-f! halsrv KNTFKPRK» .J O L V ^ r.klf bears thè old American o Wheeler, H A L SZ T E N T E R P R IS E ' an income tax law. And the follow- A . •- - n . aeareafe-« - ► »»* »u t M “ re contemplating the en­ S«»«« safeilsfers avers 'IfeavaOas actment of income tax laws; Iowa, « y War. U. *R K K 1E H Nebraska, Minnesota, Washington, Idaho and M ichigan. ■afea rip u. | l t . a year In advance. H ofer St Sons, publishers A Jvertiving, 2*c an inch ; d o diecoun tor Imte or apace ; no charge tor com Manufacturer ami Industrial posit Sm or r laugea. talem, last week mentioned, La T a ld foi Paragraphs." Ic a line. I ither evidences of prosperity » • a d w ru a ng dlagulaed aa asw s. To Advertiser* Copy received before Tuesday ia ii tim e for good position. Wednesday i- late and Thursday'a mail ia loo late. Offiee hour«, V to II and J to 6 except Mondava ami Friday forenoon a. THE INCOME TAX We have been treated to a great dtal (if windy talk and dlstorttoi of facts about the surtax and the in­ come tax by the opponents of thost measures. Let us preface our present remark? on these subjects by a few statement! icgtidin g the position of the Enter prise towards public men who art discussed in connection with them. Mi. Mellon is criticised for favor ing a reduction of the surtax. W« dj not agree with him on that ques t on, neither do we agree with those who attack his integrity. The fact that a man has enough brains ant’ ambition to succeed in business is not sufficient reason for barring hin from public office, and until more evidence is adduced of crookedness on Mellon's part than Couzena oi anybody else has made public w< " shall respect his American right tc be considered innocent until proved guilty. Coolidge has proved a safe and sane president and his clashes with the most inefficient congress in our history have but increased our re spect for him. As the cards are stacked today - he will probably re­ main in the white house another four years. of the Review, among in Ore- •on under the income tax, the follow­ er: Portland—New site secured for oap factory, 60x200 feet. Portland announces >200,000 new | ildintrs past week. Northwestern Electric Company to •xpend >1,750,000 on improvements. The Dallei— Libby, McNeil & Libby annery reached record peak when 8,000 cans of fruit were prcpated in inc day. Cottage Grove—Woodward sawmill ;c resume work. Marshfield banks, with new one in eld, show increase of >165,527.91 ir six months period between Dec. T, 1923, and June 30, 1924. Stayton—New flax plant to be in operation soon. Forest Grov»—Business of Western >regon Packing Corporation’s can­ ary shows marked increase over revious years. Coquille— Alpine Paper Mfg, Com- 'any purchases ten-acre tract for reposed paper plant. Sutherlin — Canning factory to tart within 15 days, new machinery eing installed. Wallowa — Bowman-Hicks sawmill vsumes cutting with greatly en'.nr: ed 'ant. name J ‘ jf ,gt farmers do not know bow easy 1« 1» to advertise and sell surplus prod- _______ t i , a • " uctg of good quality. • • • The Albany Democrat took a straw , . > * .i- 1 Some people Inaiet that the cornfield vote on the candidates for president is the best germination tester, but It’» r .l it came out astonishingly near , lively to be pretty expensbe. e • • even. It was < oolidge i n, Davis j shifts of crop production, the 165 and La Follette 157. A vote wine plan usually Is to find out which l'ke that in the country would throw ' way the crowd Is headed and go the ' other way. the election into the house of repre­ • • • sentatives which might, if it those, Sudan grass has been gaining much popularity as a summer hay crop. It elect John Hick of Hickville. makes very good liay and horses do well on it. The new road over the Cascades • • • Cultivate your garden throughout may go up the middle fork of the Fantiam and leave the old wagon the summer because, once you let the garden go to weeds, you will become road company with their gold brick discouraged and more apt to neglect It. still on their hands. La Follette’s supporters are doing the liveliest political work that is in \ progress in Oregon just now. We have a stock of H A L SE Y GARAGE Boyce-Ite t h e Super-Fuel Ingredient. This chem ical, mixed with the gs«oline, cleans the motor of carbon, produce« a better running motor and increases the-in .lee per gallon. Absolutely guaranteed Como to our ebop and let us explain this new fuel more HALSEY GARAGE elei hone j Residence, n igh ts, 18x A L B E R T F O O