^ ^ b a n y j7 )ire c to ry This it good advice:" “ I f you live in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live in some other town, trade in that town. But in three automobile days many re­ siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of their buying m the larger town. Those who go to Albany to transact business w ill find the firms named below ready to fill their require- meats with courtesy an I fairness. A/Awog S iiM e ttn / — Continued HALSBV E N TF.R PR IST FARM LOANS A R R O W G A R A G E, Gansle Bros, W rite tor booklet describing our 20- year Rural Gredit Amortized Loons The loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ tiring the principal Cheap rates. No “•ley. B u m L and C o ., 133 Lyon street, Albany, Ore. U. S. ort^an «l a n d re tu rn . Sold -any day. Hendershott of Portland was elected club has obtained an order from the '»'“ • • ' ' R e t u r n lim it 15 day*. Stopover* any­ r u n s w ic k by the board to succeed Judge Riddle state fish commission stationing a PHO NO G RAPH S where. at Optometrist, with Flues assessed In cates resulting man with a dtp net at the dam to It * comfort, convenience and sa Sety m ake W O O D W O R T H ’S from the activities of the state pro­ transfer summer steelheads and eel F . M . F r e n c h & S ons Southern Pacific service worth more to hibition department during the sti mon trout from the shallow water be­ U R K H A R T & LEE you than any othet form o f transportation. J E W E L E R S — O P T IC IA N S sole sgenis for months ending July 1, 1924, aggre­ low the obstruction to the deeper For fu ll in fo rm atio n com m uuicate w ith Phenia Pure Paint and Albany, Oregon gated 177,807.49, while the espenaes water above. Dr, Hess' Poultry and Stock Tonic of conducting the department were C . P . M O O D Y , A g e n t - Phone 220 Indiana of the Klamath reservation 915,4(1.37, according to a report pre­ in Oregon will receive a total of 38.- Fkavenport Music company offsrs Piano-case organ, good as new pared by George L. Cleaver, state pro­ 000.000 aa a result of four sales by the Eatey organ, good as new hibition director. department of the Interior In the last Used Pianos. Directors of the Oregon Growers' few months of ripe timber on the W hat a satisfaction to know Co-operative association have agreed Trout creek. Squaw fist. North Marsh fp a s tb u rn Bros.— T w o big grocery A-# stores, 212 W. First and 225 South that your K R Y P T O K GLASSES to allow the Northwest Prune Ex­ and Long Prairie units of that reser­ Main. Good merchandise at the right are built upon the bigheet stand­ change to use the trade name "Mist vation. j The contracts Include ap­ prices. ard of Q U A L IT Y . land" on its products. The trade label proximately 1,000,000,000 feet of tim ­ Anyone buying for quality will was adopted hy the Oregon growers ber, for which the Indians are to re­ t ’ lite Cafeteria and confectionery Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ •ak for K R Y P T O K S . association several years ago. and ceive exceptional prices obtained ings. Courteous, efficient serviee. large quantities of fruit have been through competitive bidding We make our own candies. sold under this brand. Hearing of the suit Instituted by W . s. D uncan . Protests against the proposal of the eight railroads operating In Oregon Lpilnis developed and printed. etate forestry department to close the to restrain '.the public service com­ A We mail them right back to you. timbered districts to hunters because mission from enforcing an order re­ Woodworth Drug Company, Albanv, Or­ egon. of unfavorable fire conditions are ducing freight rates on hay and other Commercial and Savings account» Solicited coming In. The protests are based on (arm products was started In the cir­ >0RD SALES A N D S E R V IC E newspaper reports