^ /^ b a n y ^ 7 );r e c to r y A /d w a p — C o n tin u e d »..................................... . With the Hitfh ■ Mary Succaadt on Main S t r a a t School CI rmics FARM LOANS’ W rit-- f .r txs.klel d'-scribing ot*. 2C- venr R ira l Credit Amortiz <1 Loan«. ) he loan pays out in »> pav.ueni-., re tiring the pnncipa), Cheap raies. N o ' delay. B e a m L a m p C o ., 1.13 Lyon St.. Albany, Ore T h is is goo 1 advice: “ I f von live in Albany, trade in Albany ; il you live in some other town, trade in that tow n." But in these automobile days many re­ siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of their buying in (lie larger town. Those who go to aibany f " to transact business w ill find the firms named below ready to fill their re q u ire -' meiits w ith courtesy an I fairness. I m 5—e- ......................................... i® by M a r g a r e t Bo ye.) U 1 " ... Ufa’s fitful fever . . . " — Macbeth. Thoreau b elli blmseir a little enhin out by Walden pond and there lived the simplest sort of existence for more I » than a y e a r; because, ha said, ”1 » is bed to live deliberately, to fro et only t l x essential facte of life, and A l b a n y F lo ra l Co. C u t Howerg Siloes that cost less per month of wear see If I could not learn what It bad to teach, and n o t when I nun« to die, aud plant« Floral art for every discover that 1 had not lived." and all occasions. •V W M X , U e obeyed Epictetus' Injunction, _________________F lower phone 458-1. ''Cease Io make youraalvea alavea. banv E le c tric K to ra . R a d io first of things, and then npon their seta. Electric w iring. Delco Light account, of the men wfco have the products 202 Second power either to bestow or take th e n G l i m s W il l a r d w m . m o f l ic m aw ay"— he tied in hie bouse no furnF u to E i n - t n c S e rv ic e — K tc h e rg lure that waa not essential to bit able A A B batteries— W IL L A R D needs; lie lived on the simplest foods, storage battery. Phone 23. 119 121 W' und he supplied practically all bla Optometrist, with Second st. H . D. Presto! —J .C . ( ocliran needs from Ida own garden. In thia manner ha secured a lucid Interval In F . M . F r e n c h & S o n s luts B ird R e s ta u r a n t, SUV L y o t, ’’life « fitful fever,” and learned that, street. Eat here When in Albany J E W E L E R S — O P T IC IA N S "When we are unhurried and wise, we t'pen from 6 to i and 5 to 8 perceive that only great and worthy M rs . p l o v m t . Albany, Oregon things have any permanent and abso­ lute existence." R U N 8 W 1 C K A generation age the mass of hu­ P H O N O G R A P H S at manity secured a momentary lucid In­ W O O D W O R T H ’S terval In life's fitful fever once each week. The automobile, the movlea, I A w e n port M usic com pany offer« W h a t a s a tis fa c tio n to know the radio and a general relaxation of Piaao-case orgaa, good as new th a t you r K R Y I ' . J K G L A S S E S the blue laws have changed that. Sun­ Eatey organ, good as new are b u ilt upo n th e h ig h e s t s ta n d ­ day Is now as filltd and hurried as Vsed Pianos. any other day e f tha week. a rd of Q U A L I T Y . is tb u rn Uroe.— Tw o big grocery Nowadays few o f us secure even the A n y o n e b u yin g f»r q u a lity w il. slightest lucid Interval— we never at stores, 212 W. First and 225 South for K R Y P T O N S . Main. Good merchandise at the right all get away from the needs and duties prices. and responsibilities of everyday exist­ ence. Vet these era things Without E p l ’ te C a fe te ria a n d c o n fe c tio tie ry permanent existence— things s»rh as Home cooking. Pleasant surrotind- those that Interest us during tbs de­ ii-gs. Courteous, efficient service. lirium of fever, things that are real W e make our own dandies. for the moment only. W . S. D u n c a n . T he savage who alts on the hank L p ilu n developed and