T E Prop. ■ Any Girl in Trouble • may communicate with Ensign l.ee of the Salvation Army at the e • White Shield Home, 565 Mavfair avenue, Forlland, Oregon. : : I ? _ RUPTURE expert coming to A L B A N Y Working the vegetable patch will WCl give fr.e deti.c nstraton Mon­ give you pleastnt exercise and a good day and Tuesday, Aug. 1! a n i 12, return In health and produce. at HOTEL ALBANY, • • • " Sudan grata mnkep splendid pasture from 10 a. tn. to 4 p. ra. for all clusses of live stock during the TW O D A Y S O N L Y ! hot dry weather of July and August. On above date the noted rupture ap- Potatoes do best in a warm, rich, deep sandy loam. They require u lot phance expert, C. F, R edlich, w ill g iv e , a free demonstration. j of moisture and should have good, well- Von w ill st once realize the difference drained soil. between bis highly efficient, absolutely i sanitary appliance and the inefficient, I W atch the growing flowers In the ' ,.„roi>,P,ruble, sm elly sn d thoroughly j annual garden and lairder and If they I unsanitary elastic web trusses with Jheir j are too thick thin them out. You will i bu lky. plainly visible pads and their be repaid in quality flower. , abom inable chafing leg atraps or the • • • i various mail order steel or wire trusses it seems to be true that acid phos- j which never fit right. All of their un­ pliate scattered over the manure In the worse in s’ead of better, as you If anybody intends to explo't 1'ie stable nnd In the heap will help pre­ steadily well know. Mr. Redicli's appliances, onsumers to such an extent that he vent fly breeding. scier.tificallv fitted by an expert in per- ,' son, will g iv e security and comfort for ill get an income so big as to make — ye trs to route, not only to those with a „ recent and small ruptures but also to he tax on it burdensome, let him ' v ,» _ 1 -T *S 1 1 * 0 ffii o''!, "rgle'- id cases. They are by far ■’ he will, and practice his robb< ,-v i » *»> 0, » A * M t i.e cheapest in the long run. ' i some other state. Good riddan e! ‘ S g w x » will do what we [ Many ruptures are now healed by the.« ! HU PENDEXTEK_> COPYRIGHT THE 6OBB3-MERRILL CQ (Continued) was a long hall with several doors on Dlr.sdalc surveyed him for a minute each side. No voices were to be and would have departed had not a flap heard—gold dust was doing all the ■ t the rear been raised to admit a man. talking. As Dlnsdale stood Irresolute Before the canvas fall back in place a Chinaman emerged from a door at P ln sd ie glimpsed a door, and for the the end of the hall, carrying a tray of « » B w W I w l U v claim for I t— ¡im proved mechanical m ethods wind'»' first tin e realized ftht re was a wooden glasses. On discovering Dlnsda'e he -•••- ,|d your system o f Catarrh or Deafness formerly necessitated operations ; but ce annex to the tent. Second glance told glided forward, his stolid face de- not delay. It is McNary or Miller for li e j caused by Catarrh, hlm tlig newcomer was Iron Pyrites, t mantling the intruder s business. Dina- Children should never carry a rupture feilera' senate ’hi« year M.-N'i. y J.U *r *»«*»«/«r »•« sh silder. V , e h a v . a g a w m j |J It will not co st you an yth in g to l e “Bv. 9: In town |n outfit for the great entered a room on the left and closed voted, against the league i f na- tllllr s'.own, and a visit may mean a g r ev the door behind him. Fully a minute eli?’’ greeted Dlnsdale. ions. Miller stands for prohihi. South of Brownsville, m good rone', deal to you end those dependent ¡jh trip, ‘fjoey's friend I” exclaimed Pyrites, passed—then the servant reappeared you. Ih> usttng out a hand. “Joey's shoot- nnd beckoned for Dlnsdale to ap­ But we believe Mellon and Coolidge ion an I for league metnbetsbip.1 W ill saw out your order for t lfl L0 I enough Ik s him should bn a thoUBan'>- IM iveted H-N-V. $!$. Home Office 335 Boston Block friend! Yes, slxeef The big trip proach. have both been mistaken in regarc Minneapolis, Minn. In what's coming next. One big strike San Juan Joe and three men were lecteiLwe m ig lt partially re.riev.» I kh#"n° " A M*r‘in ’ K* 2 H',k e -V’ to the surtax. The Topeka (Kan.) r id I'm going track East Joey's all seated at a table. A glance told Dln»- l ght. He's my friend nnd partner, dale two things: It was a cB»s of tiger Capital quotes some figures which he good reputation in the world hilt be don't lifive enough sabe, not cat tiger, for each of the strangers > hich we lo.