that the state board cuit court at Salem. The order waa Tires and accessorie« of forestry had been called to meet laaued more than a ll months ago and > Repai rs K i i k -P ollak M otor C o . in Salem Friday to consider postpone­ provided for reductions In 'fre ig h t ment of the opening date of the deer rates of approalmately 25 per cent. "CVirtmiller Furniture Co., fuini- The railroads are protesting the order coming term, waa in town a «hoit ¡old livery «Libie on second street. season . , A ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. on the grounds that it la discrimina­ time Monday. w»s over frn rt Newport- tbe lait of Funeral directors. 427-433 west First Gravel has been laid on part of the Optometrists, Manufacturing Opticians aeven-mlle unit of the Roosevelt high tory In that It favors shipments of street, Albany, Oregon. tbe week. Henry Zimmerman was a caller farm products from Washington Into Albany, Oregon way between Glasgo and Hauser. The in Brownsville Weilnevday. W . L. Tentscli has been ay« U L L E R G R O C ER Y. 285 Lyon Oregon. grading for the entire distance is near (Succeesor to Stenherg Broa.) Atty. A. A. T u ttin g and family uointed tteeiarvvO, A. C. exteneiou An experiment In growing water­ Groceries Fruits Produce ly finished. When this unit of the farm wont n Linn. Y am hill, Polk, were Eugene callers Saturday. Phone 2t)3R highway la finished there will b - a | melons, with the object In view of as Marion a «d Coos enunties. J. W . Clark has joined the rauk« | continuous hard surface over the i certslnlng the productivity, quality W- S E X A U E R , auto and gen- The ir'siual distribution to marketability of more than 2ft of those building cement walks. Roosevelt highway from Hauser t o ! and . • eral painter Laundry sent Tuesdays school diet •jeta of the interest on Corbin, Curry county, a distance ofj d lfi* re“ t »«rfetlee, hat been complet- Get my estimate. M 'l T . I. Maiks and Mrs. C. P. th e iireducilde school fund bring* Agency Hub Cleaning Works 83 miles e i by The Dalles-Wasco county cham 201 E. Hirst street Stafford drove to Albany Tuesday, 912,149 to I.inn county schools W ill H. Moore, .te le Insurance com 7 :' h T ’ h'Ch U O L M A N & JACKSON Ira A Miner and family were st this year. > to h* Ve “ mlssloner, has prepared a public let ' are ’ ” eipected * " * * * t0 ,mpor,* B' * * Grocery—Bakery bearing on tbe production of melons the Albany campmeeting Sundey. C. H. Te t * nee of Albany, whose Everything in the line of eats ter urging all persona having deal­ In thia district, within the neit several Opposite Postoffice W . J. Carey cams down Pom edvsrtiaem ,nt appears in the En­ ings with real estate agents to keep • v e e rs A l l Wasco « county melons are Eugene Sunday and went back terprise, In , - v I years. All put in * 118(1 valve, fo the V X ' * " ,* rae:, t * ,t h e , ra“ke b#,n« “ • ^ • ( e d “ >’• » > « “«’« The ub Candy Co,, First street, next yesterday. facing ma< hiue which grinds valve* door to Blain Clothing Co. This n r Z n „ u r P,rtT n " ,M Co-operative G row er.’ ... o c l . Noon lunches. Thia procedure, Mr. Moore said, would with ..„ h - - i - ■ . , . v D. S. McWilliams and J. A: so they are the sains as new. iiod , with each ration stamped with L A W Y E R A N D N O TA R Y Home-made candy and ice Cream.' aid his department materially In bring McCullough of Albany v.nre io I I . E. I#»vis hae equipped his the sssocietiffii label of ’’Delco." uto Electric Service— Recbarg A B W hy suffer from headache ? Have your eyes examined B S. T . F R E N C H Low round trip fares d 7ft,w B Southern Pacific Q uality H ALSEY ST A T E B A N K Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AND SU R PLU S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 M ead e & Albro, F A M odern B arb er Shop F A B E S PLACE Amor A. Tussi ng H luc. H ub Cleaning Cor. Works, Becoond and Ferry Master Dyers and Cleaners Made - To - Measure Clothes I M P E R IA L C A FE , 209 W. First Harold G. Murphy Prop. Phone 665 W i N i v e a cL O Ji agneto electric co . M Official Strömberg carburetor serv­ ice station. Conservative price» All work guaranteed. 