had refused to »peak plaluiy, rot each ' ■b. W M working toward tbe point where he could talk plainly. San Juan rw turned to the card room and Dlnsdale parsed out Into the big tent. Keeping close to the canvas w all be avoided the congestion around the d if­ ferent games and gained the open spare H e glaDced over the aaaem Mage and finally focused his gaae on the bar Then he advanced to the side of Horseshoe Webb and Invited : "H ava another little touch of trouble t ” i "W ho the h— I are you?" viciously growled Webb. I t was plain be h id entered the dangerous stage In Ills drinks. Pay Qravel - . % ¿By HUGH tPENDEXTER C op yrigh t by Th* B ob b i-M errill Co. (Continued from page 4) raising down the hall he led Ulna- dale Into a poom next to the kitchen. Pnahlng forw ard a cbalr be genially saltf: - . v . "I'm the galoot that's Just been done j for three thousand In greenbacks and I yet has something left for the bottle," Dlnsdale mnrmured. Webb's drunken malevolence slowly died out and he stared thoughtfully at Dlnsdale. "Huh. I ’ll drink with you," he mumbled. A fte r bolting bis drink Webb slyly rem arked: "You tote a likely lot of paper money round with you, I reckon." "Always Ilk« to be well heeled—w ith money and guns." Webb tugged at his muataclie mid furtively studied Dtnsilale's profile. "Have another." he grunted. "Thanks. But not tonight. W e'll make It on demand. I must be gotrg.” As he strode to the exit he could feel Webb’s gaxe boring Into Ills back As he stepped Into the darkness of the street a hand touched Ills arm and caused his own band to close on a gun. Two round yellow eyes were biasing at him. The voice of Scissors addressed him, and he knew the eyes belonged to the big owl. “Got my two ounces." exultingly whispered Scissors “T hat satisfies me tome of tha Ogalala gang la In the tent tonight." "You'd better keep that talk to your self," shortly warned Dlnsdale. “And keep away from that man Webb. He's feeling ugly." “Oh, I know when to catch him. 8clssors knows when to get them, lie's wakan witshasha. Old Sitting Bull here knows more'n most human«. I can tell by his eyes whether to go “I ’m mighty glad you dropped In. Dlnsdale. I'v e been expecting you for two daya I f you hadn’t shown up to­ night 1 should have sent you mes sage.” He paused as If nndecldef) just how he would proceed. “ Play,” prompted Dlnsdale. " It would be aw kw ard to say It If we hadn't rode through the «anyi® to­ gether. Do you know there's ta lk ’' be­ ing made about you since I saw ,7ne. "H e vl.ouid be dropped from the r«dla even as we have threatened to drop him Iwiee before this. He might send us t i l to the n»<>se How Co yoa vote?” There was a slight pause, then In se­ quence the different voices railed out: . "T w o " ' “T h re e " . “Four." ’ Six." “One. It la unanimous. How shall it be best dime? H e must have no . chance to talk " | " If It can be left for me, Number Two, to arrange." I “It la left for you to arrange w ithin , I forty-eight hour»,” ruled Number Oaa. I "Now let us finish quickly. None of ns ( Is satisfied with the results Ohly fif­ teen thousand taken from the stages I within th e ja s t six weeks. Passengers have been warned at Cheyenne and Rld- ney to bring but little money In on their persons. The horse-ranch, even. Is better paying There la but one Job In the hills that Is worth while— one of the treasure-coaches. One coach cap­ tured means at least two hundred thou sand dollars, perhaps two hundred and fifty thousand. And tbe time soon comes when It w ill be useless to try for such a prise." "Then let s get tbe next one to go out. I t ’s hecn held over and w ill carry a full load," eagerly said Number Two. "First, we’ve got to have more men.'' croaked a harsh voice. “ We ain't strong enough to handle twelve guards and get away with the bullion." “ Number Three, you speak only a half truth," corrected