-t when we dteertod r,infirm this opinion. It says: t itougli faith. Just been talking to wore the facial brand of the profes­ lie most promising movement for him. He shows no more intesest than sional gambler. San Juan rose nnd Taxable incomes of 1922 were | uiiversal pezee lie world e ’ »r If I was talking about- buytog and shook hands coldly. He was no long­ For G r a in S a c k s and T w i n e sec 21 1-3 billion dollars, as compared I selling eggs. knew. er the philosophical traveling com­ with 19 1-2 billions for 1921. The “Why, man, 1 know several big pros­ panion. but an opponent. He greeted revenue from these incomes was 141 pects thnt oughter H ake him give this Dlnsdale with a few laconic words, LaFollstts is “ the vnlj wet can­ million dollars more than from outfit away and hwot for Joy; and he and added: 't date for president,” »ay« Dr. the incomes of 1921. It hap- don't give a hang. Therms gold back near where 1 inet you fellows on the "Tour message gays you're gunning l^ns, therefore, and t h i s Clarence True Wilso.-). II this it road. Heaps of It 1 No five and ten for action.” is bora out by the still greater re- true and becomes generally known best grade of cents to a pan, hiut dollars to a pan! “Feel sort of hungry for it,” con­ taru i this year from 1923 incomes, the race w ill be between Coolidge sounds big? It its 7>lg. Then there's fessed Dlnsdale. that the secretary (Mellon) was pre­ snd Davis, with D iv's handicapped silver Indication* near Bear butte, "We'll try to accommodate you. right under our ;abs«w There's oceans This Is 'French Curly,’ this Is Blltx, mature in his conclusion from th< by the suspicion that beds aligl lly of silver thgre. I know It. Why. man this Is 'Big George.' Gentlemen, tbla falling off after 1920 that high s u r -|a e t, or at lead damp. Compare alive! Just rue nnd my burro have Is Pete Dlnsdale. You know what be'a taxes would produce less and less L tld b t t r w i||g o ( ,,nion )llbtr Market prices paid for any kind of traced out five miles of silver ledge. after." San Juan Introduced. Then to 1 might vote for I.aFollette, but the Hit on It by arcldent. Hunting gold Dlnsdale: nnd found a nugget thus was almost And in regard to the income tax n, , j oritv n( A n ifricsn voters are “We're playing a bit stiff"; and he pure silver. Washed tlown from soma pulled up a chair for him. much falsehood is being peddled. Its If r prohibition before an yth ing vein up In the halls. “It's the only way,” agreed DlntdalS opponents are the people who ea n |u li ‘•That was enough for old Iron as he seated himself and briefly Pyrites. When I’ve developed the tun­ studied the Impassive faces of the afford to spend money for what they want, and they are spending It. I ^»«N IN ST THE GOVERNMENT nels and drifts I’ll take out ore that'll strangers. French Curly held his gaze i run two hundred ouneeta to the ton 1 the longest. The man was dying Two hundred dollars to the ton I A of consumption and had death written They tell us with tears in their | Follette and his followers are .trnB mill, at the leasti will reduce tn Ills sunken cheeks. He was notori­ eyes that Wisconsin has been ruined I on the same platform ra the Irishman twent.Afive tons a day. T h e thousand ous for his malignance and would ge and ail Worth-while industries driven vho washed ashore from a wreck and doOnrs! A small cuatorn-smelter will to his death and a nameless grave turn out—well, we'll say a thouaand- venomous tn his last breath. He out of that state by its Income tax. lid not know where he was. Walk- ounA- brick a day. Good lord! And lived only for the night and the table. To this the governor of Wisconain ii; - inland he met a man end hit first I can t git Joey haired up «bout It!” Deprived of carda and his day was n0T , n 2 leplies: “Tk *n you'll go after slber next?” done. inquiry was: . _ _ 1 1 < U * 1 ’ l , C 1 J « • everyth in g m stoc. . Be quick prv mfi ed Dlnsdale. The charge that Wisconsin indus­ “What are we playing for?" he “Is there a guvernmint h ere!” l'vrltes scratched his nose» and wrin-- asked, his voice scarcely audible; and tries are moving to Michigan, or any “ Yes,” was the reply. kle.l Ids brows. to show he was In proper form he other state, does not contain a single “I’m a gold miner,” he finally de­ droptwd a heavy hag on the table. ’ I’m agin it,” said Pat. i lement of truth. Moreover, taxes cided. “Silver's good. I nlways like Dinadale drew a thick package of 11 ■ w w- — In Wisconsin are lower than in any to feel I've got a good silver ledge greenbacks