119-121 W. Second. — AKINELI.O parlors town yesterday. H alsey , O regon F. M, GRAY, DRAYM AN All work done promptly and reason­ ably. Phone No. 269 HALSEY Linn County Packer* B e e f, M u tton , P ork or V ea l POULTRY, F IS H , tU R B D Cream and Produce Station |en and money are best when Me bnsy. Make yonr dollars work in Cream, Poultry, Eggs, Veal HalMy Happenings ete. (Continued from page 1) & Hides. M. H- S H O O K our savings department. A lbany S tatr B ank . Under government supervision. M O O R E ’S M USIC HOUSE R eta il S h o p s J1R W First street _ buy Cattle, Hogs, Sheep Second and Lyon streets and Poultry or order by parcel post Choicest cuts o f M (A beauty aid for every need) St. Françia Hotel Prop., W in n ifr id R o il. Call at our N e b e r g a ll M eat (S car with a red-rubber-iiieulated Mrs. Robert«, mother of M rs, W illard baiitery from the Torrance Frank Hadley, died this iuorniu< agency in t .Ibany. Such batteries cost mono« , but they do the work. at her home near Rrowmville. M EATS Our service w ill please you. Caih paid for DELBERT STARR Funeral Director and Li­ censed Embalmer W . L, W ell* has men remodel­ ing his farm residence. decided home. to make Halsey their N . T. Kneed 1« on tbe streets, walking with a crutch, H arry Bressler was a business H. C, Davie had business which visitor in Salam Tuesday, Milled him to Portland Monday. 223 W . First st. I he abed protecting the Foote M r*. J. T. Cooley of Brownsville filling station gleams iu naw paint. urphy Motor Co. Buick and Efficient Service. Motor Hearse. took the train for Eugene Wednes­ Chevrolet automobiles. Tires and Lady Attendant S. E. Gormley had buelneat accessories. day. Brownsville....................................Oregon calling him to Salem Wednesday. ’Albany, Oregon, Phone_2*0._ Mi«« Alberta Koontz and brother This week's installment of our IOSCOE AMES H A R D W A R E , M artin want to Newport Tuesday «tory. "Pay G ravel.” w.a delayed the for an outing by the sea. W IN C H ESTER STOR E in the m ail, and did not arriva in W - L- W R IG H T 322 W. First at II. W. Chance and wife and time for use in thi» issue Mortician & Funeral Director grandson H arry drove to Monroe Halsey and Harrisburg S G IL B E R T dr SON Earl H u ll and wife of Enid, Monday looking for peaches. • Builders’ and shelf hardware, gar­ Call D. T aylor , Halsey, or Montana, arrived Monday to visit W. L. W right . Harrisburg den tool*, crockery and glassware Mr. and Mr». P. J. Forster took at the home of the former'« uncle, New Stock. Naw lew prue« the stage for Brownsville Monday W H Robertson, whom be had T I M SON T H E SHOE DOCTOR for a consultation with the dentist. not seen for 21 years. Second street, opposite Hamilton's Work has commenced on tbe store. Mr, and Mrs. George Asher and DR. W H E T S T O N E “ Sadden Service” basement and. foundation for Ibe family of Toronto, Canada, who D E N T IS T eight-room residence which Mr. have been visiting Mr«. J F. Lewis ~ H E M A R G U E R IT E SHOPPE and Mr«- C. R. Evans are building of Brownsville, took the train here Shampooing. Marcelling and Scalp HALSEY HOTEL en their farm. Tbe home will be iuesday for Lot Angeles, where Treatments Margaret Countryman. Globe Theater bldg Phone 158J Prop. Wednesday and Friday equipped with all modern eonven thoy expect to reside. ience« and will also have hardw«>d aldo Anderson A Son. dietrib- • 12 to 8:30 Peafenaor Torbet, who has been floor«. ntors and dealers for Msswell. Chal­ employed as principal