the leader. "W e have enough inen It's too late to take In new hands. But we can't hnndle a dozen until we plan to place our men to the best advantage. Then I t w ill be simple. We must have at least two of our men among the guards, thus cut­ ting their number down to ten "Tw o of the regulur guards w ill get through Just before the coarti makes the trip. Two of our men must st once ask for Jobs as guards. Tbe time will be too short for the management to hesitate. Number T hree w ill be one o f the men. Number Four shall be the other man. I n brief the plan I * th is : . t e - S U R P LU S $ 35 .0 00 THAT IT T ” (lark's Confectionery M EATS vji “I IB (» a rt/ « ’» « « « < K littb « r«BL A N D A ’l Ages Just Dote ahead or draw back." "He's telling you now to shut off that talk about train robbers being In town,” Dtnadale sternly warned him. •That talk la poor medicine.” Aa be walked away be could bear Sdasora chuckling and mumbling. "TUre^, Four and tBx." C A P IT A L PLATES Beef, Mutton, Pork or Veal suit yon fine." 1 T hj; eode«J their qoBTgnjtjML E *i> Halsey, Oregon D r. C. F1CQ, Dentist - 318 W. First street 3 buy Cattle, Ilogs, Sheep Second and 1.) on streets or order by ptrccl post and Poultry Choicest cuts of Our service w ill p'e s HALSEY STATE BANK him after the Job Is flulabed. He wll know nothing about tha rest of you ' Commercial and Saving* account* Solicited snd If, by any chance he Is capture« there will he nothing he can tell." | Both Three and Four were nicer tc v « ^ v v V .< » V V ''V V < A 'V V > A 'V 'w V \v v « a v v s A A K < > A « > /'A ,* ,w *> « « » 'V V Z accept any schema which would g h t j one of them a chance to dodge lbs dangerous position of coach guard Both proclaimed their satisfaction ami wished the lot d ra w in g tc he conduct­ ed on the spot. Number One s a id : G t w its. I tiilg c s o A a n d filling s. I l w ill "No lights to be shown at our Tittle p y von lo g . t i n e i'rioes «»•« ) v ,ir d en tal w o rk . meetings. We must remember th t _ C >*ick b a n k b u ild in g , A l i e n / rules. Lots uiay be drawn within a few days if we decide to adopt Num­ ber Two's plan. I rely on his Judg­ ment. I w ill talk with him about this new plan of his. But unill 1 have de­ cided, the first order stands snd there on o u r delioiu is fisvoted icn will l>e no drawing of lots. You will e re a m t W i base all varieties of now w all ihs usual lime before leaving I I I IS.; dvlic.ci«« R o b , luscious, the room." W hile tills secret conference was be­ c o ,«ling . |>e ( f e l l y f i t s li c re a m s — ing held— and the hour was yrt early i- e j i , of lb s highteiipd sun», for Dead wood’s night life— Dlnsdale tu t. tb e d elig h t i f i ll - fes tis al was forgetting San Juan Joe's w arn­ ing of the nlghl before nr.d w h s busily u i t i l t r - ib < s E - ' b t - ) . « r d -lic a n y making local history He begun In dv 1' x , “Keno" Frank s place. The moment Dlnsdale entered the hall he drew the attention o f all. Kven those placing ihelr hets took time to glance at the "greenback man." The story of h it game at San Juan's place was com­ New t Notes tra ffic aboni Septem ber 111. monly known, thanks much to French Federal agents, depu'y sheriffs and (Continued I n i » Curly's advertising.- only his losses members of tbe P o ls' Adame roast were said to have been twenty thou­ A Lane county bridge losing his poker winnings, when Hins­ dale entered and bruakly walked to bridges on the W illa m e tte highway por'e«! liquors and arresting five men. Reserve and Oakrldgp. Two m otor boat» snd a truck Into the bar and Invited tha house to Join between Travelers over the hlghwav may ea- which tha liquor was being unloaded him. Because of h it losses Curly was pcct to experience delays. are being held for confiscation. T he more venomous than usual. If that b t T h e Douglas county court signed *n raid took