from an Inside pocket, as H esvv cr light, r'ull Mock on-hand, John W. Davis is reported to look back of roe for a rainy day. XIebbe fresh looking as If direct from the gov­ of her neighboring states except Il­ C om - in .i”«l ■e the ip iu litv and 'earn prices I’ll lake one more whack at the gold ernment press, and placed It before linois. Wisconsin has not a single cr.iently on the “light wine and before getting that silver. It'a safe. dollar of Indebtedness. No bonds are rtvr” pier., to affset which fact, peri him. The quartette flashed their hawk No one else will find It. Going In to issued by the state, and we pay as .'laps, he stated as one reason for gaze over the unaccustomed sight of see Joey?" paper money, and French Curiy'a we go. Wisconsin hs» had the in­ "I dropped In to see him, bat ho'f bloodless lips drew back like a fam­ come tax law since 1911 and still has preferring Mr. Bryan as running busy—’’ forged ahead both in the number of I'" Os, the fwet that the Imt* r i> “lie's running the prlvat« games In ished animal's. "There's three thousand In that there and sitting In a big one. Uses industries and amount of esp'ta’ jhous dry. the house for the private games Per- heap. Call It table stakes and make It brief," said Dlnsdale. invested in stfme. Six lending in- h»f,a you’d better wait If you ain't The four nodded their approval and dustries in Wisconsin increased from hunting for a big game. His good ns- A. M. H .geu of Bridal Ytil >242jM0,Q0A in 1914 to >827,433,000 ,’urc Just now Is like a gash-vein, wide reinforced their table cash No fur­ psi I >15 fine at Albany lor going ,,t, the surface and tapering away to ther talk was Indulged In, pantomime in 1912. loo last with bis ,c*r and an- noft Ing underneath. Every time he and chips sufficing Dlnsdale playA a The official argument for the In­ get» .'mck from a trip he's crasy fo*> winner at the first, then began to meet iiiHinced that iu future be tvoulu with reverses French Curiy'a lips come tax which will appear in the a 1 ItMflV " avoid Liao foouty. That w ill wake -Xlay»o I'm feeling hungry for a big became fixed tn a anafl of triumph at voters’ pamphlet at the coming elec­ lile just so much safer bete. the greenbacks began their travels, gai ie,” «ah' Dlnsdale. • tion rays: I’yritea darted a quick glance and and his breath became choked and dis agreeable to hear. At midnight the wrinkled hl» weather face In a grin Those wi.o are opposed to an in­ Opponents of the income tax de­ last of Dlnsdile's table stakes were “Young blood! Always the same come tax ask .the voters of Oregon clare it does not lessen other taxes, Excitement even If they have to play swept away by Curly. to repeal the present law and oppose "That lets me out for the evening," against their own money. Rather Before election day they probably AV IF r (>rt|, j U8t as much in »torngo ns said Dlnsdale. rising “Enjoyed my­ any income tax law in Oregon until rake In five dollars on a pair of Jacks the other Pacific co»st states have v ill he telling us it adds to them, lp ‘F lit get fo r i t in coso of lire . I It » than to locate a bonanza mine Well. self very much Suppose I can have enacted such a law; but if the voter« If you're keen to be skinned alt you my revenge?” in Engle F in Insurance com van "That's what we're here for." said got to do Is to pass through the door Coolidge, Davis, Dawes and Bryan of the other Pacific states were to snd tell the hallboy to hand your name San Juan Joe, beginning to discard P’ tv y o u t<5% o f th e ( s ii vitin e in cits do likewise, there never would be an re good American names, from stock and business. I never touch carda. I the cold deportment of the table. income tax law in any of the Pacific .»ithin the British empire, lai Fol- h»’ as by lire . He railed the hallboy and after rs- don't like taking risks." states. Perhaps that is the purpose “There wouldn't be any Deadwood freahmenta had been served told Dtns- Ixttw, with his Pr.itch name, has oi those who oppose the income tax City If It wasn't for a man's love of dale: ..orkers in Oregon named Zimmcx- law. 'Td like to have a word with you risks," lightly responded Dlnsdale : an. Kroner, Von Schults, etc.. In This ia sn jy ^ tc jsl position in vie He phased under the canvas flap In private. You gentlemen will ex­ Of tfn ffar»th ,.t Ii 5 states now have I the state committee, but his runuh< m l through the narrow door There cuse . me.” (Continue ' >>n page S) O. W . F R U M NeW and StTOIld SUCKS aan