoke.” ‘J'm afraid Allen will get you first," she Jeered. He halted his step* and cwntemplated her curiously and mused: "So you're the one who set the yarn going about me fighting that rabbit." "You're as poor at guessing as you are at cards. You’ll know when I be­ come busy." “Work fast, little woman, as I shall be leaving the gulch soon." Her pink and white face hardened and the blue eyes squinted up with malice. When you feel the rope that McCall dodged remember me, my bad man.” “I shall remember you for a long time; but I ’m not your bad man," he softly reminded her a* he passed on. K itty the Schemer bit her red lip* and watched him swing up the street The experience of having young men Ignore her undoubted charms was both new and Intensely disagreeable The night began for Dlnsdale as had the others. From tent to tent and from dance bell to saloon he trav­ eled. lavishly acting as host to crowds of men who already were whispering their belief he was one of the Ogalsla train robbers In the Big Are, devoted entirely to faro tad largely patronised by professionals who hsd made kill­ ings at poker, he added to Ms an savory reputation hy «Inning two thou- sand dollars In gold sod Uten nmopy. tng to shoot hla way clear of tha Joint when the proprietor became over la- •latent on hla remaining and tempting fortune further. An he left tha place he was thrown Into a sudden spoil of anger by a poor creature creeping to hla aide and ab tempting to tell the some old story about Bandy Allan. “You scoot I* he growled, reaching for the fellow's neck. “Mercy sakes I Don’t" spluttered tha fellow. "You gave me a bill thia morn­ ing. I wanted to do you • good turn. I tell you Allen's going to try for you." “Excuse me, neighbor,” sighed Dlna- dale. “I 'w been trolled pretty strong by your friends today." “I ain't after no more money. I owed you a few words, I thought. No funny business to It. I heard French Curly as much as tell Big George yen was haring your last night— 'less you seen Bandy Allen first. Them was hla exact words, almost. BaUav«-, or forgit IL” And ha duckisd away up the street. Dlnsdale rubbed hla chia nad mused: "I'm Inclined Vo believe» It. But what the devil la behind It all? That poor fool Isn’t acting 'less some one’s pushing him forward." Only hilarity filled hla sh apely head when an hour after mldnl ght he en­ tered the Grand Central at id immedi­ ately became a central (lgu re. H e In­ vaded the bar with a mob a t hfa heals and made It fre t to all. W hile he dumped some of hln goldett faro win­ nings on the bar the worff was ca r­ ried to the street th at the -green b a i t man" was throwing everything wide’ open and without limit, am i homeless man flocked in an I Jammed the place. I t was while the, last of tiie mob waa being satiated that Scissore squirmed through the press and thrust a note Into Dfnsdale's band. Opeolng It ru m , dale read: Most Important you see ma new— Joe." Is Joe wonrlrfg any guns besides hla derringers?" w tlip ered Dlnsdale (a Scissors' ear. F o r he waa wondering If Kitty the Schemer had su< reeded In compelling her lover to prov, 1 hla love by gun play. “Oh. no.' Don't even know t he's got hla derringers. I’ve been hu ntlng for you quite a while. He got fired and came with me. He n outside h era. stew­ ing and fretting. Wish yoefd come; he'll blame me If you don't. • Throwing a bag of dust on, the bar to clean up the score, DlnnZnle f al­ lowed Scissors to the street 6 a n Joa. a g y ; “What's the trouble? Yon's» broken up my party." saluted Dlnsdale, e Z ^ t7 ,’ n< ,0 you • growled the gambler. "Hold on: Don't tall m., y o u 'v e,., to warn me against Bandy Allan 1" "Allan ? Are you ernsy or drunk I Tve got something th afa nmre la- portent than fool folk. We tenet — where we can be «Iona M y place la th ^ b « W . i , , otw “Can't it wait?" asked Dfnadsle rse- lag across at tha hotel. “I didn't think so w t»a I suit me tables and a Mg private game." waa the grim reply "Hear ray talk then do^you , f . ymjr They walked up the street in »"-nrs and gained Sin Juan's roes — - TM except by sone of the klfrhen Data end the hallboy. San Juan pushed f2 * 7 * r t r t n r * * od »'“ * ’«»< into n chair peeviahly m raplaited; (Oontinued on page 4) L