p rin te d . and fishes or who ranges the woods In W’e mail tire™ rig ht back to you. search of gams has a lifetim e In which Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, O r­ to evolve a theory of life ; htit Ills egon. civilised brother Is so busy getting to the office on time, reading the papers, V r i R D S A L K S A N D S E R V IC E dressing conventionally, teeing «11 the T ire * and accessories shows. Inventing labor-saving devices, Repairs K ir k P< j l l a k M oto « Co. O p to n ie tiiiti, Manufacturing Optician» and the like, that ha never h at tim e to think of life until tim e for death. Albany, Oregon E jV irtu iille r F u r n itu ie C o ., f u i n - Then be cries w ith Peer Ojrnt: A ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges So unspeakably poor. then, a aau] can Funeral directors. 477-4)3 west First go street. Albany, Oregon. Back to nethlngneso. Into the gray of the mlaX U L L E R G R O C E R Y . 285 Lyon Thou beautiful earth, ba not angry w ith ma (Successor to Stenberg Bros, ) That 1 trampled thy graaaea to ao l.aundrv sent Tuesdays Groceries Fruits Produce avail. Pitone 2<>3R Thou beautiful sun. thou hast aeuan- kgency Huh Cleaning Works d«r»d away Thy glory of tight In an empty hot. W . S E X A U E R , auto and gen- Thera waa no one within It. t» hearten and warm: • eral paialer Tha owner, they tell me. was nseair at G et my estimate. home. 201 E. First street :u — j < W O 0 SHOE . ¿ / SERVICE x A* W hy suffer iroin headache ? Have your eyes exam ined A S. T . F R E N C H B B Quality E g-k Meade & Albro, A Modern Barber Shop F F A B E S PLACE H olman a jackson Grocery— Bakery E verything in the line of eats Opposite I ’ostoCGce v C o ., F irs t s tre e t, H tib door C a to iid Blain Clothing Co. n ext Noon 1 undies. Home made candr and ice Cream. ( ® by M a r g a r e t B o ,g .) Amor A. Tussing LAW YER H " . . . where tha Father af W aters seizes tha hills in his handa, and drags them down ta tha acaan." — Bvangailna. We apeak o f*tb s everlasting bills, AND NOTARY alsey , O regon yet even the m ountain, do not Isat forever. Bit by bit the rills snd rivu­ lets carry the mountain to the brook» ub C leanin g W in k s , In c . and tbs creeks; ttiasa carry tt ta tlia Cor. Becoond aud Ferry rivers; and they. In turn, to the ocean. Master Dyers snd Cleaners When a mountain stream la muddy. It M a d e -T o - Measure Clothes la at wurk dragg ng down the moun­ All work done promptly and reason- tain— the muddler the stream, the agneto electric co ah.lv. Phone No. /f>9 quicker It Is carrying away the moun­ Dfficial Strouiberg carburetor aery- ice station. Conservative prices All tain. work guaranteed. 119-121 W . Second. The best place to see streams st HALSEY work on hillsides la where the h ill­ i u parlors sides are farmed. So long as t slop* (A beauty aid for every nerd) Is covered w ith forest, It washes IR- St. Francis Hotel tle, no m atter how sleep it may be. Prep.. W i n n i f r i d R ose . Cash paid for Keen a fte r the tim ber has been cut and the slope turned Into pastui en a m i m o n ey a re best w hen busy. Make your dollars work m age, the roots of the sod pfeven' our savings department. A l b a XV S t a t e washing except during severe «tonne: B a k e . Under government supervision. hut when tbe iniuntalneee plow» h ’ * fields and puts la corn or w h eat yoa O G R E ’ S M U S IC H O U S E ran fa irly aee the hillside go. K te ry rain washes great gulleya. sad 1« «'• Everything musical ” time at all the top soil baa all h»»n 223 W First rt. carried away. It la not taken at sn. Halaat, or tine o f fhe country’» rtcheet calf- W. L. W r ig h t . Harrisburg den tarla, crockery and glassware A ada runs. In part, through b ill* and New Stock. New low prices mountains. T h e ir engineers tried a ll aorta of devices to keep the elotxs 71M FG N T H E S H O E