of tbe mers. Eases. Hudson A Hupmobile cars. David Foote has purchased the Browneville high school for the Accessories. Supplies 1st A Broadalbin. property where he now resides with his son, A. W. Foote, and New FURNITURE AND and 87 acres adjoining, for 13000. The FARM MACHINERY used place has been ewaed for eome time bv • Medfiyd bank and the eonth of Brownsville, on good road. bought, sold and eacbanged at all times deal w u made thru D. Taylor, W ill saw out yonr order for 115 50 B E N T. S U D T E L L J . W S T E P H E N S O N . Frop The many friends of tbe two fami­ a thousand. Delivered Halaey, f 18. lies will be glad tekoow they have SLainou Haia»y'. Phon* 76-R^ 123W. Broidalbm s t , Albany W • * I 1 HV«. » •’ Everything tnntical” M Rc S S T W BARBER SH O P First-class W ork • t W. have. S aw m ill mil#( Mrs. O. W MornbiawOf* and Clyde Powell, a Sweat Home Mrs, Hazel Wallace and dau.yh-ers druggist, *\va« alreated Saturday were dinner guests o f Mre. M . C- night by SBieriff Chandler for ille ­ Bond and daughter Mona F rid a y. gal poasesRon of liquor and gave bail to appear for trial neat M a il- Mre. Haioline, mother of ¡Mrs. day. Otto Neff of Peoria, died y sater- day morning at the Neff liorae. Gueata at the L . V. Chanee heme The funeral will be Friday a t Pine Thursday were M r*. Chance’s Grove. mother,Jtfre. D. B. Davis, eider, Mrs. T hood ere Hoflicb, end deigb - K arl Bramwell bas (had a mew ter, Pearl and Flinn and Mrs. C. aldewalk put in front of Stephen- A, Brockina-i, all of Albany. eon'e barber shop sod Sturtevant is continuing it around h l, stint« O. W . Frum and fam ily at­ today. z' ( tended the first anniversary of the George Hoffman and wife a rd a birth of Langvitw , Wash., the la d brother of Mr». Hoffm ar, la te ly 1 of of the week. To go through the Oklahoma, were in town yedardey i E1* Dl lo° * ® ilM ’ making u There were 6,000 people there. g arrangement« arrangements to to open open u meat market. They will oceu py Job Moors and hie printer friend, the Chanc« house on first atreet if George A. Dyaon of Eugene, (he they decide to remain. / « was only temporarily In Los Ao- , ineles) start this week up the Mo- | The Women's Study club «n y s s te r-• ^ enx** 011 ’ TO*Pe®^>ot trip. ‘e r t ,," #d “ ‘ 1#w" • ' ‘«noon at the J W. D rin k - 1 " ilHam Moore accompanies them. «rd home in honor of Mrs. O . W . Mrs. W . F. Walton of Boston, Mornbinweg and Mre. J. W . who has been visiting her parents Moore, who are moving nwav. at Salem, wa« a guest at tbe K. F. Crass horn« Tuesday. Mr*. W al­ Mr« E Davit and her daughter. ton was a teacher when Mre. Mrs. Ida Tipptt, both of Oklahoma« Cross was in high school. C ity, Ok , came up today with Presumably the ever-threatening O. Davie, principal of the Jtffer- sou »choola, ahd his son Dortia oigeret cauaed a fire in the grace and Mrs. M Cumming- and bad along the road on the G R Walker dinner with their relative, Mrs. place Sunday. Neighbor« at the W illiam Wheeler. phone found many people misaiug from home hut got Mr. end Mrs. Mr» H«z«l Wallace and cbildr-rn H. W. Chance at last and they and Uncle Peter I-ewie left W'»d. looked after tbe place. No damage; tiesilav for Newport and Mr. »/nd Mrs. Sidney McNary, sister of Mre. G. W Mornhinweg today. There they w ill make their futfnre Albert M iller of this city, and her home. They have two greenhouses son Freeman and hie wife end two out one mile from Newport -tnd children, all of Portland, celled on expect to operate them, T neir M r. and Mre. Albert M iller 8atnr. many friend« regret to see them J a y , going from here to Harrisburg leave and wish them well in their t o sea another brother, E ll M iller, • lan attending their trip to Co- new^undertaking. giine before returning home. ' Dudley^.Happy, -.W e L o owds 'the . ' (Continued on pace 8) 1 » • I