place on the Shlpanon river, possible. H e fingered Ills few rem ain­ agreement w ith the bureau of puhlb near W arrenton, where the boats ing chips and stared at Dinsdnle, con­ roads for construction of « forest road were discharging th e ir cargo. vinced It wag s personal misfortune that the newcomer should throw away which w ill become a part of the I mp The chetry growers of F.uqeoe and V a d e r lb» term s of vicinity who pooled Ih e lr Binge with money which might so easily be taken qua highway. from him at cards. T he "greenback this agreement the county appro­ the Fngehe F ru it Growers' aeaorta man" had forgotten his losses at Ran priates »in.nofi io meet liio.ono to be tl«>n, a county wide cooperative farm ­ Jnas's place, or else they were Iminu- expended by the government. ers' organisation, received S'A cent« te r ill to him, and now was In a rare Oregon pensions have been grant­ per pound for them, according to an­ humor. Carelessly throwing more ed as follows: Alfreds Thompson. nouncement by J. O. Holt, manager o f money on the bar he directed that drinks be served again to all who Gresham, BIS; Charles C. Kinser, the association. More than l l f i tone might care Io partake. T he accept­ Hubbard, »12; Artllsaa Handy. C o l­ of this variety of cherries were dis­ lage Grove, |.1O; Thomas G. Blevins, posed of at this price. It was stated. ance was general. French Curly could endure the lloseburg. »18; Anton K e ro w tk l. P o rt­ Tbt« ts a new high record for the spectacle no longer. He rose and saun­ land, »12; A rth ur Johnston. Portland, postwar parldfi. tered to the bar and took a position »12, Andrew A. Hickey. Portland. Sla. Jealousy and business rs v rra e i are beside Dlnsdale, his cadaverous face O fficial report» received at the of­ believed by authorities to have cans attempting to assume a genial expres­ sion. Dlnsdale smiled genially snd In­ fices of the state forester from the ed J. A Horck. ev antomobtla alage Babl Mountain holdings of the line proprietor, whose license la s t vited; Spaulding Logging Company Indicate week was revoked by the public aerv "Name It." "No, thanks," declined Curly, his that the fire loss there w ill te far ; commission, Io shoot his w ife threw eyes eagerly watching the baud dip­ legs than first estimated L ittle green Gnt*«, lw l«a In H i* ¡»«xly an«t one* lu ping Into the hressi po.-ket for nfore tim ber seas destroyed, the loss being the bead. In a room In the Br ic a e r paper money. "But what say to a little confined to the destruction of seven hotel In La Grande, killin g hnr at game In F ra n k s room?" most Instantly. The shot« were fired bridge». "This Is my drinking night. I never Frank A. Plm, Illum inating engineer In the presence o f th e ir 10 year-old mix cards with liquor," laughed Dlns­ Horck then dropped and representative of the T ra ffic O f­ daughter, Lu« 4 * dale. "A man of spirit finds one time as ficers' association, with headquarter» front a window !0 feet to the ground good as another." at W ashington. 1». C., was In «»lent ran down an alley and shot hlraaelf, "So he does; and tomorrow Is as last week conferring w ltli Karn A. fa ta lly through the hesd. good is tsriay. Rut If you're hanker­ o v e r yq.non.oon pound« of prna«-n Ivozer, secretary of stale, wilh re f­ ing for action I'll gut the deck for a erence to startin g a campolan In ar • already signed up In ih * naw co­ thousand a cut; any one of tbe men o p e r s « '* prune exchange, according Ore,;on for standardization of auto here to shuffle the cards for us," to announcement given eut by C B. Ughtly countered Dlnsdale "Cutting mobile lighting .equipment. Fponre, »late m arket agent. Mr. tbe deck does n t cell for much brain The annual aouthern Wnee«, «own work, and luck's vrtth me tonight " ty fair w ill he held Septem ber 1«. 