DOCTOR and cuts from washing. Finally thaw Second street, opposite Ham ilton's tried planting nettings of Vt-gtnlx store. DR. W H E T S T O N E "Sudden Service. creeper along all bare si'.pea. a n t that seems io have solved the prob- D E N T IS T he m argufrite shoppe ! lem Many of the patrons of the road Shampooing. M arcelling and Scalp HALSEY H O T E L took II for granted that the railroad Treatments. Margaret Countryman, was trying tn hesntify Its Hoes when G lo t * beater bldg Phone 158J Prop W ednesday end F rid a y they first noticed (be cuttings planted on the hanks, becanee hanks and ruts aldo Anderson A 8 o n . d is t r ib ­ 12 io 8:30 covered with green creeper In tha utors and dealers for M axw ell, Chal­ trammer and with flaming rreeper tn mers. Pasea. Hudson A llupm obile cars. Accessori»a Snpnhea. 1st BroadaUun. the autumn are mnrh lovelier sights lhan washed clay slopes. New In old countries where the value of and soil Is Ix tte r raccgnlsod lhan It la „ed with na. humanity ha« checked fhe bought, sold and exchanged at all limes rate at which streams ran carry away hillsides hy terracing fhe e'opee. B E N T. S U D T E L L J . W S T E P H E N S O N . Trop Walled terraces are m.ot »rpeorire, hut so far humanity has not found any Phone 7fe-R. I l l N. Broadalbin st. Albany other device that w ill enable 1« fo cu|. tlva»e a steep slope without b evltg the near by stream« aelse tha top aoh and carry It off toward the »-van at lowest rate of interest I exa make botli F A R M and C I T Y ■lews Own Hem. Real Eatate Insurance L O A N S »t * very row rate of inteieat When a man begins tolling about Prompt aervice. Coorteona treatment. From 5 to ! • years. W rite me for pat tba aacriflrea he baa made. It la ha- G. U*. I-AFLAB. W M B a h ». Room 3. First Saving» Bank trculara cauea he has become tired of waiting bttilning, Albany 4)0 Oregon Bldg. fer eonsebody else to tell «boat tbetn. Salam Ort. F. M . G R A Y . H DRAYM AN . M M AR NKLI. Cream and Produce Station M Cream, Poultry, Eggs, Veal! & Hides. M. H- S H O O K M D ELBER T STA R R Funi ral Director and Li­ censed Embalmer M , R S S T i W A FURNITURE AND FARM MACHINERY BARBER SHOP First-class W o rk ’ farm loans FARM LOANS IIM J I.tY Save More Pigs J KN 1 E R BRISK — « , t» M . hy L e e r» M ille r WHERE M AIN STREET IS ONLY A CREEKBED gw . I J 1 —1 n,ln,ber of sons Io bs bred fo r c f l’!«» deal rad. T Ilia be- »ld*s being m.-rs s»-n«wwnl-«l, would have ibs additional adranlnge of lw - Success of Hog Raising De- X T ’ X X ’"' pends on Getting Young- ! eters to Weaning Period. } * For folks who consider life on Main Prreet ’’dregdfnl" there teey be a '.• • • • Ionic In the p lrtu re of life where there • f A t r le u ' t u r * » Isn't even e M ein Street. - "T he only T tc r e Is apparently greater uppor- roads in oor county are creekbed tnu lly to lunke a onrlnq on the cost roede," writes O live Marsh. "W e do of producing perk by Increasing ibe not live in e town at all, end there In number n f pigs weened per bow than not a »»rest of eny bind wtttgn relies there la hy Improvement In some other of no— "Mala’ or otherwise. ' ' | bases of the h«g-productlou pro «*s. | Yet ' Binging C arr O e e k " o f do '"his Is Indicated In a study recent.y county, Kentucky, boasts of a com • omp’ eted by the Departm ent of Ag-t- nrnnity club, a camp fire a ’ Bhjp Bird t oltnre of the cost of producing hogs . club” fo r little girl«, e boy scout }•» 1021 and 1022 In Indiana. lUtnelg troop, and an agricultural club which im l Iowa. Moat farm er« know that much of t lx Is energetic vtwmgh to hold ■ com­ success uf their hog rulslug opera­ munity fa ir and to compete In the an- ' noal county fa ir. The secret Has p a rt­ tions dejwnds on the way In which ly In this same (.Hive Marwh. Radcliff» they bring your-g pig« through the college reeeter o f arts, p a r ly In har suckling period. Apparently, Imw- «ver, many have not understood the co-worker, llu th Weoton, and partly In I be desire o f tha mncataln folk to c.agree to which thia part o f the work aurpasees stber parts In relative Im grow back Into the world again. portance Veually hog raisers are bel­ The community eeuter. which motb- ter at feeding out stuff than they are ei-e nil other projects, la. managed by- In handling brood sows. Improved the two women togvt’ .er, w ith flvw meti of the community elected hy th e . management of brood aoww. says the Deportm ent of Agriculture, offers big people. Klntx Miss Marsh and M is* Weston cams to C arr Creek they hove chances fo r Increased rewords. raised funds tn build a seven-room Variation In Cast. schoolhouse, which Is In use not only Inform ation obtained In regard to for school purpose«, hut for club i t l x spring ptg crop on about IV ) corn and u tte r community gatherings, fo * tx lt farm» in 1022 ahowed that tb« tbe monthly clothing sole held by th. ,n" number of sows fnrrowlng pig« was center, and for the free lending It- « „u)y Rbou, w , „ r , h(. nOmbkf hrary which occupies one o f the room i actually bred. Wide variation also and comprises now about 2.VX) vol sxtsteil fo the cost of production par ome». A three-room cottag* h at also p, f >t weaning tires on the farms rale , beea built, lu which Miss Marsh an I i fng lowest nutoher of p’s« per i Miss Weston live, and In which fo ; and the cost on the farms nils- ‘ the past year two orphan hoys hev«i i j Dg largest number. Thus In 1B22 also lived, working fo r th e ir hoar- . , h< ,,er pt, „ fhs w six to eight pigs per sow the rost orphan children. Is about to he begun per pig was only 84.94. Tha cost of the fund for Its construcrion he'rnc . producing 100 pound» of pork on those nearly completed. T be cunter owns farms wteanlug less than four pigs per about twenty acre« of land. T he Com- sow w as 8T 9S. .om pared w ith only m unlty club has made a tra il across a M .fll on farms weaning from six to mountain, so that the children In ar> otgbt per sow. Isolated section of the school district, These wide variations of coat are can get to school without having !<• emphasised whey the profits are ex walk four miles around by the road. pressed In terms of return per bushel It has also hunt two foot-bridge« of corn fed to h ag j. In central Iowa across tbs creek at needed points, to tbe moat efflclffit one-fourth cf the replace tbe ebaky footings which got farm ers average.! M rents a bushel washed out w ith every heavy rain. > from feeding corn to hogs. T l x lens! 8o goes the story o f marvrloua ac- .' „ I d e n t one fourth c f t l x farmer« re complishment, w ith the thread of per- | ce lled only IB cent» a bushel for the sonai happlneea all having te be read P v v f f(j to hogs O ne-helf o f the between the linos. f tamers between tboae extremes av- e raged At cent« retyirn per bushel o f i wn In In 'Ite ra during the »¡uue ® 1S2I. by ' e a r « M ille r /« a r the return p er bushel was «1 21 CINNAMON AND BRONZE f i r th s beat form er« end 44 t en's for K U — | “ ' j Rolling Poultry Houses Bcnt’ficial to Keeper« Poultry houses on wbrvls ere not popular In the Vu.'tsd Slatso, but It rosy be hencAHnl to some poultry keepers to know a little more about auch houses. On every farm tr e ir a c tn of land where during certain periodn nf the yaor there Is mnrh food for rho hens, but which w ill be winded un­ less tha flock Is moved out to the «elds. Dragging bonnes around on runners Is not a popular Job but they are quite easily moved when mounted on wheels. A house on wheels can be used as brooder bouse, laying houaa, or for special matings, and la especial­ ly adapted fo r hospital n*e aa It can readily bs moved away fa r enough to protect the healthy birds from Infec­ tion. T he construction Is very simple — all that la needed la Just an axle and a couple o f w heels. Most every farm - er haa some old wliesla around hla place, which l x may never use for any other purpose soil an old axle usually can be found also. I f the axle Is lo­ cated ao that Ibe house w ill l x fairly well balanced on It It can readily ba handled on two wheels, If not too large. H«l««y Huppeningt eh. i I.