17 Rponrr said lh a l the new organise French Curly began te lose lilt evil and 1». This w ill he the only fair lion would com m ’ Hi « operation* In temper Heeds were twisting, ne«ks In Wasco county this year, the regular Dragon and southern W ashington with were craning, ae ISnsdale's reckless fa ir have been discontinued and ton local organization». O ther unit« offer was made; and the gambler— It 1« declared w ill he orgunlxed and tnone, appropriated for thia purpose ». tiling to stake his soul on t game devoted to preparing a ceunty exhibit t> la expected th a t a large m a jo rity i t ehance— had no thousand dollars for the state fa ir and the holding the r f the orchards of the two atat«»a w ill to risk, nor any respectable portion of oon he signed up. ., - that sum Had the Invitation to the southern Wasco cdunty fair. small room been • accepted he ha«) When w ater from the M cK ay flam ptaafied to borrow money from Keno rea«ryolr, now under construction by Ualuy Happtnirgt Frank W ith a sneer on his pallid faea he said: I the government, Is available, a* new (Continued fro.«, c-ga I ) "You'll need lots of luck. You'll plot ot land e»»t of Herm taton.lnol at W . A. Allen wont tz? Eugciie, Sat­ do well to stick, to luck." I pretent u n d e r'Irrig a tio n , w ill «he ntll-' urday, where he Is under the doetor’u "K ipeclelly after I find s gems Is lie d hy th e -a ta te and federal govern1 cm •rooked," loudly retorted Dlnsdale m eat for a new experim ent »atatlon. W het was you doing at that side Mima M ary Smith went to Albany A qutrtTT section of governm wit own table when you pretended to be using Friday to secure med'cal aid for a land h st been get atld e to f thl® the gold scale*?" lamo arm. j Those who had emptied Ih elr glasses purpose. Retail Shops PO U L T R Y , F IS H , C U R E D i ’A G t S ? - - Call at our "The dnj and spot being known. Number Three must ride ahead with the advance guard. Number Four must he one of the eight riding beside the coach. When Number Three gets opposite our ambush be should be out of sight of tbe coach, as tbe ambush will be beyond s bend In the road. He will strike his man down. W e In am­ CHAPTER V bush w ill pull the fellow out of the road and take care of hla horse. Num­ A Bad Break fa r Dlnsdale. ber Three will ride back a bit and sig­ In a dark room at the bark of a Chl- nal for on» of the roach guards to Join aese washhouse severs! men sat In him I f more than one rides up. a ll the better. This guard, or guards, ■null be disposed of quietly as was the first We In ambuah will help, using (he noose I f possible. T ltelr horses must not be frightened snd must he se­ cured In the woods. At the very least we w ill have cut down the number of (Wards to eight, with hut seven by the •(inch, one of these being Number Four. Number Three w ill w-alt oppo­ site the ambush until the coach comes up. H e and Number Four w ill take the six guard» by surprise, covering them w ith four alx-gunv We 1« sto- tmsh w ill Instantly take a hand snd »ecure the six. Three snd Four w-tll het, gullop hack to meet the two rear jwards and take them by surprise I «ready have a safe Cache for th * bul- lon. This Is the plan In outline Any I (uggestlons or questions?" "The only drsrwbaek Is that Three ind »'our will be marked men," spoke jp Number Two. “Bad for ns on the Inside less we settle the hash of the ten," grumbled Number Three. "T hat would be going It too strong," protested Number Four, with a shiver In his voice. I Number one sharply said: Than tha Manqobsn Stationed Outside 'T o th Three and Four are already tka Daar Raiaad a Sing-Song Vaiea. wanted for murder. One In Id a h o ; the other In Nevada. Y et they live here silence, waiting Then the Mongolian In Deadwood City and move shout stationed outside the door raised a openly. Once we get the treasure we sing-song voice and was answered will scatter. The hills gam» Is nearly briefly In Chinese T h e group In the