« rt o re r Isat wvahl t liarle« " t i a l f etui fa m ily m Curt a lii- friends T u csd ar tile d 3 \ . A. Cum m ings nim lr a LueitiCia trip Io Browns' illc S aturday, I'ru n i anil M cM ahan hipped a dou- lo deck o* Iambs W edtv sday, M rs. L. V Chance and M rs. Fran); Hadley d ro ie (o A lb an i F rid a y . T . I. P o rte r went to P o rtland S a t­ urday evening, rc tu m in ç Sunday. llc n r v P x te n itn and w ife o f Prow nsvillc were guoels o f the l e t ­ t e r ’s b rother, I I W . C h v ic e and vltG F rid a y . L. B. Alderm an, director o cduca- ‘ lon In the li'n it-d S ta le navy who waa m arried recent!;, to Mg.v Lcla Lake, in Santa C ru -, C al., taught Im maiden term o f scl-o'l in Halsey lo 1898 Before enterin g into h*» p rê t­ ent position M r. A lderm an n i t fo r m any je a rg ru p eriu ts n d -n t r-t riiools in Portland. th e least efficient. Cnca there w«s het'! a convention Causa a f F ig Leeses. Phil F in te r o f Portland, hla cousin, of clever buslnew« won m . From De- T h e following t»b>- shows causes of M i. f i n t e r o f Ohio, snd nephew, rot I, Cleveland, Seattle, New York and * t g fw rrrtwfnf M arion G tafforJ o f Ralston, W ash, elsewhere they hobnobbed or devel­ » r e tn in i P«*r of plgn oped tem porary factions snd autag I«:, roverB the 130 fa n n t tneludM in pa end through H a h * Wednssdsy ou oatsms M any "big" women stood oht » cam ping trip which th e y expected «ttidy: from the crowd. Fer Cent «f to take them through Coos and C u r­ Pl»« Pirrow ed (•«a of them waa particularly s trik ­ ry countic into C a lifo rn ia and re ­ O v rrlR fi ............................. H.tft ing looking. S ix wore brawn, not dead Farrowed 4«p.all .71 < balara - 'V. makes a worn«« look distinguished MlaeriltHavua . «nd d aughter F ra n k ); n o| P i r t O r- 100 yards away. ord >1 to i c to H alsey Tuesday of last IS 41 By sad hy some o f Hie distant curl- Total veck in th e Ncsl machine. T h e y one got closer to t l x stranger. H ar I t ia arVlRnt, m t r tha 4apurtru«nt Mr.-. M innie age was apparently the early thirties. th a t tw n r nf tha pîg< lo it ml made. but not «nippy, (the bad driven her i every one f indr< I farrow ed. Thia D i. M arks got s cs j'o x d o f e le e l­ mother end sister np fo r the w eek— a • i fu rth e r em p baalrel >y the varts- from 400-mlle drive not all over good roads Ikvn whleb existed In the number of leni fo u r foot body fir wood — end she hed tn eoe that they were p ea weened p w eqw In eastern town D rv e r last week and B. C. M ille r de­ amused T h a t bed kept her from m ak­ and western Illipol« fw 1912 t l x least cided to follow suit. ing many arqnatptaacee coarentlon- efficient group o f f g n x r»le'«d from A hot I nv on e th ras h in g o utfit faahlou. tw o to four ptg« » r. sow. The most the O re l D a 'id io n fa rm , near The book store. In the Weet V ir­ elficleut fa-m s m b I from a ir toe.gbt at pigs per s o *. A tm llar variation |a H a rris b u rg , rdren are j lodtgnstlou la morn powerful than pig» raised. M any farmers, figuring Clare«««, 17; D orothy, 14, and A lm a, gratification Ton ran see this In the that some sow» w ill I nee not. breed 9. gres' predominarne of "arnlg" letters m art a e » , tb .n they jxpset te far« I (C o n tts n s l vs page ts tbs uewepapsrt. p ».. B m M I fk haul ' rew Improved handling inetbode 1 Si owed result In lessening the re- t o IkCOUCC ( OSt By LAURA M ILLER By MARGARET BOYD J U L Y .11. 1924 ft ♦