played .at. I-et others stay snd pick room straightened to attention. Some up the crumbs snd a rope." one (Tossed the room and drew the In­ “Seems as if I was getting the hot side holt The door opened, but eTen end of the poker." growled Number had there been a light t l * Inmates of (h# roo)n wollld haT, beheld a figure so Three. "M ight as well sentcac, me to death heaTtly muffled as to defy recognition, and be done with It," bitterly ctra- ' wg, Dn man could his nelgh- plained Numtier Four. bor. "Itew ards are offered for .both of "W ho comes?" softly demanded the you snd ,ou haven't done a «csff”ld- n xn who *>nd admitted the other tu*n dsnee yet." grimly replied the leader * r r > * 0B* w*1® ■•<»7» eomea last "A sw ift horse, s «-hangs of stamping grounds, a new name, snd with forty Number One." "W e are ready for your talk." an­ or fifty thousand dollars to blow you'd nounced the first speaker, returning to he fools to be caught But If either of you refuse to play the part I pick for bln chair. “ How are you know nT' sake.) Num ­ you. say so now." There was an uneasy shuffling of ber One. "Tha one who always comes first to feet, hut the threat concealed hut poor­ “Ton'll make no mistake la listen­ the meeting place. Number Tw o.” ly In the leader's words was fully un­ ing to my next talk It's work that'll “ Whom have you admlttedF derstood. r "1 hater squaaivd Í S r -sbarFed 1 ,, Number Three , "Then that’s settled, and woe to the mss who tries to hack down." «aid the lender “ Anything eiaew- " I have a suggestion to uiake." «poke up Number Two. "La, Three and Four draw lots to see who shall Inks the Inside Job snd leave the sen-nd piece vacant until I can try to ae«-ure auolher men for the second gourd It doesn’t much matter what happens i t * “Pivot” gently replaced them on the ber. In attem pting Io .o p e n a,head gatw Those «bout to drink postponed the of the pine lake reservoir,T M A. ceremony, and there was a general Chrlatenaon blew out the whole ^»ate withdraw al to the opposite aide of the and let the w ater escape T h e tak e «■oom. French Curly wet hla pale lipa I Is about 18 m il» * from H alfw a y , ; but sod quietly s a id : I the w ater (a uz»d/on land around th * "T on 'll explain those words If yon t town and I» toyn ted on for »»coed can I f you can't you’ll eat them." Dlnsdale toesed off h it drink and 'crop w ater b y /a a v e re l hay farm er» The loaa of waqer !» more aarloua than . laughed vacuously and retorted : “Then I prefer explaining Soine- the In ju ry to 'th » headgat*. •hlng happened In the geme last night | T hera w a r* three ftta lltfe d due to I didn’t like I let It past, as 1 dldn t industrial accident»' In Oregon dur I want to raise a row In Joe's p)e«-s Ing tb * week ending July 2», accord ' the first tim e I was there. It wee *1 p«>n for < 1 -A I h i- .- -• 4 * I Ï W. H. Rohcrtion and fam ily from rdmendton, C»na«la, who ha. e been | visiting K F. and W M. Robrrtaotu iictutood to their home Thursday. ! M r. nn«l Mrz. Marion Fike are campers in ll» l.« y while Mr. Pike iu employed with the Pugh thrashing machine. Both Mr. and Mrs. Pike j v ere former reai lents of Halsey Mrs. ! 1 ke was known as Mis» V e ra Sts'« at .. ' Ie nun St«mks r d two children, Blanche and Lloyd, took Saturday’» t n ln for Eugene, Blanche going to have trouhleaome tonsils removed. 1). W. Knapp nn«l wife, bound from th e ir home iu Eugene to Salem in t car, ran into the ditch opposite the lalsey Christian church Sunday af- 1 ternoon, making a job for the Foote • »rage. The damage amounted to : 30 or »♦(*• People on tha street re- porteil that tbe young matt lost con« trol of the car while lighting a cig- I . ret." l i t and hia wife aav he fell ' asleep at the wheel Hia father, E. L. Knapp, was the owner of the car, 1 but this is not the E. L. Knapp of the Register Publishing company. , (Continued on page •> J